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Thailand feels the pinch of lower tourism earnings as second ex-minister queries economic data


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5 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

To your point, it’s curious how the government frets about a high USD, but when the Pound, Euro or any western currency tops out—they don’t have too many concerns.

probably because all the corrupt politicians prefer to stash their ill-gotten gains in USD based places/things

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6 hours ago, morrobay said:

There was also the statement from Prawit back about a Month ago to preserve the Foreign Exchange reserves after there was a huge deficit in one month alone.

I am fairly sure the Foreign Exchange Account carried a balance of over $ 235 Billion back about 5 Years ago, but since the ravages of Covid, and the decimated Tourist Industry, I am wondering how much is in the Account now.

All these noises being made from many different sources sort of makes me believe the Account is now near empty.

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3 hours ago, kinyara said:

September's official tourist numbers should be released this week, wouldn't be surprised if it's the first month this year that shows a decline, August barely increased from July. Not surprised some realists in authority are expressing concern given the low base of current numbers.

You won't be surprised like most here Kinyara that the figures from TAT will be manufactured to look good ie the usual spokesman will roll out millions of new arrivals better than we hoped B/S. They will not give the true figures out.

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2 hours ago, brfsa2 said:

I went to Krabi this long weekend and I notice just how much dirty and abandoned the beaches are now. 

There is a clear lack of caring for the beach areas now a days, and everyone I talked to agreed. 


While talking to my hotel manager, they told me, the little money left the city is getting from the tiny tourists, all of it goes to the pockets of the governors. nothing is used to improve of clean up the area.


The beaches are just so bad now!

too much trash everywhere, even a sofa thrown right into the beach where a few years ago was a white sand beach! 

Almost every single beach in Krabi is like this now.





That just looks like normal flotsam & jetsam at the high water mark to me.

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Apart from the ridiculously high fares and poor treatment tourists receive upon Landing,the services provided aren't really attractive but  yes TAT can repair all that by imposing a NEW LEVY OF £1000 per traveller to improve the services ????good idea to boost income. 55

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3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Yes, the golden years are over, at least for the next two or three years (probably longer) but it has nothing to do with visa lengths or general Thai incompetence and corruption. The world economic system is breaking down,, the central banks world wide are out of money and out of ideas while all nations are awash with debt and inflation, it's what happens when you print 7 trillion dollars of QE. Potential tourists have no discretionary spending money to go on holiday, they can't even pay their electricity and gas bills without government (borrowed) money. The pandemic, QE and the Ukraine/Russian war has shown up the vulnerability of FIAT currencies, Governments no longer steer the ship, central banks and the stock markets have all the power ( Liz Truss in the UK) and now they too are coming apart at the seams, scary times! There is no chance for Thailand, or anywhere else, to attract hoards of tourist willing to upload their Dollars, Euros, Rubles or Yuan, the era of funny money is collapsing.

I think you’re overselling the all doom and gloom situation. Yes,there are economic pressures,but we’ve had economic crises before. The tourist industry in the likes of Spain hasn’t died to the extent of Thailand and of course the European winter is traditionally the time for Thailand to make hay . Of course ,in a depressed market one has to work harder and become more creative to entice customers ,but this is where Thailand has let itself down badly with a combination of arrogance,hubris and sheer incompetence coupled with no vision . The wrong people are in charge.

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9 hours ago, ozz1 said:

The  value of the baht really is only against the us dollar  if it was lower against other currencies things might get better as they want more overseas tourists and export more I can't see it getting any better until something happens

As ever, the country is run for the benefit of a very few, at the top of the economic pile.

Most of their wealth is held and invested overseas, in foreign currencies.


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The Economy was running smoothly Pre Pandemic once the Junta took over the Tourism sector started declining. Warning signs were given all ignored Corruption, Greed, scams assaults on Tourists all went unpunished particularly in Phuket. When a new governor or a new Police general was seen as trying to improve and stamp out the baddies they were quickly moved to other provinces. It wasn't that long ago Chan o Cha pleaded to stop scamming tourists as this is damaging Thailand's Reputation. 

