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Truth and justice drowned out by media ‘soap opera’ surrounding death of Tangmo


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3 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Why would one of the guys agree to pay the Mother 30 million baht if it was an accident? (Apparently,)

...why did Prince A. pay off the woman he says he didn't have relations with?

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4 hours ago, internationalism said:

there were contradicting statements from those on the boat, some people even changed their stories as investigation developed.

admitting to swerving accidentally will let him off from the very beginning.

but why he is saying it only well into investigation? why he changed his story?

And if he caused an accident why he did not try to help his victim? Was he drunk or drugged making such accident and speeding away from the place?

Why they called police long after an accident?

Why initial sloppy police action, letting all from the boat to go home, instead of taking detailed testimony? 

That's why public is suspicious, with many details circulating in press and even more in social media. They won't settle easily for "accident" story. 

Also, when an investigation was already concluded several days ago, why waiting for public disclosure only on coming Friday? why not immediately to tell their findings?

You enjoy the soap opera.

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

You enjoy the soap opera.

in soap operas they don't ask any questions, but I did 7 of them.

I don't know answers. Those on board should answer them clearly. With or without truth detector.

why police has used truth detectors in this rare case?

that's because the previous statements were not trustworthy, so contradictory and misleading? 

Edited by internationalism
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The government loves distractions like this.   Oh was a government officer involved?  

My questions. 

How long is this boat? Is it really hard to be aware of all occupants at all times?  Did the lighting provide enough privacy for a P? Was the toilet working and clean, or not? 

Now I hear of strangulation marks.  

Also it's usually not possible to fall off a moving boats swim platform and get cut by the prop so that means it was another boat or a return pass. 

What were the results of drug and alcohol tests on all the passengers? Or probably not done because hiso. 

This case highlights the many things so wrong in Thailand.  The infatuation of beauty (heavily modified most times) and tv stardom being #1. 

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9 hours ago, Neeranam said:
9 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

True she lost a daughter and wanted some kind of financial compensation. 

That's the way it works here.  

It's a wrongful death settlement, on the civil side.  The 30 million settlement doesn't absolve anyone in any criminal case. 


And it's so much more efficient than the west, where the Alec Baldwin case (for just one example) will be tied up for years in the courts, and cost millions of USD to litigate. 

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5 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Social media also explain how Bill Gates is controlling us using 5G via microchips in the vaccines. And many other things.


The mother had access to her daughter's body, I assume. I find it hard to beleive that she would not have mentioned the strangulation marks. Many things were fishy in the original verson of the events, so the mother was right to push for more investigations. And police corruption is of course real and makes it possible to fuel such theories. But one fact is that Mr Robert, the guy who now admitted causing the boat swerve that made her fall in the water, insisted in apologizing to the mother (the only one), in the end he got forgiven 30 million times. Perhaps that should mean something.


I take it you are not familiar with what the body of a strangulation victim looks like. It is a matter of considerably more than "marks".


The mother almost surely does not have access to the body as it has not yet been released from the Police Hospital and is still part of an ongoing forensic investigation (sic).  However she almost certainly knows about those pictures and, for that matter, likely knows exactly what happened.


Her heavy financial investment in this cannot be assumed to have nothing to so with what she does and does not say publicly.


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7 hours ago, hotchilli said:

RTP could have stopped the media frenzy from day one, by not allowing them near the crime scene or to have access to any potential witnesses.

Or even allow them into the police station.

They could of [in this instance] got a court order to gag the press, stating that in this case the pres were interfering with an ongoing investigation.

I understand it's a fine line but in some cases the press need to be told to hold-off.


Get real, have you forgotten where you are........? 

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12 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

True she lost a daughter and wanted some kind of financial compensation. 

She's grieving horribly and probably is only half aware of what's going on or what she's doing. Probably heavily sedated. I certainly don't feel able to judge her. I see plenty on these forums do.

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8 hours ago, Sheryl said:


I take it you are not familiar with what the body of a strangulation victim looks like. It is a matter of considerably more than "marks".


The mother almost surely does not have access to the body as it has not yet been released from the Police Hospital and is still part of an ongoing forensic investigation (sic).  However she almost certainly knows about those pictures and, for that matter, likely knows exactly what happened.


Her heavy financial investment in this cannot be assumed to have nothing to so with what she does and does not say publicly.


