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Give me Thailand any day over the Philippines! It’s SLIGHTLY less mad…


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In terms of beauty, I find both have stunning women. But, the primary issue for me, if I was single, would be the actual quality of life there. From my point of view:

1. The women can be lovely. And many of them speak english. And if you are older guy, that is a plus in the PI. Plus they are way less demanding, and the bar is set much lower, in terms of their expectations. Older guys can get with far younger women, without an issue. The parents actually encourage it! Generally, it is possible to have a real conversation with many women there. Not the case here. It is rare here. Unlike most Thai women, the women there can have a real sense of curiousity, and will ask genuine questions about you, and your life, beyond where do you come from, how much do you earn, and what do you own? The PI seems to have a higher level of intellectual development.

2.  The visa system is something that some think is simpler. You do need to have money on deposit, and unlike Thailand it remains on deposit the entire time you live there. A minimum of $20,000 for the SRRV Smile visa, unless that has changed.

3. The place has thousands of islands, and some stunning beaches, and cleaner water than Thailand, at least on the Gulf Coast. But, the islands are fairly hard to get to, and the services are very limited, and more expensive than in Thailand.

4. In general I would say the people can be quite friendly. Especially the women. But, unlike Thailand, even the men can be friendly. I suspect if I lived there, I would have a number of local male friends, unlike here. I have never met a society of men, who are less interested, less curious about, and less willing to get to know foreigners, than I have here in Thailand. It is sometimes astonishing. It is a real disappointment.5. The place is more Westernized. You do not feel like you are living on another planet, which can be nice sometimes. Some shopping can be better, as there are Costco type outlets there. Some of the highways are better, and as an American, I can have goods shipped to me, with a preferred system, that allows low cost shipping, and duty free imports. Unheard of in Thailand. Importation of goods in Thailand can be horrendously difficult. It is an onerous system, one that is outdated by decades, in this age of globalization. Thailand is far, far more insular and fearful of the outside world, than the PI. 


1. The entire country is like one big Tijuana. It is depressing. Very little landscaping in the homes, even nice homes are ugly, and have barbed wire, and glass topped walls everywhere you look.

2. The security situation is not very good. You always have to keep your eyes open, keep an eye on your back, and beware of robbery, home theft, and violence. It is rampant. I have many friends who live there, and they all say the same thing.

3. If you do get into an altercation with a Philippine man, or are getting robbed or harassed, unless you are a 6th degree sensei, do not fight back. An astonishing number of locals are well trained in the fighting arts. Many are good with sticks, knives, blades or any sort, and their hands, fists and feet. I have a friend who is a world class security consultant. He is a black belt in a few different martial arts. He says he can usually fight his way out of a gang of men, nearly anywhere in the world. Except in the PI. That is the only country he will NOT take an assignment.
The average guys there, can take down the average Westerner in five seconds. In Thailand few have those kinds of skills. Very few.

4. The food sucks. The only other country I can think of with worse food, is Cuba. Granted, if you are willing to spend the money, you can find good food. But, it is not the general rule, as it is here. Also, the access to fresh fruits and vegetables is pathetic compared to Thailand. Very low quality, and often not fresh. Thailand is a paradise by comparison, when it comes to all things related to food.

5. Pollution. They use a lower grade of diesel. So, there is alot of soot in the air. The PI has an epidemic of lung diseases and respiratory diseases. Even on many of the populated islands. The hospitals are full of people who are having a very hard time breathing. It is a real issue there. Lung disease is at an epidemic level, though the authorities do not like to talk about it, and publish very little information on it.

6. Aesthetics. The average house you would rent, looks like a slum. Tall walls, with barbed wire, to keep out intruders. And they just do not pay attention to landscaping and gardens like the Thai people do. So, most neighborhoods are fabulously ugly. Alot of slums in the big cities, and just not physically appealing.

7. Renting. There is a vastly lower number of rental units available, few are as nice as what you can find in Thailand, and it is almost always more expensive, with the possible exception of Central Bangkok. You just cannot find the studio apartments like the ones available all over Hua Hin, for 6,000 to 8,000 baht a month. That does not exist there.

