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3,200 Russian tourists stuck in Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and Koh Tao area due to Russia/Ukraine conflict and sanctions


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6 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Yep, complete lack of morals in that industry.........as you clearly demonstrate by your actions.

Did you ban Americans for their illegal occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq?  

like those savages were shining beacons of human rights & democracy who never hurt a fly & followed civilized rules ???? ????ZERO equivalence between such barbaric places where no rights exist at all & Life held at zero value & Civilized Ukraine..

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9 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

like those savages were shining beacons of human rights & democracy who never hurt a fly & followed civilized rules ????????ZERO equivalence between such barbaric places where no rights exist at all & Life held at zero value & Civilized Ukraine..

Wow, just wow.

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1 minute ago, thwo said:

Can we keep both russian and ukrainian as hostages to stop the war ?

It's just like 2 muslim countries kill each others, who cares as long as they stay on their own land !!!



What the.....

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2 hours ago, rott said:

For myself I have very little to do with them, I just wish that in the early days someone had explained to them that the Jomtien baht bus is meant for 6 people each side. Not 2 obese Russians spreading themselves out on each side. 

It reminds me one man saying he hates people of one nationality. When asking him why exactly these people. He said, once one of them stepped on my toe in a lift and did not excused himself.  ????

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58 minutes ago, Saanim said:

It reminds me one man saying he hates people of one nationality. When asking him why exactly these people. He said, once one of them stepped on my toe in a lift and did not excused himself.  ????

I said what I said and I meant what I said, no more and no less. 

You remind me of people who cannot accept this and need to twist everything, perhaps it makes you feel better. 

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twitter and facebook are being blocked in Russia. Don't expect anything from those.

It was quite simple story: some #fakenews were posted, Russian watching body asked nicely FB/TW to remove those posts, nothing happened, access denied.

VPN and Proxies are helping, but there are more important things to worry about: Exchange Rate. Local currency folded twice, Central Bank vigorously pumping reserves, that looks just scary.
In the meantime, yesterday during press w/ Tony Blinken, UK head of Foreign Office Liz "Cod Eye" Truss looked so desperate to find what else UK and US can do to hurt Russians. 

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7 hours ago, sandyf said:

The  behaviour toward the refugees is no different to that directed at family members of UK nationals, but nobody wants to mention that.

Just done my wife's 10th UK visa application, 15 page questionaire, over 20 documents, around £100 fee and biometrics every application.

When I was an EU citizen, family member visa application was 2 pages, 2 documents required, no fee and biometrics every 5 years.

There it is in black and white, the UK is institutionally racist and time those campaigning on behalf of the refugees realise that is what they are up against.

My daughter is 16.

When she was 12 I applied for a UK passport for her. It is not automatically granted, as I was not married to my wife when she was born (I am of course now). She was born the year before the rules were changed which would mean she could not be refused.

Anyway, I completed the paperwork, and paid the fee (significantly more than £100) naively believing that it would be a mere formality.


The application was refused. The money of course was retained. Questions as to why (sent by email, air mail and registered mail) went unacknowledged let alone answered. The Embassy just referred me back to the Home Office department ( the office is in Birkenhead). A barrister friend of mine enquired on my behalf, she was simply told that the application was refused, and there was no mechanism for appeal, any further questions from her went unanswered.


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2 hours ago, rott said:

I said what I said and I meant what I said, no more and no less. 

You remind me of people who cannot accept this and need to twist everything, perhaps it makes you feel better. 

For at least 100 years, the West has hated Russia. Without really knowing why.  And as the Russians, they were meant all the population under the new state USSR whether they were from Moscow, Leningrad, Belarussia or Kiev. And actually, the ones living around Kiev (the Ukrainians) were more detested because of their infamous liaisons with Nazi forces during World War II. 


But suddenly - 30 years ago - those Ukrainians have been loved by the world?  OK, not by all. Actually why? Is it because most of the new leaders are educated on the other side of the world, almost all of them have duel citizenship? (one exception) And suddenly, they no longer wanted to go along further with the former fellow citizens but with some others. Perhaps because of the American Dream? 