Your comment about strangulation confirms my point.

Whether she has had access or not to the body... you know better, though it would seem to me that it doesn't need to be released from the Hospital to be viewed by the parent. For example, isn't an official identification needed? Didn't a brother cnfirm that she had a deep cut on her leg? Surely he must have seen the body?


But it's actually irrelevant. At some point, the body WILL be seen by the mother. If the police is concocting a cover up as per your social media sources, it will be blown there and then if the poor lady was indeed strangulated.



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9 hours ago, Elkski said:


How long is this boat? Is it really hard to be aware of all occupants at all times?  Did the lighting provide enough privacy for a P? Was the toilet working and clean, or not? 


They showed the boat on the news. I'd say about 7 meters long? The story of the lady relieving herself at the back of the boat because the main toilet was broken has already been debunked, among other things it would have been impossible unless she stripped herself completely naked given what she was wearing. It's the thing that set the mother on a war path at the start.

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16 hours ago, hotchilli said:

RTP could have stopped the media frenzy from day one,

But that's the problem with most high profile investigations here, its the cops who want to be in the limelight normally with re-enactments, PVC boards and the most important pointing. 

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15 hours ago, tandor said:

...why did Prince A. pay off the woman he says he didn't have relations with?

An 'accident' can of course still have responsible parties, it could be downgraded to negligence. The money makes that more palatable... known as blood money. 

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8 hours ago, BusyB said:

She's grieving horribly and probably is only half aware of what's going on or what she's doing.


That's not the view of most of the thai public, unless that changed massively overnight?


She was estranged from her daughter for most of her 37 years. And only popped into her life over the last ~ 3 years after her father passed. 


Truth, justice, reality...if anyone is expecting these things, and I know I would be, they will be sorely disappointed.


This has stayed in the news because it's exactly like a lakorn, only less believable.


Not sure anything could knock it out of the headlines except for time. Even a wag-the-dog dust-up Preah Vihear.


This isn't the first pretty to die under mysterious circumstances, nor will she be the last. Some live, and die in LA. And for a few, their bodies are never found.


The people on the boat should have made one call, instead they chose to deal with it themselves in hopes of not angering the higher ups.












Edited by mtls2005
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She was one of my favorites about 15 years ago.I knew she had a fairly wild and tumultuous life. My wife has been following this story as many Thai's have and there's a lot left out of this story. i won't get into detail as it's only what she told me and not gospel yet but there was an incident where someone of the boat had multiple scratches on their face prior to her falling off.  Tragedy really as she had a rough life, some of it brought on herself and some of it not, but she was a very talented lady. RIP

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17 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Social media also explain how Bill Gates is controlling us using 5G via microchips in the vaccines. And many other things.


The mother had access to her daughter's body, I assume. I find it hard to beleive that she would not have mentioned the strangulation marks. Many things were fishy in the original verson of the events, so the mother was right to push for more investigations. And police corruption is of course real and makes it possible to fuel such theories. But one fact is that Mr Robert, the guy who now admitted causing the boat swerve that made her fall in the water, insisted in apologizing to the mother (the only one), in the end he got forgiven 30 million times. Perhaps that should mean something.

Are you for real with that Bill Gates FakeBook BS? 

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18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

1. It is both foolish and naive for Associate Professor Dr. Yukti Mukdawijitra (who teaches at Thammasat University’s Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology) to ask the public not to turn this into a media circus. Not sure if he realizes it, but social media is here to stay. Does his background in anthropology give him some special insight into this? How old is he? How familiar with social media is he, has he ever published any internationally peer reviewed reports on social media, and why is he qualified to speak out about this? Who is this guy?


2. The fact that it is taking so long to find answers arouses suspicion. The RTP does not have much credibility with anyone. After the severe bungling of the Red Bull case, the Dark Tao case, and so many others, nobody believes in them anymore, much less their forensic talents, and their desire and ability to come up with a fair, objective, truthful and unbiased outcome. 


3. So, why blame the public? Is this just a convenient distraction, or is this guy lost in space? Why not publicly out the RTP for what may be a case of extreme incompetence? 


4. Even if it is true that she fell off the boat, it is likely someone's fault. Why did she fall off the boat? Was the captain going to fast, was he spinning donuts in the river, did he swerve to miss another boat, due to not paying attention?


