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Study provides evidence of Covid-19 mRNA shots rewiring the immune system with unknown long-term effects

Red Phoenix

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51 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

There is a WHO publication called "Food, Nutrition and Cancer" . It's about 3 inches thick, and comes out as revised edition every couple of years. It discusses every cancer known to man from the viewpoint of statistical analysis of deaths in each category.


The evidence is overwhelming. If you smoke, drink, or are obese, you have a much higher probability of dying of cancer. What is remarkable is while alcohol and tobacco are linked to a few very specific cancers, obesity is linked to almost every one of them. The message is quite clear - lose the beer gut.


My own hypothesis is that fat is an accumulator of toxins, inhibiting the body's ability to detoxify them. In point of fact, I could kill any drinker on this forum overnight by massive liver failure with several compounds, and it would be virtually undetectable.


Anyone who has seen the images from an electron microscope of bacteria and viruses would disagree with your hypothesis. Do you think the millions of dollars spent on Stage 4 biological laboratories is money wasted? Your theory says it is.

I only quote the WHO 2018 publication because I have one.


I don't disagree with you on fat. Every update of the WHO volumes state '''',,,smoking, drinking and obesity,,,''' etc. Wasn't it POTUS Nixon who established the 'war on cancer' back in 1971? We don't seem to have come very far since then! And, IMO, nor can we, while we continue to ignore nature and what it has to offer, both in terms of advice and natural substances.


Let's get down to it. I don't agree that ''germs' cause disease, illness or sickness. The natural state of the body is 'good health'. When the chemical and electrical balances of the body are compromised, it goes immediately into attack mode. Expelling what it can. Emulsifying and exterminating. and yes, storing away toxins.


As for electron microscopy; I've worked with it, and I've never seen a 'virus'. Seen cell fragments; which I think 'viruses' are. Cell debris! But nothing that has been shown to be pathogenic.


''Do you think the millions of dollars spent on Stage 4 biological laboratories is money wasted?'' Absolutely! Better ways of keeping the world healthy.


Great debate L.

Edited by owl sees all
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Just so we know where things stand:



On 10/25/2023 at 10:32 AM, owl sees all said:

I think it good that the c-19 saga is not swept under the carpet.




On 10/25/2023 at 11:00 AM, owl sees all said:

What science might that be Watthong? Much of the c-19 science is not so scientific after all.




On 10/25/2023 at 11:21 AM, owl sees all said:

Let's say the chance of getting a toxic jab is 50%. A second jab opens the door to four possibilities; all rated at 25%.


1/ Both jabs are toxic

2/ The first was toxic but not the second

3/ The second was toxic but not the first

4/ Both jabs were benign.


However, a further (third) jab swings the odds very much into the chance that at least one jab will be toxic (87.5%). In fact the chance of having three benign jabs are just 12.5% or one in eight.




On 10/25/2023 at 11:48 AM, owl sees all said:

Sounds like the villagers who got sick, did so because they were unlucky enough to have a toxic jab.



Finally, something "scientific" did emerge from all this (...and that was just the 1st page of this thread!)

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40 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Nowhere in the OP cited research does the study use the thread's headline language of "rewiring the immune system".  It's also a non-peer reviewed study, and even more telling, try finding any credible news report on its findings, if it's supposedly some kind of news-worthy research.

Here's the actual conclusion of the OP's cited study, which bears little to no resemblance to the OP's claims about it:

Our results imply a major role for both IL-4/IL-13 as well as TNF in IgG4 class switching. These novel findings advance our understanding of IgG4 class switch dynamics, and may benefit future mRNA vaccine strategies, humoral tolerance induction, as well as treatment of IgG4 pathologies."

I don't hear any COVID vaccine alarm bells going off there.


An easy challenge > try finding any credible news report on its findings

I have read several news reports and articles on the possible consequences of the IgG4 switch in anti-bodies after multiple mRNA jabs as addressed in that dutch pre-print study.

Most of them you would dismiss out of hand ('not a peer reviewed credible source'). 

But New-Zealand based dr Guy Hatchard (from the Hatchard Report) shines his light on the relevance of the findings of that dutch paper. 

Title of the article > A new paper should alarm our newly elected politicians and galvanize them into responsible action.

Source: https://globe.global/how-can-we-wake-up-the-comatose-political-process/

Contrary to the pre-print article with much 'scientific mumbo-jumbo' thereby obfuscating the very plausible but dreadful consequences of the IgG4 switch for the triple-vaccinated, Hatchard's article is written in plain language.


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26 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

An easy challenge > try finding any credible news report on its findings

I have read several news reports and articles on the possible consequences of the IgG4 switch in anti-bodies after multiple mRNA jabs as addressed in that dutch pre-print study.

Most of them you would dismiss out of hand ('not a peer reviewed credible source'). 

But New-Zealand based dr Guy Hatchard (from the Hatchard Report) shines his light on the relevance of the findings of that dutch paper. 

