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Texas governor: 15 killed in school shooting; gunman dead


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26 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

393 million registered guns in the USA. Only an idiot thinks a few gun laws will help these school shootings. 

Well you have to start somewhere!Ideas like yours are not really helping,i am sure you have

a solution?

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49 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

393 million registered guns in the USA. Only an idiot thinks a few gun laws will help these school shootings. 

A back ground check in this case would have saved the lives of 21 people.

Like i said before,you have to start some where,

but one thing i have learned in life,you can not help some one who does not want to be helped.

There will be another shooting in the weeks to come and people will be shocked again.

Rinse and repeat.

Land of the free.


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10 minutes ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

Ah, no............ 


Complaining about guns and the accessibility of guns is easy. Too easy. 


The simple fact is, there are literally hundreds of millions of guns in America NOW. So they are not going to go away. No matter what laws get passed or how well they get enforced........... even if there are outright bans........ there're still going to be millions or tens of millions of them floating around. 


Legally or illegally, anyone who wants to get a gun in America............ can. 


Even if the most severe and draconian measures are taken to get guns out of the hands of Americans............ a residue of millions to tens of millions of guns is inevitable. 


And if, after the crackdown, there are still millions or tens of millions of guns floating around......... (as there almost certainly will be!)......... whoever truly wants to get a gun in America............... will still be able to! 




Anyone who thinks there is a solution to this problem by THIS means............. is simply way out of touch with the scope and scale of the problem!


They're way out of touch with reality! 


So, as excruciatingly difficult it is to face........... and as politically suicidal as it probably is............. it just doesn't make sense to invest tons of time and money and manpower in bans and trade-in days and raids and confiscations........... when the the bottom line is, they will probably make a few people feel good........... and not actually accomplish a d-mn thing! 




So, what am I saying? Am I saying we should do nothing? 


Well, when the alternative is to spend tens of billions or hundreds of billions of dollars to essentially accomplish nothing............ (except make a few people feel good)............. then yeah, do nothing! 




Think I'm crazy? Completely bonkers? Well, if you do........... and before you get carried away with the idea.............. answer me this one question........... 


The hundreds of billions we've spent on the so-calld "war on drugs"........... (trillions?)............ has accomplished ___________? 


Is there anyone........... anywhere in America............. who can't get pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want? Anyone? 


Well, that's what happens when you put time and effort and money.......... in almost unlimited amounts........... trying to solve the wrong problem! 




So, wha IS the problem that needs solving? 


We need to figure out why certain people think that shooting up crowds of strangers........... (elementary school kids???).......... is somehow a solution  for them. 


And we need to figure out why one person doing it *ahem* "successfully".............. inspires others to try it. 


And we need, as a people, to quit being so fascinated by these events........... meaning the media that talks about over and over, again and again, won't............. and these narcissists, be they alive or posthumously, don't keep getting the attention they crave! 




You can't win a "war on drugs" by crimping SUPPLY........... when DEMAND is the problem! 


And you can't solve the "gun problem" with laws, suppression, and enforcement......... when the problem is already so large......... that a mere 0.3% residue........... still allows anyone to get pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want! 


The solution starts where it always starts............ 


First, make sure you know what the REAL problem is! 





Just wondering,what is the REAL problem and what is the solution?


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Allot of the weirdo kids that do the school shooting get the gun from their parents as gifts or they steal dads gun and go on a rampage. 
Time to start locking up the irresponsible fools that let their guns fall into the wrong hands. 

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15 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

And what would you call someone who isn't even willing to try?

Trying that accomplishes nothing........ isn't really trying. 


Doing things that just make a few people feel good.......... but actually accomplishes nothing.......... isn't really trying.


(See the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban" as a relevant example. Some people felt really good about it. Some people even got elected/reelected on the strength of it. But did it actually DO ANY GOOD? Nope, not a bit! It was basically a Hollywood movie set: Behind those pretty walls......... nothing!) 

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31 minutes ago, jvs said:

Well you have to start somewhere!Ideas like yours are not really helping,i am sure you have

a solution?

I stated a fact not a solution. No normal, sane person would ever do a mass shooting. I don't believe any gun laws will have any effect on stopping this kind of evil.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I wonder why this is still in the news.


Everybody outside of America knows that Americans are crazy. They could have changed their gun laws hundreds of times. And they had enough shocking mass killings as reminders that they should do something. But they don't.


And inside America it seems most politicians are scared to implement harsh gun laws. Because if they would do that then lots of nutters wouldn't vote for them anymore.


