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Emergency Room admissions for cannabis up 566% as parties call for it to again be criminalised


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I can imagine a kind of overdosing with highly dosed edibles and inexperienced users. The effect comes with some delay and you cant control it. Can result in panic attacks. Those might get be brought to the ER. The question is what happens then. ER admission figures are not so meaningful without knowing the diagnose and follow-on action. Probably release within 1 day.

I think edibles are a risk if you don't know whats in it and you have no experience.

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

4bht/gm doesn't seem expensive to me.

My kids get 50bht per school day, they can easily afford cannabis.


As for hospital admissions, I'd be more interested in the actual numbers of people admitted with serious problems, doubt there's be 10.

Agree, most people are monkey see, monkey believe media brainwashing..  and the ads.. 600 THB / Gram he he ho ho... wake up...  yes 4thb/gram ...  and all tested good so far...  

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

4bht/gm doesn't seem expensive to me.

My kids get 50bht per school day, they can easily afford cannabis.


As for hospital admissions, I'd be more interested in the actual numbers of people admitted with serious problems, doubt there's be 10.

Your kids have their own drug dealers?

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17% of ER admissions are now cannabis related? 1 in 6 people showing up or being rushed into ER are what - suffering some kind of life threatening/psychotic reaction to the ingestion or inhalation of cannabis? Any other drugs involved? I'll bet.


I tried to locate this survey/report the rabid anti can groups are quoting but  could only come up with this:




This is more to do with how difficult it is to research the subject because of DEA restrictions. But there are a number of other articles listed on The Lancet website, but as usual, no links or sources supplied by the learned professors back here. Where's the beef?



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5 hours ago, alex8912 said:

I live in Massachusetts half the year. We have many dispensaries here. If hospitalizations went up 10% because of cannabis use it would be on every news station in Boston. You can buy weed well over 30% THC if you choose to as well.  The 566% stat is sooo over the top and another big lie coming out of Thailand. I know some hospital staff in Bangkok and they said the same thing. Simply not even close to being true. 

Massachusetts who would live there 

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34 minutes ago, Stefanix said:

I can imagine a kind of overdosing with highly dosed edibles and inexperienced users. The effect comes with some delay and you cant control it. Can result in panic attacks. Those might get be brought to the ER. The question is what happens then. ER admission figures are not so meaningful without knowing the diagnose and follow-on action. Probably release within 1 day.

I think edibles are a risk if you don't know whats in it and you have no experience.

Excellent comment. Probably a couple of 10mg Vxxxxxx would work. I suffered major panic attacks in eastern Iran back in the 60s after toking on a sxxxx of unbelievably powerful sxxx. They lasted for weeks. Ok, so this can and does happen. Some of the gear on sale now is bred to completely blow your brains out, I'm sure, so can't argue with that. I'm not a user, and haven't been for 20 odd years. So, what's the way forward? A few bad reactions versus a huge amount of good reactions. They can't tackle drink driving even. There are no tests for THC in the blood available outside a lab I believe. But I think the current laws do cover driving under the influence of alcohol and/or other substances. They seem to be able to run tests pretty quickly in the pub and bar raids. Pxx in a bag?

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6 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

It’s really strange that Amsterdam it’s been legal for so many years I can’t even remember and you never hear anything about a hospitalization in the countries of some goofy amount only in Thailand do you hear statistic numbers like this and many states in America is the goal you don’t hear hospitalization is up due to it just doesn’t all add up to me but then again TIT

I had to look. ????


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I think the hospital admissions are the result of edibles, fear of this is stopping ppl stocking them I'm told.


Would be good to see what's happened with prescription drugs, yaba, ice and alcohol use over the past few months. As normally use drops with cannabis legalization. Would also be good to see who's got a stake in Thai Enquirer, their stories are very one sided, more like an op ed.

Edited by Smithson
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7 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

It’s really strange that Amsterdam it’s been legal for so many years I can’t even remember and you never hear anything about a hospitalization in the countries of some goofy amount only in Thailand do you hear statistic numbers like this and many states in America is the goal you don’t hear hospitalization is up due to it just doesn’t all add up to me but then again TIT

Small correction: in Amsterdam it is not legal but it is "tolerated" as long as it is sold in designated shops and no more than 5 grams per day per person are being sold. So, the shops can sell at the front door but acquiring their stock at the backdoor is illegal. This is a situation that has been for many years and which is impossible to explain to anyone. It means that basically criminals control the production and getting it into the shops. But this weird situation has led to the situation being a little bit better controlled and took the trade off the streets. Now there are places where e.g. drugs are no longer sold to tourists but only to inhabitants. The government is struggling with the whole situation.

Thailand made a brilliant decision to allow cannabis virtually everywhere so teenagers can relieve their toothache with the appropriate medicine, because I don't think anyone would use it recreationally, since that is not allowed.

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3 hours ago, Woof999 said:

You seriously advocating for driving while stoned?

No, I am not. But given the too bad things to do, it is most likely the lessor of the two.  The point I was trying to make is that the cheap booze has to be done away with.

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4 hours ago, zzzzz said:

meanwhile they dont tell ya, accidents and people being charged for drunk driving has dropped in half   ????

Not sure about the number of accidents, but the police haven't been doing their stops and checks much, which would cover fewer charges,

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I once went to Massachusetts just to see where the witches live in all the type of witch stuff it was OK and I wouldn’t want to live there in the winter time too cold in the people in Massachusetts they speak a different type of English so it’s hard to understand them anyways I just reread some of the people on this question about weed and hospitalizations I laughed so hard I’m crying I mean I was smoking good weed in the 70s running out of Jamaica and I never heard of anybody being hospitalized for an overdose of marijuana TIT

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Really a shame whats happening, its just made up hysteria and politics etc. to try and scam something. Medical tyranny in another guise and form seems to be taking shape, really.


