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The difficulty of avoiding sugar in Thailand.

Felton Jarvis

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9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

No, it's 75% diet and 25% exercise. I've trained over 50 years, and been a personal trainer in gyms for almost 20. Studied nutrition from age 17 until now. You can eat lean, and stay lean, with little to no exercise. of course weight training, which is the best, along with swimming, will put on muscle, and having more muscle means your body is more efficient. Exercising, with the exception of downhill skiing, burns little calories, compared to what you eat.

Doesn't matter what you eat, unless extreme vegan, and IMHO, not the healthiest diet, and if you don't burn it off, (fat/sugar/carbs) as BM2 stated, you will get fat.


I exercise very little, and far from fat or obese, and eat whatever I want, in moderation of course, and pay attention to leaner cuts, fats, oils & sugar intake.


Contrary to all the internet BS, I consume a lot of carbs, simple & complex.  Did cut back on dairy the last couple years.

Edited by KhunLA
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10 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

No, it's 75% diet and 25% exercise. I've trained over 50 years, and been a personal trainer in gyms for almost 20. Studied nutrition from age 17 until now. You can eat lean, and stay lean, with little to no exercise. of course weight training, which is the best, along with swimming, will put on muscle, and having more muscle means your body is more efficient. Exercising, with the exception of downhill skiing, burns little calories, compared to what you eat. There was an aerobic instructor that taught at one of the gyms I worked at, that was very thick, meaning a lot of bodyfat. She taught at least 3 classes daily, but her diet wasn't good. Excess calories of any source will be stored. Sugar, empty calories, causes a rapid rise in blood sugar, and if you don't burn off carbohydrates, they get stored as bodyfat.

I drink at least 1ltr of pepsi a day, chocolate, supermarket bread, bacon, mash, chips, burgers .......... and my weight never increases. If anything I have a weight loss problem.

Cycle 50Km a week if it's not raining.

Edited by BritManToo
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5 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

That depends on what sugar or sweetener is used.  Natural sugar still retains it's nutritional value, and honey, and maple syrup can be quite healthy for you, or so I read.


Stevia, probably the healthier of all, but I'm not a fan.  You also have:






Sugars are empty calories, meaning they have no nutritional value. Molasses and brown have just a slight amount of trace minerals and vitamins, but isn't worth anything besides a quick energy source. many people thin the same with fruit juices, which are basically sugar water also. A touch of sugar in your coffee or tea isn't going to harm you. It's when people drink sugar sodas and load table sugar into everything to satisfy a sweet tooth that it gets to be a problem. Diabetes runs rampant here because of the white rice, along with them drinking the drinks that shops carry. You can only burn so many calories off before they will be stored, and if you're diabetic prone, staying away from sugar is always a safer bet. I use Splenda and Equal, which have suspects but eat very healthy 95% of the time, so my risk is nil. My brother died from a heart attack at 67, my age now, because he didn't lose bodyfat when he had diabetes. My son has diabetes now, and is lean and an exercise buff also. so it's genetic in my family. An aunt had it, as far as I know.

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16 minutes ago, transam said:

But why would what folk want to eat affect you, or anyone else for that matter.

Us humans do not have an expiry date stamped on our forehead at birth.

Us humans even do very risky jobs that they accept.

Us humans can eat what we like until we expire.


All, nothing to do with anybody else.......:clap2:


So many people want to control us, but why?

No smoking, no drinking, no sex, no sugar, no ICE, you gotta have smart electricity that the government can turn off.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

I drink at least 1ltr of pepsi a day, chocolate, supermarket bread, bacon, mash, chips, burgers .......... and my weight never increases. If anything I have a weight loss problem.

Chocolate (Dark) rocks, me and the dog eat it every day.  And people tell me never to do, as chocolate will kill a dog ... ????  More like she'll kill me if I don't give her some.

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I drink at least 1ltr of pepsi a day, chocolate, supermarket bread, bacon, mash, chips, burgers .......... and my weight never increases. If anything I have a weight loss problem.

Cycle 50Km a week if it's not raining.

Cycling that much burns a lot of calories, and you have to take into account your genetics also. A lot of people get away with eating badly, and living long lives, but the majority that eat badly will pay eventually.

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8 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Doesn't matter what you eat, unless extreme vegan, and IMHO, not the healthiest diet, and if you don't burn it off, (fat/sugar/carbs) as BM2 stated, you will get fat.


