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BREAKING NEWS ! Boris Johnson to resign as Prime Minister


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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


Did he personally initiate the project? 

According to the Wikipedia link, it was Joanna Lumley's idea. Ms. Lumley may be very capable, but I doubt that the project would have started if it hadn't had the support of Johnson.


1 hour ago, billd766 said:

Did he personally allocate the funds to it?

As Mayor he would have had to sign off the budget for the project.


1 hour ago, billd766 said:

Did he personally design the procurement process and letting contracts?

Almost certainly not but, again, I would have thought a responsible CEO would make sure that the procurement process was watertight, and that there was no potential conflict of interest with the chosen contractors.


1 hour ago, billd766 said:


So, yes the end responsibility is his, but thousands of man hours go into any project, and the CEO simply does not have the time to do it himself.

You agree that the end responsibility is Johnson's, but then try to excuse him by stating that he cannot do everything himself. 

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3 hours ago, baboon said:

No they aren't. That's why you give that lying corrupt Johonson a free pass no matter what, but tear into Starmer despite him doing nothing wrong.

I keep telling you that they are all the same. 
Boris’s misremembering or truth avoidance being on important things that he didn’t actually do, usually about the actions of other people. 
Starmer is a different case, pontificating and posturing about Boris and partygate for the very same things he has done himself. 

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3 hours ago, bannork said:

Loiner, what do you think of Johnson, as Foreign Secretary, flying straight from a Nato conference to a party in Italy to meet Lebedev without any Foreign Office officials present?



Why would he need any FO officials? What can they add?

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1 minute ago, Loiner said:

I keep telling you that they are all the same. 
Boris’s misremembering or truth avoidance being on important things that he didn’t actually do, usually about the actions of other people. 
Starmer is a different case, pontificating and posturing about Boris and partygate for the very same things he has done himself. 

And I keep telling you they aren't all the same and no matter what flapdoodle you continue to post does not change the fact.

'Misremember'? My backside.. He is a liar, a cheat and corrupt.

He is as guilty as charged. Starmer is not.

Johnson gave a peerage to the son of a KGB agent against the advice of the British security services.  Having escaped his own security detail, he went to party on with the aforementioned Lebedex's father.


'But, but Starmer and a beer?''

Don't make me laugh. The Kremlin clearly has a friend in you.

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16 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Why would he need any FO officials? What can they add?

But, but, but...

Preventing the idiot from getting pi$$ed and spaffing state secrets?

Jesus Christ...


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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Yes, they do love their whataboutery don't they?


Last time I looked, the bump in the log that's Starmer was leader of the Opposition. Labour has nothing remotely to do with serial abuse of power and contempt for the voters there.

You may call it whataboutery, I call it rank hypocrisy.
Fortunately, Starmer hasn’t had opportunity to abuse power. His Liebour predecessors did, but he probably never will.  They still hold too much contempt for their old Labour voters. 

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1 minute ago, Thunglom said:

In the next few months, the UK will have to review and change its relationship with th EU. At present we are second from bottom in the G7 ahead of Russia.



No. With Johnson at the helm, they will continue to pick fights. Brexit is a disaster, so they need to blame everyone else for their own failings.

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Do you think the same people that lauded Durham police for not penalizing Dominic Cummings are the same ones who are gurning about the Durham police not penalizing Starmer?


Are you one of them?

Yes, I am. I didn’t think Cummings or anybody should have been harassed by the police for contravening lockdown rules. We should never have been locked down and the people should rise against any government attempts to do it again.

Somebody else can check how many FTPs were issued by Durham police to normal folk and how Starmer & Co got away with it. 

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3 hours ago, RayC said:

Lying to his party, lying to parliament, lying to the public. Threatening to break international law.


Yep, mere fibs about nothing important if you don't happen to believe in the rule of law.

Yes, still nothing important. Whatever is said to the bunch of liars in parliament is really not important. 
Your reference to international law I guess relates to the hated Northern Ireland Protocol. Now that really is important but Boris has not done anything about it yet. There would be no breaking of the international law you allude to. Simple application of a provision within the existing contractual agreement. The sooner Boris (or anybody else) does it, the better. 

