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"Reefer Madness": Thai media continue to attack marijuana use blaming it for violence/addiction


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15 hours ago, likerdup1 said:

Correct. I don't drink, smoke, shoot, snort or pop anything these days that alters my mind. I do drink coffee and even it makes me a bit nervous if I take too much. You can't get arrested for drunk driving if you haven't been drinking. At least in the USA.


I'm fine with myself. I don't need a drug like alcohol, THC, cocaine or anything else to be comfortable and feel OK. I want to be present and have all my faculties available for LIFE!! I don't want to numb myself through what few years I have left. I probably have about 20 years left on this earth. I want to be present and "all there" mentally for every minute.


Habitual drinking and alcohol abuse can be even worse the cannabis use. Drunk, one is even more impaired.


Then just say No to drugs eh? Nobody is forcing you to take anything    Although you might not really want to be "all there mentally" at the end.  Many welcome the relief morphine can bring for example

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On 3/26/2023 at 9:27 AM, Bday Prang said:

So which is it ? anti social behaviour or a sedentary house-bound life? two diametrically opposed scenarios.  My suggestion is that people, like you, who obviously have NO first hand experience should refrain from posting rubbish based on what they selectively read and cherry pick from the internet or the tabloid press.

Probably the biggest cause of domestic tension here is the inability of westerners to stop seeing themselves as superior, coupled with their inability to integrate. 

The use of cannabis, in my experience, is far less detrimental to  society in general than the use of alcohol, 

As for the rest of your post , you have just listed any  problems you can think of and decided to attribute all social ills to the use of cannabis .  Unbelievable in this day and age and straight out of "reefer madness"  

The fact is that despite the doom mongering by all and sundry , society has not broken down at all


Let's just say I'm underwhelmed by your debating and reasoning skills. I could speculate about why this might be the case, but I don't want to get too far over my skis. Your cannabis thread posts always repeat the same mantra: nobody who has anything negative to say about cannabis knows what they are talking about, has never tried cannabis, and has been brainwashed by mainstream media and are suffering from "Reefer Madness" hysteria.


Given the age demographics of this forum and the fact that almost everyone on this forum grew up in the 60's and 70's I find your efforts to dismiss opponents as never having tried or used marijuana to be ludicrous. Almost everyone on this forum has used marijuana at some point in their life. And even if by some miracle they hadn't, everyone has had the experience of watching family, friends and people in their lives experiment with drugs to one degree or another. So the idea that people are blindly following MSM reports without any personal experience is just plain silly, and my advice would be to drop this claim from your debating repertoire. 


The definition of anti-social I was using is: not sociable; not wanting the company of others, which is totally compatible with a sedentary, house-bound lifestyle. 




You, yourself stated in the above post that many ex-pats struggle with social integration. Are you seriously contending that smoking pot is helping with that social integration process, or that there aren't plenty of expats who fall into a sedentary house-bound lifestyle, zoning out in front of the TV, blue screen, game console? You also ignored all of the valid issues I raised regarding the impact on the home environment when a spouse and children are in the picture. Yes, I am aware that there are some cannabis users who have acquired Thai language skills, but many don't, and my point was that cannabis consumption is probably not conducive to acquiring foreign language skills, which, of course, is key to successful social integration.


Both the Siam Rath and Daily News articles (which I read carefully) reinforced points I made in my post. The Siam Rath article paints a portrait of a junior high school teenage boy being raised by a relative, who is not only struggling to make ends meet, but struggling to manage the boy's acting out and marijuana usage. The home environment described is common all over Thailand, that is, children being raised by distant relatives, living in impoverished circumstances, and on his way towards slipping through the cracks as a result. If my understanding is correct that you live in Isaan, then you must know countless examples of cases similar to this, and I'm surprised that you seem to be so tone-deaf to these social problems, and the impact recreational marijuana might have on these precarious and vulnerable households.


The Daily News article did indeed only mention ganja in the headline, but it should be pointed out that cannabis decriminalization is very much in the news right now and a big election issue, so this is somewhat understandable. But it is unfair to say the Daily News article "buried" or tried to hide the fact that he was also using yaa baa. The fact is that his yaa baa usage was mentioned in the article's opening paragraph. I would also like to point out that the Daily News article reinforced a point I made in my earlier post that alcohol and other stimulants are often used in conjunction with each other, and this reality needs to be taken into consideration when evaluating what laws are appropriate.


