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Do you believe in Ghosts?

bob smith

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Do you think everything in the universe, from an insect's wing, to the fact that the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun to sustain life, how everything alive has all it needs to survive here, how the moon controls the tides, how gravity keeps us on earth, the intricacies of the brain, all the different species on earth, and millions of other miracles, that all of this just happened and came to be out of nothing?

I believe that, to the best of our knowledge to date, it has happened only once out of many trillions of opportunities. That is, of all the planets orbiting all the stars in all the galaxies, only ours is currently known to contain intelligent life.


Turn that argument on its head. Who created the meaning of intelligence? Who are we to regard our level of intelligence (well, some of us) as the absolute gold standard? We cannot say for sure that there is not a far more intelligent (based on our own measurements) creature existing in the cosmos that was not created in the image of your god. A being that, by any measurement we know and all that we don't, beat us into oblivion. That would make your god just as irrelevant in the grand scheme of things as the human race is.


I am not a believer and there are many like me. To maintain being a non-believer, there is no requirement for me to join/visit/support an organisation that spreads the word of the non-believer movement. No organisation that has become powerful, rich beyond imagination and exists almost solely to retain that power and those riches while preying predominantly on the poor and lesser educated to maintain the absolute inequality. Having said that, I guess McDonalds might fit?


If your god was not the god of the bible, or of the koran... a religious god, I'd be far more open to respecting your beliefs as those of a rational, intelligent adult. Regardless, I do still respect your beliefs in so much that you have the right to hold such beliefs. A right which many organisations that brainwash the younger in our midst to believe in the same things that you believe would rather see taken from us.


Back on topic. There is such a thing as a ghost in the same way that there is such a thing as an elf, but they exist only in fantasy, far away from reality.



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Where does the Term Guardian Angel come from? I believe it to be a former loved 1 who has passed over and he or she is around looking out for you. You will never see him but you may feel his or her presence such as the feeling when you get that someone is watching you when no one is there.

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42 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Where does the Term Guardian Angel come from? I believe it to be a former loved 1 who has passed over and he or she is around looking out for you. You will never see him but you may feel his or her presence such as the feeling when you get that someone is watching you when no one is there.

Hope that's not a thing. Don't want to be watched thanks.

If you think though, in practical terms, what would this dead person be i.e. what is there state of mind. How boring would it be for them to follow one of us around. Making sure we don't drink too much beer or we are careful crossing the road. If they have changed into some form of ethereal light or goodness then are they really the same imperfect annoying person they were when they were alive or are they somehow enlightened but still the same person. Hard to make a ghost or spirit or something make sense. 

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On 9/5/2023 at 10:44 AM, bob smith said:

was the question that I posed to a thai business acquaintance over dinner last night..

well that did open up a rather large can of worms....


he told me that he did indeed and not only that but he also went to fortune tellers on a regular basis. He also told me that he has changed his name 5 times now to ward off the evil spirits that he believes are out to get him.


I was stunned. 


This guy is apparently well educated. He holds a masters degree from a reputable university and has been working in a very demanding field for years, yet he lets his life and actions be dictated by fortune tellers and spirits.


how this all came about was that he is looking to start his own business and needs 1 million baht in capital to get it up and running.

he knows me through a mutual friend and knows that I am pretty flush at the moment so he had our mutual friend arrange a dinner at a swanky joint in town.


one of my little tricks when deciding to invest in someone is I like to get them drunk and then ask silly little questions like the title of this thread.

by asking such questions I can gauge the intelligence of an individual and whether or not he or she is worth my investment.


Sadly, he didn't pass the test.


The reason for this is because how can i invest in someone that lets their whole life be ruled by superstition instead of logic and reason?

he may just squander my million because the fortune teller told him it was a good idea!

I only work with logical and reasonable individuals, which are sadly quite thin on the ground in my experience here.




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On 9/5/2023 at 11:11 AM, Shop mak said:

Thais get this with their breast milk, and the next 15 years, older family members will warn young children about what horrible things will happen to them, if they don't listen to their older family members ...


All about control.


Such a shame when they don't even teach them anything useful !

