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Cannabis flower trade to be reined in - but no chance for marijuana to go back on narcotics list

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7 hours ago, bobbin said:

"Controlled" is a word with unspecified meaning..  It is definitely a complete free-for-all right now.


The Thai Government needs to become a beneficiary of Cannabis legalization. By this I mean that they have to have enough control to ensure that VAT/GST is collected on sales of cannabis flowers. This will create a revenue stream for the Government. Even better would be that this revenue is ring-fenced, so that it is directed toward specific goals. More rehab facilities for methamphetamine users, alcohol abuse etc. Perhaps also more fund for general education. Most jurisdictions which have legalized Cannabis have some version of this policy.


The money in this business is in the flowers. Nobody will be buying leaves and stems..

How can you suggest funds be redirected from deep pockets to good causes. Surely that goes against Hi Thai principals of what's yours is mine and what's mine is my own.

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He stresses that other parts of the marijuana plant like roots, leaves and stems are all 0.2% THC or less so can be grown freely.


HAHA you can grow the roots and leaves but the growing of flowers is restricted.


LOL cant make this <deleted> up


"THF"? There's a writer who knows what he's talking about, lol


So first they legalize it and now they're making it an illegal drug again. Incredible.


What do they say to all those people who invested their money in weed businesses?


In a bad economy they're not doing people any favors.

8 hours ago, bobbin said:

The Thai Government needs to become a beneficiary of Cannabis legalization. By this I mean that they have to have enough control to ensure that VAT/GST is collected on sales of cannabis flowers. This will create a revenue stream for the Government. Even better would be that this revenue is ring-fenced, so that it is directed toward specific goals. More rehab facilities for methamphetamine users, alcohol abuse etc. Perhaps also more fund for general education. Most jurisdictions which have legalized Cannabis have some version of this policy.

Have you ever been to a local market in Thailand? Or any street in every city and town? None of the vendors is registered in the vat \tax system. So it's going to be practically impossible to collect from small businesses.

Some years ago while I was running a business in BKK the vat officials came to check my books. Opposite my business was a row of stalls selling just about everything. I asked the vat people why check my business and not all of those out there? They answered that since mine was an official and registered business it is easy for them to check and collect, unlike all the small vendors...

As for tax collected on weed paying for alcohol abuse - why? They collect do much tax on alcohol and cigarettes for "taking care" of users, so why should a cannabis use which creates none of those problems should pay to take care of them?

9 hours ago, webfact said:

He stresses that other parts of the marijuana plant like roots, leaves and stems are all 0.2% THC or less so can be grown freely.

This is a joke right?  Anyone who knows anything about weed will tell you why.  I can't speak for Thai growers but every grower I've ever known in the UK throws 'roots, leaves and stems' in the bin.


I'd rather the did something to get the prices down, huge profits being made at the moment, almost as if price fixing in dispensaries currently even though new crops should be out.


Controlled pricing and taxing like cigarettes might provide options to limit the tourist focused market, *edit fair point on the tax aspect in the previous comment that i had not considered.


I was offered an 800 baht medical certificate but it only lasted a month and they also wanted me to spend 5k on oils when I just wanted it for my medicinal flowers. Those certificates could be another lucrative business. 



2 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Without the buds what's the point? 



None at all - except in the deluded minds of the Thai gov who clearly know nothing about weed.


Cannabis toursim?  Yeah right!

  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, bobbin said:

"Controlled" is a word with unspecified meaning..  It is definitely a complete free-for-all right now.


The Thai Government needs to become a beneficiary of Cannabis legalization. By this I mean that they have to have enough control to ensure that VAT/GST is collected on sales of cannabis flowers. This will create a revenue stream for the Government. Even better would be that this revenue is ring-fenced, so that it is directed toward specific goals. More rehab facilities for methamphetamine users, alcohol abuse etc. Perhaps also more fund for general education. Most jurisdictions which have legalized Cannabis have some version of this policy.


The money in this business is in the flowers. Nobody will be buying leaves and stems..

The major beneficiaries have already settled in , they wont be giving up any of their pie.


A few million or so people could quickly be labelled "Cannabis Criminals" in less than a day. 
People who purchased it legally but now own illegal flowers or brick-weed.

Back in the day in the US, 1 oz was pretty much standard personal consumption.
1 oz (28 grams) would get you thrown into prison in Thailand for trafficking here not that long ago, and shot just a while further back from that.

I'm sorry.  I've never seen cannabis users staggering down the streets and collapsing in a heap in a doorway or gutter.  I have seen that with those who use alcohol.  So - from a societal standpoint - which is that most dangerous?  Maybe sitting in a circle listening to music and laughing. Yeah, very dangerous.  Or being unable to walk and acting extremely agressive when they can't get more booze?   Hummm. That's a rhetorical conundrum.