8. Infrastructure. The entire country lacks the infrastructure you have here in


Thailand. As I am typing now, I am enjoying a 1GBPS download speed, and a 300MB upload speed, all on fiber optic cable, for 600 baht a month. Unheard of in many countries, including the US! Triple the cost there. No sky train network anywhere near comparable to Bangkok. Mo MRT network either. They have one under construction, and it will be limited to ten stations.

Shall I go on? I could. As far as I am concerned, the only reason to live there is the women, and a slightly more cooperative, and far less xenophobic and racist government. Alot of ex-pats are looking to leave Thailand, as the current administration is so far beyond heinous and incompetent, it is unspeakable.


I have a friend who does private security for a lot of very high net worth individuals, and corporate CEOs, when they travel, and he told me that the only country in the world that he will not take an assignment is the Philippines. When I asked him why he reminded me that he was at the 6th degree level in a few  different martial arts, besides the fact that he was 6'5 and about 280 lbs. of muscle. Spent his whole life training. Not the kind of guy you would want to mess with. He told me under normal circumstances he could incapacitate a group of four or five guys, in under a minute. Not in the PI.

He said that in general, the Philippine men had the greatest degree of fighting skills of any group of people in the world, and that if you encountered a single guy, or a group of Philippine guys on the street you just never knew what their level of skill was, and you had to assume that they were expert street fighters. He said many were experts with knives, sticks and improvised weapons. Not the case here.

If you add on top of that, the fact that the country is extremely poor and that there's a fairly high level of desperation, it makes the Philippines a very, very dangerous place. Crime there is very opportunistic. And being a foreigner makes you a potential target. Again, not the case in Thailand.

You really have to know what you're doing, you really have to know where you're going at all times, especially at night, and you always have to have eyes in the back of your head, and constantly looking over your shoulder. Of course, it varies depending on the city, the part of the city, and the region. But it is just one of many reasons I would not want to live there.

I've been told this by a number of friends who live in the Philippines and it's been my observation, the several times that I have visited.

Edited by spidermike007
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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

1. The women can be lovely. And many of them speak english. And if you are older guy, that is a plus in the PI. Plus they are way less demanding, and the bar is set much lower, in terms of their expectations. Older guys can get with far younger women, without an issue. The parents actually encourage it! Generally, it is possible to have a real conversation with many women there. Not the case here. It is rare here. Unlike most Thai women, the women there can have a real sense of curiousity, and will ask genuine questions about you, and your life, beyond where do you come from, how much do you earn, and what do you own? The PI seems to have a higher level of intellectual development.


I believe you have posted all the same opinions on another thread some time ago.


Be that as it may, come on. You think a Filipina would be asking you how much do you earn, and what do you own, out of intellectual curiosity? It's the same microscope any bar girl in Pattaya would use.


I have a friend who was stitched up by a Filipina, tried to take advantage of Australian family law when she was carrying another man's child that he thought was his. If that's not enough, Google Lang Hancock and Rose Porteous.


Just saying, a few stories I've heard indicate Filipinas can be just as greedy, unfaithful and grasping as any Thai woman. Imelda Marcos ring any bells?

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

The Schweppes tonic was also half the price of Thailand.

Sunset G&Ts from my penthouse at Barretto ................


IMG_20161117_173812 (1).jpg

I have no idea why, but gin always gives me a headache, even a single drink will do it. Perhaps I am allergic to juniper.

Fortunately, I quite like Sangsom, which is pretty good value for money in Thailand.

Wine is very cheap in Australia, spirits generally cost twice as much as they do in Thailand.

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5 hours ago, vandeventer said:

They are both cheap to live but Thailand is cheaper, girls are hotter and the Thai food is way better. Why live anywhere else???

Thailand ain't cheap. I was paying 130 baht for a pint of fizzy urine last night. Pretty much every Asian country has better beer than Thailand.