As far as your pooh-poohing concerns about where decriminalization might be leading Thai society, it should be pointed out that initially there was a wild free for all, and there still is a cloud of uncertainty about what regulations will be put in place, which is inhibiting the industry from fully taking off.


What I'm saying is that I don't think Thailand is ready for decriminalization of recreational use. There's too much progress that needs to be made in educational, economic and social development. I also think allowing recreational use will have a corrosive on the interpersonal charm of the Thai people, in a word, make people less open, receptive to social engagement, less outgoing. And, finally, I think that recreational cannabis use flies in the face of Buddhist precepts, seriously undermining a cornerstone of Thai culture.


It's my strong suspicion that most  of the foreigner proponents for decriminalization of cannabis in Thailand are in favor of it because it fits into their personal lifestyle either as an expat or a vacationer or they have a financial interest in decriminalization, and are either oblivious or completely disinterested in the potential educational, economic and social development impact it may have on Thailand.


In other words, most of these people are motivated exclusively by self-interest and don't really care about the welfare of their host country. Sort of a "that's not my problem" attitude, which frankly, I find very disturbing and disappointing.


But we don't need to argue about this endlessly. It appears that this issue is going to be decided in the upcoming elections, and we'll know soon enough which direction this is going...





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1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:

I've had plenty of first-hand experience. 


Ask anyone at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting what they started on...  



how could i ask them if its anonymous ?  Anyway its not very anonymous now is it lol   Most people start on breast milk, they don't end up there. 


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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

Let's just say I'm underwhelmed by your debating and reasoning skills. I could speculate about why this might be the case, but I don't want to get too far over my skis. Your cannabis thread posts always repeat the same mantra: nobody who has anything negative to say about cannabis knows what they are talking about, has never tried cannabis, and has been brainwashed by mainstream media and are suffering from "Reefer Madness" hysteria.


Given the age demographics of this forum and the fact that almost everyone on this forum grew up in the 60's and 70's I find your efforts to dismiss opponents as never having tried or used marijuana to be ludicrous. Almost everyone on this forum has used marijuana at some point in their life. And even if by some miracle they hadn't, everyone has had the experience of watching family, friends and people in their lives experiment with drugs to one degree or another. So the idea that people are blindly following MSM reports without any personal experience is just plain silly, and my advice would be to drop this claim from your debating repertoire. 


The definition of anti-social I was using is: not sociable; not wanting the company of others, which is totally compatible with a sedentary, house-bound lifestyle. 




You, yourself stated in the above post that many ex-pats struggle with social integration. Are you seriously contending that smoking pot is helping with that social integration process, or that there aren't plenty of expats who fall into a sedentary house-bound lifestyle, zoning out in front of the TV, blue screen, game console? You also ignored all of the valid issues I raised regarding the impact on the home environment when a spouse and children are in the picture. Yes, I am aware that there are some cannabis users who have acquired Thai language skills, but many don't, and my point was that cannabis consumption is probably not conducive to acquiring foreign language skills, which, of course, is key to successful social integration.


Both the Siam Rath and Daily News articles (which I read carefully) reinforced points I made in my post. The Siam Rath article paints a portrait of a junior high school teenage boy being raised by a relative, who is not only struggling to make ends meet, but struggling to manage the boy's acting out and marijuana usage. The home environment described is common all over Thailand, that is, children being raised by distant relatives, living in impoverished circumstances, and on his way towards slipping through the cracks as a result. If my understanding is correct that you live in Isaan, then you must know countless examples of cases similar to this, and I'm surprised that you seem to be so tone-deaf to these social problems, and the impact recreational marijuana might have on these precarious and vulnerable households.


The Daily News article did indeed only mention ganja in the headline, but it should be pointed out that cannabis decriminalization is very much in the news right now and a big election issue, so this is somewhat understandable. But it is unfair to say the Daily News article "buried" or tried to hide the fact that he was also using yaa baa. The fact is that his yaa baa usage was mentioned in the article's opening paragraph. I would also like to point out that the Daily News article reinforced a point I made in my earlier post that alcohol and other stimulants are often used in conjunction with each other, and this reality needs to be taken into consideration when evaluating what laws are appropriate.