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3 hours ago, RayC said:

Let me guess. The only sources of true, important facts are 'The Daily Mail' or 'Daily Express'?

I certainly don’t automatically assume anything in those links are true. We know the BBC for one cannot be trusted. The others also are not to be believed. 

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2 minutes ago, Loiner said:

I certainly don’t automatically assume anything in those links are true. We know the BBC for one cannot be trusted. The others also are not to be believed. 

'Unless they reflect my point of view in which case, it is the exact, literal and absolute truth'.

You are a very silly man.

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40 minutes ago, baboon said:


He is as guilty as charged. Starmer is not.

The video shows different to your interpretation. 

40 minutes ago, baboon said:


Don't make me laugh. The Kremlin clearly has a friend in you.

What do you think it would take for The Kremlin to get me their friend a peerage? I think I’d rather take the money.  

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22 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Well there you go again. Flinging accusations about which you have no idea. 

Let me tell you again: They are all the same. 

No they aren't. If they were, how would, how COULD you support one politician over another. 

Otherwise, how stupid would it make you?

Edited by baboon
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9 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Since his announcement , there has been huge Government spending on the Covid crisis .

   3 Billion / 4 Billion Pounds is how much the U.K has spent on Covid measures , which include temporary field hospitals . 

  You can understand Gov diverting funds from making new hospitals to spending it on covid measures 

Well in to 2020 Boris said quite clearly that the money spent on the pandemic would NOT affect his manifesto pledges. I remember that broadcast quite clearly. He was asked how and he said he had it under control - another lie then?

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10 hours ago, Loiner said:

Boris was not building a small private hospital. Large public ones are the NHS model, not prefabs in a field. The job starts years before any project manager's boots hit the ground. Throwing people at it is also not the solution. You can throw nine women at a pregnancy but won't produce a baby in a month.

Then you know nothing about construction. Modular and semi modular have absolutely no comparison to prefabs.  You would be very surpised to know how many buildings have a large percentage of their constituents made in a factory.

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7 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Well in to 2020 Boris said quite clearly that the money spent on the pandemic would NOT affect his manifesto pledges. I remember that broadcast quite clearly. He was asked how and he said he had it under control - another lie then?

Its getting ridiculous, people lying and then pointing their finger at others accusing them of lying .

   Making things up and then making false accusations of others 

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10 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Well in to 2020 Boris said quite clearly that the money spent on the pandemic would NOT affect his manifesto pledges. I remember that broadcast quite clearly. He was asked how and he said he had it under control - another lie then?

From 2020 


"Given the scale of spending needed to support the economy, chancellor Rishi Sunak has said he will set out new fiscal rules to replace those from the 2019 manifesto. The existing rules belong to a pre-pandemic era and the government is unlikely to be criticised for ditching them"




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15 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

I heard that 4 hospital have been built during his time in office.

Each was underway before he took over. To the best of my knowledge, none of the 'New' hospitals he promised have even been started and 2030 will be with us before we know it.

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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

When it’s finished. 

And whose fault is it that it isn't? Rhetorical question: Anyone's but this government's.


Same old, same old. Avoidance of any accountability and responsibility.

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4 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

From 2020 


"Given the scale of spending needed to support the economy, chancellor Rishi Sunak has said he will set out new fiscal rules to replace those from the 2019 manifesto. The existing rules belong to a pre-pandemic era and the government is unlikely to be criticised for ditching them"




We are not talking about what Sunak might have said - we are talking about Boris's claims.


I would have fully understood if he'd announced that some plans would have to be postponed due to Covid but that's not what he said.

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9 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Its getting ridiculous, people lying and then pointing their finger at others accusing them of lying .

   Making things up and then making false accusations of others 

Name my lie please.

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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

Yes, I am. I didn’t think Cummings or anybody should have been harassed by the police for contravening lockdown rules. We should never have been locked down and the people should rise against any government attempts to do it again.


So you pick and choose what laws you obey? 

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