Vietnam is cheap. Laos is cheap. Cambodia too.


The girls are pretty similar, depends what you like, I suppose. I do like Thai women and just about most Asians, particularly tropical SE Asian ones.


From my experience:


- Filipino women tend to have hairy legs.


- Thai women tend to have hairy pussies.


- Vietnamese are the thinnest.


- Indonesians are the darkest and mostly haven shaven pussies, too bad they are all missing their clits.


- Malays are the fattest.


I wouldn't want to live in a Muslim country, that's for sure


Thai food sucks in comparison to: Indian, Mexican, Lebanese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Indian, even British (quality of ingredients, I mean, not culinary genius).


I can think of loads of reasons to live elsewhere: safe roads, decent people, good ingredients at reasonable prices, fresh air, clean countryside, clean seas, cool climate, less buroceacracy, democracy, mature people, ethical society, healthy food etc. etc.


But Thailand is more.......fun, alas!

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22 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Fortunately, I quite like Sangsom, which is pretty good value for money in Thailand.

Wine is very cheap in Australia, spirits generally cost twice as much as they do in Thailand.

Same for the UK, spirits generally more expensive than Thailand.

But was always surprised that spirits in the Philippines were around 1/4 the price of Thailand. 

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17 minutes ago, 2009 said:

Thailand ain't cheap. I was paying 130 baht for a pint of fizzy urine last night. Pretty much every Asian country has better beer than Thailand.

Sure but Thailand drinking isn't based around beer.

It's tradition is rice whiskey, around 80bht for a big bottle of 40% proof.

And if you were paying 130bht for a beer, I assume you were drinking in a whorehouse of some description, which always costs more anywhere in the world.

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34 minutes ago, 2009 said:

Thailand ain't cheap. I was paying 130 baht for a pint of fizzy urine last night. Pretty much every Asian country has better beer than Thailand.


Vietnam is cheap. Laos is cheap. Cambodia too.


The girls are pretty similar, depends what you like, I suppose. I do like Thai women and just about most Asians, particularly tropical SE Asian ones.


From my experience:


- Filipino women tend to have hairy legs.


- Thai women tend to have hairy pussies.


- Vietnamese are the thinnest.


- Indonesians are the darkest and mostly haven shaven pussies, too bad they are all missing their clits.


- Malays are the fattest.


I wouldn't want to live in a Muslim country, that's for sure


Thai food sucks in comparison to: Indian, Mexican, Lebanese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Indian, even British (quality of ingredients, I mean, not culinary genius).


I can think of loads of reasons to live elsewhere: safe roads, decent people, good ingredients at reasonable prices, fresh air, clean countryside, clean seas, cool climate, less buroceacracy, democracy, mature people, ethical society, healthy food etc. etc.


But Thailand is more.......fun, alas!

Are you sure you are old enough to drink? Thai food is great! And the Thai women with hair body's may not be women at all. 

Edited by vandeventer
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30 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Same for the UK, spirits generally more expensive than Thailand.

But was always surprised that spirits in the Philippines were around 1/4 the price of Thailand. 

Not enough to make me want to move there, given the comments w.r.to personal security and crime.

Coming up to 12 years here now, can't say I have ever felt threatened. I guess it's only people that go looking for trouble that find it.

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55 minutes ago, 2009 said:


Thai food sucks in comparison to: Indian, Mexican, Lebanese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Indian, even British (quality of ingredients, I mean, not culinary genius).


I can think of loads of reasons to live elsewhere: safe roads, decent people, good ingredients at reasonable prices, fresh air, clean countryside, clean seas, cool climate, less buroceacracy, democracy, mature people, ethical society, healthy food etc. etc.


But Thailand is more.......fun, alas!

The dissertation on hirsute pubics encountered in each nationality is interesting, although I suppose it varies depending on the socio-economic group one is consorting with.


I quite like Thai food. However, for someone with your opinion of it, may I point out most Thai cities have a range of ethnic restaurants. The most common are Japanese, Italian and Indian.