I exercise very little, and far from fat or obese, and eat whatever I want, in moderation of course, and pay attention to leaner cuts, fats, oils & sugar intake.


Contrary to all the internet BS, I consume a lot of carbs, simple & complex.  Did cut back on dairy the last couple years.

The majority of the world's population is either obese or overweight, primarily because of bad eating habits. Some people get away with it because of a faster metabolism, but that doesn't always last. You can be a stick and have diabetes because of genetics, or have a heart attack and be lean, because of eating too much sugar and fat. Some people can live being overweight until their 80's, but the majority will have health problems by their 60's

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

The majority of the world's population is either obese or overweight, primarily because of bad eating habits. Some people get away with it because of a faster metabolism, but that doesn't always last. You can be a stick and have diabetes because of genetics, or have a heart attack and be lean, because of eating too much sugar and fat. Some people can live being overweight until their 80's, but the majority will have health problems by their 60's

Far from the majority ...


"By comparison, 2.6 billion people worldwide (38 percent of the population) were overweight or obese in 2020." - 2020 Washington Post Op-Ed. WP source

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27 minutes ago, transam said:

But why would what folk want to eat affect you, or anyone else for that matter.

Us humans do not have an expiry date stamped on our forehead at birth.

Us humans even do very risky jobs that they accept.

Us humans can eat what we like until we expire.


All, nothing to do with anybody else.......:clap2:

I answered to you when you stated that you didn't see a shaker on tables here but did in the US. It doesn't have anything to do with me because I don't add sugar to noodle soup, but many do, and without tasting first. That's ingrained behavior.

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3 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Far from the majority ...


"By comparison, 2.6 billion people worldwide (38 percent of the population) were overweight or obese in 2020." - 2020 Washington Post Op-Ed. WP source

Looking at the first link you tried, just to argue with my point, isn't valid. The world's population has been getting fatter yearly, and increases daily. I've been in the business most of my life, indirectly or directly. All you have to do is walk down any street in any city and see that the people are getting heavier all the time. I trained in gyms up to 4 times a week for 50 years, and most of the people that went were either a little fat or overweight. You don't see it if you walk around as much because they are wearing loose clothes, but under those clothes is more fat than you would think. More people are overweight than what's stated on any links.

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37 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

There was an aerobic instructor that taught at one of the gyms I worked at, that was very thick, meaning a lot of bodyfat. She taught at least 3 classes daily, but her diet wasn't good

Presumably she eat a lot of fatty junk, sugar gets the blame but junk is high in fat

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10 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I answered to you when you stated that you didn't see a shaker on tables here but did in the US. It doesn't have anything to do with me because I don't add sugar to noodle soup, but many do, and without tasting first. That's ingrained behavior.

I am not from the USA, I have no idea what they have on the table...

I am not a people watcher to know anything regarding Thai condiment use..????


My Thai wife buys very little sugar, fact, but she is partial to Mr. Doughnut offerings..................????

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6 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Presumably she eat a lot of fatty junk, sugar gets the blame but junk is high in fat

I knew her and the other girls she worked with. I was the man to go to for diet help because I was into it. She and the others told me what they ate and I gave them advice. The ones that took it lost bodyfat.Too much sugar and fat is the culprit but empty calories from sugar don't help unless you burn them off immediately.

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On 9/8/2023 at 12:40 PM, KhunLA said:

don't think sugar is the demon ingredient it's made out to be.

Im currently trying to decide myself about sugar alone. For sure wheat is the killer for me. Feel so much healthier on ketosis. It's just hard to stick to because of the peer pressure to eat carppy food. Now I'd like to try ketosis but with plain white sugar included. See what happens


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4 minutes ago, transam said:

I am not from the USA, I have no idea what they have on the table...

I am not a people watcher to know anything regarding Thai condiment use..????


My Thai wife buys very little sugar, fact, but she is partial to Mr. Doughnut offerings..................????

I'm a Yank, and I've never seen a sugar 'shaker' on any restaurant table.  You will see a sugar 'dispenser' in most coffee shops, but I wouldn't try to sprinkle sugar on food with it, as that would be a mess.


