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Are we living in the Matrix?

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5 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

 Elon is Musk is not really an example of anything because he's one of a kind.

At least we should be happy not the russians, chineese, Or any other state we would not like to compete with or go to war with. 

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

I don't think you have long to wait

I agree. 50 - 100 years.

By 2050, modelling of the Tibetan glaciers predicts water that supplies the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Mekong rivers will be halved in volume, and there are over 1 billion people who depend on those rivers.

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9 minutes ago, Hummin said:

What is it for us? What really does it matters for average joe and his family, that we one day will travel to Mars? Why is it we are so easily manipulated to believe such <deleted>, and be part of it, and on the way ruin our own earth to reach stupid goals to maintain illusions and dreams? 

Because of religion we are now 8 billion people (do not allow prevention or abortion), and most kids are born in Underdeveloped countries, and 22 000 kids die every day because of poverty! Two billion children live in poverty or 3,3 billion people total. 

And here we continue to use resourches we do not have. Every year we already used this planets yearly reproductive resource’s by 1,8. 

Yes technology can maybe save us in the end, but it is a long way, maybe to long. We are not going to be here by then. 


We're not 8 billion people because of religion. We're 8 billion people because people choose to have children and enjoy the activity. In fact the fertility rate in most developed countries is below replacement rate. As you seem fine with abortion, perhaps you would prefer to have females sterilized at birth. In poor countires that don't allow abortion, like the Philippines, it would not have any impact on the population growth if it was legal. It might prevent the tragic death of some females who have back street abortions. The poor population would never be able to afford abortions performed in clinics. Btw, condoms and other birth control methods ARE legal in the Philippines.


As for me, I'm not guilty of contributing to world population growth as I'm a devoted antinatalist.

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4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

I always tell my Mum that I blame her for not being rich.

I'm not rich because of my own decisions. I know a person who is when he followed my advice. I got married instead.

Aren't you the guy who was bringing out the tar and feathers for my going off topic?

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I agree. 50 - 100 years.

By 2050, modelling of the Tibetan glaciers predicts water that supplies the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Mekong rivers will be halved in volume, and there are over 1 billion people who depend on those rivers.

Given all those countries have plenty of sunshine, if by 2050 they can't desalinate enough seawater to supply their populations they need to look at their priorities ( being polite ).

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Only till it goes wrong, only till it goes wrong. Then we'll see how the woke cope.

I really do not like woke. Every dekade or time of period have their evolutionary peak, before evolving to something else. With huge groups who have felt outside the society finely manage to group together, you will see loud voices and actions taken for being heard and seen to get awareness for their needs and rights. 

You will also see contra actions, because every action does have an opposite reaction, which is quite universal for everything. ☯️


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5 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

We're not 8 billion people because of religion. We're 8 billion people because people choose to have children and enjoy the activity. In fact the fertility rate in most developed countries is below replacement rate. As you seem fine with abortion, perhaps you would prefer to have females sterilized at birth. In poor countires that don't allow abortion, like the Philippines, it would not have any impact on the population growth if it was legal. It might prevent the tragic death of some females who have back street abortions. The poor population would never be able to afford abortions performed in clinics. Btw, condoms and other birth control methods ARE legal in the Philippines.


As for me, I'm not guilty of contributing to world population growth as I'm a devoted antinatalist.

Great example you bring up, the Philippines who is a strong Catholic country, and is an excellent proof of what Im saying as many other underdeveloped Christian and muslim countries around the world. 


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8 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

We're not 8 billion people because of religion. We're 8 billion people because people choose to have children and enjoy the activity. In fact the fertility rate in most developed countries is below replacement rate. As you seem fine with abortion, perhaps you would prefer to have females sterilized at birth. In poor countires that don't allow abortion, like the Philippines, it would not have any impact on the population growth if it was legal. It might prevent the tragic death of some females who have back street abortions. The poor population would never be able to afford abortions performed in clinics. Btw, condoms and other birth control methods ARE legal in the Philippines.


As for me, I'm not guilty of contributing to world population growth as I'm a devoted antinatalist.

We are 8 billion people out of ignorance. There is a proven inverse correlation of the number of children a woman has against her level of education. The less education she has, the more children she will have. That study was published in The Economist some 40 years ago.

If you are saying religions do not foster, promote and sustain ignorance, you have come to the wrong address.


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7 minutes ago, Hummin said:

What is it for us? What really does it matters for average joe and his family, that we one day will travel to Mars? Why is it we are so easily manipulated to believe such <deleted>, and be part of it, and on the way ruin our own earth to reach stupid goals to maintain illusions and dreams? 

