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are we getting worse less humane


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3 hours ago, BigStar said:


Good point. Otherwise sane members start frothing at the mouth, soiling their knickers, or diapers, and spewing invective. Appears to be a particular form of OCD. 


US politics is what completely ruined Reddit.

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

IMHO the site is getting a lot better with it's 'crowd control'.

If you think it's rude here, you ought to try logging into a few of the lesser Thai expat sites.

Still the same in some respects ,have you been on the World News ! But besides the trolling incognito laughs , a passive aggressive response to comments , and  some rules being ignored  by experienced posters, making claims without sources,the site is entertaining “at times”.



Sincerely Hope you’re recovering well from your accident.


Edited by riclag
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6 hours ago, retarius said:

I don't think so. What I think is that people who post non-mainstream ideas or 'devil's advocate' positions tend to get criticised for their posts.

I noticed it the other day, when a lady posted that we live in the 21st century now and that the behaviour described in the article was no big deal for their age group....it referred to the arrest of a 20 year old boy who offered porn videos of him and his 13 year old girlfriend for sale on the internet. There were a lot of nasty posts, from presumably grump old men, referring to the lady's comment. 

I often attract negative replies to my stances on the war in Israel and the war in Ukraine where I don't buy into the mainstream narratives. I could easily stop posting and save myself the negative comments, but I don't feel like doing so. Cussedness, I suppose. 

The forum has a wide range of people posting from the highly educated and informed to base low people. A bit like people who were shocked about the Red Wall in UK politics. You only have to visit a pub in the northern half of England to understand how white working class people, former Labour voters, feel about immigration....it was only champagne socialists down in Islington who misunderstood this. 

Brilliantly said 

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Humans have never been humane. We just kill and destroy everything we can to make us feel comfortable. This isn't just a feature of these forums... 😔

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8 hours ago, Serenity_Now said:

i quote

here 'there are some pretty harsh people on this forum'

ive been on and off this forum for over a decade and its really gotten worse over the years the quality of responses is reflective of the cynicism in the world today
im better than thou
sneering at a lot of things
sneering at life basically 

maybe this should be a poll but has this forum denigrated into a sh*t show 

i note a lot of names are still present but are not as active of course that could be that they have better things to do with their life
or they just decided that their blood pressure is more stabilized if not  so proactive on here

if anyone has ever had an email from support from an online firm its almost like they never read your complaint
example i cant log in
response; please log in to your account to discuss logging in issues

i feel there are many such responses on this forum among the cynicism

off course there are the posts from say midnight to 2am that are usually good for a laugh as you know a few changs were involved
but overall 

maybe better as a poll than a post?

v3 is got.  not gotten.

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7 hours ago, retarius said:

I don't think so. What I think is that people who post non-mainstream ideas or 'devil's advocate' positions tend to get criticised for their posts.

I noticed it the other day, when a lady posted that we live in the 21st century now and that the behaviour described in the article was no big deal for their age group....it referred to the arrest of a 20 year old boy who offered porn videos of him and his 13 year old girlfriend for sale on the internet. There were a lot of nasty posts, from presumably grump old men, referring to the lady's comment. 

I often attract negative replies to my stances on the war in Israel and the war in Ukraine where I don't buy into the mainstream narratives. I could easily stop posting and save myself the negative comments, but I don't feel like doing so. Cussedness, I suppose. 

The forum has a wide range of people posting from the highly educated and informed to base low people. A bit like people who were shocked about the Red Wall in UK politics. You only have to visit a pub in the northern half of England to understand how white working class people, former Labour voters, feel about immigration....it was only champagne socialists down in Islington who misunderstood this. 

Come back on this subject in a year's time and tell us how the "red wall" is holding up.

My guess is that a few of the more Brexity, xenophobes will gravitate to the reincarnation of National Front, BNP, KKK party Trueform. 

BTW I am a Socialist but I don't drink champagne or live in Islington and certainly didn't misunderstand what happened to my country thanks to the right wing liars. 

Trump let the cat out

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Just now, Red Forever said:

Come back on this subject in a year's time and tell us how the "red wall" is holding up.

My guess is that a few of the more Brexity, xenophobes will gravitate to the reincarnation of National Front, BNP, KKK party Trueform. 

BTW I am a Socialist but I don't drink champagne or live in Islington and certainly didn't misunderstand what happened to my country thanks to the right wing liars. 

Trump let the cat out

of the bag when he shouted "I love the poorly educated".

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8 hours ago, Serenity_Now said:

agree entirely its why i come here


just one thing to pick on though old chap
your using that bloomin Blighty keyboard  spelling again 
in future please refrain from using the U in endeavor 
or colorful language may ensue 
not to mention using myriad at this time in the morning have you been on the sauce already
though the possibilities are endless in these legalized days


Americans spell aluminium as aluminum, and pronounce the element that way. Words of more than 3 or 4 syllables are too taxing.


They could rename all the metallic elements with an "ium" suffix, e.g. sodum, calcum, potassum, radum, following that precept.