I think most Thais are decent people, apart from the ones currently in power. It's a matter of adjusting one's expectations to their culture.


Permit me to doubt there are any countries that meet all the criteria you describe. Certainly America and the UK don't.

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When I lived in the Philippines for 6 months if I was going out in the evening I always carried a lot of junk with me for any potential muggers I met. Broken digital watch with gold colored strap , Wallet full of Lira or Kip plus a fake $50 bill. Expired cards from the library, Sainsburys and Tesco. etc.  As long as they take something from you they won't kill you. Secrete your real money somewhere else on your person.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Sure but Thailand drinking isn't based around beer.

It's tradition is rice whiskey, around 80bht for a big bottle of 40% proof.

And if you were paying 130bht for a beer, I assume you were drinking in a whorehouse of some description, which always costs more anywhere in the world.

All the bars downtown charge 130 for a pint after 8pm. Some are 160 even. Just regular bars (e.g. sports bars, Irish, American etc etc).


Some even charge that a small bottle, Jesus.


Thais drink beer primarily, have done for decades. Only the down n outs drink rice spirit.


And they don't even excel at rice spirit either. Tastes like turpentine.

Edited by 2009
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7 hours ago, Mark mark said:




7 hours ago, Mark mark said:


"Still, … Moving on !!! ... and for the benefit of all drivers !!!


…. I got caught by a speed ? Changing too many Lanes ? Camera yesterday's. !!!! ... The cops called my wife’s phone, as her name would be on the Rego. ... but she did not know what to do or say, so she just said “Sorry” and Hung up. ... She is going to talk to her son the truck driver about it first ? ... And She expects that they will phone again. ... I do not know if they will follow through on it though ???" ...



A Quick Update, as it might also be of some help to others. - I have gone on long enough on this one, .... but I will be brief, as it could help someone else. – .... Like it, Probably Was A Scam. The call from the alleged Police. ??? Watching the Cameras ???


.... .... My Wife talked to her very experienced Truck driving (And Smart, has a University degree in Electrics, and Computer Robotics, but he makes more driving his truck, and with more flexible hours, and little time wastage) ... Son,  .... and he said that this call from the Thai police force, about an alleged offence ? Probably caught on a Camera, a couple of hours after the alleged incident, ? ... Probably is (All most certainly ??? he says, ? ) ... Probably was a Scam, and about the latest ...


My Wife has had one about an AIS pone bill some time ago, at the start of the pandemic, ... and now this. ... But she is street wise, and does not fall for them easily. ....


... I had about 3 in Australia, allegedly from the bank, Credit card Dept’s, the Police and also the tax office I think  !!! .... Like this is a pretty dangerous thing as they get your Phone number somehow, and call you directly !!! .... Though well in Australia it is a robot, and easy to pick. ...


Though I do not get any in Thailand. - So far .... But the tactic seems to be the same, .... they tell you they are speaking for someone important, and that you owe them a big bill, .... and if you do not send them the money, they will take legal action against you.


... The Step Son truck driver, said that one of his friends  had had the same thing, probably about his truck, ... a phone call allegedly from the Thai Police, about speeding ? or comiting an offence, ... but it was a scam just aiming to frighten him, ... and then getting him to pay money, in to a fake bank account. .... And my Son's Friend nearly fell for it apparently.


... So Yes, I am not sure, but I think you would not get a phone call from the Thai police, just a genuine fine, sent to you in the Post. ... (I have a friend in Hua Hin that has Hundreds in his Wife's place in Ubon apparently !!!) ... So well, my Wife did the right thing, not talking to them !!!


….. ... And we are just keeping our fingers crossed every day now, for a while, when the Postman comes.



... So, How they Knew ? that we had just driven down Asia Highway, and through the massive Camera area, outside of Ayuttahya ? ???  I do not know ??? ... But well, they WERE good.


... So well ALL !!! .. DO, watch out for this one also !!! ... Or ones like it also !!!


.... And that is also, Me, for this week Rooster !!! … And Thanks. a Nice Spiel from you today also. Thanks.