Because of religion we are now 8 billion people (do not allow prevention or abortion), and most kids are born in Underdeveloped countries, and 22 000 kids die every day because of poverty! Two billion children live in poverty or 3,3 billion people total. 

And here we continue to use resourches we do not have. Every year we already used this planets yearly reproductive resource’s by 1,8. 

Yes technology can maybe save us in the end, but it is a long way, maybe to long. We are not going to be here by then. 


I completely agree with you. 


We should not be sending the average Joe to Mars, or even the exceptional Joe to Mars. 


We should be sending robotic machines to Mars. 


And, if we must send inhuman humans, then we should be sending guys like Trump to Mars, Spam in cans. 


Xi Jinping is another prime candidate for the next Mars Mission. Xi and Putin, on Mars. 


Their next logical sequel: Breakback Olympus Mons, Frolicking on the Regolith 


Both are Red. 

Mars is Red. 

The East is Red. 





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33 minutes ago, Phnom Penh Trader said:

You live in not only a Buddhist country but a Buddhist region,yet you understand nothing of the teachings that surround you?

Possessions and money are the exact things that make you unhappy,as how much is enough of course the answer is no amount?

Muskrat is worth 200 Billion more than he can spend in 10 lifetimes yet he still wants more,ask yourself why and if that is a good thing or a mental illness?

For starters, I didn't come to Thailand to become a Buddhist or learn anything from them. I'm not even slightly interested in that religion. I'm an existential nihilist. It is not compulsory to be a Bhuddist if you live in Thailand. There are many other minority regions here. 


Let's see how happy you can be with no money for food or shelter and see how important money becomes. You cannot live on fresh air. Go and visit some slum areas in other countries and tell me how unimportant money is. Sure, if you lived in Bhuddist community, you might be supported if your money runs out, but in the end, someone has to pay for the food you eat.


Money cannot ensure happiness, but it's better to be unhappy with money than without it.


How do you know Elon Musk wants to make more money? If that was his only goal, then he wouldn't have wasted 44 billion on Twitter and devalued his Tesla stock in the process. It has cost him about $100 billion. $44 billion to buy Twitter, and more than $50 billion in lost Tesla stock value, this year. It's quite obvious he's looking for new hobbies. His wealth is clearly in the obscene category and making more is not his goal.

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3 hours ago, Phnom Penh Trader said:

I saw a structural engineer at the bottom of one of the pyramids measuring the angles of the roof and wall with a set square,the tolerances were to a thousandth of an inch or so he stated that we couldn’t build so accurately with modern day technology today!

So who did build them?

Italthai. They get all the contracts.

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11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

We are 8 billion people out of ignorance. There is a proven inverse correlation of the number of children a woman has against her level of education. The less education she has, the more children she will have. That study was published in The Economist some 40 years ago.

If you are saying religions do not foster, promote and sustain ignorance, you have come to the wrong address.


You keep harping on about 8 billion people. Did you not know that most of the population growth is among the poor populations in poor countries. That automatically cancels out eduction as they are struggling to eat and survive. Now you're insulting poor people by calling them ignorant. 


There is no amount of money you could throw at the problem to fix it. It's unfixable. If you throw money at poor people, they will have even more children, because it's generational poverty that would take decades to change, even for the lucky ones.


Elon Musks efforts to improve science and technology, even in the space sector, will help the world more than throwing money at poor populations.



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56 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am a believer in the Gaia hypothesis, at some point the planet will bite us on the bum in retribution for what we have done to it.


Just in case you might want to know even MORE about Gaia, etc....

Then, pay more attention to Tim.

(No doubt, you already have....)


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4 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

You keep harping on about 8 billion people. Did you not know that most of the population growth is among the poor populations in poor countries. That automatically cancels out eduction as they are struggling to eat and survive. Now you're insulting poor people by calling them ignorant. 


There is no amount of money you could throw at the problem to fix it. It's unfixable. If you throw money at poor people, they will have even more children, because it's generational poverty that would take decades to change, even for the lucky ones.


Elon Musks efforts to improve science and technology, even in the space sector, will help the world more than throwing money at poor populations.



 What absolute garbage Muskrat isn’t interested in anything but feeding his own narcissist personality disorder,he is an absolute conman but a very,very good one the worlds’ best and richest in actual fact?

That and banging geekesses and most likely other geeks in ‘huddle puddles’ or what ever they call them,at parties on megayachts and in mega mansions he doesn’t give a rat’s ass for anyone but himself!