Just trying to protect the honour of English, and it has nothing to do with my keyboard.

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17 hours ago, Serenity_Now said:

 You may be referring to 

henrik2000 96

His post about a broken laptop my post was removed because i berated that it was going so off topic that OP had no chance of resolve 
I also posted a suggestion for him but as the post was removed by someone who also perhaps had no grasp of IT this information would have been lost.
Fortunately for OP I messaged him resolved the problem and that of another  a double hit.
Not the first time I have done that for someone on this forum.
that was a very protracted cloning job, i think im still owed a coffee from the lady
but she too was getting nowhere fast with the 'help'
Suggestions for a dead laptop that showed no signs of power were getting the OP nowhere
you may call it unprovoked and what you term as abuse is very subjective
The OP was of course grateful and gracious 
its best to just let some things go in life
dont sweat the small stuff
try to be nice and helpful
is that not the purpose of this platform

You have a fantastic day Next G, any IT problems feel free to msg me

No…. you were just nasty to all. You could have just written the power button suggestion without any of the other nonsense. But you couldn’t resist your natural instinct. 
Most people were suggesting repair shops, as that was for what was asked. 
You’ve been ‘hoisted by your own petard’. 
You are the very thing about which you complain. Weird. 


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23 hours ago, Lacessit said:

They could rename all the metallic elements with an "ium" suffix, e.g. sodum, calcum, potassum, radum, following that precept.


And Brits could rename Platinum Platinium, or Molybdenum Molybdenium, or Tantalum Tantalium--but they don't. Even Brit pretentiousness has its limits.


Americans properly follow Sir Humphrey Davy, its discoverer, in his spelling of Aluminum in his published Chemical Philosophy in 1812. Evidently he thought words of more than 3 or 4 syllables are too taxing? And that spelling found some currency, as you may discover in the OED;


1812 Sir H. Davy Chem. Philos. I. 355 As yet Aluminum has not been obtained in a perfectly free state.    1833 Penny Cycl. I. 406 Alumina, the earthy oxide of aluminum sometimes called argil or the argillaceous earth.  1855 in Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. VI. 141 Mr. DuBois laid upon the table specimens of the metal aluminum.  1879 C. Cameron in Cassell's Techn. Educ. I. 170 Aluminum is a white malleable metal.


Noah Webster, bless 'im, rid American English of a lot of antiquated British spelling anyway and, in his dictionary of 1828, simply followed Davy's spelling, thus becoming the standard.


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On 2/2/2024 at 8:37 AM, jvs said:

It kind of all depends on the topic at hand.

Any thing to do with US politics and i am less and less inclined to post an opinion.

People still find a lot of help if they have sincere questions on other topics.

I have been on here for awhile now and yes,overall things are getting worse.

Times are changing and so are people.

We are getting more and more selfish and dis respectful as a species i think.

Funny that social media seems to make people less social.


It should be called antisocial media. 

We used to meet other people. socialise, get other points of view in an environment where you had to show some respect or lose a couple of teeth. 

Now many of us sit in their pajamas In front of a tablet.  Reinventing themselves and the only feedback they get are  the voices in their head.

  Antisocial media also has the affect of causing people to gravitate  toward their personal tastes, I communicate with people in many FaceBook (FB) groups I belong, The environment there is different , partly because it is moderated, you are not anonymous, and you are in a group that is a good fit for you. I am sure there must be a group "Farang A-holes,in Thailand" but those of us that are not, would not go there.

Anyway, there is a lot of value to this Forum, I can not count the times I was helped with a question, 

And it helps to put things in perspective, be respectful. amd debate the issue rather than the person, 

There are members that I could not agree with less in some subforums. and yet we get along fine in others. 

It is also important to mention one thing. 

I promise you one thing, if you are to meet some of these posters they are nothing like you would imagine them to be. I have met some of them and they were all very nice people. 




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On 2/2/2024 at 8:13 AM, Serenity_Now said:

here 'there are some pretty harsh people on this forum'

ive been on and off this forum for over a decade and its really gotten worse over the years the quality of responses is reflective of the cynicism in the world today
im better than thou
sneering at a lot of things
sneering at life basically 

maybe this should be a poll but has this forum denigrated into a sh*t show 


It's not just the forum, but it's most social media, the negativity in mass media, and widespread cynicism in society as a whole in the 21st century. People and their posts on FB, Twitter, etc., are not any better. The demise of the family, loss of humour, and loss of compassion are symptoms of this development, which is ever getting worse. - I blame 9/11, the ruin of the middle class, rising inequalities, the Covid pandemic, and geopolitical developments in the past two decades.

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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4 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

People and their posts on FB, Twitter, etc., are not any better.

I respectfully disagree , The environment in the FB groups I belong is a lot more civil. 

I think it is a function that you are not anonymous for the most part, Your name and often your picture is there, When I post on my home town FB group, the people I interact with on our FB page, I often see at Makro. 

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