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Trump moves to dismiss his classified documents indictment, citing presidential immunity

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5 hours ago, heybruce said:

Retired USAF.


Did you notice that the smart people in uniform understood that politics was a no-go area while in uniform or in any way representing the military?  There was a reason for that; it was against regulation, as well as being a stupid thing to do.


That's why I'm skeptical about your claims to know the political preferences of any group in the military. 


So once again, I challenge you to provide a credible source for your claim: 


“Almost all at DEVGRU are Trump supporters.  100% rank and file.  O-6’s want to make Flag so a few are yes men.

You won’t find this data in any nerd’s “stat sheet “.

Retired USN.


I know this may come as a shock to you as there’s no documentation such as statistics, links, Excel spreadsheets to support my claim.


Nor can you provide any data or links to prove I am not correct.


Only real life experience.


You know this as well as I do.


An AC-130 gunship crew or PJ’s may have a different political outlook than a dental tech or supply specialist.  Just an example.



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52 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

LOL!  As if you know.  Former USN, eh? Well, if true, that means your IQ is at least 80. The agency is a lot more selective. When choosing less than 1% of applicants (more selective than Harvard was), they weed out those who come in below 120, at least for case officers.


Well, YMMV, but the DEVGRU I know never took kindly to the bone spurs coward dissing a POW who could have left the Hanoi Hilton any time he wanted, but chose to stay until his brothers-in-arms were also released. As a coward yourself, you wouldn't know that kind of courage of Sen McCain.


Neither did the DEVGRU and SF types I know take kindly to trump refusing to go to the Allied cemetery in France, fearing the wind and rain might mess up his silly hair or wash off some of his makeup, prissy little dweeb that he is.


Actual patriots were offended when, while riding out to the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, trump asked Gen Kelly: "So what is this thing we're going to see?" If you were a real former USN, that should offend you, but as it doesn't, odds favor you being as mendacious as your messiah and cult leader, or you just joined because you needed a job.


Nobody who actually went into harm's way for the US appreciates their friends and former colleagues, who gave their lives in service, being called "suckers and losers". Certainly Gen Kelly, whose son gave his life in Iraq, did not appreciate hearing that from trump.


You disparage actual DEVGRU types by claiming they support a traitor. I doubt you've ever even met one other than in passing, much less gone into harm's way with them. Lots of former DEVGRU join the agency as GRS, serving as body guards to agency Chiefs of Station in hostile areas. Perhaps you claim to speak for some of them who were portrayed in the (not so cinematically good) movie 12 Strong, about some of the first Americans who entered Afghanistan after 9-11, and who now serve in GRS. trumpers they are not.


The former SEALS who join the agency and go into Ground Branch of SAC are absolutely NOT trumpers. When trump visited the agency HQ on 21 Jan 2017, trying to avoid the Women's March that appeared on Penn Ave, and trump brought busloads of new WH staffers to play trained seals (the other kind of seal) and hoot and hollar as trump stood in front of the Memorial Wall and talked only about himself, how "like really really smart" he is, and how he has more TIME covers than Tom Brady, real agency officers, GRS and Ground Branch (some former SEALS), walked out in disgust. (The actual first American into Iraq in Gulf War II---who incidentally thought the invasion was stupid---heard a bit of trump's self-promotion, said "Fxxx this sh!t", and left.)


Oh, and perhaps you haven't asked Adm McRaven what he thinks of trump. You don't have to ask; just Google his comments. How about Adm Krongard? How about Gen McCrystal?


Go ahead, steal some more valor and speak of something of which you know nothing. Is it possible some members of DEVGRU support trump? Sure, just as some are psychopaths who joined because they wanted a way to kill. True patriots, however, are clever enough to see through trump's self-serving and anti-American schtick. You, however, are neither of those two things.


Go have another beer and add to that ever-expanding waistline.


Obviously touched a nerve to an insecure type that has to attempt to impress others by giving unsolicited detailed information on how important and fantastic they are.  The mark of a true professional.  Keeping a low profile isn’t in your vocabulary.  You truly are a legend, in your own mind.


You have manage to impress the impressionable but I am not impressed.


It is quite clear you have never served active duty military.  You would have boasted your service by now, without a doubt.  

Have you actually served active duty?  Simple yes or no would is sufficient.


Agreed, the incident with McCain was uncalled for.  Not his finest moment.  One ah shi- does not take away all the atta boys.

The others you mentioned didn’t happen as far as I’m concerned.  He said, she said BS.

Agree that Adm McRaven and other Flag Officers are primarily yes men going after the next star.

Rank and file not so, regardless of what you think you know.  You never have been active duty SPECWAR so you’re clueless.

I sent photos of my 32 inch waist line which I have maintained for 35+ years.  I’m sure saw this before it was pulled by the mods so your claim of 45 in waist has no validity as much of what you post.  I’ll send PM.


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47 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Adm Collin Green, who resigned under trump as commander of the Naval Special Warfare Command, including the SEALS, probably was disliked by trump because he was trying to clean up the ranks of bad guys and restore the SEAL’s image after it was sullied by charges of war crimes, murder, drug use and sexual assault. Given trump’s history and now conviction of fraud and sexual assault, I think it can be assumed the SEALs you claim support trump are the ones who engaged in those illegal acts. True patriotic SEALs know trump is a traitor to everything for which the US stands.


