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Biden's own DOJ says he is an 'elderly man with a poor memory': Classified document case

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11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Because your boy is being held to account?


If you mean Trump, then that's fine if he is guilty.


My problem is that Biden is getting away with it.





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3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Or you have an inability to understand the difference between cooperating with authorities, and hiding documents from the authorities.


Stick to this case. The report mentions that Biden was aware that those documents should not have been in his garage. 


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7 minutes ago, nauseus said:


If you mean Trump, then that's fine if he is guilty.


My problem is that Biden is getting away with it.





Biden hasn’t gotten away with anything.


He cooperated and returned the documents, didn’t hide them, didn’t lie, didn’t conspire with others to break the law.



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It seems almost cruel to me that the Democrats are letting Biden continue when he's clearly in cognitive decline. The stress of being POTUS at his age has clearly taken it's toll over the past 4 years. Not only that, but the grief of losing a child can take it's toll mentally over time. I imagine it's only pride (not wanting to be a one term president) that keeps Biden hanging in there. 


I dread to think how he'll cope with the presidential TV debates later this year.


Surely the Dems would want someone who can put up a better fight against Trump?


Or is it as someone else suggested the fact that Harris would never step aside to let a credible candidate come forward, and they can't kick her out because of her diversity credentials? 



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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Biden hasn’t gotten away with anything.


He cooperated and returned the documents, didn’t hide them, didn’t lie, didn’t conspire with others to break the law.




From the source report:


The investigation said there was plenty of evidence to suggest that Biden was aware that he was not allowed to keep such classified notes after leaving office, pointing out that his long Washington career meant he was familiar 'with the measures taken to safeguard classified information and the need for those measures to prevent harm to national security.'

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:


More like a double-double standard - no charges - the bias is so rotten now it stinks.  


2 hours ago, uttradit said:

More votes for Trump. They can see how corrupt the left is. Do as we say, not as we do.


This is a huge win for Trump who can campaine all day long how Biden's DOJ uncoverd and reported evidence that Biden retained and shared classified documents when he had no right to but faces no criminal indictments because he's old and has a bad memory... in contrast to Trump who in accordance with the PRA enjoyed full and unfettered access and possession to any/all documents he deemed so but has been indicted in an obvious lawfare campaign by Biden's DOJ to prevent Trump form running for the office.


This is/will continue to implode in Biden's face until the day he resigns in total humiliation and disgrace. Trump will use this to his advantage. And besides indicting a sitting POTUS is not going to take place. This is a huge win for Trump.


This is total humiliation, and I suspect largely by design in a last minute hail mary to force Biden to drop out of the election, go rest in an old folks home lick his wounds and call it a day. He's DONE.


Also, anyone paying attention would know that if Biden had an ounce of brains he would have strongly condemned all blue states recently trying to remove Trump form the ballot in blatant assaults on democracy, this would have shown his respect for democracy but he chose the typical unwise and daft Biden approach and said nothing, He's such a pathetic and bumbling loser and embarrassment to America. Does anyone expect Biden to remain in office much longer and the 2024 election? I seriously doubt it.

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13 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” Hur’s report reads.


Entirely reasonable for anyone to present themselves to a jury in a way that garners sympathy.


A long way from a diagnosis or indeed a Cognitive Assessment Test.

so lying then

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35 minutes ago, nauseus said:


If you mean Trump, then that's fine if he is guilty.


My problem is that Biden is getting away with it.





Biden cooperated with the authorities.


Trump hid classified documents in response to a subpoena.

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13 hours ago, thaicurious said:



PS, on other poster's comment on Biden's speaking, try to keep in mind that Biden always always always struggles with his lifelong stutter. It's an amazing accomplishment to have gone from stutterer to president. Granted, not as remarkable as someone else being a pathological liar and becoming president but we'll take what we can get.

stutter wasnt so prevalent before he took office now was it!