On behalf of Greta Toonsilsbergersen I wanted to pass this message along to the people and other odds an ends in Thailand: Why the continual fuss about ganja/cannabis? I smoke it all the time and I'm the most famous person in Sweden, so it can't be all bad. But,  what no one except myself apparently is bold and innocent enough to bring up is what we all know to be the real monster in the closet: coffee! Ahhh! When people drink it their hands shake! And shaking hands is not Thai, Thai people wai each other they don't shake or wave their hands.The addiction is severe, people wanting to quit coffee, get headaches and can't function properly sometimes for up to two days. Need coffee?! How dare you! You should be sent to the emergency room at once and put on a ventilator running all over town moaning, having a spazz, "Oh! I need my coffee today! Don't talk to me! Ohhh..." Indeed! The smell is horrific. I should be in the emergency room right now from the smell, but instead I am out here on the sidewalk trying to warn you all of this hidden crisis you ignored for too long. Look at you! The lot of you! Your teeth have turned yellow, are you so hooked on coffee thatyou have forgotten to brush your teeth? What am I a young girl gong to do?   Run back to Sweden where we drink juice and cower under a cabbage leaf when that brewed coffee smell hits the air. The doctor said the amount of neuron damage I have sustained from just that whiff today is up 7000% since I last had a brain scan!  And the fiends who drink eat too many cookies and cakes and this contributes to the diabetes and obesity pandemic that continues to spike and cause govts to waste billions in health care. I'm just a young girl but my future has been sold to jabbering coffee addicts. And what do I get today, a bunch of people who talk too much and too quickly dissolving the whole order of the fabric of the nation-state as we speak, and if that weren't enough they do too much and think too much and that creates CO2. And besides How can the authorities have any focus during this time of great global crisis with all of these hyper coffee people wanting to open businesses and get another science degree at night school at the same time. You cannot run an orderly planet with any of that, all these coffee drinking queue jumping over-achievers who need to learn to wait their turn and the green light from the authorities to open a high fiber greeting card boutique on wheels  or marzipan snifting club or whatever Dr. Coffindust, your elected representative MP says is good for the health of the economy and for democracy and our health and life. How much hand sewn eco friendly lace have you seen? Yeah! None! We don't have any! Its extinct! Because people just want to open coffee shops and take the easy way out! There needs to be a national quota of handsewn eco-friendly vegan lace to help reduce the number of coffee outlets clogging the sewers with their slaughterhouse bilge! Think of nemo the clownfish for once in your lives! Why, I think about him all the time! Don't you?! Do you think he likes coffee grounds in his seawater?! How'd you like it if it rained clownfish urine on ya everytime you set your picnic foods out on the lawn? And that stuff, that trash you are left with when you are finished making a cuppa, as you so quaintly call it, doesn't disappear just because you finished brewing your pot. Talk about potheads! How dare you! We already know most Thai people cannot handle coffee so therefor it is high time Thailand illegalize it and regulate the non-psychoactive additives of milk and non-dairy creamers by requiring registration cards and providing a quick one-stop online eco-verification system and nationwide system of environmentally friendly bar code scanners for identifying milk buyers and their co-horts and to validate their purchases. 872 baht annual fee made payable only with go green Paypal Thailand. Yaba is more discrete, convenient economical and green friendly simply because I say it is and I will shame you in public for the rest of eternity if you contradict me . Coffee plantations should be razed to the ground and made into green zones for genuinely useful projects like windfarms and miniature golf courses and eco-museums to bring in tourists. I say we go back to discussing in parliament that old chestnut tracking bracelets. If you want coffee, yaba, or ganja flower you must register with the tracking bracelet program until the fentanyl vaccine people come up with an eco-friendly ganja, yaba and coffee vaccine that renders these substances powerless to have any effect.

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30 minutes ago, ArcticFox said:

A few million or so people could quickly be labelled "Cannabis Criminals" in less than a day. 
People who purchased it legally but now own illegal flowers or brick-weed.

As far as I can tell there's no change in the ownership rules for plants and flowers.

Just the trading and advertising that may be a problem.


ASEAN NOW notes that the latest moves can be seen as making life more awkward for people wishing to trade in marijuana flowers.

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so what about joe bloggs and his six plants in the back garden/?  they can grow several feet high and be loaded with flowers when properly tended to.


I sincerely hope that controls are put in place, and quickly. To be clear, I am not anti-weed, but last night I walked into our local mall where there's a night market. Two tables with weed vendors selling to anyone with cash. Walk out into the car park and a stink of weed smoke. One guy in our building has decided that it's his new hobby and stinking up the common areas.


It's not a good situation to be in, where people now just do as they want - technically illegal or not. How many people are stoned on bikes?


Make clear some rules around it that work to protect the public and just avoid it becoming a worse public nuisance. I'm totally behind people smoking weed if they want to, but you shouldn't get to impact others with your decision.

25 minutes ago, Karma80 said:

How many people are stoned on bikes?

About the same as before I'd imagine. Weed was everywhere.

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The Christmas tourist season is going to be MASSIVE this year.


People from countries where Cannabis is illegal will come.


People from countries where Cannabis is legal will come.


Everyone will come except the uptight, small minded people.


Win, win. ????


I was going to buy an ONE WAY ticket from Vancouver on Air Canada (only direct flight to BKK from North America) for December 1st, well before the holiday crush (I'm not a sex tourist or a criminal on the lam... I have a family in Thailand and a quality 100% remote job in America).


The first time I looked the price was $800.


The next day the price was $1200.


The next day the price was $1800.


OMG.  Someone told me I should have cleared cookies because maybe their algorithms saw I was interested and jacked the price up.


Or maybe it was simply demand.  I'll find out if I fly and the flight is full.


This will be the best tourist season in years.


All thanks to well managed COVID, people wearing masks when in crowded places and LEGALIZED GANJA. ????





12 hours ago, webfact said:

Further clarity will come with the Cannabis Act due

Further clarity? I haven't seen anything but fog and confusion thus far.


I've grown very few plants in my life, but without a flower, what's the sense of growing roots, leaves and stems?  

29 minutes ago, happydreamer said:

"And watch out for how the RTP interpret the law. " = Be prepared to be extorted if caught

You are a pretty pessimistic guy to have a handle like yours..  



8 hours ago, Real Name Hidden said:

The scent of cannibis  relieves the stench of lower Sukhumvit. 

Ooo-Ooo that smell. (As Lynard Skynard said). I could smell Nana Plaza from Don Muang years ago.


Smelled...like napalm in the morning.

  • Haha 1
19 hours ago, webfact said:

Wissanu was swift to point out that the trade in the flowers was something of a loophole that the Cannabis Act next year would address but needs to be tackled now.

Should have been tackled before it became freely available.

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