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Thailand believes condemnation will reduce chances of resolving conflict in Ukraine


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4 hours ago, micmichd said:

If you want to know how the real German Nazis roamed around in Ukraine in WW2 then read the story about Babi Yar (google for it) 

So, are you claiming little has changed in the last 80 or so years?

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5 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

Okay, there never was the incident of Tonkin in Vietnam, and everything the US did there was good without any doubt.

Yeah, that was a case of arrogance by the US. And we got our rear end handed to us, largely due to high enemy morale, bolstered by a Soviet supplied air defense system. Those SA-2s and related radar system (heavily manned by blue eyed Soviets) shot down hundreds of Thuds and Phantoms -- and at the end, 11 B-52's.


Now, how about some payback! Ukrainian morale bolstered by US and NATO air defense systems (maybe even the Israeli Iron Dome system) could really do the trick. And, like the Soviets in Vietnam (and North Korea), might as well embed some Western advisors. If that torques the Soviets, er Russians off, just tell them to remember Vietnam.


Yeah, that might do the trick -- and assuage some ill feelings I still have from the Vietnam air war. So you Ruskies, maybe time to re-think all those "Make the Soviet Union Great Again" hats.

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2 hours ago, smedly said:


as for nukes - go for it - Russia would be wiped from the face of the earth - not a bad thing all considered  

"as for nukes - go for it -..."


Could there possibly be a clearer example of how lost most in this thread are?


How out of touch with reality can a person be?

Edited by JimmyJ
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9 hours ago, Jerno said:

I call BS. Just pandering to Russia and China, by sitting on the fence. 

Sitting on the fence has always been the approach of Thailand (and Siam before). If I'm not wrong, Thailand pretends to have been neutral during WW2 but :

Thailand declares war on the United States and England - HISTORY


Some call it "diplomatic", I call it cowardly and treacherous.

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8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

What media do you get your news from then? Because in my personal selection that includes Russian media it all points to the same conclusions, a war of choice by Putin with genocidal rhetoric from his generals and officials.

I'm happy this is keeping you amused following me constantly with your emoji's but if you've got something to say then say it @JimmyJ

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Very naive.

The only way for there to be a peaceful end game for Putin's folly war is for Ukraine to continue to win decisively. 

Putin's goal remains and will always be to erase the nation of Ukraine forever. ALL of it.

Sorry that the Thai leaders don't see it (they probably do but insist on not making waves).

Are you aware that ,that war has been going on since 2013- 2014. That the Ukrainians have been bombing innocent civilians in the Donbass indescrimanataly  and that the west has turned a blind eye to it, Putin stepped in to stop it, do you think maybe just maybe the Thai Authorities are aware of this.

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8 minutes ago, georgesidi said:

Are you aware that ,that war has been going on since 2013- 2014. That the Ukrainians have been bombing innocent civilians in the Donbass indescrimanataly  and that the west has turned a blind eye to it, Putin stepped in to stop it, do you think maybe just maybe the Thai Authorities are aware of this.

"That the Ukrainians have been bombing innocent civilians in the Donbass indescrimanataly  and that the west has turned a blind eye to it, Putin stepped in to stop it"


Link to those false claims?

Edited by Bkk Brian
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24 minutes ago, Noris said:

So let me try to understand this.


The Bombing of Belgrade was ok, made good TV and most cheered as kids civilians die.

Killing Saddam Hussein was OK I mean he had WMDs  oh  no he didn't.

Bombing Syria was Good we know our TV said so what more proof is needed

Killing Muammar Gaddafi like a pig dog was good made good TV what?

The Show on TV while Women and kids died in Iraq was all justified

Using Drones to kill in Afghanistan is great, we did it all in the name of?


Now this pesky Putin he is very bad man, he stops money laundering Biolabs and stops CIA and The Clintons Bidens and the rest all loose money.

I mean the cheek of it who gave Russia the right to invade the old Capital of Russ.

Give more money to kill people while the rich get richer and the young get killed.

What happened to

Thou shall not kill


Do you think for one moment, we have all been conned?

Iraq was a disaster, and a price was paid by good men on both sides for it. I don't mean the Daesh terrorists, I mean the Iraqi conscripts.  Saddam was a mass murderer all his rule, and was hanged. Ditto Daffy duck ran out of luck in the drainpipe.  Another murderer, murdered. 

Belgrade, the west went in to stop MUSLIMS being mass-murdered, or at least, to bring their killers to justice. It was done.

The rest of your post is so silly it's not worthy of a response. 

Welcome to the debate anyway,  Vladbot.

Edited by chalawaan
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7 minutes ago, chalawaan said:

Ukraine has likely saved Taiwan. 

Because China has gone real quiet lately. 

They're smart enough to see their Putinesqe future if they ever try that stunt. 

Yes and no. China unless they have a revolution is intent on eventually taking Taiwan. They were never going to be as reckless and foolish as Putin who has really lost the plot invading Ukraine in the first place. They are very patient. 

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15 minutes ago, bobbin said:



Are you a rookie member, as stated under your avatar, or a rooskie member?



Not mutually exclusive.

It's no crime to be Russian.

I love my "favorite neighborhood Russian" NFKRZ now in exile in Tblisi. Not to mention the up and coming Zack the Russian also in exile in Tblisi. Or the amazing and brave founder of the 1420 youtube channel Daniil  (street interviews with Russians about the war, etc.) last seen in Rotterdam.

So many Russian people are amazing even though in some sense all share at least some collective guilt for their government. 

But it is a crime to be a Russian war criminal.

Putin is helping to make more and more of those every day.

Edited by Jingthing
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