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Altercation with Ladyboys at Pattaya Beach Shocks Foreign Tourists


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3 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

It seems from the eyewitness statement that the foreign gentleman threw water at them. This has miraculously changed in the article to "a water-throwing incident occurred".  Looks like he started the confrontation or at least escalated it.  Best walk away.



Maybe it's a holy water driving evil spirits away! ????????????‍♀️

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1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

I guess we all have things we don't like. I have more sympathy for someone who thinks they're in the wrong type of body than I do for, say, fat people.


The brain is a wildly complex organ, and depending on what happens during development in the womb, perhaps the diet of the mom, or just random gene expression, someone can emerge with a mind that thinks 'female', but in a body that says 'male'. It is not a choice. I feel fortunate---because it makes life a heck of a lot easier---that I am a 100% hetero male in a male body.


Now fat people are fat because they lack discipline and self-control. Fat is 100% the fat person's fault. They are lazy, slovenly and gluttonous. They should be ashamed. The world needs to stop indulging this fantasy of 'body positive'. Nothing positive or attractive about it.


Fat people also cost non-fatties money. Hospital costs are higher because many fatties have ailments and cannot pay. Insurance companies assume a certain % of people are fat, so charge premiums accordingly, which means I have to pay despite the fact I am disciplined, hit the gym, and have very low body fat.


I look around and it seems maybe 1% of people are trans. Maybe about 5% are gay or lesbian, and another 5% bisexual. I really don't know the percentages. None of them chose to be those things. I also look around and see maybe 50% of people---especially Westerners---are fatties, and maybe another 35% overweight. They chose to be fat. It's 100% their own fault. I might not know 'gay' or 'lesbian' or even 'trans' when I see one, but I absolutely know fatty when I see one.


So go ahead and have at trans people or any other of the alphabet types that you don't like. I reserve my scorn for the lazy fatties.

Ah;  Fattist Graffiti !    You just want to Bankrupt Mac Donalds and other Fast Food Merchants you Naughty Boy.

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2 hours ago, tkramer said:

Interesting. The few times I have been there I have never 'bonded' with the vibe. Reeks of stale beer, cigarette smoke, sleaziness, and sperm. Definitely the path of 'least resistance'...


unless you go there for the temples.


Okay...how many people are offended this time...


losers, show yourselves.



You forgot the smell of the leaking Sewage !

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3 hours ago, bignok said:

What a load of rubbish ! Armomax deal in armored cars etc !! Of course they’ll give negative reviews . Many years of Pattaya, frequent trips ( previously ) to Yangon, Jakarta, KL and a few others , and never had any need to call them dangerous . Practically everywhere in the world, depending on what you’re doing, iffy business, being drunk, red light areas , looking for trouble, will be potentially dangerous. Being robbed in a posh area of any city will be dangerous if you’re wearing a 100 000 $ Patek philippe or sporting a 5000$ handbag. 

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1 hour ago, Nickcage49 said:

They're "shocked"?


Maybe they should have done their homework before traveling here.


Rule number one: Stay away with chicks with d*&%s.


Rule number two: When in doubt, see rule number one.

Dont lots go there for ladyboys? 

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If you watch the video, the altercation has already started and the LB and Indian (?) guy are in the middle of the beach with "her" chasing him and trying to swat him.
They end up back on the sidewalk before going their separate ways.
She-Hulk got a few amatuer shots in but I didn't see anything to suggest she-he had ever studied Muay Thai (shocker - not everyone in Thailand spends their childhood going to gyms and practising kicking coconut trees with their shins).
She-he had lots of opportunities to drop some elbows on the guy's head or put a few knees into his chin but really didn't do much. (Maybe "she" was still in full "fight like a girl" character.)

I suspect that those guys were cruising for some cheap fun and probably approached the Hulk and his/her friends and then said something nasty to them.

While there are problems now and then with "aggressive" ladyboys, most of the time it's like when something happens at a bar/a-go-go. It's the customer that has a few beers in him and suddenly decides he's King Shi-ite of Turdburgler Island.

