Popular Post RobU Posted June 9, 2023 Popular Post Posted June 9, 2023 Seems a strange society where dogs take priority over children and human beings in general. Even if the dog was provoked in some way, it should still be euthanised. It now has a taste for human flesh and knows it can attack children with impunity. I can't see what the child could have done to provoke the dog. If you hit a dog it will move away it's highly unlikely to attack. It's only if you restrain the animal and hurt it at the same time that it will bite to defend itself and try to escape. It seems that this dog actually attacked the child and was not trying to get away 3 2 1
RobU Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 1 hour ago, BritScot said: The dog should be put down and compensation paid (million plus) as those are lifetime facial scares. I hate seeing dogs not on a leash because you never know. I hate idiots who say "I have total control of my dog" No you do not as the unexpected can happen. My dogs were always lashed unless working on a shoot. I think you mean leashed, you don't sound like a cruel person who would beat his dogs. Very much a responsible owner. 1 2
Popular Post neeray Posted June 9, 2023 Popular Post Posted June 9, 2023 1 hour ago, Bim Smith said: Not the child's fault nor the dogs. Having rescued Hundreds of dogs it's the stick that was the trigger without doubt because many adults are unkind and use them on dogs and leaving a child unsupervised is the parents fault not to mention dog owners taking no responsibility for their dogs and leaving them to free roam. There is no personal responsibility in this country and everyone lies to not make themselves accountable. You are the first in this thread to comment on the stick. I certainly agree with you that the stick was the likely trigger. Quite possibly the child "playfully" or even "threateningly or teasingly" motioned harm to the dog with the stick. This story seems somewhat complex and the dog should not have been allowed freedom, particularly at this location. 2 1
Popular Post Bday Prang Posted June 9, 2023 Popular Post Posted June 9, 2023 The brat of a kid seems to have a history of tormenting this dog, this time whilst armed with a stick and a plastic bag. The kid was known to be responsible on two previous occasions, this time it would appear that nobody knows who was responsible, as the others were inside the house whilst the attack happened outside. But , predictably. responsibility this time seems to have been decided based on the need for medical treatment. What a surprise (not) Hopefully the dog has now taught the kid a lesson that the others seem to have been unable to The mother is 23 but she has a sister of 5 years old, the same age as her son ? Ok possible I guess, this is Thailand after all. Her eldest son ( the one demanding 200,000 baht) appeared to be at least 15 years old from what i saw of him on the TV news last night so i need a bit of help getting my head around that !! I found the following even harder to understand... 10 hours ago, webfact said: She wanted her child, who was her aunt's grandchild, to receive fair treatment. Is that even possible?? who would the father have to be to make that possible And then this... 10 hours ago, webfact said: The dog's owner, who is also a relative and lives across the street, came to her beauty salon for a service Was that Mr Den narong, the 25 year old relative who was in the house at the time and describes the kid as his "nephew" ?? The plot sickens Now we are getting closer to the truth I fear, all in all sounds like a pretty dysfunctional family to me and hardly surprising they are all with holding their surnames One can only hope that brat of a kid and its mother have finally learnt a valuable lesson if not a bloody good hiding for the kid is due and possibly a firm spanking for its mother which i would be quite prepared to administer as she looks half tidy This appears to be one of the worst, possibly rushed, translations I have read for a while! but if it isn't, then the whole story really deserves further investigation, If it had happened in the UK, social services would be having a field day It is worthy of the Jeremy Kyle show ( or Jerry Springer if your from USA) 1 2 3
thailand49 Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 2 hours ago, Kiwiken said: And the child approached with a plastic bag. Fluttering it or the dog thinking is is being attacked? What if the report was the 5 year old suffocated dog would that be ok for you. The dog should be put down. A child of 5 doesn't have the mental or mature capacity to understand carrying or waving a plastic bag would excite a response from a dog. Statistics show a person brain doesn't develope fully until late 20's it seem in my view your response reasoning isnt within that range of the statistics. 2
NativeBob Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 24 minutes ago, Bday Prang said: This appears to be one of the worst, possibly rushed, translations I have read for a while! Smart Thai Journalism 2023. Behold: Thai news -> google.translate ->free rewrite using one of hundreds services on the Internet -> synonymization (also free) --> ???? --> ????