500%+ more people in emergency rooms eh? Between what time and what time? Between the time when they were closed due to the pandemic and now? And let me guess, they tested positive for cannabanoids while seeking attention for other issues.


So never mind you got hit by a car,  you have cannabis traces in the bloodstream, so thats whats wrong with you! Well, thats the world we live in now thanks to the WHO the lying mass medias and western politicians and politicians et al, whatever politicized thing is up with your body according to some guy with a piece of paper certifying he's a doctor has been coerced by his bosses to find, thats what injured or made you ill ot even killed you etc, not what the patient has come in to the emergency room for, not the obvious common sense things such as a sudden and flabberghasting eruption of severe auto-immune system disorders in a 20 year old or that, now old, chestnut myocarditis. If he hadn't smoked ganja that one time in the last 5 weeks he wouldn't be dying of moneypox, 'r humty dumty box 1ACX9-7 or whatever the flavor of the week is! Tests positive for cannabis(never an inaccurate result!), therefore cannabis gave him a severe concussion and poor performance on our special inhouse IQ test custom designed on the spot to suit each test subject, by golly! Tell the people! We gotta test everyone  for cannabis skew the results just to make sure and put 'em in camps for testing positive! They are in great danger and they are now retarded and insane so the medical system and society could get overwhelmed. Well end up like Afghanistan where they smoke all the time or Uruguay  or Canada god forbid! If anyone you see is acting funny or otherwise not playing along as it were, just call the nw hotline and benefit immensely from an earache by listening to our circa 1987 answering machine and its scratchy, extremely loud, distorted warbly music for 45 minutes or until you can't take it anymore or you just may get  lucky and get to talk to our staff member who doesn't know anything and cannot really understand you because you are foreigner who know too much and speak Thai too much and talk too much so cannot help you, kha! Sorry na! Goodbye...

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41 minutes ago, robsamui said:

The retards can't even get the percentages right - a rise from 3 sick kids to 17 sick kids is 466%, not 566%.

"The figures for Emergency Room admissions for cannabis went up 566%" from 3% of admissions to 17% of admissions. Not from 3 to 17. Nothing about sick kids either. Were they from a drug cocktail? I guess we'll never know.

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9 hours ago, smedly said:

as predicted 


Thailand has enough problems with drugs 



we don't need a pile of doped up conspracy brain dead idiots that hate everything and think the earth is flat, that is what weed does to the brain 



You are describing the Opponents of cannabis legalization, not the PROponents.



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8 hours ago, dpcjsr said:

OMG, only in Thailand. The rest of the world is legalizing but the Thai government is propagating reefer madness, right out to the 50's. Pathetic.  

No.. the Thai Government has legalized cannabis. It's the opposition party (s) that are trying to scare a few extra votes their way..


The Thai government is not unaware of the growing (????) number of governments that have either legalized already or have strongly signaled their intent to do so in the very near future.

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4 hours ago, JimboB4 said:

That was the point of legalizing it. That’s WHY they legalized it so they wouldn’t have to regulate it anymore. Kind of the whole point of taking it off the narcotics list and letting everyone grow it. You all should stop spreading misinformation and face the facts. It’s legal and here to stay. 

BTW, you obviously don’t know anything about cannabis kind of hard to regulate the THC level in various plants scattered throughout the country, impossible in fact LMAO. You all have been spreading misinformation about cannabis since they first started legalizing it. The Thai Examiner article is obviously just spreading pro Laksanawisit propaganda and he has his people in parliament doing it as well. 

This whole article is basing THC levels on the early thinking when they first started legalizing it. You’re dealing with natural medicine not pills with exact MG doses. Nor should anyone care about the THC level, that’s almost comical. Try some it’s easy to buy online. Great stuff to. 

At 700 - 800 baht a gram, I would be buying very little online or in store. I buy similar dispensary quality illegally in Australia where I pay about 345 baht a gram. Don't know how anyone can justify and many afford the prices charged in Thailand for top shelf stuff.

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Well, if we just make statistics up it can be made illegal again.

Personally, I think that alcohol should be made illegal too.  And cigarettes.
And anything that makes you feel good, so sex too.

We're all not safe until we throw at least 1/2 of the population in prison for feeling good.

How utterly stupid.  My consumption before it will legal?  Zero.
My consumption now?  Two or three tokes before bed.  Btw - it beats all the other remedies for insomnia including (addictive) benzodiazapines and expensive perscription meds (Ambian et.al). 

But - unless some corporation makes a ****-ton of many we need to criminalize it again.  And also - the commoners and general public might actually benefit financially by growing and selling cannabis.  Well - we can't have that by golly.
Only the wealthy and connected can participate.

For all the criticism I've leveled at Anutin in the past?  I take that all back.  Of course he financially benefits, but he's willing to share that wealth with the Thai general public.  "Criminalizing" it again only serves those who will be allowed to 'legally' grow and cultivate cannabis while stiffing the public in more ways than one.  This has nothing to do with health and adverse reactions.  It has everything to do with monopolies and controlling markets while keeping the "commoners" from benefiting. 

That!  That is what this is all about. 

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

Well prior to "legalization", I doubt anyone would go to hospital for a drug induced event of their own volition due to the risk of being locked up when they've come to their senses, so the numbers must have been pretty low anyway. So if 5 idiots went prior to legalization, the number has now increased to 28.3 people. Saying the increase is by 566% is meaningless if we do not know the actual number of admitances prior to legalization.  

If you read the full story - 3% last year and 17% this year.

Edited by robsamui
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