Edited by Mark mark
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23 minutes ago, 2009 said:

And they don't even excel at rice spirit either. Tastes like turpentine.

Depends which brand. The most common one as shown does indeed smell like and smell like terps.


But there are many others ....too numerous to mention here. One readily available in Big C is Black Cock but the taste of this is a bit sickly sweet.  Then there are couple that are similar to vodka that have screw tops and are odor less and tasteless. A new one out is called Hyena which comes in a black bottle with a cannabis leaf on it !! Quite a nice taste this one. I have tried them all and always try any new ones I see. 


Purist Thai villagers drink it neat , whatever the brand , but I prefer a mixer.  Bitter lemon goes well with the odorless types but coke is more common with the blue bottle common one. Just last week I discovered  that Hales Blue Boy grape juice with water makes a very smooth mix.


As for beer. Hard to get enthusiastic over Thai beer. Drunk more in the big cities so it looks like Thais prefer beer. But once you get out into rural Thailand Lao Khao is the more popular drink except with the younger generation who tend to go for beer.


 The commonest Lao Khao but not at all the best:


Thai Rice Spirit (Lao Khao) - RUON KHAO - Alcoholic Drinks - Drinks - Thai  Food - RaanThai Oriental Supermarket



Black Cock ..........too sweet :


Black Cock Thai Whiskey 330ml


One thing you often read is foreigners experience with Lao Khao. Usually when a foreigner tries it or reviews it they only ever try the Blue label stuff which is the one with the turps smell and taste. Based only on this or third party comments ( which in themselves are often only 3rd party ) reviews and opinions are made.


IMO. this drink does not really deserve the bad press it gets any more than Vodka , Tequila , Gin etc which are all poor mens drinks in the country they hail from. There was a time in England when Gin was much more widely drunk , before beer took over.


If you google Lao Khao all you will see in the way of images is the blue bottled stuff !! Hard to find an image of the others unless you know the specific name. All its says on the blue label is ' rong ngan soora ' ........alchohol factory



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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The Phillipines is on my last resort list but still ahead of repatriation to the US. It seems to me that the Phillipines is still preferable to Cambodia but I reckon in 10 years time that will change.


There are some interesting places in South America , have you ever thought about moving to South America ?

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3 hours ago, 2009 said:

Thailand ain't cheap. I was paying 130 baht for a pint of fizzy urine last night. Pretty much every Asian country has better beer than Thailand.


Vietnam is cheap. Laos is cheap. Cambodia too.


The girls are pretty similar, depends what you like, I suppose. I do like Thai women and just about most Asians, particularly tropical SE Asian ones.


From my experience:


- Filipino women tend to have hairy legs.


- Thai women tend to have hairy pussies.


- Vietnamese are the thinnest.


- Indonesians are the darkest and mostly haven shaven pussies, too bad they are all missing their clits.



What is the problem if the woman dont have clits ?

Why would you be concerned about that?

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9 hours ago, vandeventer said:

They are both cheap to live but Thailand is cheaper, girls are hotter and the Thai food is way better. Why live anywhere else???

Hotter in Thailand apples and oranges? Phil have nicer end and front and a bit more  bouncy volume

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54 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

There are some interesting places in South America , have you ever thought about moving to South America ?

Latin America is where the vast majority of American and Canadian expats go to.

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1 hour ago, Mark mark said:


A Quick Update, as it might also be of some help to others. - I have gone on long enough on this one, .... but I will be brief, as it could help someone else. – .... Like it, Probably Was A Scam. The call from the alleged Police. ??? Watching the Cameras ???


.... .... My Wife talked to her very experienced Truck driving (And Smart, has a University degree in Electrics, and Computer Robotics, but he makes more driving his truck, and with more flexible hours, and little time wastage) ... Son,  .... and he said that this call from the Thai police force, about an alleged offence ? Probably caught on a Camera, a couple of hours after the alleged incident, ? ... Probably is (All most certainly ??? he says, ? ) ... Probably was a Scam, and about the latest ...