jesimps Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 7 hours ago, Gottfrid said: A dog should not bite, so in this case the boy must have been very cruel to the dog for that to pass, which I think is not the case. Regarding the 200k. As for me, that will need no explanation. Let´s say the compensation will serve as a great memory for the owner to teach his dog better behavior. Wrong. Lots of dogs bite without any provocation at all. Unlike present day humans who they invent a syndrome for, some are just bad. 1
jesimps Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 Should be a gun that copper's pointing at the festering thing. No excuses, a dog that bites needs euthanising. 1
Popular Post NONG CHOK Posted June 9, 2023 Popular Post Posted June 9, 2023 The other day I was halfway through my daily 90 minutes walk when I seen a Pit Bull wandering aimlessly in my estate. There was no one to attend to the dog so I presume it was out for it's daily exercise alone. I did a U turn and retreated immediatlely. It begs 2 questions why would a person let a Pit Bull roam the soi and secondly who in their wildest dreams needs a Pit Bull. 2 2
kennw Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 4 hours ago, Kiwiken said: And the child approached with a plastic bag. Fluttering it or the dog thinking is is being attacked? What if the report was the 5 year old suffocated dog would that be ok for you. Was that the reason the dog attacked on the previous occasions? Smarten up mate you either lock the dog up (not good for the dog) or put it down.
KannikaP Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 2 hours ago, Bday Prang said: or Jerry Springer if your from USA) He died last month, RIP.
msbkk Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 39 minutes ago, jesimps said: Wrong. Lots of dogs bite without any provocation at all. Unlike present day humans who they invent a syndrome for, some are just bad. In most cases this happens because the dog owners do not know how to raise and teach the dog. Dogs act very different from humans and need a strong and loving leader who let the dog know what is acceptable behavier and know how to correct misbehavier in the right way. You can watch hundreds of youtube videos of dog trainers explaining and showing how to do that. I have some experience by myself with such a dog which was raised incorrectly and tends to bite other people outside the family because it is very overprotective. It is possible to change that with the right tools and knowledge of dog behavior. As mentioned in the beginning this works in most cases, not all.
Bundooman Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 5 hours ago, Kiwiken said: And the child approached with a plastic bag. Fluttering it or the dog thinking is is being attacked? What if the report was the 5 year old suffocated dog would that be ok for you. It would me - before or after the dog bit the child. 'Fluttering' it? I find it very distasteful for you to imply that the child might have been taunting the dog with a plastic bag and therefore the dog thought it was being attacked. The child is five years old. The dog is vicious and needs eradicating. I'm sure the boy's mother would be wildly sympathetic to your view of the incident. Blame anyone except the disgusting creature that bit the child!
Bundooman Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 3 hours ago, arick said: 200k in her dreams If it were your child and you didn't have much money to care for a child that is the victim of a dog attack, what would YOU do? You sound no different from the dog's owner. Denying responsibility so that compensation isn't paid. She has to: Take care of the child, change dressings, hospital check visits, transport to and from hospital, administer medication, purchase medication, lotions, lint, dressings, probably take time off work, worry herself sick that the dog might have rabies, worry that the dog might attack him again, face the relative who is denying responsibility, and possibly, many other necessary things that have turned her families life into a nightmare existence She should be demanding 3 times that figure and you know it! 1
Bundooman Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 4 hours ago, Burma Bill said: Crate up the dog and send it to Vietnam: Great picture - the future for all these disgusting, stinking animals. Alternatively minced and sold as cat food.... and vice versa. "According to the WHO, rabid dogs are responsible for about 25,000 deaths per year throughout the world. Countries with large populations of strays see correspondingly high rates of rabies and about 36 percent of rabies deaths occur in India each year, most of which come from people coming into contact with rabid dogs. The number of individuals who suffered from dog bites annually. More recently, according to a randomized survey conducted from 2001-2003, an estimated 4.521 million suffered from dog bites each year." Exterminate them all. No more dog sh*t......... heaven! 1
Dene16 Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 4 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said: And the article clearly states that on those previous occasions the child's mother admitted that her son had instigated those incidents...the same child who was approaching the same dog with a plastic bag this time. Perhaps...? you obviously don't live in a village. Whilst i don't disagree with your comment, these are vile and nasty creatures through no fault of their own but due to their owners bad neglect and treatment. Very loving and normal dogs one minute and a dangerous ravaged dog the next. I've seen/known them kill chickens, cats, calves here in the village and no one does a thing. the bottom line is they are a danger to all children Dogs know that its a child and could just walk away but they are left to roam and have a pack mentality to inflict as much pain as possible. I am a dog lover but regrettably still think that all soi and uncontrolled dogs here need to be put down 1
NativeBob Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 1 hour ago, NONG CHOK said: I seen a Pit Bull wandering aimlessly in my estate. There was no one to attend to the dog so I presume it was out for it's daily exercise alone. For the reason beyond my comprehension those vicious bastards are often seen near kindergartens. "Nice & kind maid" let the AST run around for almost an hour. She said it won't bite. Yeah, sure! Another hipster let his rat-face pitbull roam near another KG. Seriously! Most disgusting things I've seen in Thailand, and I've seen a lot )
sherwood Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 Any stray dogs should be gone. That's my opinion and I will stick with it. Any person who takes on the responsibility of taking care of any animal should be held accountable. 1 1
PETERTHEEATER Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 5 hours ago, Burma Bill said: Crate up the dog and send it to Vietnam: Looks ike the nearest was a Golden Retriever. 1
PETERTHEEATER Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 14 hours ago, webfact said: She wanted her child, who was her aunt's grandchild, Subject matter aside, I had difficulty in understanding the family relationships between the individuals. Especially that the 'bitten' child is actually cousin to the 'mother' ????
