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Age gap relationships might seem wrong, but they work. Trust me

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22 minutes ago, sirineou said:

My wife is 20 years younger than me. ( married 13 years now)  One very selfish thing I did not consider when we first met , mostly because I never thought I will fall in love with her as much as I did, is that one day I will die and leave her alone.

She is financially set.But I am not sure how she will be emotionally.

We go  and do everywhere together. And I am afraid she will be lonely. 

I know some of you will laugh, but it's a real concern of mine.

If I had to do it again I think I would have chosen an older mate. 

But then again I would not have the opportunity to have met this incredible woman. 

I hope i don't know it when I die (Hopefully a long time from now) . Some people say that by the time they reach the end of their lives they are content with it. I am not sure I will be. 

What a wet blanket I am , Right?????

but I can't get that thought out of my mind.  I just try not to think about it, but every now and then it pops up. 

Mostly I deal with it by  trying  to celebrate the time we have together. 

Rather thoughtful comment.


I have always thought what about children conceived from age disparate relationships.


I've seen all my children grow up; graduations, prom dates, first house, weddings, grandchildren.


I think me being part of that has been as important to them as it has been to me.


When I see a guy obviously in late 60+ slopping around the mall with a couple of rugrats, I always think about what those kids won't get to experience with Dad

Edited by GinBoy2
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25 minutes ago, ravip said:

If you are worth a couple of millions of $$$, the age difference would be considered a superfluous minor detail - if it is even noticed!

It will be noticeable physically and mentally for some, as well a young lady is at a totally different path both emotionally and also living in the present time, compare to a set man in all aspect of maturity, if ever reached maturity, and for some here it is obvious they didnt reach that level at all, and just concerned about their own needs only.



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4 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

When I see a guy obviously in late 60+ slopping around the mall with a couple of rugrats, I always think about what those kids won't get to experience with Dad

I didn't see any of my 4 kids in the UK grow up, I was too busy working to support them. My 2 in Thailand I was with all the time, being a retired person. 

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1 minute ago, GinBoy2 said:

Rather thoughtful comment.


I have always thought what about children conceived from age disparate relationships.


I've seen all my children grow up; graduations, prom dates, first house, weddings, grandchildren.


I think me being part of that has been as important to them as it has been to me.


When I see a guy obviously in late 60+ slopping around the mall with a couple of rugrats, I always think about what those kids won't get to experience with Dad

Also very thoughtful..

That's another thing about an age gap. 

I often thought about that, Lucky for me the wife does not want kids.

One has to consider the balance between you not wanting children for all the very good reasons you mentioned above, and the lady's desire and or need to have children. 

I often thought that if we had children , after I am gone she will at least have her children. But as you said. How fair is that o the children?


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5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I get that...   from a physical only perspective, I prefer my Wife when we met in our early 30’s, I’m sure she'd prefer me too....   Had we met in our 20’s it's unlikely our relationship would have lasted.


So, on the subject of ‘fancying woman’ (physical attraction) alone... I’d agree with you and most posters that women in their 20’s are physically more attractive...  

Met my wife when she was 24, 24 years ago. 42 kg - 84 kg ????

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9 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Met my wife when she was 24, 24 years ago. 42 kg - 84 kg ????

I think thats what some on here fail to recognize, the difference between physical attraction and a loving relationship..


As we age, none of us are the same physically, man or woman as we were in our 20's and 30's and you can take care of yourself as much as possible, but biology will win overall


So me and Mrs G, been together over 20 years, she ain't what she was 20 years ago, and neither am I.


But, we're together because we actually love each other though thick and thin.


Might sound corny, but it does happen that some folks can age appropriately together and it still works

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9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I don't go by studies or polls, as I didn't asked the questions.   I go by what women told me.  Most enjoying the relaxed, now worry free feeling, and getting their freak on, is way may enjoyable.   

Why do you spend your time getting to know post menopausal women well?

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:
2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Project much ?

You've never had sex in Thailand? 

For a young lad there was no difference between the UK and Thailand....


Perhaps it's been different for you because there aren’t the women in the UK you can pay to be with you - no offence, meant, just going by your posting history. 



I do agree though.. If single and my 60’s there would be far less opportunity in the UK than in Thailand, because Thailand has prostitution and no social welfare system so poorer females have to find ’security’ in those willing to provide it... 
















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2 hours ago, Grecian said:

Why do you spend your time getting to know post menopausal women well?

Not an ageist, so all ages are in my 'peer' group ...

... "The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55"


I was 45 when I left the USA, and I'm 68 now, and TBH, well frankly, men bore the hell out of me.  I enjoy and prefer conversation with women ... nuff said.


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59 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Not an ageist, so all ages are in my 'peer' group ...

... "The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55"


I was 45 when I left the USA, and I'm 68 now, and TBH, well frankly, men bore the hell out of me.  I enjoy and prefer conversation with women ... nuff said.


Fair enough. Men are boring. What you up to? Not much. What you know? Not much. What you think of (insert politician) big rant.


Women are more interesting. Better to look at too.





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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Not an ageist, so all ages are in my 'peer' group ...

... "The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55"


I was 45 when I left the USA, and I'm 68 now, and TBH, well frankly, men bore the hell out of me.  I enjoy and prefer conversation with women ... nuff said.

Women call that mansplaining !!!  ????