My Wife has had one about an AIS pone bill some time ago, at the start of the pandemic, ... and now this. ... But she is street wise, and does not fall for them easily. ....


... I had about 3 in Australia, allegedly from the bank, Credit card Dept’s, the Police and also the tax office I think  !!! .... Like this is a pretty dangerous thing as they get your Phone number somehow, and call you directly !!! .... Though well in Australia it is a robot, and easy to pick. ...


Though I do not get any in Thailand. - So far .... But the tactic seems to be the same, .... they tell you they are speaking for someone important, and that you owe them a big bill, .... and if you do not send them the money, they will take legal action against you.


... The Step Son truck driver, said that one of his friends  had had the same thing, probably about his truck, ... a phone call allegedly from the Thai Police, about speeding ? or comiting an offence, ... but it was a scam just aiming to frighten him, ... and then getting him to pay money, in to a fake bank account. .... And my Son's Friend nearly fell for it apparently.


... So Yes, I am not sure, but I think you would not get a phone call from the Thai police, just a genuine fine, sent to you in the Post. ... (I have a friend in Hua Hin that has Hundreds in his Wife's place in Ubon apparently !!!) ... So well, my Wife did the right thing, not talking to them !!!


….. ... And we are just keeping our fingers crossed every day now, for a while, when the Postman comes.



... So, How they Knew ? that we had just driven down Asia Highway, and through the massive Camera area, outside of Ayuttahya ? ???  I do not know ??? ... But well, they WERE good.


... So well ALL !!! .. DO, watch out for this one also !!! ... Or ones like it also !!!


.... And that is also, Me, for this week Rooster !!! … And Thanks. a Nice Spiel from you today also. Thanks.

I had a phone call yesterday, Saturday, I looked at the incoming number and rejected it, blow me, less than 15 seconds later it rang again, so I answered, " hello " so the spiel started in Thai, as soon as I started speaking English the caller rang off lol 

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3 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

How many times did you get robbed ?



Once on a bus which I knew was happening with the reach around technique which almost made me laught. They got an old empty spectacle case.


Next by gang of kids who mobbed me and got the broken digital watch.


Once on a jeepney. Reach around technique again which I again felt and stopped since on that occasion there was real money in my wallet.


Once from the hotel safe. I had written down all the contents for the hotel before placing in their safe. But I forgot 2000 baht in a side wallet. They had that.


Finally 2 streetwalkers cleaned me out of 100 dollars when I passed out drunk in the short time hotel we were using. Totally my fault as I omitted my own advice on account of it being my birthday and I was painting the town red. The university of life.

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6 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

What is the problem if the woman dont have clits ?

Why would you be concerned about that?

Ever tried having a good time with a woman like that? Didn't think so


Aside from that, it's kinda worrying as a citizen of the world that there are religious nutcases out there cutting off the clitorises of babies. It is standard practice for Muslims in Indonesia (which is like 98% of the population)


And just a reminder: these people are reproducing like rabbits and the rest of us aren't. Think about that.

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Philippines or Thailand, apples or oranges, papayas or mangoes, golden pillow durian or long stem durian. Philippines has still some of that exotic 3rd world feel to it,the Thailand of today has lost most of that. If yoy are an alcoholic the Philippines is cheaper, otherwise with food and hotels being more expensive in PI,Thailand is the cheaper option. 

Everybody seems to be in agreement on Thailand being safer. Not so sure that is true. Been attacked several times by farang hating Thais, cursed hundreds of times (farang kee nok /farang ahia..) attempted violent mugging once, all in Los, other than a couple of con men unsuccessfully trying to swindle me and one hooker emptying my wallet nothing in the PI. in spite of bicycling all over the Philippines, day and night, never felt threatened there . While the traffic is dangerous in both countries,Thailand has the edge : a lot more motorcycles,faster and crazier.

Thais are one of the most xenophobic countries in the world. Don't think the Pinoys can measure up in this respect. 

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