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British citizen stranded in Thai hospital with a 400,000 baht plea to escape


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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

No Paper... Lol.

Went to my local park for some exercise as usual.

There is a toilet block for the people at the park,

I needed to take a dump so went in for the first time to use the facilities.

Four traps each side, four for male four for females..

Open door to trap one, the floor level squat affair... pass.

Trap two, same... pass.

Trap three, door locked out of order.

Trap four, euro style toilet [non-flush], okay, sit down do the business, look around, no paper, just a tank full of water and a bowl.

Hands now wet, ar$e dripping with water... nothing to dry anything on !!!!!


Thailand 2023...


So what did you do. dry off and then.

Go Commando. :giggle:

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1 hour ago, jaideedave said:

A few years ago I had quarterly Dr appointments at BPH heart center.

When done with the Dr a nurse would accompany me to the cashiers window on the next floor and didn't leave until my payment was completed.

It got to the point where I almost said something like "whats up don't you trust me?" and then I realized that they don't! 

It pissed me off because my insurance company at the time paid out well over 1 mil previously for bypass surgery.

After checking the thick invoice I noticed the bill was well and truly padded.pricks


I visit a private hospital bi-monthly.


After docs/specialists visited... I make my own way to the cashier... I could walk out the front door if I wanted, but insurance covers OPD so I just wonder over to cashier and sign.... then collect my meds.

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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

There’s no toilet roll, you just wash with a hose.”


This is a public hospital pal, and from my experience the staff and cleanness, have been Ok, If he is worried about some of his blood on the bed, then his mate should find the clean ones, and change it, for him. Yes people die in hospital right next to you that's life. By the way I haven't 'wiped' my ass for near on 20yrs. :giggle:😱

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18 minutes ago, jacko45k said:
30 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Where was it reported that he was anywhere near dying?

It was said he is involved in a desperate battle for survival.

It also said that his mate (no doctor said that?) "thought it may be leukemia"  or "maybe he was just anaemic", or words to that effect!

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13 hours ago, ukrules said:

Is Leukemia something that comes on out of nowhere?


I know someone who was diagnosed with Leukemia and prognosis to live maybe one year longer. She had no idea about this condition. The diagnosis happened at an unrelated event, not because of any complaints. And this was in a so called first world country.

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I have used the services (heart stress test, blood testing) at Vachira Hospital. Excellent service and great staff.


My wife had an operation there (removed a salivary gland). Excellent Doctor, surgery, results. Good and fast services.


I personally know some of the nurses and staff. Kind and hardworking people.


The facilities may look a bit dated, but it is a government facility which serves the Phuket province, other provinces, and foreigners. 


Sorry, but this like a hit job on the hospital. For what purpose?


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16 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:
1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

I don't know, doubt that he does either, all the article reports his mate saying about that is "There has been blood on the cover since he got there".  Sort of suggests a stained bed cover, not that he has uncontrolled "leaking" blood.


Yeah I call BS on the blood already being there.

"Call" whatever you like about whatever you like but, then, aren't you the one who used the bizarre phrase "blood leaking from his body"?!   If the bed really was blood-soaked don't you think that The Mirror would have shown a photo of it to back their bullshlt story?

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"Call" whatever you like about whatever you like but aren't you the one who used the phrase "leaking blood"?!   If there really was blood all over the bed don't you think that The Mirror would have shown a photo of it to back their (bull<deleted>) story?


Need a tissue there champ ?

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13 hours ago, bob smith said:

It does happen. It happened to my sister. 


It happened to my friend in Vietnam during the Covid lockdown. They sealed him into his house and provided no food, according to him. He finally got back to Germany where he was diagnosed with leukemia. Then he suffered a stroke. He didn't make it. Wonderful, kind, happy guy. Life screwed him over. I don't know about his insurance in Vietnam, but they were welding doors closed, according to him. 

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Sure the hospital is busy, drunks in various situations, etc. But looking at the photos and reading the story, I can't work out the timeline. But in the photos, he seems to be in A&E section and has no IV or needle drip points. As to having more blood infusions than the body holds. with no photos of him in ICU. An Essex lad who thinks he can drink the world dry, eat anything, Drink water from the tap in Thailand. And the fact he states he will go to A&E when he returns home? As to the bill I really believe that is way over the top, and unlikely that the hospital which is a government place. It only cost me 2600 pounds for in hospital treatment plus a stent when I had a heart attack, and that included two bags of blood.

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

No Paper... Lol.

Went to my local park for some exercise as usual.

There is a toilet block for the people at the park,

I needed to take a dump so went in for the first time to use the facilities.

Four traps each side, four for male four for females..

Open door to trap one, the floor level squat affair... pass.

Trap two, same... pass.

Trap three, door locked out of order.

Trap four, euro style toilet [non-flush], okay, sit down do the business, look around, no paper, just a tank full of water and a bowl.

Hands now wet, ar$e dripping with water... nothing to dry anything on !!!!!


Thailand 2023...

Why do you need paper? Oh dear your hands were wet :violin:in this heat your ass and trousers will be dry in minuets. What annoys me is many places now Don't have a bum gun, just paper, but as the toilets are cleaned so often, after flushing a couple of times I scoop up the water from the bowl to clean myself.

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13 hours ago, bob smith said:

Just walk out the hospital when you feel better and fly home to get proper treatment. Tell em to stick the 400K!

legally he doesn’t have to pay a penny. 

despite what anyone says, it is a hospitals duty to accept any and all emergency cases without question. Im not saying to walk out without paying is morally right, thats another story, but legally he doesn’t have to pay a cent. 

Walk out without his passport? It's d*******s like him that make it bad for expats in Thailand. This are the sort of tosh that the British tabloids love to feed the reading sheep. And the sheep believe it and bleat.:sad:

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2 hours ago, Ironmike said:

To be very honest I've lived here in Phuket for 18 years now I've been to Vicara twice and found the staff and treatment very good, and yes there was toilet paper and a hose there, I find this story a load of BS because you do not get Lukemia over night and maybe the real. Reason he didn't get insurance was because of this factor so his plan to come here te Thailand for free medical back fired on his stupid ass, so call your family and pay your bill you low life scumbag why should other donate anything to you. 

People like this ruin genuine 'gofundme' requests for others in serious need of it..  this twit made his own bed.. let hi lay in it.  Selfish, stupid man.... hope karma catches up with him real soon... PS. IS this story even real?  Or have the pictures been doctored etc?  Anyway, he is a stupid English scumbag.. that deserves to me made to stay where he is. 

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