As far as your pooh-poohing concerns about where decriminalization might be leading Thai society, it should be pointed out that initially there was a wild free for all, and there still is a cloud of uncertainty about what regulations will be put in place, which is inhibiting the industry from fully taking off.


What I'm saying is that I don't think Thailand is ready for decriminalization of recreational use. There's too much progress that needs to be made in educational, economic and social development. I also think allowing recreational use will have a corrosive on the interpersonal charm of the Thai people, in a word, make people less open, receptive to social engagement, less outgoing. And, finally, I think that recreational cannabis use flies in the face of Buddhist precepts, seriously undermining a cornerstone of Thai culture.


It's my strong suspicion that most  of the foreigner proponents for decriminalization of cannabis in Thailand are in favor of it because it fits into their personal lifestyle either as an expat or a vacationer or they have a financial interest in decriminalization, and are either oblivious or completely disinterested in the potential educational, economic and social development impact it may have on Thailand.


In other words, most of these people are motivated exclusively by self-interest and don't really care about the welfare of their host country. Sort of a "that's not my problem" attitude, which frankly, I find very disturbing and disappointing.


But we don't need to argue about this endlessly. It appears that this issue is going to be decided in the upcoming elections, and we'll know soon enough which direction this is going...





            I don't profess to have any debating skills and you can speculate all you like as to why that might be. 

Unfortunately the majority of people are brainwashed, governments are actually really good at that, an easy example is people wearing masks when alone in their cars,  and the anti cannabis propaganda has been around for a lot longer than Covid. Don't try and tell me propaganda doesn't work   

             I also grew up in the 60's and 70's however I am not sure of the relevance of that, yes cannabis was being smoked by some but the overwhelming majority of people did not use it and knew nothing about it or any other drugs other than what they were told by their respective governments. A  sad situation that continues today   Even the phrase you used "experimenting with drugs" is straight off the hymn sheet..would you describe somebody enjoying their 1st pint as "experimenting with drugs"  ? Why not?   Or a connoisseur enjoying a single malt. ? Is he on the highway to hell too?   

            Yes the hysteria from reefer madness is still alive and kicking and is being continued today by MSN when it suits their paymasters, for that reason I don't take much notice of anything written in the papers either and neither should anybody else especially ,as you stated, it has become a very politicised subject and it's election time. The media are working flat out, on this at present , they are adept at burying unfortunate facts and this is happening .To think otherwise displays an almost unbelievable naivety,  and, be honest if the few stories that have surfaced recently are the best they can come up with, and  even taking these reports at face value, it is a long  long way from anything you and your sort predicted  12 months ago  

           What is the wild free for all you are referring to? The only frenzy I witnessed was from the media and people like you,  

           Correct Sherlock I have lived in Issan for a long time I am well aware of the problems and issues that they face, and you know what?  I have seen plenty of urchins dragged up by their grandparents and all seem to  have grown up into normal balanced adults nothing seems to have changed for the worse over the last 12 months but then again what do I know? 

            Your comments on Issan , presumably based on the fact that it is not quite like where you were dragged up,  is tainted with snobbery and more than a little insulting, There are no more social problems here than in any other deprived area and a lot less than in some western countries.    To use the words vulnerable and precarious  displays a lack of knowledge about  the character of the people who live here. I 'll put this to a few of the locals here tomorrow and see what they think

              You seem to be of the misguided  opinion that the use of cannabis is "all or nothing " that the whole population is poised to "drop out " as they used to say in the 60's and this is simply not true.  Is this the reason for your concerns?  if so you really  need to think again

              To actually say that " you don't think Thailand is ready for decriminalisation" sounds awfully arrogant to be honest.   

               You are correct that cannabis use is not inline with Buddhist precepts this would apply to any intoxicants and as such monks should refrain, however the entire population does not consist of monks.  

              The proponents of legalisation whether Thai or foreign, only want to be able to enjoy their "drug" of choice free from persecution and prosecution ,there is really no financial interest for users other than the resulting drop in price. 

