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Pre nuptial agreement..isn't it time?


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I just read in the Australian forum section of how some farangs are been lied to and lost everything after buying a house for their Thai wife in the isaan area etc ...


Now the question is ,do you intend to get a pre nuptial agreement or did get one before you partnered with a partner in Asia whether that be Phillipines .. Thailand etc


Now my case is I have met a Filipino lady in Australia..30 years my junior ..if I was going to make her my partner I would consider a pre nuptial agreement, reading that part of the forum tonight ( Australia forum) got me nervous that someone got kicked out of the home they bought in Thailand simply because they don't own it ...


What's to say they then start making claim on your house in the UK or Australia..or wherever you come from...what's to say they take half of your retirement/superannuation...


Now getting kicked out of your house U paid for ..no access to your bank account ..homeless in Asia ...not for me ...then what about you guys who have kids back in farangland...how do U make sure they receive something when you go ...then I think of posters like Simon & thaibeachlovers who lost everything....how & what mistakes they made I'm not sure but I'm scared to lose everything I worked hard for.

Also call me paranoid ...but ..I'm scared to say I would never tell partner how much I would leave them in a Will...there is cases of them getting rid of farang whether that be in Thailand Indonesia or Philippines...


Really I'm not suited to this partner type arrangement...


You see as some of these guys are maybe not the best looking old guys & lonely etc and as that topic was saying they fall for a isaan girl then retire with they thinking the love of their life buy houses etc for her and in some cases the leeches in her family then they hate living in isaan and get kicked out homeless 



Edited by georgegeorgia
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4 minutes ago, LaosLover said:

Trump had an iron-clad prenup with Ivanka and still got hosed.


Are you smarter than Trump? OK, easy question, but still.........

That is a good point. Only because something is written and signed does not mean it is legal and enforceable. In many countries many things can't be agreed in prenups. 

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I signed a prenup in a marriage where I was not the monied partner. My lawyer said I could have still gotten a ton of money in a divorce. I also had put in that she'd have to pay for my divorce lawyer. This sham was done solely to placate her family, like sin sod in reverse.


Most prenups have a sunset clause where they dissolve after 5 years, which means that at the 5 year mark, both parties are going to go nuts and sabotage the relationship, wondering if they are happy "enough" to continue.


Prenups benefit lawyers, not couples.

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If you have nothing better to do get married and have aggravation.

Thats why I prefer prostitutes and still have money to burn.

Youtube has plenty of videos discussing reality and pre nuptial.

And cherry on a top I wrote my own research of reality and pre nuptial. 


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5 hours ago, LaosLover said:

Trump had an iron-clad prenup with Ivanka and still got hosed ...

Indeed, from what I've heard most pre-nups are easy to break and are anything but iron-clad to the point many lawyers do not recommend them, but rather would prefer other strategies to shield and protect assets.

A competent lawyer will calm client didn't have capacity to understand document, was under duress, etc.

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9 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

What's to say they then start making claim on your house in the UK or Australia..or wherever you come from...what's to say they take half of your retirement/superannuation...

If you don't take them to the UK, they can't get access to the UK court system so no worries.

I'm led to believe Australia is different though.


If you're worried, probably best to just not get married, or only have a village wedding.

Don't tell them what you have or where it is, they're unlikely to find it.


As for your Thai home, I just paid for the 10% deposit and monthly repayments, most of it still belongs to the bank, and they're happy for me to live in it as long as I make the monthly repayments. It's another 18 years before I have to worry about that being taken from me (and I doubt I'll be around to see it).

Edited by BritManToo
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I met a nice Ranong girl and 18 years later we are good friends. In between though things got ugly. The prenup that I got saved the day. It can be that everything before the marriage is separate or everything before and after is separate. I went the latter route. Got an Australian lawyer with Thai speaking staff. It did the trick. She has a business now and is with a nice guy.


Some may feel it is not romantic or puts the relationship on shaky foundations. If you are marrying a much younger girl it is already on shaky foundations and a woman respects a man who is careful and prudent. When it gets ugly in the future you'll be happy you spent the 1000 bucks.  

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10 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Now my case is I have met a Filipino lady in Australia..30 years my junior .

Unless you are some sort of Adonis, IMO she is looking for something more than a roll in the hay, so yes, a pre nup, if legal in Oz.

If like NZ, just living together for a certain length of time makes her "entitled" to half your treasure except for that acquired prior to your partnership, but consulting a lawyer would be prudent.