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29 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Great example you bring up, the Philippines who is a strong Catholic country, and is an excellent proof of what Im saying as many other underdeveloped Christian and muslim countries around the world. 


It proves nothing at all. If the Spanish didn't colonize Philippines nearly 500 years ago, the native population would not be using condoms or birth control pills, or having abortions. They would likely reproduce just like animals do - when the urge is there, they procreate. Before modern technology and medicine, disease prevented excess population growth, but it had nothing to do with birth control.


The so called education that prevents excess population growth has actually endangered the stable population of many developed countries. China and Japan are in big trouble with a fast aging population. Most European countries are in the same boat. 


You worry too much.

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1 minute ago, Phnom Penh Trader said:

 What absolute garbage Muskrat isn’t interested in anything but feeding his own narcissist personality disorder,he is an absolute conman but a very,very good one the worlds’ best and richest in actual fact?

That and banging geekesses and most likely other geeks in ‘huddle puddles’ or what ever they call them,at parties on megayachts and in mega mansions he doesn’t give a rat’s ass for anyone but himself!

LOL Right back at you - That was an incredible load of unintelligible garbage.


Only one idea came out of it - you don't like mega rich people. That's a common theme when average people discuss them.

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33 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I completely agree with you. 


We should not be sending the average Joe to Mars, or even the exceptional Joe to Mars. 


We should be sending robotic machines to Mars. 


And, if we must send inhuman humans, then we should be sending guys like Trump to Mars, Spam in cans. 


Xi Jinping is another prime candidate for the next Mars Mission. Xi and Putin, on Mars. 


Their next logical sequel: Breakback Olympus Mons, Frolicking on the Regolith 


Both are Red. 

Mars is Red. 

The East is Red. 





One thing have to be clear, average Joe, will never leave this planet unless he wins the lottery in some way. Average Joe will stay on this planet to he die. He can be lucky to travel in to space, but High Functional AI  will replace average Joe, and no need for complaining average joe anymore, and average Joe (we) let it happen right here and now, just disturbed with woke and right wings and little Putins in the east and south, works great as provoked distractions. 

Edited by Hummin
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14 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

You keep harping on about 8 billion people. Did you not know that most of the population growth is among the poor populations in poor countries. That automatically cancels out eduction as they are struggling to eat and survive. Now you're insulting poor people by calling them ignorant. 


There is no amount of money you could throw at the problem to fix it. It's unfixable. If you throw money at poor people, they will have even more children, because it's generational poverty that would take decades to change, even for the lucky ones.


Elon Musks efforts to improve science and technology, even in the space sector, will help the world more than throwing money at poor populations.



I am stating facts, ignorance is not an insult. Although your post exhibits ignorance of spelling and the use of an apostrophe, fact again.

If you throw money at educating poor people, the results will show up in the ensuing generations.

It's no accident regimes such as Iran and Afghanistan actively suppress the education and equality of women. It's no accident Roman Catholic churches encourage procreation, and frown on contraception, in some of the poorest nations, because it perpetuates their constituency.


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20 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am stating facts, ignorance is not an insult. Although your post exhibits ignorance of spelling and the use of an apostrophe, fact again.

If you throw money at educating poor people, the results will show up in the ensuing generations.

It's no accident regimes such as Iran and Afghanistan actively suppress the education and equality of women. It's no accident Roman Catholic churches encourage procreation, and frown on contraception, in some of the poorest nations, because it perpetuates their constituency.


Some muslim countries have the highest educated women, but have no equally right to execute their potential because the regimes control of the population. It is a fine balance and can easily tip one way or another. Seems people so easily forget 40 - 50 years back in their own countries, how much fighting and struggling for the rights we earned. 

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44 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

LOL Right back at you - That was an incredible load of unintelligible garbage.


Only one idea came out of it - you don't like mega rich people. That's a common theme when average people discuss them.

Mega rich people is why 8 billion is a problem.

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31 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

 Although your post exhibits ignorance of spelling and the use of an apostrophe, fact again.


Thank you for pointing out my two typos. I don't use a spell checker, but you better be sure to, so you don't make any mistakes of your own. You might want to set up your paragraphs correctly next time. Could that be considered ignorance?

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Just now, ozimoron said:

Mega rich people is why 8 billion is a problem.

Mega rich people donate more money to charity than any other people on earth. Just for starters look up Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.


How many charities did you donate to this year? Warren Buffet promised to give away all his money before he dies.

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