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25 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

It seems almost cruel to me that the Democrats are letting Biden continue when he's clearly in cognitive decline. The stress of being POTUS at his age has clearly taken it's toll over the past 4 years. Not only that, but the grief of losing a child can take it's toll mentally over time. I imagine it's only pride (not wanting to be a one term president) that keeps Biden hanging in there. 


I dread to think how he'll cope with the presidential TV debates later this year.


Surely the Dems would want someone who can put up a better fight against Trump?


Or is it as someone else suggested the fact that Harris would never step aside to let a credible candidate come forward, and they can't kick her out because of her diversity credentials? 



In 2028, VP Harris will have to run against other candidates in the primaries.

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6 hours ago, xylophone said:

As has been noted by another poster, the chief investigator was an out and out Republican and Trump supporter, so being able to portray Biden as he has done in this report, could be seen as a move to "balance the scales" if you like, with Biden being portrayed as senile and incompetent versus Trump being a liar and a crook??


Food for thought, but at least Biden has not tried to buy Greenland or suggest that ingesting/injecting bleach could cure Covid, and whilst Biden might be a little senile, Trump is pure dumbness, bigly so.

hey...its the TDS king, back again i see, saying exactly the same thing as previously said..word for word


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great to see how many jump to Bidens defense despite what the report says.... and then claim trump supporters are in a cult !!.. haha, if only you can see yourselves.,,,, 
will be amusing to see when the MSM starts to slowly turn against  Joe just how long you guys will stick with him, i expect you'll jump ship as soon as a new candidates name gets mentioned.  but but but trump!!

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This whole mention of President Biden’s memory by the special counsel reeks of James comey putting his thumb on the scales back when traitor trump squeaked out his win via the electoral college his verbiage is unconscionable and out of line his judgment or enuendo about Biden’s memory.

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36 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You are living deep in a world of hypotheticals.


Biden has been cleared by a Republican Special Counsel. This "news" story will self-destruct in 24 hours.

so he deceived the court then..or lied..... so which? and then bruch it away... hahas, yep, typical

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2 minutes ago, illisdean said:

Biden may have a poor memory but he is an accomplished and pathological liar, 





Aren't you the guy who lied about the Presidential Records Act, and how it allowed Trump to retain classified documents?


Why should anyone listen to you?

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3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Biden will have lots of chances to prove you wrong this year.


   Its rather inappropriate of Joe Biden to refer to Netanyahu as "Bibi" as well publicly and formally , should formally refer to him as Prime Minister  Netanyahu

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5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Just watched a segment on CNN about biden's poor memory. Sounded like CNN was trying to drag biden under the bus....yikes. 


Could this be the end of biden?

You have to give CNN some credit because at least they are finally having some REAL unbiased segments about [Biden]. Finally! What is more amusing is the same six posters on here are still in some unknown foggy place.  

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12 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Aren't you the guy who lied about the Presidential Records Act, and how it allowed Trump to retain classified documents?


Why should anyone listen to you?


Don't, but do read the report that Biden willingly retained classified documents and shared the classified material with his ghostwriter. Your beloved Biden is a dementd and corrupt loser and embarrassment to America. He;s being paraded everywhere om MSM for all to see. Enjoy witnessing the humiliating implosion of a corrupt and demented fool. Go read the PRA and weep as Trump wins another one against the feckless and demented loser Biden. LOl No lies, just hard and tormenting facts. Good riddance to Biden, he's so done. 

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:


If you mean Trump, then that's fine if he is guilty.


My problem is that Biden is getting away with it.





The way the political landscape is evolving one could expect a future Trump DOJ to put the screws to Biden, For the time being, Biden non indictment may be the biggest bonus the feckless dems just handed Trump who will make such a fuss about the "vegetable" president Biden who stole and shared classified material but was too unfit to indict and face a trial but who was okay to be president. This is earth shattering redefined! Biden has rewritten the book on daftness and failure. 

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