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Move Forward Party’s Thai PM Candidate Pita Fails First Round of Voting


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6 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Complete rubbish. Everyone hates Prayut and the military. The Thai peopole voted them (the military and the elite they stand for and protect) out and voted them out in a huge majority. It was a classic landslide victory by definition. This cannot be disputed.. The junta put in safeguards i.e. senate/EC/CC to protect themselves from defeat. I have said many times this is how you win when you lose. They are hated.

I think hate is too big a word, disliked yes (if they can be bothered to think about it beyond election time) In Bangkok the discussions about politics may be more lively but Bangkok, like say London, is an island to itself, it doesn't represent the country, it's too cosmopolitan. Yes of course the ruling elite has put in unfair safeguards to protect itself but this was a given and surprises nobody. The students and academics may voice anger in the coffee shops but the bus driver will just shrug his shoulders. Yes, they've done a Trump but unlike him they may have succeeded, how does this affect the bus driver? He never had any real sentiments about democracy anyway and he isn't going to storm parliament house because a student, a future elite, tells him it's the right thing to do. Democracy grows organically and takes time, it isn't an Asian concept anyway the idea has been imported from the West which needed hundreds of years to get it to stand up. Things will change politically eventually but I doubt if a farmer will even notice. Why should you as a foreigner get worked up about it?

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On 7/14/2023 at 12:10 PM, NanLaew said:

Sorry, but unlike the lazy Brits and indolent French with their expansive social safety nets, the Thai people simply can't afford to go on strike.

Are you trying to say Thais are not lazy....?

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On 7/13/2023 at 11:37 PM, Trippy said:

As a foreigner I know I don't have a say in, or should make judgements concerning Thai politics. There's nothing I could do about it whatever the outcome. Don't worry, be happy. 

Fully agree, it is not my place as a guest in this country to say how it should be run, unless someone asks my opinion.  Nonetheless it is worth discussing the impacts or probably outcomes. 

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On 7/14/2023 at 1:27 PM, bradiston said:

I don't see where you get the idea the caretaker government will be around much longer. There is a majority coalition government agreed upon and readily elected. All this hoohah is about the next PM. And, considering PT is prepared to back him DESPITE the 112 issue, why can't the rest follow suit? PT doesn't back the 112 amendment, so all this about 112 getting in the way is rubbish.


I've commented elsewhere about the conflation of 112/PM. The 2 are separate issues. I can't see how MFP is going to get it's amendments past an anti reformist parliament. So it's a non issue.

If the current coalition fails to get an acceptable PM candidate (which it won't) it will disintegrate, then there will be an indeterminate period while the parties go around the houses, cobbling together a coalition who's PM candidate (Prawit) will be accepted.

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On 7/14/2023 at 7:23 PM, dinsdale said:

Sometimes democracy only comes through violence/uprisings/revolutions. Seems your knowledge of history is not so good. If the ruling, minority, undemocratic forces will not heed to the will of the people, the will of the people have but one choice. Overthrow the minority controlling, self intersted forces. Unfortunatelty here in Thailand the will of the people will be supressed by the military through coups. Again this is historical fact. This is Thailand's chance to advance into a progressive country. Sadly this can not be allowed hence the junta senators, the junta EC and the junta CC.

Since you appear to be a history buff, can you name any "violence/uprisings/revolutions" in recent history and in any country that have resulted in more democracy?

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On 7/14/2023 at 3:15 PM, ThailandRyan said:

If that were to happen and they obtained all of the Votes that Pita did not get, then Prawit would definitely win the seat.  Should that happen then there will be major chaos in Parliament as any type of bill or funding program will be stagnated for the next 4 years, and the government will be at a standstill with nothing getting done.

And the £ will rise well above 50 baht a pop and I can get the wife a new kitchen and a new battery for the Harley.

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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:
On 7/14/2023 at 12:10 PM, NanLaew said:

Sorry, but unlike the lazy Brits and indolent French with their expansive social safety nets, the Thai people simply can't afford to go on strike.

Are you trying to say Thais are not lazy....?

Sorry, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

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6 hours ago, wealthychef said:

Fully agree, it is not my place as a guest in this country to say how it should be run, unless someone asks my opinion.  Nonetheless it is worth discussing the impacts or probably outcomes. 

......and why can't they just be like us - an upmost developed, superior and civilised manner. ????

I believe a solid Euro-civilising mission is in order. ????


That'll straighten out these Oriental barbarians tout de suite. ????

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9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Since you appear to be a history buff, can you name any "violence/uprisings/revolutions" in recent history and in any country that have resulted in more democracy?

Timor Leste. Actually became a country in it's own right.

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Farcical and shameful. I wonder if Pita should take the MFP into opposition for now, and focus on the next election when, hopefully, the current bunch of so-called senators will be long gone. 




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2 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

......and why can't they just be like us - an upmost developed, superior and civilised manner. ????

I believe a solid Euro-civilising mission is in order. ????


That'll straighten out these Oriental barbarians tout de suite. ????

I think I hear a NATO membership dangling!  ????????

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On 7/14/2023 at 12:23 AM, pepi2005 said:

So in fact, not the people but the parliament votes a PM in Thailand? :sleepy:


I wasn't aware of that.


Have to re-think my understanding of 'Thai democracy' now. 

In what countries do the people, not the parliament, elect the Prime Minister? I know that in Italy, it is the parliament and I believe also in the UK and many other countries that have a Prime Minister.

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On 7/14/2023 at 1:04 AM, smedly said:

really, the senate shouldn't have a vote - the people voted, what is wrong with this country...............there is no democracy here ---------### them

The people voted to elect the members of the House of Representatives, nothing more and nothing less.

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Pheu Thai Deputy Leader Phumtham Wechayachai says that the second joint sitting of the House and Senate, to select the prime minister on Wednesday, should be the last of Move Forward party leader's attempts to be chosen as prime minister.



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19 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Pheu Thai Deputy Leader Phumtham Wechayachai says that the second joint sitting of the House and Senate, to select the prime minister on Wednesday, should be the last of Move Forward party leader's attempts to be chosen as prime minister.



Of course he, like most of the rest of the National Assembly, ie the Reps and the Sens, has got the wrong idea about amending 112. First off, they are amendments, not a complete elimination. And second, they would never get through parliament in any case. So they are void right from the start. They object to him on principle for even DARING to suggest amendments to their wretched law. Just close ranks.


I only have a graphic in Thai explaining the amendments. I can't find any other reference. You can use Google Lens to translate.




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I've purchased a Spotify account for Pita so he can listen to some of his favorite artists like Taylor Swift, Cardi B, Miley Cyrus, Black Pink and Drake nonstop to comfort himself during these difficult times. Meanwhile I just hope whomever wins fights air pollution in a meaningful way.

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