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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

If you don't take them to the UK, they can't get access to the UK court system so no worries.

I'm led to believe Australia is different though.


If you're worried, probably best to just not get married, or only have a village wedding.

Don't tell them what you have or where it is, they're unlikely to find it.


As for your Thai home, I just paid for the 10% deposit and monthly repayments, most of it still belongs to the bank, and they're happy for me to live in it as long as I make the monthly repayments. It's another 18 years before I have to worry about that being taken from me (and I doubt I'll be around to see it).

Do they have the village marriage option in the Philippines?

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10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

At least in Thailand there is no such thing as common law partnership - as far as I know.

Actually, I do not remember where, but I read something about that the laws have been moving that way. Courts are now starting to consider that after a certain amount of years.

But, anyway! It´s just to marry, buy cars and a house. Hell, why don´t just fix up ma and pa´s house at the same time? We know it already when we settle here, and the rules have been the same for ages. Either we can live with it, or it´s just not the right bag for some of us. ???? 

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5 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

My wife (not bar girl) has a friend that was a bar girl and has just got divorced - basically the Frenchman she was married too has used up all his money (though not a nice guy anyway).

Last week I was introduced to her new 'boo' just arrived from the UK, and planning to move to thailand and retire.

Much as I warned him about planning his life here and seeing how it went with new lady for a few years, renting out his house and planning his money he would not listen. Full speed ahead for selling his UK housing, taking his pension on drawdown and paying off his ladies 400,000 k debts.

I tried, but Can't fix stupid. 

You should know better by now not to even try.

Just nod your head and say 'good idea' every now and again.

...... and let him buy all the beers.

Edited by BritManToo
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Too many naive come here.

Thai ladies like most women, can fake it for long periods of time until the accumulation of things is satisfactory.

100 % get a prenuptial.  It is not about not wanting to really be married.  It is about the reality of relationships, life and the world 

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5 hours ago, cobra said:

A competent lawyer will calm client didn't have capacity to understand document, was under duress, etc.

Indeed, this is why I've heard all pre-nups in the US have been invalidated. The lawyer just has to say the lady was so in love and felt this was her soulmate. For the marriage to go through she either had to sign the pre-nup or be forced to abandon it all, and such is duress.


I'm actually in the house my wife's farang ex built for her over 20 years ago. Not such a windfall as I've had to do a lot of work on it, replacing all the electrical outlets, switches, converting most of the lights to LED, patching many leaks.


Sometimes I feel sorry for him and the money involved. The way she tells the story he screwed up, was a butterfly, couldn't stop sowing the wild oats. I'm inclined to believe her but who knows what happened. Either way, it's her dad's land, so he should've known he'd have to walk away if it went south. He's very well not taking the house back with him, nor could they pay him back.

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40 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

Hell, why don´t just fix up ma and pa´s house at the same time? We know it already when we settle here, and the rules have been the same for ages.

Yup, that's the way I see it. It's cheaper than my BKK condo rent was. Now I get to help the fam, rather than pay for my BKK landlord's vacations and his kids' snooty intl schools. ????

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

As for your Thai home, I just paid for the 10% deposit and monthly repayments, most of it still belongs to the bank, and they're happy for me to live in it as long as I make the monthly repayments.

Yup, that's the way to do it. I'm doing this with the car. My wife's name, on finance, but I'm using it mostly to get to work. They benefit from finally having a car for grocery and hospital trips, the pickup having long since been repoed. I trust them and they seem like good people, but can still rest easy having some security, knowing they'd dare not kill the golden goose, so to speak.


The guys who walk into the dealership with a bag full of money so their pants can feel bigger or whatever are absolute fools, IMHO. Granted, this saves them the hefty interest payments, but on the other hand, such has led to some "Where's the car, teerak?" moments, with it being gifted or sold, or the blue book taken to one of the many enticing loan sharks for quick cash, and an eventual repo.

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1 hour ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Sometimes I feel sorry for him and the money involved. The way she tells the story he screwed up, was a butterfly, couldn't stop sowing the wild oats. I'm inclined to believe her but who knows what happened. Either way, it's her dad's land, so he should've known he'd have to walk away if it went south. He's very well not taking the house back with him, nor could they pay him back.

They normally claim frequent beatings as well ......

I always assume what they say about the last guy, will eventually be said about me.

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