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Why is the UK struggling more than other countries?


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Just now, RayC said:

Of course, silly me. Nothing to do with the 'Flat Earthers' (ERG) consistently undermining and voting against May? No one ever mentioned taking accountability and responsibility for the mess that we created!


Why restart the whole thing? Why didn't the UK government simply walk away with 'No deal'? "No deal is better than a bad deal"; wasn't that one of the Leavers' favourite mantas? Just imagine how the UK economy would be flying now if Johnson had had the courage to do so????

Had the Remainers in the U.K Government , the remainer politicians accepted the Brexit and name only offer that May put on the table and not insisted that the U.K had another referendum, then the U.K would still be half in the E.U .

  Only have yourselves to blame 

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13 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Had the Remainers in the U.K Government , the remainer politicians accepted the Brexit and name only offer that May put on the table and not insisted that the U.K had another referendum, then the U.K would still be half in the E.U .

  Only have yourselves to blame 

Yet again, you refuse to let the facts stand in the way of your narrative.




It was the ERG wot dun it!

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1 hour ago, candide said:


It seems you (don't want to) understand. 

"Compared to the pre-pandemic level, UK GDP in Q3 2022 was 0.4% lower."

It is not comparing the growth rate of Q3 2022 with the growth rate in Q4 2019, it is comparing the LEVEL (value) of GDP.

It means the UK has still not caught up to the LEVEL of GDP it had at the end of 1999. In other words, the UK is 0.4% poorer (measured by GDP) than it was at the end of 1999, while the Eurozone or other countries listed have a higher GDP level than at the end of 1999.



They are still quarters!

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The OP is about struggling MORE than others and this is why.


Brexit affecting UK immigration changes and damaging the economy on top of other woes.


Brexit had ‘significant adverse impact’ on UK trade, says official watchdog




“The latest evidence suggests that Brexit has had a significant adverse impact on U.K. trade, via reducing both overall trade volumes and the number of trading relationships between U.K. and EU firms,” the finances watchdog added.


The OBR now expects trade volumes to decline over the medium-term, falling to 8.3 percent below present levels in the final quarter of next year.

Net migration into the U.K. will meanwhile decline from 224,000 a year in 2023 to 205,000 a year from 2026, according to the OBR, but this is still tens of thousands higher than the levels forecast by the watchdog in March.


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43 minutes ago, RayC said:

Of course, silly me. Nothing to do with the 'Flat Earthers' (ERG) consistently undermining and voting against May? No one ever mentioned taking accountability and responsibility for the mess that we created!


Why restart the whole thing? Why didn't the UK government simply walk away with 'No deal'? "No deal is better than a bad deal"; wasn't that one of the Leavers' favourite mantas? Just imagine how the UK economy would be flying now if Johnson had had the courage to do so????

That was May, who messed about until the useless Chequers deal suddenly appeared just after she went to see Mutti Merkel for a chinwag and a cuppa.

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On 12/7/2022 at 12:41 PM, RayC said:

None that I am aware of.


However, according to the latest opinion polls many people have changed their minds. I have no idea whether they have been convinced by others or worked out things for themselves.


Have you managed to personally to get any Remainers to change sides?

This is the only place where I speak about Brexit and no one on here ever changes their mind about anything .

  Everyone sticks to their beliefs and doesn't budge in the slightest , I have even posted a video of a person saying something and a poster on here denied that it was true , even though the person on the video was actually saying it

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1 minute ago, talahtnut said:

The entire Western economy is going down the pan.

Oil is the key and its getting scarce.

Expect the world popuation to eventally fall as we

go back to 18th century energy technology.

You mean that the U.K's economy wouldn't be the only economy in the World not currently in crisis if the U.K hadn't left the E.U ?

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4 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

You mean that the U.K's economy wouldn't be the only economy in the World not currently in crisis if the U.K hadn't left the E.U ?

Brexit is not important, its all about energy, which drives economies.

Boom days are simply over. 

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12 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Brexit is not important, its all about energy, which drives economies.

Boom days are simply over. 

Brexit may have had an minimal effect on the UK economy , which would have been manageable , but its the World wide issues with Covid and Ukraine which is causing all the problems , remainers try to ignore that and blame all the woes on Brexit

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4 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

but its the World wide issues with Covid and Ukraine which is causing all the problems

These are not helping, but are man made miscalculations

based on greed, corruption and deception, a war that will

be lost for the weak Western powers that coveted Russia's


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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

That was May, who messed about until the useless Chequers deal suddenly appeared just after she went to see Mutti Merkel for a chinwag and a cuppa.

So this whole shambles is down to May? Nothing to do with Johnson and the 'Flat Earthers'? No responsibility and accountability rests with them?


The current deal isn't great for the UK, but do you seriously think that trading under WTO rules would have been better for the UK economy?


What would you have had May do?

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The plans emerged as the boss of Europe’s largest exchange group said London’s standing had slipped because of Brexit. “London used to be the largest financial centre of the European Union and everybody liked it,” said Stéphane Boujnah, the chief executive of Euronext, a pan-European organisation that competes with London groups.


“Today, London is the largest financial centre of the United Kingdom,” he told Bloomberg Television,







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10 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Why do Brexiteers always try and blame everything else BUT Brexit - all the other countries in the world have those problems - but UK alone has Brexit, which is why it is struggling MORE than others as asked in the OP.

As stated many many times before , the UK isn't suffering more than any other Countries

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4 hours ago, RayC said:

So this whole shambles is down to May? Nothing to do with Johnson and the 'Flat Earthers'? No responsibility and accountability rests with them?


The current deal isn't great for the UK, but do you seriously think that trading under WTO rules would have been better for the UK economy?


What would you have had May do?

I won't be able to get away with answering that truthfully.  

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17 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

The topic for this thread is 'why is the UK struggling more than other countries' and therefore Brexit has to be mentioned. It's not 'moaning'; it's pointing out the obvious.

In contrast, all Brexit fans just want to do is bury their heads in the sand and attempt to deny Brexit isn't a major contributory factor to the UK's current problems. This is despite all of the facts and data saying it is.  


Circular argument. 

By all means mention it till the cows come home, but it's not going to make an iota of difference to anything unless one can go back in time.

We all got that some posters blame Brexit for the UK's woes many pages ago, so no need to beat the proverbial dead horse any more.

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8 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Brexit is not important, its all about energy, which drives economies.

Boom days are simply over. 

There is abundant energy ( the sun is certainly abundant ) but IMO greed means we are still beholden to OPEC and other oil companies.

Hydrogen is a proven technology that could supply all our needs, but greed is driving us to batteries, which need rare and expensive raw materials.


The other problem is that the world's population is increasing faster than our ability to build the technology to get off oil.

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