               Another popular concern of yours is the effects on children  what part of not for sale to under 21's is so difficult to understand.    A similar law exists for alcohol  and most reasonable people are happy with that, when did you last hear of a drunk kid ? , not for a while i'm guessing , I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but its relatively rare 

              You are right about one thing, more education is definitely needed, firstly to address the ridiculous preconceptions that promote hysteria, Maybe then the sensible discussions could begin

                Finally I loved the bit  where you said "  yes I am aware that there are some cannabis users that have acquired Thai language skills but many have not"  it has a lovely patronising tone to it  don't you think ?  I know dozens of non smokers who have been here 30 years and cant even ask the time in Thai and would never ever be able to understand the answer lol. Cannabis  use  is not, as far as I know, of any  help in learning a language  neither is it officially cited anywhere as a hinderance,   Arrogance though, well I would put that on a par with age in terms of influencing language learning ability  




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14 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

No , everybody else is free to choose,   its not compulsory to partake 

And since when has "what is best for society" ever been the aim of politics, especially here

When the freedom to choose ultimately produces negative impacts on society generally I believe that freedom needs to be reviewed or restricted. I am not sure marijuana  is in that category or not.  You cannot give people 'the freedom to choose' for everything.....


Having the ability to wander about with smoldering leaves in your lips removing your normal mental capacity is hardly a revolutionary hook to hang your beret on.  

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

When the freedom to choose ultimately produces negative impacts on society generally I believe that freedom needs to be reviewed or restricted. I am not sure marijuana  is in that category or not.  You cannot give people 'the freedom to choose' for everything.....


Having the ability to wander about with smoldering leaves in your lips removing your normal mental capacity is hardly a revolutionary hook to hang your beret on.  

I have yet to see anybody  (child or adult)     "wandering about" whilst smoking cannabis,  this would be a  somewhat unusual sight, Likewise I have only very very rarely seen anybody "wandering about" with a bottle of scotch or Lao Khao sticking out of their mouth.   I doubt you have seen it either, in case you didn't know smoking in public is not exactly encouraged, and fines can be imposed.  

Freedom to choose is a constant in life, for example, my kitchen draw is full of sharp knives, as is everybody else's, Do people regularly choose to use one to stab people?

Like all the others of your ilk,  the basis of your posts seems to be that "unlike you" other people are not capable of "behaving properly"    I call that  arrogance, what would you call it?

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28 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

 I doubt you have seen it either,

How do you know what I have seen or not seen?... Typical of some to talk of something they do not know. Seen plenty of folks wandering about carrying alcohol, or setting up on the beach to consume it... if you have not, get out more. 

If smoking in public is not permitted, then we are already in a restrictive society, which I mentioned earlier.  Your knife example is asinine.....people get stabbed daily.

My ilk... do you happen to live next door to me?

Jails are full of people who cannot behave properly... read some of today's headlines and wise up!

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

How do you know what I have seen or not seen?... Typical of some to talk of something they do not know. Seen plenty of folks wandering about carrying alcohol, or setting up on the beach to consume it... if you have not, get out more. 

If smoking in public is not permitted, then we are already in a restrictive society, which I mentioned earlier.  Your knife example is asinine.....people get stabbed daily.

My ilk... do you happen to live next door to me?

Jails are full of people who cannot behave properly... read some of today's headlines and wise up!

           Carrying alcohol or "setting up on the beach to consume it"   in no way compares to walking/ staggering around drunk, 99.9% of people are capable of exercising responsibility, and for those that don't there are consequences. That is how society works, restrictions and regulations are in place, we all all free to choose whether to break the law or not, and we are all aware of the consequences should we do so.  If you can't handle seeing people responsibly enjoy a drink, or are so distressed by the minority of people who may occasionally over do things  in such a way, then you are at odds with the rest of society, and maybe you should consider taking a trip to somewhere like Saudi Arabia were the consequences are such that people do not drink.

           People do indeed get stabbed, have you suggested that knives should be banned?  Motor vehicle accidents also kill people every day, even when no intoxicants are involved, should we ban cars?  Cigarettes ?

swimming? climbing trees ? should we ban stairs ? Electrical outlets are generally all within the reach of children, what would you do about that, as I dare say occasionally a child dies from electric shock  Ban electric ? 

           Probably best if all the above are banned for everybody, except you of course eh.