snowgard Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 Quote when the family's son was playing in front of their house and had a wooden stick in his hand. In the first report the boy had a wooden stick!!! Who knows what was really happen. I saw more as one kid what tried to beat a dog or throw stones to them. Maybe this was here the same and the dog reacted in self defense. 1
billd766 Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 12 hours ago, ChrisY1 said: The dog must be killed! Keep the dog in a safe environment and put the owner down instead of the dog, (or as well as if you wish)
billd766 Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 7 hours ago, Kiwiken said: And the child approached with a plastic bag. Fluttering it or the dog thinking is is being attacked? What if the report was the 5 year old suffocated dog would that be ok for you. Do you have a link or a report for that?
billd766 Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 6 hours ago, Bim Smith said: Not the child's fault nor the dogs. Having rescued Hundreds of dogs it's the stick that was the trigger without doubt because many adults are unkind and use them on dogs and leaving a child unsupervised is the parents fault not to mention dog owners taking no responsibility for their dogs and leaving them to free roam. There is no personal responsibility in this country and everyone lies to not make themselves accountable. Great plan. Just blame the 5 year old victim. What about the 3 other times that the dog has bitten people. Were they all at fault according to you? 1
Liverpool Lou Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 1 hour ago, Dene16 said: 6 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said: And the article clearly states that on those previous occasions the child's mother admitted that her son had instigated those incidents...the same child who was approaching the same dog with a plastic bag this time. Perhaps...? you obviously don't live in a village. Whilst i don't disagree with your comment... What's where I live got to do with anything? You, obviously, cannot disagree with that comment of mine as it was a factual quote from the child's mother, it was not my opinion. 1
Dene16 Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 2 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said: What's where I live got to do with anything? You, obviously, cannot disagree with that comment of mine as it was a factual quote from the child's mother, it was not my opinion. I have already stated that your comment/quote was correct. where you live has everything to do with it as your statement implies that the problem lies solely with the young boy. I doubt there is a village in Thailand where it is possible to walk the street in the dark hours of the night without being attacked by a pack of dogs how many times do we hear in a year where children have been scared for life and ultimately lost their life If you lived in a village your perception or opinion of the events would be completely different Why would you quote this fact unless you are of the opinion that its the boys fault? I guess you think he got what he deserved being all of 5 years old? 1 1
Liverpool Lou Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 1 hour ago, Dene16 said: where you live has everything to do with it as your statement implies that the problem lies solely with the young boy. No, it does not, it is irrelevant to my comments, the dog in question was not a stray or wandering around unattended, neither was it part of a pack of dogs, it was brought to the boy's mother's house/business by a relative. You are right, I was suggesting that the boy could be solely at fault based on the fact that he has a history of instigating problems with this dog as confirmed by his own mother 1
nglodnig Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 11 hours ago, RobU said: I think you mean leashed, you don't sound like a cruel person who would beat his dogs. Very much a responsible owner. Well lashing worked for Roya Navy sailors - that and rum, according to Winston Churchill. Plus something else we're not allowed to mention. 1
Bim Smith Posted June 9, 2023 Posted June 9, 2023 8 hours ago, billd766 said: Great plan. Just blame the 5 year old victim. What about the 3 other times that the dog has bitten people. Were they all at fault according to you? I clearly stated at the beginning of the thread that it's not the child's fault. But you have replied to what you thought I had said rather than what I actually said. 1
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