The population living nowadays in Ukraine is of very different ethnics. The Northeastern city Lviv before WW2 was named Lvov, belonging to Poland with majority of Polnish people (nowadays under 1%), similarly Uzhorod with a large country belonging to Czechoslovakia, similarly Hungary, Rumania, and on the North the Belarussia. 


That's why so many Ukrainians now are running away, they make use of the situation when they are welcome with open arms, not as before when they had to work hard in the West as second class workers, many millions have emigrated in the last 20 years.


And now 2 millions on the run within few days, how could have they do it when the Russians would block those huge crowds? What everything are we to believe? 


 One months ago here in Thailand, were the Ukrainians welcome and appreciated more than the other Russians?  



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13 hours ago, ezzra said:

Look on the bright side, at least here they can enjoy Pizza hut McDonald and Pepsi and all the other stuff that are now banned in Russia  by the western conglomerates...

And get diabetes from junk food and high sugary drinks?



Edited by EricTh
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At the end of the day when this anti Russian posting orgy ends they will be fully switched to Chinese union pay and overnight they will have 3 billion members.


Short sighted and stupid. But we're talking about west now.

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11 hours ago, connda said:

It reminds me of anti-Communist witch-hunt by McCarthy-ites in the United States during the 1950s.  You'd think we'd learn from history, but that never happens.  We just keep repeating the same hatred, and in the West, Russia is always a prime target.

That reminds me of what General Patton said when Germany was defeated: Today, we defeated the wrong enemy. He wanted to roll into Moscow before it became the next world problem, but Eisenhower wouldn't allow it. I wonder how the world would be today if he did.

Globalization is Putin's greatest fear. If he could accept the inevitable, then none of this would happen. But he is from the KGB class and pines for the Soviet days, so he is keeping Russia as the prime target. Putin poisoned his political rival and threw him in jail, along with Russia's future.

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Can you imagine being russian and having to put up with Putin but also stranded because of his garbage?  Those poor people!  

I see plenty here with disgusting stereo-types, and half-wits who can't understand differentiation between politics and human beings with red blood going through their veins.  

I am so sorry to any Russians who are stuck and who are reading this.  

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6 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Heart warming but I don't see Russians commenting on forums or facebook groups, no apologies,  condoning Putin, apparently he has 70% approval in Russia, they have to take responsibility for doing nothing

I've seen plenty English speaking commenting on tiktok and not one has been pro war/invasion.....................I wouldn't know about those who might be speaking in Russian though and they probably wouldn't come through my feed anyway................................................

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22 hours ago, Pravda said:


As someone who went through one of the worst civil wars in Europe I find your comment disgusting. No one in Russia under 50 wants this war. A lot of Russians have family in Ukraine. The same thing happened in Yugoslavia, but back then there was no internet, so people could be judged by no brain westerners by taking sides. At least these days you have the supposed uncensored internet at your disposal. See what the average person thinks about Putin. Russian citizens have a lot more bravery than you sitting in Thailand. If you think it's easy to overthrow the government, try it yourself.

The majority of Russian troops invading Ukraine are under 50…. 

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I agree with late sen McCain who saw Russia as a gas station disguised as a country.

It turns out the gas station has a crazy owner who fears a future world which no longer has any need for his overpriced gas and decides to grab what he can now when it´s still time. His employees are mostly satisfied with he situation since the docile ones get handsome paychecks for backing him up. The few discontented are dismissed from the payroll. The good employees can go for holidays in south east asia.
Suddenly they get the message that the gas owner tried one hostile takeover of a competitor to many and is in a bit of trouble. Maybe their job security is in jeopardy?
Of course they start rumbling a bit about the gas master, especially since the attacked competitor seem to gain some symphathy in the holiday resorts.
"I never liked him, but what could i do?" the employees try to explain. To their utter disbelief other people don´t seem to accept the explaination. "They hate us just because we work in a gas station"

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