           Yes there are people in jail who have misbehaved , in the good old USA there are people serving over 10 years for the simple possession of a plant, what sort of person would think that is appropriate, ?  You and your ilk i guess, the same people who insist on posting about something of which they know absolutely nothing other than what they have been told by governments or seen in reefer madness type documentaries. but don't beat yourself up over it fear of the unknown is a natural reaction, that's why my cat is scared of the vacuum cleaner. It does not have the intellect to realise that it is not a threat



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19 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

that's why my cat is scared of the vacuum cleaner

Don't you even think talking about your cat and vacuum cleaners in a reefer topic is going way off subject.....what a load of irrelevant waffle!

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Don't you even think talking about your cat and vacuum cleaners in a reefer topic is going way off subject.....what a load of irrelevant waffle!

  " don't you even think,,,,,"       Telling people what to think  eh?   Pack it in ! you are not talking to your missis

It was a  simple analogy to demonstrate a simple creatures fear of the unknown, Hardly off topic.

But on reflection I suppose it may appear so , to someone  that can't understand  a simple analogy   

You should read it again ,  but a bit slower this time   are you American?  

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7 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

You should read it again ,  but a bit slower this time   are you American?  

What, read it as it was typed. No, not an American...not from Canada, Mexico, Argentina, any of those....

Still not getting this analogy stuff, but impressed your cat can use a vacuum cleaner. 

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13 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

What, read it as it was typed. No, not an American...not from Canada, Mexico, Argentina, any of those....

Still not getting this analogy stuff, but impressed your cat can use a vacuum cleaner. 

Sorry, I did not mean to challenge your intellect with my analogy,  have you thought of speaking to an English teacher

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On 3/27/2023 at 12:11 AM, likerdup1 said:

Correct. I don't drink, smoke, shoot, snort or pop anything these days that alters my mind. I do drink coffee and even it makes me a bit nervous if I take too much. You can't get arrested for drunk driving if you haven't been drinking. At least in the USA.


I'm fine with myself. I don't need a drug like alcohol, THC, cocaine or anything else to be comfortable and feel OK. I want to be present and have all my faculties available for LIFE!! I don't want to numb myself through what few years I have left. I probably have about 20 years left on this earth. I want to be present and "all there" mentally for every minute.


Habitual drinking and alcohol abuse can be even worse the cannabis use. Drunk, one is even more impaired.


nothing wrong with that and good for you.


however, you are not the norm, standard, or average person.


i dont use ganja recreationally. i use it for a whole list of mental and physical problems. i also use it to work, as it does treat ADHD. i can code for 12-15 hours a day while using the wacky tobacky. that's at $120 an hour, so you know my wife doesn't mind it either.


so yes, i'm truly happy you are perfect. i am not.



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3 hours ago, roietfortress said:

nothing wrong with that and good for you.


however, you are not the norm, standard, or average person.


i dont use ganja recreationally. i use it for a whole list of mental and physical problems. i also use it to work, as it does treat ADHD. i can code for 12-15 hours a day while using the wacky tobacky. that's at $120 an hour, so you know my wife doesn't mind it either.


so yes, i'm truly happy you are perfect. i am not.



Glad you find it as a solution to ADHD as a way to earn more money. If that's what you are looking for out of life. Did a Doctor prescribe for you? 

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3 hours ago, likerdup1 said:

Glad you find it as a solution to ADHD as a way to earn more money. If that's what you are looking for out of life. Did a Doctor prescribe for you? 

glad you find this a good excuse to be condescending. ????


so many people here would be better humans if they had a puff puff. i've been in country 15 years. i don't need to explain myself to other farang.



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6 hours ago, likerdup1 said:

Glad you find it as a solution to ADHD as a way to earn more money. If that's what you are looking for out of life. Did a Doctor prescribe for you? 

Probably not,  the quacks only prescribe nasty noxious  addictive chemicals provided by big pharma,   1 million housewives on valium in the uk. you think that's ok?  I wouldn't trust any of them. Doctors that is, not housewives

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"Violence and Addiction"   Really??    I was going to say   "you couldn't make it up"  but they have, and continue to do so.   It is beyond belief that they print this rubbish , but then again that is what MSM does.

What is really worrying is that (some) people actually believe it


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