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New edict tightens controls on non-medical use of cannabis in Thailand


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And in the usual Thai style the walk back is just beginning and not before time time as the whole declassification was riddled with errors because the Muppets are in capable of any due diligence.


I foresee a rapid closure of the plethora of shops that have spread like wildfire throughout the land...

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This thread is an example of how confusing the whole legality issue is!

I'm not a user so it doesn't really concern me, but if I was I'd be alternately delighted and disappointed by the changes in the Cannabis laws.

I would certainly be too scared to try and negotiate the purchase of it, in no small way because, as we know, in Thailand, if the police say you're guilty of something, at the very best it just gets expensive. 


I actually think it should be treated like alcohol - licensed and regulated, but then I think the same in the UK - at least the laws are clearly defined here.

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1 hour ago, Robbie2618 said:

Can't be sold to students. What exactly does that mean? There is a provision that no one under 20 but does this student clause exclude let say a 23-year-old who is enrolled in university cannot buy or use it but a 23-year-old not in enrolled in school can??

As per usual, clear as mud! 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Under the new edict, only the cannabis flower bud is classified as a controlled herb and whoever wants to conduct research, study, export, sell or process it for commercial purposes must obtain an official permit and comply with the conditions.

That sucks. 

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58 minutes ago, VBF said:

This thread is an example of how confusing the whole legality issue is!

I'm not a user so it doesn't really concern me, but if I was I'd be alternately delighted and disappointed by the changes in the Cannabis laws.

I would certainly be too scared to try and negotiate the purchase of it, in no small way because, as we know, in Thailand, if the police say you're guilty of something, at the very best it just gets expensive. 


I actually think it should be treated like alcohol - licensed and regulated, but then I think the same in the UK - at least the laws are clearly defined here.

".............in Thailand, if the police say you're guilty of something, at the very best it just gets expensive."


How right you are! A while ago, in the bad old days of Covid restrictions, I heard of a guy who was sitting at a table at the other side of a narrow soi from a bar when it got raided by the BIB for illegal drinking. He got roped in with the others, and to make it "brief" (pun intended) he was going to plead not guilty, and the official court interpreter told him that if he did , he would be remanded in custody for a week at least, he would have to get a lawyer (at considerable expense) and when he came back to court he would be found guilty ("guaranteed") and get twice the punishment that the "guilty" pleaders got! So he decided to plead guilty!   

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Oh dear, just when the fun had started. Seems as of today the " herb" ( love that) cannot be advertised or sold online. This article is nevertheless accompanied by an advert on my screen! A shame but sales online would defeat the objective.


I welcome the prohibition of sale to those under 20,  students ( although presumably some students are aged 20+), pregnant and lactating ladies and by vending machines.


Licensing of vendors is a good idea.


For it stop people growing at home for personal consumption.


Round these parts it's still rare, unlike the totally illegal yabba which is everywhere.




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1 hour ago, Archie Baker said:

What control? A convicted drug smuggler in charge and look what happens. Have we all forgotten about Auntie A's history already. Medical use only 555! And yet you can't buy a bottle of Chang outside UK historic licencing hours which Thais adopted from frigging Tesco. 

Sorry - I am no fan of Anutin, ("Auntie A"?) but you should make yourself aware of the defamation laws in Thailand, as I think you may be referring to this guy ( With a few more names, he could be named after the members of a football team!) :- 


Thamanat Prompow,[1] also known as Thammanat Prompao,[2] Yuthaphum Bophlom,[3] Manat Bophlom,[3] and Patchara Prompao,[3] is the former Deputy Minister of the Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry of Thailand.



Thamanat Prompow in 2020.jpg

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9 hours ago, bobbin said:

No it's not..


Stop with the fake news... Educate yourself if you don't want to become the equivalent of an American election denier.


Nothing about cannabis is illegal. Legal things can be controlled.

Well, you actually mean weed is not illegal itself but what you do with it and where and how can be depending on what you do.


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10 hours ago, khunpeer said:

I never understood the urge of some people to smoke pot in public like on Silom... when at home, chilling in da hammock: sure, that is a better way...

It's like the public smokers are looking for attention and not all attention is good! Morons get what they deserve...

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There are already too many empty shops with many more opening daily.  When the novelty wears off, only the addicted pot heads will be left sadly, not enough of them to keep all these shops in business. 

Edited by bkk6060
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15 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

About bloody time. Whole Silom smells like pot farm.

Too late now, the stable door has been opened, the horse has bolted to graze on the weed, and a country full of pot heads now. Imbeciles. PS they idiots may as well legalise drinking and driving as well.

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