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Last day before turning 50


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20 hours ago, Henryford said:

It's better than being 70

I'm a bit older than that, and other I'm very happy with my life. I don't really want to do the things I did when I was 50, or 40 or 30. I have zero desire to go out drinking and cavorting any more although once in a while I will have a wander down Soi 6 with a few mates for a laugh.

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20 hours ago, Henryford said:

It's better than being 70

     You are SO right!  I thought 50 was a very hard birthday--until 60 showed up.  The absolute worst, though, was 70, which I've concluded is the very worst of all the '0' birthdays after very careful, detailed study.   Let's disregard the oh-so-easy ones below 50.   50--still youngish.  50 is nifty.  60--no longer young but not really old yet.  Swinging 60s.   70--old.  Saggy 70s--not the same zing as Nifty 50.  No sugar-coating it.  Old.  Yikes!  70!  Can I really be 70 already--when I still feel so young at heart?  80, by the way, should I reach it, will be a breeze, a '0' birthday to finally celebrate, rather than dread, reaching.

     For the OP, rejoice in 'just' turning 50.  You have 20 hopefully great years ahead of you before you  reach the really yucky milestone--70.   Enjoy every day.  Now let me be off to research facelifts.

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21 hours ago, Celsius said:

I want this day to last forever. Life is not fair, I still feel like a spoiled child.


What are the actual benefits of being this old? I don't see any. I guess I can now live forever in Thailand on retirement visa? What an amazing benefit. What else?


Give me something positive you aged misbegottens. 







What are the actual benefits of being this old?


look on the bright side...eventually you will likely give up thinking about sex every minite for hours a day as i did from age 13 or so for many decades....then you will have a lot of free time to think about some other things and may be surprised at how nice that can sometimes be....maybe with all your new free thinking time you will find the cure to cancer or something?

Edited by pomchop
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21 hours ago, redwood1 said:

I found a bunch of people I knew decades ago on the internet......But after I found them I realized I had nothing to say....lol


The one guy I really wanted to talk to, had moved and changed his phone number dozens of times....So I hit a dead end there... 

I found an old friend on Facebook. It said he was working as a bagger at a grocery store 35 years later. When I knew him he was studying to be a chef at a good school.

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On 8/31/2023 at 10:46 AM, Celsius said:

I want this day to last forever. Life is not fair, I still feel like a spoiled child.


What are the actual benefits of being this old? I don't see any. I guess I can now live forever in Thailand on retirement visa? What an amazing benefit. What else?


Give me something positive you aged misbegottens. 







Until I read the "aged misbegottens" bit, I was going to give you some benefits... Now, you are on your own... lol

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On 8/31/2023 at 10:46 AM, Celsius said:

I want this day to last forever. Life is not fair, I still feel like a spoiled child.


What are the actual benefits of being this old? I don't see any. I guess I can now live forever in Thailand on retirement visa? What an amazing benefit. What else?


Give me something positive you aged misbegottens. 







" guess I can now live forever in Thailand on retirement visa? 


If you can get approval every year.


Not too many days and I'll be 80 and very much enjoying life.

- Got Thai PR 28 years go.

- Live with my wonderful Thai son and his Thai wife both close to fluent in English and they take care of me like i'm a baby. Lots of love and caring. And my 4 

grandchildren, spend hours with them teaching them to cook, immering them in English. One just started uni, 1 at high school, 1 primary, one baby.

I speak plenty of Thai to communicate outside of the house.

Every evening 6:00 pm walk 3 minutes to farang friends house, he's 79, and one more farang (82) joins us (walks 5 minutes - in same village). We have 2 cans of beer then home again for family dinner.

Meal times are great because my Thai son insists whole family eat together and son and his wife push the kids to share their day in English, what's coming up at school etc.. Uni grandchild wants to discuss world events and we do (son has always made himself well informed).

Life is great. 

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