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5 by-passes in 2005 (inherited cholesterol issue). Retired to Thailand in 2011 and I was a fat boy in the candy shop. While my Urologist in the USA laughed when I told him I took 25mg as a helper, he said I could just sniff at the pill and get much of the same affect. Arriving in Thailand, when the mood and company suited, it was not a concern. Found a steady girl and some days, morning, noon and night. Fast forward 12 years ... and after additional heart attack here in 2015, things have slowed down. On blood pressure 1/2 pill daily. Checked with my Cardiologist and use the following plan. BP pill and the blue helper always taken 12 hours apart. Blue pill the night before, blue pill on the following morning ... works for me. Actually, I can get a shot off in the morning and one in the afternoon. Then the BP pill that evening. Still some residual effect through the next morning but I would be hesitant to press my luck with staying power. Anyway, currently a happy camper ... but then no longer any everyday target practice at age 77.

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The other thing is that taking more does not necessarily have an 'add on' effect (e.g if 100 mg does not work, then the chances are that 200 mg will not work.


I suspect most 'overdoses' are people trying to take the pills too frequently(e.g. once every 6 hours over a few days).


If I believe my GP (and I do believe my GP) when I asked him about taking amlodipine and cialis,  said that the two drugs worked in totally different ways - and did not conflict with each other.


The Cialis sends blood to the penis, blood pressure tablets are a calcium channel blocker.


Found this and thought it was interesting even though it didn't mention that it is often the sex that causes accidents and not the ED meds. Then I read the hilarious conclusion. Must have been written by some poorly serviced female...

8 hours ago, ravip said:

You are 100% correct.

That said, sometimes it's useful to post a question like this on a public forum, just to get a first hand experience information. Not only about medical issues, but on ANY subject.

Making a joke out of this type of question will definitely discourage others of posting similar questions.


Your post would have been appreciated on a joke thread, but here, I feel its of bad taste.

Just my honest opinion... maybe I am wrong, and am open to correction.



Also, the serious & honest comments for this type of questions are very helpful to other members too. That, I feel is value addition to this type of forum.

I think you are being too "hard on" them.

5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The way Viagra is used now was an accident. It was originally planned as heart medicine.

Keeping that in mind I think everybody should think twice before using it.

As far as I know officially people need a prescription to get it at all.

What would you do if you would get 10 comments, and everybody would write something like: Take as much as you want, no problem.

But later you find out 10 of 10 comments were wrong...

For that reason, and make sure you survive another day, I still suggest asking a professional. 

 I still suggest asking a professional - I never denied that fact. That's why I said you are 100% correct.



Already this thread has 2 pages - and it is interesting.

Of course, an ydrug one should use with professional advice and with caution.

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8 hours ago, BigStar said:


True story: wannabe old stud in my building overdosed on Viagra before a hot date, suffered dizziness in the shower, fell, hit his head on the shower curb, and DIED.


they should make a movie about that guy.

cautionary tale. 



Sildenafil is the generic term for Viagra and many companies now make this product. Use the 25mg tablet if possible rather than the 50mg or 100mg. None of them are good for you, if you have a weak heart or higher blood pressure.

Much less damaging is a medicine which will strike fear into the heart of most of the men reading this. It’s called Caverject and is injected direct into the old fella. The reason it’s less damaging is because it only acts on your old chap, unlike Viagra/Sildenafil, which affects your whole body, enlarging every blood vessel you’ve got. Get your courage up and talk to your doctor.

On 2/18/2024 at 6:42 PM, swissie said:

- Have so far not come accross a situation concerning "overdosing" on Viagra or Cialys.

If you stick to the recommended dose and you're generally healthy you should be fine. Adverse effects usually come for people who already have a low blood pressure or take medicine to lower blood pressure, and/or heart disease. Combined with a larger than recommended dose and it can get fatal. Not to be confused with someone falling in the shower because they were dizzy - that's not an overdose - it's a side effect gone very wrong.


I've been taking kamagra to help wake him up while drunk (zero chance of it working otherwise), does the job within 30 minutes and lasts about a day or two. I did experience some side effects like fatigue and a rapid heart beat before - but at the time I used to intake a lot of sugary mints so I suspect that was the cause. Once I switched to a sugar-free version and reduced quantity the side effects went away.

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