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I met a girl last night and for a brief moment she made me feel young again.

bob smith

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6 hours ago, bob smith said:

I asked her why she doesnt study or work in an office etc and she explains to me her english not good enough and she needs to send money to mum and dad every month.

Uhh no. She doesn't work in an office because she likes doing what she does. Very few bar girls hate their jobs - the ones who hate it don't make much money and don't stay long. In reality she's probably an alcoholic, loves to party, and getting paid to party and flirt with guys sure beats working in an office.


5 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

I knew one bg who told me what she earned, quite surprising. Alot more than I did at the time. But had to spend some months each year abroad which she said she disliked, Dubai in particular.

1. Bar girls lie. She could be exaggerating the figures for a variety of reasons - to make you tip better because you think she expects more, to make herself seem better than she is, to brag, etc.

2. The starting salary for bar girls isn't that great. Talking more like 10-20k, not 100k. They make probably a few more thousands from girl drinks, but the real money is "tips" from guys who bar file them and/or "salary" from boyfriends/sponsors.

3. Dubai is a whole other can of worms - girls who go there are essentially going to work in massage parlors seeing 20-30 customers a day. They do make a lot of money from "tips" there, but it is hard work that most girls wouldn't be able to keep up with - which is why they only do it for a limited time to make money quick once in a while. A typical bar girl who doesn't do Dubai/Singapore/etc isn't going to make much more than an office worker unless she is very good at her job.

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12 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

A typical bar girl who doesn't do Dubai/Singapore/etc isn't going to make much more than an office worker unless she is very good at her job.

Only one customer a day on 25 days per month should bring at least 50k. That is definitely more than most office workers. 

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6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

In that case... just don’t take her to a bar and fall asleep....   just in case there’s a younger guy around !!! 



Don't get it. Been taking my wife to KC once or twice a year since we've met 14 years ago. Even our two daughters wouldn't want to miss our holidays there.


And I met her in a bar on Bangla road at 11 am. I was her very first customer. We boomboomed 3 days later. I know that's a bit precipitated for a Thai lady.

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7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You sayin’ Miley is juicy fruit, Gamma ?

IMHO, not all fruits are juicy. 


Longyan, for one. 


Personally, I once preferred sucking on lychee nuts from China. 


Many years ago, in HK, peasants from China would carry heavy loads of lychee nuts across the border, on bamboo poles. 


They would ride the train from the border into villages near Kowloon. 


I would gladly trade today's Internet for just one more taste of those wormridden lychee nuts from China. 


Unfortunately, one can never go home, again. 


Look Homeward, Angel! 



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6 hours ago, bob smith said:

if she was acting then she deserves on oscar for that performance. she was natural as hell, gave a whole new meaning to the term 'method acting.' 

one friend of mine used to say, if the act is good - who cares?


But what you got was the ultimate in what they are selling.. at its best, they are selling the feeling of youthful ness... men have been searching forever for the fountain of youth... and you found it


good for you - enjoy. 

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3 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

yeah? What happened to that home on the main line?

I am shocked that you, of all people, did not immediately grasp the literary connection between Wolfe's novels I mentioned, and this Topic. 


What is the connection, then? 


Well, in Wolfe's novel, he was writing about his youth, something far away, and never to be recaptured, presumably. 


And then, you got this guy, Bob, who is tilting at windmills, trying to regain his youth and virility, in some misbegotten attempt to suck the youth out of young women, sort of like a vampire. 


Wolfe, as even you might agree, is one of our greatest authors. 


Bob Smith, is one of our worst authors on the Forum. 


There are many other connections I could draw, linking Bob to Wolfe, none flattering to both authors. 


Why more people don't read Wolfe, can you explain this to me? 


Maybe because of coal? 


Or, maybe because guys don't like truckers? 


I know that you don't know what I'm talking about. Right? 


I'm taking about old age. 


After all, is this not the underlying current in most topics we read, here? 


One guy, in a recent post, actually removed his teeth, photographed his dentures, and then uploaded the image to the forum. 


Honestly speaking, I can empathize with the guys here who are almost too old to walk, yet wish to have just one more fling with a young thing. 


Yet, guys who give in to this desire inevitably remind me of Woody Allen. 


Many of Woody Allen's films are full of angst about death, fear of aging, and the lack of meaning in life. 


I just feel sorry for Woody Allen 


He wasted his entire life chasing very young girls in Manhattan. 


If only Woody Allen had come to Pattaya, instead. 


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1 hour ago, 1FinickyOne said:

yeah? What happened to that home on the main line?

Speaking figuratively, only. 


Very few of us here speak in literal terms. 


For example, when is the last time you had a real NYC pizza pie? 




Instead, what you get is a Mythical NYC Pizza pie. 


And then, through Blind Faith, you declare it genuine. 


Blind faith is powerful. 


Water to wine. 

Thai pizza to NYC pizza. 

Lead to gold. 


Anything is possible if one has enough blind faith. 

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