This type, with a very wide hole, not for sprinkling:


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8 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Type 1 or 1.5?  Type 2 isn't genetic, just caused by a bad diet

Type 2 is genetic also, and has a stronger link to family than 1 does. If type 2 runs in your family, it's harder to tell if it was caused by that or by diet. Type 2 can come about by not following a good doctor's advice about diet changes, as my brother was guilty of. The family's history as far as what they ate or lack of exercise can affect their children. Obesity, and it's after affects, diabetes, runs in families.

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12 minutes ago, Purdey said:

I noticed that in some countries there are diabetics’ food stores with low glycemic index foods. Are there none in Thailand?

All food stores, meaning the larger chains, sell low glycemic foods. It's easy to look up links that show those foods.

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4 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I'm a Yank, and I've never seen a sugar 'shaker' on any restaurant table.  You will see a sugar 'dispenser' in most coffee shops, but I wouldn't try to sprinkle sugar on food with it, as that would be a mess.


This type, with a very wide hole, not for sprinkling:


Go back one hour to read what I said...????

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24 minutes ago, TimeMachine said:

Im currently trying to decide myself about sugar alone. For sure wheat is the killer for me. Feel so much healthier on ketosis. It's just hard to stick to because of the peer pressure to eat carppy food. Now I'd like to try ketosis but with plain white sugar included. See what happens

Natural sugar is better than white (processed) sugar.   Honey even better. Maple syrup (real) is way too expensive for my CC butt.  Stevia supposed to be best sweetener, but as stated, not a fan at all.


Real depends how much consumed, obviously, especially if on a daily basis.  And in conjunction, as a total intake, and sugars already in the other foods you eat.


Majority of sugar I eat, probably from fruit & pasty or ice cream.  Try to limit myself to 1 serving a day.  White sugar, I'll add 5-10 grams to my coffee, depending if 1 or 2 cup for the day (5gr per 200ml coffee).


Don't add sugar to my bread, though I may start adding 10 grs of sugar or honey, to a 350gr (flour) loaf, as a tester.  Well below any amount that yeast won't eat all, so won't taste.


Most foods eaten are home cooked, easily 95% of our diet, most made from scratch.  Rarely sugar added, or very little to anything.  Maybe pasta sauce, depending on the tomatoes and if needed, rare.

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13 minutes ago, transam said:

Go back one hour to read what I said...????

Yes, I was agreeing with you ... verifying, informing, what you suspect, I think.


don't let it go to your head ????


"I am not from the USA, I have no idea what they have on the table..."

Edited by KhunLA
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42 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Type 2 is genetic also, and has a stronger link to family than 1 does. If type 2 runs in your family, it's harder to tell if it was caused by that or by diet. Type 2 can come about by not following a good doctor's advice about diet changes, as my brother was guilty of. The family's history as far as what they ate or lack of exercise can affect their children. Obesity, and it's after affects, diabetes, runs in families.

i guess fat families are more likely to get it as eating the wrong food is normal or even families who generally eat junk all the time and that's normal for them, but if they eat the right food they wouldn't get type 2

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2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

i guess fat families are more likely to get it as eating the wrong food is normal or even families who generally eat junk all the time and that's normal for them, but if they eat the right food they wouldn't get type 2

If you are genetically predisposed to get diabetes, you should do what it takes to keep your blood sugar levels down, just to be on the safe side. My brother was continuously warned to lose weight,  by his doctor, his wife and myself. He had type 1, then it became type 2. He had a low resting pulse and blood pressure like i do, then it went up and he had to take heart medicine. Then he came home one day and that's how they found him. He loved to eat, although his wife is very small and ate the same.

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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

If you are genetically predisposed to get diabetes, you should do what it takes to keep your blood sugar levels down, just to be on the safe side. My brother was continuously warned to lose weight,  by his doctor, his wife and myself. He had type 1, then it became type 2. He had a low resting pulse and blood pressure like i do, then it went up and he had to take heart medicine. Then he came home one day and that's how they found him. He loved to eat, although his wife is very small and ate the same.

Type 1 doesn't become type 2, Type 1 is incurable. Maybe he got type 2 in addition to 1 if that's even possible, or maybe he had type 1.5 which is a mix of both

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4 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Type 1 doesn't become type 2, Type 1 is incurable. Maybe he got type 2 in addition to 1 if that's even possible, or maybe he had type 1.5 which is a mix of both

You're right, as he had both, as far as I know,  starting with type 1. His diet choices and lack of exercise had type 2 develop. He mentioned double diabetes once, as that is both. He didn't like to talk much about it, and his wife filled me in after he passed a little.

