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Find this elderly foreigner who stole a 150 baht bottle of rum from granny


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23 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I am always disgusted when I read of foreigners stooping to such miserably low levels.

For the sake of 150 baht it creates publicity which reflects poorly on all of us.

I hope he is identified and can receive the shame he so richly deserves.

disgusted, why? at least he's actively doing something about his financial woes instead of coming on here and whining about the 2 baht increase on a bottle of Chaaaang ????

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19 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

I think you're a closet racist white guy who doesn't like seeing another white guy singled out for his crimes, and so you instead point the finger at the natives as a smoke screen as if the store owner doesn't have a right to choose which criminal to talk about. Would anyone have written about the Thai thefts?  You know what's despicable about foreigners? When they try to project imaginary "racism" onto incidents like this. Did you ever hear the phrase "last straw"? I can see why a foreigner stealing from a native would be more of an offense and insult, and the last straw. A pensioner whose monthly income dwarfs even the yearly income of Thai people stealing a 150 baht bottle of booze is a far worse criminal than just another low income Thai person who shoplifts. That makes the crime worse and thus worthy of exposure. How Thai people behave toward each other is within their culture, it's their business and their right to deal with without our input. This thief is an outsider, taking advantage of the country in every way he can. and this is how he pays back, shows respect. And how do you know nothing has ever been written about his store's theft problem?  As if it matters. Empathy much? Can you read this guy's mind? You never met or talked with him, you just sit in your Monday morning quarterback armchair of judgment. He doesn't deserve your words. I'm a farang, and I find it particularly despicable that a well off foreigner would steal a cheap bottle of booze from those he knowns darn well are struggling to earn a fraction of what he makes. How does this make foreigners look in the eyes of Thai people? Foreigners are guests in this country, it is not their country. This guy deserves to be singled out. And deported. And note that the owner didn't go to the police this time either. Did that sink in at all? He's not being vindictive. But according to you he's nonetheless maliciously and xenophobically singling out a farang.  It occurs to me how American racists like to hide behind a kneejerk phrase "Blue lives matter" or "all lives matter" to dilute the issue whenever their racism leads them to condemn "Black lives matter" protests.  It's because they don't dare say black lives DON'T matter, so they use code instead. The code of closet racism. When you say "despicable foreigner, but also despicable Thais", you sound just like those American racists - "black lives matter, but all [white] lives matter (except it's the Black lives being killed by the "Blue lives" - cops - a false equivalency conjured up by racists). The foreigner is despicable, the story is about him, none of this has anything to do with Thais, it's one story about one theft. Shame on you for trying the old trick of changing the focus of the conversation to suit your own agenda. I'll bet you do this all the time. 

"Foreigners are guests in this country"??????????????????????????????

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19 hours ago, sambum said:

Not excusing the despicable behaviour at all, but it didn't warrant him complaining when they were Thais, but now it's a farang?

"...it didn't warrant him complaining when they were Thais..."

What makes you think that he hasn't complained about Thai thefts previously?

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12 hours ago, sambum said:

"He said that the thieves before were all Thais - now a farang was stealing from them. They never report theft to the police - they can't be bothered with the fuss."


It would appear from the post that "thieving" from this shop by Thais is a regular occurence, and not reported to the police or any fuss made.


However, once the crime is committed by a farang, then a fuss is made (albeit not reported to the police) 


Regardless of whether the farang has more money than Thais (which is probable , but debatable) and it is a despicable act, I can't help but wonder why "the fuss" is only made when the crime is committed by "an obese, elderly farang"? 

why do you need to wonder, it's fairly obvious at least to me. it's basic human nature to be less forgiving of outsiders than one's own. this isn't exclusive to Thailand nor is it solely at a national level. in some places they don't even like people from the next street over let alone a foreign country.


also, imho, farang are a nice soft target because we might have money but we have no real power. if it was a rich Merc-driving Thai that lifted the Hong Thong there's no way this dude would report it or that Thai Rath would put his picture up on the internet. 

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14 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Just another fat, murky, disgusting looser making us all look bad again. Please, if somebody know him, just send me a PM.

Let us know how your hidden-behind-a-keyboard-and-pseudonym lame vigilantism goes!  I'm sure that he's trembling in his boots.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

What would you do if you made a trip to a store and there was no-one to take your money? Just go home again, or help yourself and return later to pay? Too many here assuming he was stealing with no knowledge or proof that he did.

You think that someone who is not known to the shop owners would think that they could get away with that daft "they've no idea who I am but they can be reassured that I'll return to pay for it" idea?   If he was known to the shop why didn't he just leave the money to cover the "purchase".

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30 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

How does it affect you, you never patronise the place, do you?   Go and clean your own place.

Thanks, I don't need cleaning tips, mind your own business ????

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

What would you do if you made a trip to a store and there was no-one to take your money? Just go home again, or help yourself and return later to pay?

I'd go to another shop or go home, I sure wouldn't steal the drink.    Helping yourself and "paying" later isn't an option in any normal business.

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Too many here assuming he was stealing with no knowledge or proof that he did.

He entered a shop, selected a bottle and left without paying, as shown on the CCTV.  That's proof of theft.  It is not proof of his intention to return to pay!

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9 minutes ago, Tarteso said:
42 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

How does it affect you, you never patronise the place, do you?   Go and clean your own place.

Thanks, I don't need cleaning tips, mind your own business

MInd my own business?  In view of your comment about the Thais' home that's a bit rich, I have to mind my own business but you're free to butt into anyone else's?

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13 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

MInd my own business?  In view of your comment about the Thais' home that's a bit rich, I have to mind my own business but you're free to butt into anyone else's?

You make a mountain of one advice I've given about cleaning a public store.  This is a forum where one can comment, is it clear to you now?

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7 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

You speak for yourself, he doesn't make me look bad.

No, you have already told others that I can read. We already know you stand above us all. Nothing new. ???? 

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7 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Let us know how your hidden-behind-a-keyboard-and-pseudonym lame vigilantism goes!  I'm sure that he's trembling in his boots.

Oh, sure it goes far. My real Name is Roger Jonsson. I am a Swedish citizen and I live in Roi Et. So now you you know that Mr. Name of a City, because the football team has lost it´s reputation to hooligan activities years ago. Not interested in who is trembling in their boots.

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On 4/8/2022 at 1:00 AM, Bangkok Barry said:

He had no-one to give the money to and perhaps decided that leaving money laying around wasn't a great idea. Perhaps he came back later when someone was awake. We don't know that he didn't, do we, a day or two later.

I thought the old lady was in the shop, but asleep? It's not hard to wake someone up so you can give them the money

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4 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I thought the old lady was in the shop, but asleep? It's not hard to wake someone up so you can give them the money

Maybe he didn't want to wake her up , disturb her sleep just to give her 100 odd baht, when he could go in and pay the next day 

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