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I see it like this.  I have been on this Earth just short of 78 years and have experienced just about all the ups and downs of life and death (apart from my own).   In that time i've heard, read and viewed accounts of Ghosts from many different sources incuding my own Mother and Father, who both had their own 'Ghost Stories'.   However; i've yet to have an encounter with one and until i do i will continue to be a non-believer !

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I think it's all to do with religion. If you believe in a supernatural being then it follows that you must believe in ghosts. After all, what else is a supernatural being? It follows that the stronger the belief in religion, the firmer the belief in ghosts. 

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4 hours ago, leeedwards said:

This is Thailand bud


Not bud.

Not Rosebud.



"BOB" is the Archie Bunker Persona that Bud has attempted to create here.


But Bud's Persona BOB falls flat, by comparison.


In order to creatively create a more interesting persona, such as this TV-Bob, then Bud would need to be another Norman Lear.

And, Bud is no Lear of well-known Television fame.

Instead, Bud is probably more like the Lear of Shakespeare:



Tragic hero in his own mind

Blind and unfair







Maybe some here like his type?

How strange it is...









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I have seen enough and heard enough events directly related to ghosts or spirits, that any normal person would either be freaked out or a fervent believer, but I still have many doubts. I can't grasp the belief that spirits are among us and at the same time believe was are just one of the many species that inhabit the planet, and when we are done, we are done. I could write , at least a short book on the number of things I have witnessed over a lifetime. But yet I am not a big believer, because I can not explain them. When I can explain them logically, then I will re-access.

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9 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

I see it like this.  I have been on this Earth just short of 78 years and have experienced just about all the ups and downs of life and death (apart from my own).   In that time i've heard, read and viewed accounts of Ghosts from many different sources incuding my own Mother and Father, who both had their own 'Ghost Stories'.   However; i've yet to have an encounter with one and until i do i will continue to be a non-believer !

I believe once we depart we move to another plain different from an Earthly boundry. The sole can return to visit us in our plain but you not be visible only in thought. Some Ghost sightings and photos have never been explained.

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6 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Not bud.

Not Rosebud.



"BOB" is the Archie Bunker Persona that Bud has attempted to create here.


But Bud's Persona BOB falls flat, by comparison.


In order to creatively create a more interesting persona, such as this TV-Bob, then Bud would need to be another Norman Lear.

And, Bud is no Lear of well-known Television fame.

Instead, Bud is probably more like the Lear of Shakespeare:



Tragic hero in his own mind

Blind and unfair







Maybe some here like his type?

How strange it is...


Are you Bored? what the hell is this drivel what are you trying to say we cant understand this crap.








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25 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

I believe once we depart we move to another plain different from an Earthly boundry. The sole can return to visit us in our plain but you not be visible only in thought.

After reading your comment, if I may, I will just quote your other comment in response to this comment:


"Are you Bored? what the hell is this drivel what are you trying to say we cant understand this crap."



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On 9/5/2023 at 9:52 AM, fredwiggy said:

I have researched most everything about the big bang theory and what many scientists have said.

Then you will know that the Big Bang theory is not about how the universe started, its about how the universe evolved from a time when all the matter and energy was already present about 13.8 billion years ago. There is no scientific theory on how the universe was created and any physicist will say "we don't know".

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Not a ghost as such, but a fellow Londoner I know lived in Thailand and we used to meet up regularly. Strangely for someone who lived not far from the Spurs ground he was an Arsenal supporter, but he explained that he used to work near their old ground and at half-time they used to open the gates and he walked in for free.


Sadly he died, and a few weeks later I was in London and met up with his daughter for lunch by the Thames. Afterwards, we walked along the river, and at one point we just stopped - and for no particular reason I looked over the wall and there, standing upright in the mud at low tide, was a child's scooter with the footplate emblazoned with the Arsenal logo. I didn't even know such things existed, and the chance of us stopping at the exact point is incalculable.

I'm also told that we had a little old lady ghost in our house, seen by my mother and sister but never knowingly by myself. But I was told when I was very tiny I began to sing a nursery rhyme and my mother asked me how I knew it as she hadn't taught it to me. And apparently I said an old lady had sat on my bed and taught it to me.

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