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Six plus pages of opinion that should tell you it is near impossible.  Let be honest how many actually can cook!  If you do you are a minority 1%.

As one get older the parts don't break down food as when young so if we are talking A1C do the research a great majority of stuff is sugar and person is worry about something being springy on fries,  the potato is one of the worse food one can eat, flour, is use to make bread,  noodles, the list goes on and very long. Even fruit like Bananas, cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapple, mango's, are high in sugar than other fruits and those I listed are cheap and abundant in Thailand then for Asian they love their rice just like farangs their potatoe. breads, and pasta. It comes down after research everything a person love becomes a problem. You cut back on one food for sugar then eat an alternative it is bad for your cholesterol, takes statin studied show now can increase your A1C. 

We are screw one turn left screwed turn right screwed so it comes down to moderation so what is moderation? 

Edited by thailand49
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On 9/9/2023 at 3:49 PM, BritManToo said:

I make yogurt all the time, ZERO sugar required.

I have found a little sugar needed for some non-dairy yogurt making. Best result for me is low-fat cow’s milk with a teaspoon of added corn flour or such before heating. Have thought of but not tried yet a little gelatin. Only because the low fat milk comes out “ looser” than I prefer, though I suppose I could “Greek” it by straining. Easier to mix a little thickener in ahead.

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On 9/8/2023 at 9:44 AM, cooked said:
On 9/8/2023 at 9:40 AM, KhunLA said:

I don't think sugar is the demon ingredient it's made out to be.  Saying that, agree, sugar as an ingredient is way OTT at times here, and worldwide.


Sugar is a lot worse than it's made out to be.

Any evidence for your statement? 


In what ways do you disagree with the evidence provided in Robert Lustig's videos? 




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Final thoughts ...

... Sugar ... the Empty Calorie food ... ????

And that would be the white sugar.  Other's listed earlier, have some nutritional value.  Not much, but some.


Don't know how much sugar y'all are eating, and in comparison, as I stated, may be healthier per gram, as I don't think people eat that much, gr for gr, than many other foods; high fat/bad cholesterol, alcoho/carbs that turn into sugar when digested.


That burger is 200gr, alone, add bread & unhealthy sauce, yea.  Do you put 200gr / 1 cup, of sugar on or in anything.  That's enough sugar to make a tray of brownies, and do you plan on eating the whole tray in one sitting ?


So put that sugar in prospective to all the other crap you eat.  33gr of sugar in 12 fl oz/368gr of Cola.  You using that for your Rum & Coke.


I put 5 gr in my cup of coffee (200-250ml), yes, empty calories, but, all of 20 calories, for those keeping score.   Same as every other carb, and it provides energy, your body needs.  I must burn most of it off, as I've been the same weight for year.


"Sugar, like all carbohydrates, contains food energy. Every gram of carbohydrate has about 4 calories. One teaspoon of sugar has about 5 grams of carbohydrate, and 20 calories. One tablespoon of sugar has about 15 grams of carbohydrate, and 60 calories."


If your washing down your large slice of apple pie or brownie, both al a mode of course, with vanilla ice cream, with a sugar drink, everyday, sitting on the sofa, on AN everyday, then yes.  Your sugar intake for the day, may start to be an issue ????


Especially if having a whiskey and or a few beers at & after sunset, or sunrise, or noon with lunch.  Getting that KFC, Big Mac or Whopper delivered to your LPOS butt, 3-4-5 nights a week.  Get your full English in on the weekend, and Sunday Roast.  Washed down with some more carbs.


Don't forget that bag of crisp or tube of Pringle you're munchin on while watching that movie or footy of TV.  Washed down with another beer/carb drink, whether containing sugar or not, as it's converted to sugar, once in your body.


You can cut that pastry al a mode out of your diet, (my demon food) and you're still going to end up being a fat unhealthy fck.


You are what you eat, but first you have to know what you're eating.  You're 50-60-70 yrs old, do you really need to be told what's healthy at this stage in your life.


Is your chest still larger than your waist ?  Can you run 100 meters, and stop huffing & puffing within 30 seconds when you finish ?  Do take a tuk tuk, bolt, grab, scooter taxi, baht bus or self drive if the walk is 500 meters, and all of 1 km round trip to the 7-11 or bar ?


Have a pleasant evening ... ????

Edited by KhunLA
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