We need facts, and answers, which the RTP is famous for avoiding. The public deserves some answers, and the truth. 





As ever in Thailand there are as many layers to such matters as there are skins on an onion.


It is pure conjecture of course, but the intervention of an associate professor ( so not in the front row academically) may be as a result of patronage being deployed, a favour being called in, or a favour being curried.


This of course raises the question, who exactly will benefit from the whole business, with all its contradictory explanations being carried off downstream and out to sea on the evening tide!

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


That's not the view of most of the thai public, unless that changed massively overnight?


She was estranged from her daughter for most of her 37 years. And only popped into her life over the last ~ 3 years after her father passed. 


Truth, justice, reality...if anyone is expecting these things, and I know I would be, they will be sorely disappointed.


This has stayed in the news because it's exactly like a lakorn, only less believable.


Not sure anything could knock it out of the headlines except for time. Even a wag-the-dog dust-up Preah Vihear.


This isn't the first pretty to die under mysterious circumstances, nor will she be the last. Some live, and die in LA. And for a few, their bodies are never found.


The people on the boat should have made one call, instead they chose to deal with it themselves in hopes of not angering the higher ups.












I don't really care about whoever's public. Finally, after a lifetime, she gets to spend 3 years with her daughter who then dies like this. She is obviously grieving terribly. How she does it is nobody's business and I don't feel like I'm in any position to be casting stones.

I hope the cops get to the bottom of what happened. It strikes me that those with Taengmoo behaved like every pick-up driver who mows down a family on a motor bike. But then again I wasn't there so I keep an open mind.

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On 3/9/2022 at 11:10 AM, internationalism said:

because of media pressure police started an investigation and interrogated 60 people.

Some journalists are doing their own investigative work.

That's the good outcome for journalism and for reliable forensic research.

They are closer to finding truth, as police are under media spotlight and public scrutiny.

Police will have to think twice if they still insist on treating her death as an accident and not homicide.

War is a different topic. Some people are completely not interested, as very remote to thailand. 

Why do you think it was not an accident?


On 3/9/2022 at 12:51 PM, internationalism said:

there were contradicting statements from those on the boat, some people even changed their stories as investigation developed.

admitting to swerving accidentally will let him off from the very beginning.

but why he is saying it only well into investigation? why he changed his story?

And if he caused an accident why he did not try to help his victim? Was he drunk or drugged making such accident and speeding away from the place?

Why they called police long after an accident?

Why initial sloppy police action, letting all from the boat to go home, instead of taking detailed testimony? 

That's why public is suspicious, with many details circulating in press and even more in social media. They won't settle easily for "accident" story. 

Also, when an investigation was already concluded several days ago, why waiting for public disclosure only on coming Friday? why not immediately to tell their findings?

Why are you asking these questions of the posters here?


If you really have a need to know, why not address your questions to the RTP.


The posters here cannot affect anything at all.


I know nothing about it other than what has been posted on here and the BKK Post, and TBH honest, it is not my problem, nor do I know anything other than what is freely available through the internet. Nor do I need to know.

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too many unanswered questions and doubts to allow me to treat it as an accident.

All those rumours are not all groundless.

Add to it big money players being involved, contradictions and deep distrust to thai police and establishment.

Crucial question - if not homicide, why she wasn't rescued immediately? emergency stop engines and jump in the water in jackets and with ropes.

why 1h to call police and help? They all wanted her to be dead. They hindered rescue pointing to different directions. Her decomposed body was fond over 24h, so little chance for forensic to see if she was assaulted. Just like in gangster movie - no body found so no homicide case.   

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5 hours ago, arithai12 said:

I lke it better when you comment about things you actully know something about.

my bad, that was some 48h.

Until today forensics haven't established if her injures happen before or after her death. They expect results in several more days.

if her body was found earlier, not decomposed, as it was, cause of her injuries would be already known

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13 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Has certainly caught the attention of my wife. She’s now officially an armchair detective following this case like a bloodhound. Finally her Buddha has some stiff competition 

Mine too... she was listening to some commentary about it  on her phone last night at dinner!

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13 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It is also for some reason generating immense interest in Indonesia and the Philippines.


My wife and her 35 year old son follow Thai tv/facebook soap opera with a passion.

This is/will be a perfect case of life imitating art or vice versa.

Coming to a tv near you soon. Sigh????

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