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Is anyone else as confused as me as to why the US hasn't seized the opportunity to eliminate Putin & Kim Jong un at the same time


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All similar similar leaders would need to be exterminated if that were the case. 
Why not Russia and North Korea?  To avoid WW lll. That’s why North Korea and Russia doesn’t try to exterminate the United States.  

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20 hours ago, connda said:

Mutually Assured Destruction


Let me expand on that.

The day a head of state of one of the worlds super-powers or nuclear-armed nations is assassinated, all bets are off regarding the global contagion effect and Quid Pro Quo by the affected nation(s).  Can you image the impact on the West if it came to light that Russian and North Korean social media content started to trend to have Biden and Trudeau 'eliminated' in their next bilateral meeting?

This isn't a game.  See that big fusion blast above.  That's no joke and we haven't been this close to MAD since I was 11 years old living on a SAC base in the US.  And yet, we have utter morons calling for covert assassinations of the heads of states that the West doesn't like.
Your people calling for this are quite literally insane.

Edited by connda
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4 hours ago, The Theory said:

Because it's all about business. Do you really think they are after quick victory ????This war make some guys very rich. US military needs new advanced weapons, but where to dump all old ones ? You got the answer. Who paid for old ones ? Americans. Who will pay for new ones ? Americans. Who makes money ? Gun makers who support 2 parties. Who is the middle man for guns ? Example Biden's son (and some other on the top). 

Thank you for a logical and honest answer ... as oppose to the other crap received.  



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2 hours ago, RocketDog said:

As so often happens, USA is cursed for interfering if it takes any action, or cursed for not taking action whenever any country needs it.

My opinion? USA takes care of itself and let the devil takes the hindmost.

i agree .... but will they want to keep pouring billions into this war ?    NATO and the US could stop it in a heartbeat if they really really really wanted to     ?????????????     yes ??

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2 hours ago, SammyJ said:

i guess trying to avoid WW III is one reason!

thanks for your opinion.  btw .. i wasn't advocating WWIII ... i was asking what others think about the on-going and why not just stop it with the US and NATO superpower.     just saying

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I often wonder exactly the same thing, why don't we have roving squads that travel around the planet eliminating troublesome goons? I would have no problem with that ethically, morally, nor on any other level. 

thanks SM ... i agree ....  that would send a message to everyone who thinks it's ok to make trouble.    imo

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23 hours ago, BarstoolChang said:

What's up with you losers advocating for the murder of others.


The United states can't just eliminate whoever it wants.


If you feel so strongly about Ukraine winning the war and what more the west should be giving to them, go pick up a rifle and book a one way ticket there.

"and book a one way ticket"

That's pretty expansive now on thes days, better book a return flight and give the other half to someone who wants to flee the country.

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13 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

No, not BS. The Putin regime will be replaced by a regime chosen by or at least acceptable to the Russian people, whether pro-US or not. That said, I would frankly like to see Russia under progressive leadership as part of the EU as well as NATO, and lots of other countries as well. The Western democratic model that the EU operates under provides better quality of life, prosperity, and freedom for all people than any other system *yet devised* (factoring in much stricter regulation of neoliberal capitalism, which remains problematic); this is what the Ukrainians recognize and are fighting for, and what Russians and others would want for themselves as well.


Encouraging broad membership in international bodies, and giving those bodies real power, leads to better management of global issues and problems, rather than continuing to engage in silly tribal wars. I’m in favor of human evolution and refuse to believe it’s not possible; if that’s naïve, so be it.

so you want a one world government? 

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On 9/16/2023 at 2:05 AM, steven100 said:

Why hasn't or doesn't the US go after Putin and Kim Jong and exterminate them as soon as possible.

Are you just trying to be controversial?

If they eliminate them then they are going to get eliminated themselves.


On 9/16/2023 at 2:05 AM, steven100 said:

Why not give Ukraine every available long range missile, fighter jet, cluster bomb, attack helicopters, and anything else to attack Russian hard and decisive ?

Again, are you trying to be controversial?

No one wants WW3 with nuclear weapons.

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4 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

Go back further Kissinger is the worst villain whose head belongs in a basket.,

and yet he is still walking free and apparently doing well.

Not many really bad men get the punishment they deserve. Stalin and Mao both died of natural causes, Idi Amin likewise.

I need no proof to know that the world we live in is not a good place.