(sign of the times - got to point out, comment only in jest)

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10 hours ago, Felton Jarvis said:

As a 73 year-old man living with a 46 year-old Thai woman. I can ASSURE you, that I would not find the same deal if I did not have a nice retirement income.  The norms in Thailand would be exactly like those in the United States if Thai people made the same income as US citizens.

Its the elephant in the room than many here, unlike you, won't admit.


If the older male much younger female was some biological thing, why doesn't it rear it's head in other societies?


Even within Asia, I don't think it happens in Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore it just doesn't happen, and I've lived in all of the ones I've mentioned.


Many will try to deny it, but in an older/much younger relationship in Thailand, it ain't physical attraction it's money!

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On 5/31/2023 at 7:09 PM, steven100 said:

ridiculous  ....  DeNiro 79 years old .... when the kid is 10 ... he'll be 89 ... and ready for the nursing home.  Oh sorry son'   we can't go fishing today my diapers need changing today. 




He is just in the right age to run for President. As an actor, he should be able to remember his text and if he stumbles, its a stunt and not a weakness. 

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10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Perhaps it's been different for you because there aren’t the women in the UK you can pay to be with you - no offence, meant, just going by your posting history. 

Married a girl, my age, I met at university, I was doing a B.Sc, she was doing a B.Ed.

So I wasn't available between age 22 and 52.

When she was divorcing me I had a gf aged 23 in my bed, another age 60 who wanted to be in my bed and was flirting/dating my local pub owner age 40.

But none of the women in my life were ladies I really desired, I just took what was available. 


Thailand was a total shock to me, where I could pick and choose from many I found really desirable. 

Was happy to pay/support/educate any and all of the women around me.

I'm not short of money, so why wouldn't I share?



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There has been a lot said about money here (probably true) and a little about culture, Thai vs. other Asian (definitely true), but nothing about our own changing self perceptions.  I think age difference feels increasingly appropriate for me as I experience it.  BT (Before Thailand) I saw only the jnappropriateness of a 40 year gender gap.  Living it for the last ten years has made me more accepting and expecting.  BT no 40 year younger cutie would look me in the eye, much less smile at me on the streets of New York.  Now some do.  I carry on a flirtation with a pretty Peruvian waitress who wants to travel with me.  I was chatted up by an attractive Ukrainian artist the other day (yes, maybe she wanted asylum).  Both 40, looking 30.  The world has changed. But my point is that I have changed.  I smile at them.  I go to the gym.  I lost weight and keep trim.  I feel younger.  Maybe I'm no longer so much older than my Thai GF who used to be so young.  Maybe Thailand is no longer the only place I could please a beauty 40 years younger.

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16 hours ago, bignok said:

Fair enough. Men are boring. What you up to? Not much. What you know? Not much. What you think of (insert politician) big rant.


Women are more interesting. Better to look at too.





Do you follow any youtubers? If so, how many women to how man men? 

On the whole I find older men much more interesting than older women.

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On 6/2/2023 at 5:10 AM, sirineou said:

Also very thoughtful..

That's another thing about an age gap. 

I often thought about that, Lucky for me the wife does not want kids.

One has to consider the balance between you not wanting children for all the very good reasons you mentioned above, and the lady's desire and or need to have children. 

I often thought that if we had children , after I am gone she will at least have her children. But as you said. How fair is that o the children?


That would be a tough one 'if' your younger wife wanted kids.


Men are lucky that we don't generally have that instinctive need for kids that many women do.


I really don't know how I would react in that situation, especially if I was in a relationship with a woman many years younger.


I had my kids, American & Thai 20+ years ago and my Thai wife, as menopausal as she now is are way past the idea of kids, we're enjoying grandkids, which are a whole lot more fun, you just play with them then hand 'em back when it gets messy!

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On 5/31/2023 at 1:51 PM, JimTripper said:

Actually, it looks weird. When your with someone that looks like your daughter it looks weird in public. There’s no way of avoiding it. You need to overcome the feeling of people staring and gossiping.

So true.  At the weekend I was at a music festival in UK, wandered into a tent with band playing, noticed a very hot chick in front of me, guessing about 18-23 with a guy I assumed to be her dad who looked late 50s.  Then they started snogging!!  Was a bit jealous I must admit.  Can't be easy with her circle of friends (unless he is famous, maybe).

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On 6/2/2023 at 6:04 PM, JimTripper said:

A lot of the guys in Pattaya are utilizing the services of prostitutes.


I see them all over town walking around.

I'm always surprised by the number of married people there, lot more than I expected.  Pattaya has changed a lot in the last 10 years, each year going slightly more upmarket and more appealing to a wider group of people.

I've taken 2 Thai girlfriends to Pattaya for holiday, they weren't bargirls.

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I see thin trumping young. A rail thin 35 year old can compete with a more rotund type a decade younger, all things being equal.


Of course, here in cheapskate paradise, you can dial up both in the same body. I had a mild flirtation with a guest house owner who would def be considered svelte back in NYC, but was pronounced "a hog" by someone here. It's down to the parched scarcity of thinnies in the west at any age. 


I also see a lot of late age Dads here, which totally flies over my head. If I'm moving to Buddhist Babylon, that would not even make my top 50 life plans. My neighbor is 70, his wife is 30. Two kids sired in his 60's, and he's being pressured for a third. Yeah, she's a dress-size 2. 


Can some of my favorite fornicators here detail on me on how/why this mind-boggling switcheroo happened to them?

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