And then suddenly finds out that the locals not only understand most of what he spouts, but aren't going to take his shi-ite either.

I've seen some pretty rude people from the "sub-continent" over the years and a lot of them, like a lot of Brits and Americans, think they can get away with it like they would "back home" where people are too scared to get into a confrontation.

And a lot of them think that the "rules" back home also apply here. Often getting quite a shock when they find out that Thailand doesn't give a **** what "your" laws are back home.

There are a lot of Indian restaurants/hotels/shops on the north side of Central Pattaya road between Beach and #2 roads. I suspect that more than a few "newbies" get sent to Beach Road by their fellow countrymen for a laugh (not telling them that most of the "girls" there are really boys).

Which may be why so many of them get into trouble down there as well.

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12 hours ago, grain said:

I give them a very wide berth, if I'm not with my Thai wife I'll move well away from LBs when I'm walking around Pattaya.

You don't have move away, just politely decline, or totally ignore and say nothing. They really aren't a problem unless you decide to insult them, which is most likely the case in this incident. Ladyboys don't spontaneously attack people for no reason.

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8 hours ago, tkramer said:

Unfortunately, you are incorrect here, grasshopper...


The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic (nutritionfacts.org)

In fact you are incorrect, 'MONOGENIC OBESITY' although rare, can be traced though familes. I had neighbours when I was a kid where the mother was obese and her two children were like carbon copies of her in terms of both looks and obesity.


However, I was using genetic as an overarching term to cover other types of 'involuntary obesity'.  There are several conditions that cause someone to be fat whilst only eating the amount of food that they need.  Some of these conditions are the result of complex chemical interactions between the body and nutrients.  Some of these conditions are fully understood but they are very real.


There are also hormonal factors - as I personally know very well.  Part of my treatment for Prostate Cancer included Hormone Therapy.  I was told that I may put on 'a little' weight, particularly around my waste, whilst receiving the treatment.  Having had an almost flat stomach all my life I developed a 'beer belly' and put on over 10kg within 3 months whilst eating nothing more than my usual diet.  For some reason this fat has been very hard to remove - something I was also warned of. A usual programme of dieting resulted in me losing weight elsewhere whilst the fat around my waist more or less remained.  It is going slowly but it is very difficult to move - and I've been receiving advice from a professional dietician.


Whislt I would accept that most obesity is self inflicted through over-eating, lack of excercise and poor diet, I can assure you that it is not always a 'voluntary condition' - grasshopper!

Edited by MangoKorat
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8 hours ago, tkramer said:

it's a 'GUY...IN A DRESS'...!



The next thing we'll be hearing is the old claim that men who sleep with katoeys are not gay - they are. I don't understand that denial, its as if they are ashamed of being gay and somehow think that because the katoey dresses like a woman and/or may have had cosmetic/surgical changes, its different. Katoeys are born male with male genitalia. They do not have the internal organs required to produce or feed a baby and are therefore male. To date, it is biologically impossible for a human being to completely change gender. Such people may only be attracted to katoeys and not at all interested in 'normal' males. However, sexual activity between two males is known as 'homosexual' - a term which has in recent years, become known as 'gay'.


Before someone pipes up, I am fully aware of the existence of hermaphrodites - that is an entirely different matter. I am also aware of the fact that some people claim they have the right to 'identify' as they so wish.  They are welcome to live in their own fantasy world but in reality if they are a man that wishes to 'identify' as a woman, that does not make them a woman. It does however, render another male that has sex with them as homosexual.


I await copious amounts of flaming from our some factions of our community. I would point out however, that I both accept and respect gay people.  What I will never accept is these new fangled terms, identifications and made up genders.  Was I gay, I'm pretty sure that I would be offended by people who try to name homosexual activity using alternative terms as if ashamed of it.

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7 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Which may be why so many of them get into trouble down there as well.

I think its more likely that they go to beach road because they've heard about the katoeys and go to view them as if they are some kind of tourist attraction. They can also avoid having to buy beers in a bar - something that seems popular amongst Indians/Chinese. If that is the case, I have some sympathy for the katoeys. Only some though.

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