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Climate change: As Po River dries up, Italy's food and energy supplies are at risk


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8 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

What facts?

Facts are historical. Future is uncertain.


Quoting newspapers wont convert people to adopt your opinion which is based on reading newspaper articles.



I'm not quoting papers, I'm posting links to studies that make the facts on man made climate change very clear...



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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I'm not quoting papers, I'm posting links to studies that make the facts on man made climate change very clear...


You quoted the Guardian many times. A newspaper website.


Do you think that is going to change Chinese co2 output?



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12 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

You quoted the Guardian many times. A newspaper website.


Do you think that is going to change Chinese co2 output?



The guardian reports on the studies, they do create or carry them out. In effect the guardian does it's job of reporting the truth.


I would hope such reports help everyone realise how close we are to catastrophic man made climate change and start to act accordingly.

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3 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

What are people supposed to do?

We can all do our part in changing our behaviour, what we buy, how much we buy, how we travel, how often we travel, whether we have private transport, etc but in the end it is going to come down to government action at an international level...probably the best we can do is keep the pressure on those who will make these decisions to make the right ones that are aligned with the science.

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1 minute ago, Sparktrader said:

China is 1/3. What I do makes no difference. I do more than most.



What China does, doesn't change the facts or the scientific research, nor what I do.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Even if someone does not believe in climate change, I can't understand why they would not want more trees to be planted, the environment cleaned up and pollution stopped. 


Seems they are happy to live in an unpleasant polluted concrete and plastic world with no beautiful nature around them. They seem to want to destroy the environment and live in filth.  Strange and sad. 

Edited by jak2002003
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Spain also feeling the effects. AP News


Firefighters in Spain battle blazes amid unusual heat wave


Firefighters in Spain on Sunday struggled to contain wildfires in several parts of the country, which is suffering a heat wave unusual for this time of the year.


The worst damage has been in the northwest province of Zamora where over 25,000 hectares (61,000 acres) have been consumed, regional authorities said.


A lack of rainfall this year combined with gusting winds have produced the conditions for the fires.

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8 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

So floods never happened prior to 1950?

What don''t you understand about rates and degree? In this case frequency and severity. These concepts are so basic it seems to someone would have to be purposely obtuse not to understand this.

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Listen to not only the scientists, but the doctors as well:


June 14, 2022


AMA: Climate change is a public health crisis


"Climate change is a public health crisis threatening the well-being of all people, the AMA declared via a policy it adopted during the annual meeting of its House of Delegates.


“The scientific evidence is clear: our patients are already facing adverse health effects associated with climate change, from heat-related injuries, vector-borne diseases and air pollution from wildfires, to worsening seasonal allergies and storm-related illness and injuries.


In particular, the policy “mobilizes the AMA to advocate for policies that limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions aimed at carbon neutrality by 2050, and support rapid implementation and incentivization of clean energy solutions and significant investments in climate resilience through a climate justice lens,” according to the release."






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7 hours ago, James105 said:

Not surprisingly those who believed the covid narrative also believe the climate narrative.   We have a bit more history on this one though...



There is no such thing as a single "the climate narrative". The "narrative" if that's the word you want to use, that I'm using is based on IPCC reports that over time have grown steadily grimmer as instrumentation grows more sophisticated and more data is collected.

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9 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

I dont need to so many already disagree with man made climate change,in the 1800s you could hold fairs on the river Thames because it froze over then,what caused that? In the middle ages they gree grapes in the south of England because it was so hot, in the time of the dinasours some areas were 65 degrees fahrenhite,why? Its nature.

I do agree that rivers are now running dry,there are billions more people to feed and water,when i was born there were 3 billion on the planet,now 7.5 and by 2050 12 billion is estimated ,god knows how bad things will be then.

They all have to be fed and watered.

Britain look out the dinghys are coming.


Well, maybe for you England.is the world But believe it or not, there's a lot of globe out there beyond its borders. Remember that the issue at hand is global climate change. Not English climate change.

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4 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Satellite Antarctic temperature records show 0.02°C/decade cooling since 1979. The Southern Ocean around Antarctica has been getting sharply colder since 2006. Antarctic sea ice is increasing, reaching all-time highs. Surface temperatures at 13 stations show the Antarctic Peninsula has been sharply cooling since 2000.



Thank you so much for sharing with us this nonsense from that notorious crank D.J. Easterbrook. 


The importance of scientific papers and books is gauged by how many citations it earns. Easterbrook's book, from which your quote comes from, has just one.

Here's something from Easterbrook from 2008

“We are entering a solar cycle of much reduced sunspots, very similar to that which accompanied the change from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age, which virtually all scientists agree was caused by solar variation. Thus, we seem to be headed for cooler temperatures as a result of reduced solar irradiance.” [2]

It is to laugh.

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7 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

You should know the difference between co2 and toxic pollution.

Are you claiming that they're not associated? That the big increase in CO2 in the atmosphere doesn't come from burning fossil fuels which also create toxic pollution? The IMF did a study that said that direct and indirect subsidies of fossil fuel amount to about 6% of global GDP. Most of that comes in the form of  indirect subsidies. And most of that cost of those indirect subsidies comes in the form of damage to health due to fossil fuels.

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6 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

So when will the 2016 temp record be broken? What year? By how much?

Actually 2020 was a virtual tie for 2016, And what makes that alarming is that 2016 was the year of a major el nino. Whereas 2020 actually included a mild La Nina which actually depresses global temperature. Since the occurrences of El Ninos and La Ninas are not yet predictable that's one reason why it will be hard to predict when records will occur. But climatologists have been predicting records will repeatedly be broken and they have been. Of course there is your favorite geologist, D.J. Easterbrook who has been predicting global cooling.

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6 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

NASA had in February 2019 established that earth was greener than it was in the 1980s. It had computed the data using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on NASA



The environment is not comparable to a farm. Just because there's more green that doesn't mean there's more species variety. In fact, as the globe warms it's inevitable that extinctions will be hastened because most threatened species won't be able to migrate due to natural boundaries such as oceans and mountains.

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5 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

How does co2 cool the planet?


The co2 theory is warming not cooling


CO2 doesn't cool the planet. Some regions will get cooler due to local conditions. But on balance the planet will keep on getting warmer thanks to CO and rising levels of other warming gasses. You persistently try to foist this notion that because some regions get cooler, therefore that debunks global warming. It doesn't. 

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14 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Technology solves most problems

 I agree with much of what you say.


In 2030 or 2030 science is better.

There are already technologies like carbon capture but they are rather limited in capacity and success right now. 

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13 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Ive read the science. My opinion is different to yours.


No you haven't. It's clear that you get your info from denialist websites. No one who seriously read the science would ever cite a crank like D.J. Easterbrook as an authority on climate change.

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21 hours ago, Sparktrader said:




Sure, winter felt chilly, but Australia is setting new heat records at 12 times the rate of cold ones

. My new study online in Geophysical Research Letters (with my colleague Andrew King) shows that Australia has been losing out on cold temperature records over the past 55 years.

We investigated the frequency of new hot and cold temperature records for months, seasons and years, for each state and Australia as a whole, from 1910 to 2014... Record-breaking hot temperatures have outnumbered new cold records by a factor of 12 to 1 since the beginning of this century. 


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