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7 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

A place I stay at has tripled its prices since August.

Typical! The rich Thai business owners exploiting the situation. Hotel prices go up and salaries for staff go down. My girlfriend works at the reception. Had 25k in 2019 and is now offered 18k. Messed up ...

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8 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

After more than 2 years of no travel, I have more money than ever, but sorry mask lovers, I now decide where to go based on whether face masks are ubiquitous or not. I know they’re not technically required in Thailand outside of health care settings, but with just about all Thais apparently still wearing them, I don’t care to be disrespectful. That means Italy, Croatia, Rio, Hawaii, maybe Tahiti next year, but not Thailand or any other Asian country, and that’s despite the fact that I own a condo in Thailand and have an elite visa.

Masks have been the biggest joke of the whole covid scene, still see the odd empty-headed moron wearing them in Supermarkets over here????????, even when their partner,be it male,female,non-binary????is maskless.

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Sure seems like some embellish the claims about triple flight (300%) and hotel prices (300%).

In checking flights for the next 2 months from and back to London many flights around $1000 USD.

So, they were $333 before?  Same times LAX to BKK round trip less then $1500 Eva and ANA some others as low as $1000  So, they were $500 or less before?

And, triple hotel prices?  Have not seen any of that.  Maybe triple from the peak of the Pandemic but not 3 times what they were before.  In fact, if one knows how to search for hotels there are lots of great hotels offers out there equal or lower then before.

Maybe some need to evaulate their false claims I assume just because it gives them another reason to hate Thailand so much or they are so poor they just don´t have a few grand available to travel here.


Edited by bkk6060
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55 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

This made up importance and obsession of everything tourism is quickly becoming weary. 

Well the truth came out during the pandemic, prior to that the industry was belittled as something they didn't need, turns out it's 20% of the GDP if I remember correctly.


They need it more than they want to admit.


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OK, I'll admit I'm too lazy to check some official site so I want to ask it here: is there no longer a 30-day on arrival visa for US passport holders? I don't live in the States, in Asia, and the airfares I saw were about 35% higher than usual. If I have to upload documents for an e-Visa I will go to Cambodia instead. 

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13 hours ago, ukrules said:

A 45 day stamp for a couple of months (nothing but a gimmick) and a rigorous questioning on arrival if you've ever been to Thailand before just isn't going to do the job.


They're picking up right where they left off before the pandemic - things were deteriorating rapidly, they had a chance to make changes but by the looks of it they didn't bother.


Why are BA not flying to Bangkok?

All their flights seem to be via Qatar if you take a look, something like this doesn't happen without a very good reason.

BA might be in cahoots with Qatar to get people to go to the World Cup.

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6 minutes ago, Nabby said:

OK, I'll admit I'm too lazy to check some official site so I want to ask it here: is there no longer a 30-day on arrival visa for US passport holders? I don't live in the States, in Asia, and the airfares I saw were about 35% higher than usual. If I have to upload documents for an e-Visa I will go to Cambodia instead. 

Currently visitors to Thailand with US passports are given 45 days on arrival. No visa needed. 


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8 minutes ago, Nabby said:

OK, I'll admit I'm too lazy to check some official site so I want to ask it here: is there no longer a 30-day on arrival visa for US passport holders? I don't live in the States, in Asia, and the airfares I saw were about 35% higher than usual. If I have to upload documents for an e-Visa I will go to Cambodia instead. 

At the start of October they changed the free 30 day visa on arrival to 45 days to encourage tourists to stay longer. So far it's in place till early next year.

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10 hours ago, terryofcrete said:

Payback time ... and well deserved . 

The sad thing is that most of the people who will suffer are the Thai people who can afford it the least. The rich, the Hi-So's, the politicians. the military and the police won't notice and will care even less.

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