Title of the article > A new paper should alarm our newly elected politicians and galvanize them into responsible action.

Source: https://globe.global/how-can-we-wake-up-the-comatose-political-process/

Contrary to the pre-print article with much 'scientific mumbo-jumbo' thereby obfuscating the very plausible but dreadful consequences of the IgG4 switch for the triple-vaccinated, Hatchard's article is written in plain language.


Another anti vax blog, no contact, no names, completely anonymous aside from one author who happens to be a Dr. Guy Hatchard  an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. 

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14 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Another anti vax blog, no contact, no names, completely anonymous aside from one author who happens to be a Dr. Guy Hatchard  an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. 


And which are your qualifications to claim that a doctor's findings are just anti-vax?

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56 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

...New-Zealand based dr Guy Hatchard (from the Hatchard Report) shines his light on the relevance of the findings of that dutch paper. 

Title of the article > A new paper should alarm our newly elected politicians and galvanize them into responsible action.

Source: https://globe.global/how-can-we-wake-up-the-comatose-political-process/

Contrary to the pre-print article with much 'scientific mumbo-jumbo' thereby obfuscating the very plausible but dreadful consequences of the IgG4 switch for the triple-vaccinated, Hatchard's article is written in plain language.



Lol, as expected the Usual Suspects are all rolling over the alleged 'lack of qualifications' of dr Guy Hatchard to explain the consequences of that dutch pre-print on IgG4 switch. 

I bet that none of them actually READ the article... being to busy digging for dirt on the author.

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1 minute ago, xylophone said:


but obviously have much higher degrees than anyone in this thread........


And you know this how??? Stop your nonsense and get back to reality.


So what are YOUR medical qualifications?


Wine connoisseur is not one of them just FYI.


Get back to reality

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25 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


Lol, as expected the Usual Suspects are all rolling over the alleged 'lack of qualifications' of dr Guy Hatchard to explain the consequences of that dutch pre-print on IgG4 switch. 

I bet that none of them actually READ the article... being to busy digging for dirt on the author.


Nothing to do with the study, all to do with his summary of it, I especially like this rant....lol


"In the lead up to the first world war, Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, founded an institution called ‘The Other Club’. Its purpose was to enable politicians from across the broad political spectrum to meet together over lunch outside of parliament with leaders of business and industry, the media and renowned thinkers to discuss pressing issues in need of novel solutions. The existence of The Other Club is credited with the swift formation and efficient operation of the cross party coalition that Churchill formed soon after his appointment as Prime Minister in 1940 to win WWII."

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22 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:


Nothing to do with the study, all to do with his summary of it, I especially like this rant....lol


"In the lead up to the first world war, Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, founded an institution called ‘The Other Club’. Its purpose was to enable politicians from across the broad political spectrum to meet together over lunch outside of parliament with leaders of business and industry, the media and renowned thinkers to discuss pressing issues in need of novel solutions. The existence of The Other Club is credited with the swift formation and efficient operation of the cross party coalition that Churchill formed soon after his appointment as Prime Minister in 1940 to win WWII."


Well, you read it and so I apologize to you.

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7 hours ago, xylophone said:


I forgot to add that as the mRNA vaccine has been worked on/in progress for over 50 years, when does it cease to be something which the anti-vax mob call, "an experimental vaccine?".


Many other vaccines and drugs have had nowhere near this length of time in study and development. Food for thought, no less. 


50 years.

much longer than I realized.


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33 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

"FYI, At the peak of his medical career he was a nurse, not a physician. As such, one can not call oneself a doctor when discussing medical stuff.  That spells f-r-a-u-d."


Based on your rationale, what is your take on Bill Gates, who is not a doctor and has no training in medicine or public health whatsoever, yet is one of the most influential forces with regard to the Covid response and vaccines, and is a massive WHO donor ($531 million in 2018-2019)?


How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight



How is the World Health Organization funded, and why does it rely so much on Bill Gates?



The important point is did he achieve his dastardly plan to micro chip everyone with a tracking device with every shot given. That's what the predictions were at least, would love to see if the conspiracy theory came true....lol

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3 hours ago, BenStark said:


So again, what are your qualifications to discredit claims made by people, who may not be a medical doctor, but obviously have much higher degrees than anyone in this thread


Again, context is absent in this kind of argument. There seems to be quite a few among this "contingent"...

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12 hours ago, xylophone said:


Why on earth would I want to waste my time reading misinformation by this fraud.


"Dr" John Lorimer Campbell is an English YouTuber and retired nurse educator known for his videos about the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the videos received praise, but they later veered into misinformation.[2] He has been criticised for suggesting COVID-19 deaths have been over-counted, repeating false claims about the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, and providing misleading commentary about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.[3][4][5] As of June 2023, his YouTube channel had 2.8 million subscribers and over 653 million views.





What's your take on this? Authored by 4 PhDs.




The paper is based on 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. A definite causal link is shown between many peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts. The authors quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which is exceedingly large in the most elderly.


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