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8 hours ago, steven100 said:

thanks for your opinion.  btw .. i wasn't advocating WWIII ... i was asking what others think about the on-going and why not just stop it with the US and NATO superpower.     just saying

Perhaps because the people in charge know that it can't be stopped by force without getting destroyed themselves.

Not many wars end by force. Most have negotiated ends.

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On 9/15/2023 at 9:05 PM, steven100 said:

It seems the US are deliberately letting Russia hold ground on the front line and keep the war going

The longer the war continues the more indebted Ukraine become to USA...

Pure economics and long term plan.

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12 hours ago, steven100 said:

thanks for your opinion.  btw .. i wasn't advocating WWIII ... i was asking what others think about the on-going and why not just stop it with the US and NATO superpower.     just saying

I thought it was why not take out Putin and the NK idiot, but either way, stopping it with US and Nato, likely ends up with Russia using nuclear weapons and maybe the involvement of China, etc--a proxy war, is the only reasonable way I see at this moment.

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8 hours ago, ericthai said:

so you want a one world government? 

“One world government” sounds scary and dystopian, and one needs a system that accommodates human nature. (Communism might have sounded good on paper, but it fell apart when actual people tried to apply it.) Still, we need to move in some sort of collective direction, as more and more broad issues require global cooperation and response -- climate change, pandemics, international crime and terrorism, resource allocation, an integrating global economy. Without such cooperation, we will not survive as a species.


Someone mentioned the EU, that it had effectively stopped warmaking among Europeans, and I think that’s a good model; why shouldn’t the EU (plus NATO, or some military alliance) grow, not only farther east but to North Africa, Latin America, East Asia? Maintaining a system of nation-states for local administration while developing a shared set of values, and a framework for global action? Not going to happen in our lifetimes, but it seems important to start thinking a little further ahead than next month ...

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Eliminating the odd spy or dissident is a Russian thing.

Kim Jong Un just doesn't care who he kills in his own country. Probably North Korean runaways in other countries too. He had his half brother  killed in Malaysia a couple of years ago.

He is a paranoid "wild card" nutcase in my opinion.


Most western countries have likely eliminated someone for vengeance or to suit their aims at sometime or other. i.e. Osama Bin Laden.


But to assassinate a Head of State is a whole different kettle of fish that could cause more problems than it's worth. Russia is virtually a mafia state, so you could end up with someone far worse.



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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you actually saying that you think assassination squads are a good idea?

Would you think it such a good idea when it morphs into assassinating people you don't want assassinated?

How about when someone decides that posters on AN with the "wrong" opinions need to be assassinated?


500 years of civilisation and some are advocating taking us back to the dark ages. Rather sad IMO.


Yes a very good idea. I think it is foolish to think they don't exist. But, they do not presently target reptilian leaders. I wish they would. Start with Putin, Kim, MBS, Hun Sen, Than Shwe, Min Aung Hlaing Mzwati, Karamov, and a few others. Let's clean up the place. 

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22 hours ago, save the frogs said:

yeah, they've had some bumbling idiots that have caused millions to starve, haven't they?  


Yeah, and if Putin was assassinated, the chances are even higher that they'll end up with someone worse. That would be a perfect excuse for someone tougher to rise to the fore.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes a very good idea. I think it is foolish to think they don't exist. But, they do not presently target reptilian leaders. I wish they would. Start with Putin, Kim, MBS, Hun Sen, Than Shwe, Min Aung Hlaing Mzwati, Karamov, and a few others. Let's clean up the place. 

Many of those African leaders need to go as well 

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On 9/15/2023 at 9:22 PM, steven100 said:

nonsense ... how is that any different from Saddam Hussian or Gadaffi or any other tyrant.


It would be markedly different because the US didn't assassinate either one of those two.


Both were killed by their own people - one subsequent to a trial and the other without a trial.

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On 9/15/2023 at 9:31 PM, StayinThailand2much said:

To be fair, the CIA was involved in a few in the 1960s and 70s, but that was in cooperation with domestic forces, e.g. the local military. But this is the 21st century, and Russia and North Korea are not impoverished African or South American countries.

Many common Russians not involved in crime might disagree with you on their standard of living. 

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25 minutes ago, RanongCat said:

In real terms ? Not different. But under current  geopolitical conditions not at all advisable .

aha ....  but look at horishima ... the US DID not mess around there ....  kinda like you make a big problem your gone ....   ?

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