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Family of South African jailed in Thailand remain hopeful


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6 hours ago, Leadidge said:

What makes her an idiot? Signing for a delivery is a completely normal thing to do. 

That's just her version of events.   


International drug trafficking isn't completely normal and that's what she was indicted for.

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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6 hours ago, Leadidge said:

“Drug dealing shank” <deleted>????? She signed for a delivery package…..that’s it! 
Or do you know more?If so, you should share your knowledge!

It not difficult to know more.  She wasn't indicted for "signing for a delivery", she was arrested in possession of the drugs and indicted for trafficking.

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10 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

She just signed for a package totally not justified I often sign for packages from my neighbor when it comes and they’re not home I think in the future I’ll never do that again TiT

According to her family....


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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

It is indeed a pickle of a situation where too many questions still hangs in the air and without proper representations or appeal she will rot in jail, still death sentence commuted to life is way too harsh for such an offence in my opinion...

Indeed, someone local around here cut another guys throat and he did about 2 years in prison for it, this was maybe 4 or 5 years ago and he's been out for a long time now.


Apparently that was quite inconvenient for him, a whole 2 years for killing one of his yabba buddies by slashing his throat with a machete.


This demonstrates their priorities quite clearly.

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12 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

She just signed for a package totally not justified I often sign for packages from my neighbor when it comes and they’re not home I think in the future I’ll never do that again TiT

Well, thats her story.


Most people in jail claim they are innocent.

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7 hours ago, Twod0gs said:

It is quite obvious from reading the comments in this group that virtually none of you have read the full story, or the confession by her boyfriend.

If you don't know the full story how can you fairly come to such vilifying conclusions. This was a naïve young girl pretty much straight out of school who was taken advantage of by greedy, uncaring older men - not an unusual scenario especially in this part of the world.. She had no history of drug taking and no drugs or paraphernalia were found in the search of her apartment. All she wanted to do was travel the world and do good by teaching young (Thai) children. She was apparently held in high regard by parents and loved by her colleagues and kids. Hardly the profile of a hardened drug smuggler.

Give the poor girl a fair go and cease with all the disparaging remarks.

Let us hope that common sense and justice rule - she has already spent way too much time in a Thai jail for something that would not even result in arrest, let alone conviction, in the civilised world.

She just wanted to travel the world and do drugs.


Of course she knew her bf was a dealer, she was getting free pills from him...


I have no problem with it.


Each country has their own rules though. She got caught in a net. Eyes were on them.


It's unlucky but she'll be transferred back home in 6 or 7 years and then released.


But she's there because of her choices

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11 hours ago, Bundooman said:

I don't agree with that view at all.

She may not have known her boyfriend was a dealer. Why would he tell her? She appears to have known him for only a short while.

We would all possibly do the same as her - sign for a package addressed to him - she may have been asked to do that, and why would she find anything suspicious about it?

He, on the other hand, would likely be the type to divert suspicion on himself by asking her to sign.

That is the other side to your argument - it's just an alternative way of looking at things, yes?

How could she NOT know he was dealing?


Drug dealers at his level are always hustling for customers.

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7 hours ago, Bogbrush said:
I’ve just read the freeashley site; it’s somewhat hysterically written and repetitive and I think that accusing the Thai judicial system as systemically corrupt and the Samui police of running a rape/torture camp will do nothing to help her case - it badly and urgently needs a rewrite. 
The story itself would be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic; an American expelled from 12 schools and dishonourably discharged from the USMC becomes an excellent science teacher in Samui before moving to the Ukraine to study medicine (?!) but before doing that he buys a biscuit shop - as one does - and arranges with another teacher to import illegal drugs which all seem to pass scrutiny of the postal services involved (including the UK Royal Mail). 
We now fast forward to Ashley’s arrest. Disregarding the ‘it’s not my parcel/I can’t read Thai’ scenario - all of which has some valid points - we look at the astonishing fact that not one but by my count three lawyers, including a European, extract payment and do a runner, one even working for a firm that allegedly doesn’t exist. 
So far so bizarre, but it gets worse; the other teacher involved admits everything to his supervisor who then, with the agreement of the headmaster (?!) covers everything up. 
We need a good ending, and of course we get it; the boyfriend Tristan admits to everything - although if he did this from the safety of the Ukraine/US is not clear. Oh, and I forgot the two million baht ‘buried treasure’…. 
I don’t wish ill on anyone and I hope Ashley gets somewhere with her appeal - guilty or not, the sentence seems hugely disproportionate for the weight/type involved - but the silver lining is a hell of book/film deal…

Good summary. It's all very weird. Don't international schools do background checks on teachers? A home country police clearance is needed for PR and Thai citizenship. I would have thought an expensive international would want to make the same effort to protect its students from rapists, pedos, druggies etc. 


Burying US$60k in a hole in the ground in Thailand before going off to Ukraine also seems odd in a man who was used to trading cryptos you can access from anywher


Feel sorry for Ashley.  She seems genuinely young and naive.  It is not clear whether she knew or had an idea what Nettles was up to. She obviously joined in with his high octane party life style and must have noticed he was spending more cash than a teacher could afford and probably knew he was doing drugs. Maybe did some too but not necessarily so. She does seem to have been of a Basset hound following her master around and taking all types of abuse from the arrogant sod.  It is quite possible that she had no idea what was in the package or what was going on. Even if she did, it is hard to understand why the court sentenced her to death for smuggling a fairly small quantity of MDMD.  The death penalty is not mandatory for drug smuggling and is normally handed down in far more serious cases. 


With any luck the Russians have blown Nettles to smithereens by now.


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14 minutes ago, steven100 said:

drugs are wrong and most intelligent folk know this .....   you obviously didn't heed those words from elders

We are on a rock, travelling at 1000mph through an expanding universe.


The idea that another human can tell you what to do, what to putin your body or where to locate yourself is ludicrous.


Still, society is what it is. 

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15 hours ago, Pique Dard said:


allow me to doubt a bit! why to sign a package you haven't ordered? the address of the package was in whose name? two questions, two reasons to be suspicious

I have ordered stuff to be delivered to the house and my gf has signed for them,quite a normal practice in Thailand,good luck to the girl.

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17 hours ago, Pique Dard said:


allow me to doubt a bit! why to sign a package you haven't ordered? the address of the package was in whose name? two questions, two reasons to be suspicious

Could be a valid point, but some people just don't think about such things, someone shows up with a package, sign on the line, why not? It would be routine under many normal circumstances in other countries. Could be just extreme gullible stupidity. Or naiveté.

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17 hours ago, chang1 said:

There must be a bit more to this than just a signature. 

She must have known what her boyfriend was upto and what work was she doing? 

Seems odd that the appeal court will not allow any new evidence to be considered. So even if there is video evidence of her boyfriend forging her signature when accepting the package, that proves her innocence beyond doubt, only the original evidence will be looked at.

It may sound odd, but in the US it's the same. An appeals court only looks at the decision of the lower court solely based on  the evidence and testimony presented at the first trial, and decides whether there was any error of law, or whether the defendant's rights were denied or infringed, or whether the evidence PRESENTED AT THE TIME did not justify the court's decision . If the court were to find that exonerating evidence was withheld improperly, or that the defendant didn't receive adequate or lawfully competent representation, then a new trial can be ordered, or the conviction reversed. But the appeal doesn't RETRY the case. If it finds error, it will order a new one. In the US, a new trial can be requested separately from an appeal, based on NEW evidence, that is a different sort of action. I have absolutely NO IDEA as to Thai law in this regard. 

Edited by Jonathan Swift
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