Summary: There will be many more of these killings and basically nothing will change. That is America - a country with too many crazy people. 


i got the hell out.  it was driving me crazy,   sick people sick country.  even the kids are sick.  so this guy gets bullied because he can't afford the latest whatever and comes from  a poor family.  shows how American values are so screwed up and push someone over the edge.  unfortunately this kid need intervention.  who going to pay for those social programs?  it's all systemic. lot of blame to go around.

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11 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

"And you can't solve the "gun problem" with laws, suppression, and enforcement......... when the problem is already so large......... that a mere 0.3% residue........... still allows anyone to get pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want!"


What a load of rubbish! Banning certain weapons and confiscating them will remove millions of weapons from the market and make it much harder to obtain said weapons. The animal that killed those kids bought two semi-automatic rifles as soon as he turned 18 - legally. If that had been illegal those kids might have been alive today.


"And we need, as a people, to quit being so fascinated by these events........... meaning the media that talks about over and over, again and again, won't............. and these narcissists, be they alive or posthumously, don't keep getting the attention they crave!"


Yes, we shouldn't talk about it. Surely that will make the problem go away!:crazy:

Do you seriously think that Americans are going to give up 99.5% of their guns? America, a country raised on the idea that a gun is a" right" for your own self defense........... and a "responsibility" that allows us to overthrow the very sort of tyrranical government we ousted in the first place? 


99.5% ??? Seriously? 


(And why did I choose 99.5% ? Because based on the number published above for "registered guns".............. removing 99.5% STILL leaves nearly 2 million guns floating around........... meaning that anyone who feels he NEEDS to get one......... will still have no problem getting one!) 


So, do you seriously think that Americans are going to give up 99.5% of their guns?


And do you understand, NOW, that even if they did............. it STILL wouldn't solve the problem? 


With 2 million guns still floating around, this 18-year old would STILL have been able to buy guns suitable for what he wanted to do! 



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Just now, jvs said:

Getting rid of 99.5% of the guns would solve 99.5% of the problem.

It would be really difficult for a 18 year old to buy a gun.

That is all "if"

Tell me why it is that in most other western countries gun control works but not in the


There are solutions of course but no one wants to hear them.



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27 minutes ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

Trying that accomplishes nothing........ isn't really trying. 


Doing things that just make a few people feel good.......... but actually accomplishes nothing.......... isn't really trying.


(See the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban" as a relevant example. Some people felt really good about it. Some people even got elected/reelected on the strength of it. But did it actually DO ANY GOOD? Nope, not a bit! It was basically a Hollywood movie set: Behind those pretty walls......... nothing!) 

Have you ever heard of trying, then trying again until you succeed?. There is a solution to this but it will take time, dedication and perseverance through appropriate laws as in other countries.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:


You are saying they lobby a lot and financially support politicians?

And all in the name of the Lord!

(writing above may contain traces of sarcasm)

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7 hours ago, LarrySR said:

50  Senators voted down a bill to increase background checks. 
Why? Because gun manufacturers finance their campaigns. 

Please be accurate and complete. 50 REPUBLICAN Senators voted down...

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Even the 2nd Amendment is subject to restrictions. I cannot buy an A-10 Warthog with a GAU-8 cannon that fires depleted uranium bullets. Imagine all the elk I could 'hunt' with that, or use for 'home protection'. It's not available, even though I can afford it.


An AR-15 couldn't even have been imagined by Madison or Jefferson. It's perfectly legal in most US States, even though it has incredible killing power, but next to no use for hunting. An 18th C musket it ain't.




A .45 ACP loaded handgun fires a 230 grain round at a muzzle velocity of about 800 feet per second (fps)


A 9mm handgun fires a 124 grain round at a muzzle velocity of about 1100 fps.


An AR-15 fires a 55 grain round at a muzzle velocity of 3200 fps.


Do the math.


An AR-15 has almost 4 times the kinetic energy---aka killing power---of a .45 ACP handgun.


It has about 3.75 times the killing power of a 9mm handgun.


Most .45 ACP handguns carry a mag with 10 or fewer rounds.


Most 9mm handguns carry a mag with 15 or fewer rounds.


An AR-15 traditionally carries a 30 round mag, but 100 round mags are available.


A .45 ACP or 9mm handgun might have a barrel length of 4 inches. From 25 meters it takes a pretty good shot to put a round in a 12 inch circle.


An AR-15 has a barrel of 16 inches usually. Someone who has never shot can put a round in a 12 inch circle from 50 meters. In close quarters, a gunman who is only trying to kill need not even aim. He just fires 30 rounds, and pops in another magazine in about 2 seconds. At 3200 fps, his rounds tear apart a 20 kilo 3rd Grader.


But in the US, 'freedumb' says everyone has a right to own as many AR-15s as he can afford.

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