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Guns have become the leading cause of death for American kids


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Firearms were the leading cause of death for kids one and older for the first time in 2020, the most recent year for which CDC data is available.


Why it matters: The firearm death rate among children is steadily rising, as more kids are involved in gun-related homicides like Tuesday's mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, as well as suicides and accidents.


By the numbers: Nearly two-thirds of the 4,368 U.S. children up to age 19 who were killed by guns in 2020 were homicide victims, per the CDC. Motor vehicle crashes, formerly the leading cause of death for kids one and older, killed nearly 4,000 children.









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25 million threatened or non fatal injury ... they actually consider that as a statistic.   So was that a verbal assault, with or without a weapon in hand.  Or a simple mugging.  More silly stats.


Like stating 100 million almost died in car accidents, but luckily avoided a collision.????


Again, agree 100 % with too many of all ages die by firearms, well, except gang bangers, one can only hope they continue killing each other.   Just wish their aim was a bit better.


But all these headliners are a bit silly, and simply headliners.  Don't think anyone denies too many people die from firearms.


How to solve it, there's where the conflict comes.  My solutions would never be enacted, so y'all Yanks are pretty much screwed.

Edited by KhunLA
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29 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Pretty sure the quote was WITH a firearm. The threat is aggravated when there is a firearm involved. I use the term aggravated in its legal sense.



Still not convince, if said, mentioned firearm was 'in hand' when threatened.


"Bi-atch, cheat on me one more time, and I'll cap your A$$" ... "now get me a God damn beer and hand me the TV remote, before I slap your A$$"


Did he/she/it really have a firearm in their hand....hmm

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

Threatened with a firearm is pretty clear.

If that's how you read it, as I'm under a different interpretation.  As I've heard people threatened with weapons before, when no weapon was in hand.  


"Do that again / come near her again, and I'll beat you silly with a bat"  as an example I've heard in heat of arguments, and no bat in hand.  Would imagine same with an 'I'll shoot you' reference.


But hey ... going to have to A2D ... moving on 

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17 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Still not convince, if said, mentioned firearm was 'in hand' when threatened.


"Bi-atch, cheat on me one more time, and I'll cap your A$$" ... "now get me a God damn beer and hand me the TV remote, before I slap your A$$"


Did he/she/it really have a firearm in their hand....hmm

That’s a fairly violent threat. 

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14 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

"Over the last two decades, more school-aged children have died from guns than on-duty police officers and active duty military combined," said Biden.




Another Cherry picked statistic KhunLA ?????





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Deer killed more drivers on the road than kids killed in school shootings ...

... starting to get a little silly aren't.


Nobody is stating school shootings aren't bad.  1 death is too many.  Obviously taking firearms from law abiding citizens while the southern border in not secure isn't an answer to anything.


You may save <50 lives a year, of the 350 ish million population, but I guessing those millions of guns in homes may .... may ... may save a lot more lives than 50.   But we'll never know, as not reported and would ruin any 'ban firearms' spin.

Old stats, but may interest:


"A study published in 2013 by the Violence Policy Center, using five years of nationwide statistics (2007-2011) compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated that defensive gun uses occur an average of 67,740 times per year"

Edited by KhunLA
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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

America has become a morally bankrupt nation, on a rapid decline. The apathy is something that is hard to comprehend. 


And America is also a very corrupt nation. The corruption is legal, and sanctioned. Lobbyists, lawyers, and ethically challenged organizations and groups like the NRA, the Democratic National Committee, the GOP, the Congress and the Senate. 


The US now, reminds me of Western Rome in the late 5th century AD. 

I have maintained (but only to myself,Ha!) that the US was a nation trying to keep ancient Rome 'alive'. Their major 'institutions seem to like the Greco-Roman architecture (although the UK and other European countries have some too...but then the Romans were actually there at some point).

Not being American, I don't really appreciate the depth of feeling about 'the right to bear arms' issue (if that is the correct interpretation) but I wonder what will happen in the future when bullets are replaced by something else reflecting the available technology of the time. Would such 'right' still apply?

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Here's my issue, less than 50 kids a year, and it's a headliner, EVERY DAY.


What if 13,698 kids under the age of 5 died everyday, would that be a headliner ?


50 a year vs 13,698 every day.  I think a few people have their priorities A$$ backwards.


50 a year / guns / 2nd amendment / rep / dem / division & distraction ... just my opinion.


Because just a guess, those 13,690 kids under 5 yrs old, IMHO, probably most, some, a few, everyday, could be prevented or saved.  Even half or 1/4, oh hell, 1/10 would be nice, but still over 1000 A DAY. 


Maybe if they got as many headliner & attention as 50 a year get.


"The total number of under-5 deaths worldwide has declined from 12.6 million in 1990 to 5.0 million in 2020."




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4 hours ago, Siamjim said:

many shooters have mental health issues, got lots serious mental health issues people there in the states. if there were no guns would the killing stop. i would think not.


So the US has lots more mental issues than the rest of the world? And only those with said issue doesn't understand that if you take the guns away the number of killings drop drastically.

That's so painfully obvious it's mind blowing that anyone would argue against it. But hey, if it helps you sleep at night.....:coffee1:

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13 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

So the US has lots more mental issues than the rest of the world? And only those with said issue doesn't understand that if you take the guns away the number of killings drop drastically.

That's so painfully obvious it's mind blowing that anyone would argue against it. But hey, if it helps you sleep at night.....:coffee1:

I don't think there's any doubt in anyone's mind, that taking firearms away from all the legal owners will save some kids.  But at the expense of how many other people, who will die, if they don't have firearms.   


Stat above, an estimate of over 60k crimes prevented.  How many of those would be deaths or serious injuries.   Saw a site, stating private gun owners, kill more criminals than police, but couldn't find anything to verify, and don't feel like wasting any more time on this silly thread.


Have a nice day .... Peace Out


Note to self:  weaned myself off covid, vaccine, mask threads, now concentrate on not replying to firearms thread.

Edited by KhunLA
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I think threatening someone with a firearm is (at least) simple assault,  and if the the victim is physically injured it would likely be aggravated assault.  


Twenty-five million cases of this in the US.


Something over two-million people in prison in the US. 


Why is no one prosecuting these cases? 

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