Another delusional post but admire the length compared to others.


Probably disliked by Trump is rather vague.  Has it occurred to you the Adm just wanted to retire as most eventually due.


I’m sure you have the conviction records of the murders, war crime criminals, sexual assaulters and drug users.


 I will agree not all SEAL’s are priests material.  Nothing new.  Been that with since their commissioning.  The nature of the beast.


So how can you prove True Patriotic SEAL’s believe Trump is a traitor without ever serving in SPECWAR, or even in the military?  I’ll answer for you.  You can’t.  Just your opinion.

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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

trumpers who buy into trump's silly defense of his theft of TS, SCI, SAP, Codeword, SITK, HCS and RD documents and putting US national security at risk, ought to clamor for full publication of every last document the country club owner and wedding planner took to his home. Let all the Congressmen who back trump come out in favor of publication. Heck, they can even create Moroccan-leather bound collections and send them to putin, Xi, the mullahs of Iran, and whoever replaced the Flying Ginsu-minced Ayman al-Zawahiri of al Qaeda.


Since many here think "it's time to close the intel agencies", let's do that, too. Do we really need to know if a terrorist attack is coming or what the intentions and capabilities of hostile nations are?


But let's not stop there. No, baby steps just doesn't cut it. Let's close the entire Dept of Defense and save $800 billion plus a year. Turn the Pentagon into a retirement home for retired 4 stars. Turn the guns into plowshares. Do we really think anybody is going to attack the US when all those blubber butt trumpers have their AR-15s at home? Haven't guys like putin and Xi seen how high trumpers scored on Call of Duty?


Hey, and let's bulldoze Arlington National and let some "RE genius" like trump turn it into a mixed use shopping and condo development. That cemetery is just full of "suckers and losers" anyway, as trump has described the fallen.


Oh, and stop paying pensions to retired DoD types, like a certain someone claiming to be "former USN". Make him go get a real job, and stop living off the US Taxpayers' sweaty brows.


Your best post yet!   I can’t compete with that one.

Relax and take a few deep breaths.  No need to get so emotional over this topic.


Accept the facts that we will never change each other’s minds or who we vote for POTUS.



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2 hours ago, G_Money said:


Your best post yet!   I can’t compete with that one.

Relax and take a few deep breaths.  No need to get so emotional over this topic.


Accept the facts that we will never change each other’s minds or who we vote for POTUS.



A Jim Jones moment. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

"there’s no documentation such as statistics, links, Excel spreadsheets to support my claim."


Finally!  That's what I was looking for.


So when you claimed that:


“Almost all at DEVGRU are Trump supporters.  100% rank and file.  O-6’s want to make Flag so a few are yes men.

You won’t find this data in any nerd’s “stat sheet 


was a fact, what you meant was that based on your limited experience hanging out with a limited number of like minded members of the special forces some of them may have indicated support for Trump. 


How many member of DEVGRU did you hang out with?  How much time did you spend talking politics?


Most important, how can you claim that your very limited insight into this group gives you the right to speak for all of them?

First and foremost.  Read the last sentence of my Quote. “You won’t find this data in any nerds stat sheet “


I explained myself.  It was there all along so you finding what you were looking for has no merit.  


 I knew many of them before they went to Green Team and many after their tour at DEVGRU or after they retired.  Politics were talked about at times but not the focus of most conversations.  Better and less boring things to talk about.


As I recall I never met a Biden, Obama or Clinton supporter.  Sorry to disappoint you but it is what it is.


A certain BM who is a non veteran as far as I’m concerned until he claims otherwise apparently has been rubbing elbows with Admirals and Generals as he knows what’s going on in their brains and personal lives and post this on the forum.


I am not that connected but apparently he is. 

Anything else bothering you?

I'm still voting for Trump and you’re still voting for Biden.  Mission Accomplished 


Edited by G_Money
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58 minutes ago, G_Money said:

First and foremost.  Read the last sentence of my Quote. “You won’t find this data in any nerds stat sheet “


I explained myself.  It was there all along so you finding what you were looking for has no merit.  


 I knew many of them before they went to Green Team and many after their tour at DEVGRU or after they retired.  Politics were talked about at times but not the focus of most conversations.  Better and less boring things to talk about.


As I recall I never met a Biden, Obama or Clinton supporter.  Sorry to disappoint you but it is what it is.


A certain BM who is a non veteran as far as I’m concerned until he claims otherwise apparently has been rubbing elbows with Admirals and Generals as he knows what’s going on in their brains and personal lives and post this on the forum.


I am not that connected but apparently he is. 

Anything else bothering you?

I'm still voting for Trump and you’re still voting for Biden.  Mission Accomplished 


But you did not explain yourself.  You stated your opinion as fact.  When challenged to provide a source for your "fact" you repeated that it was a fact without providing any evidence.


Even now you avoid the use of "opinion".  I hate to break this to you, but even though you have a very high opinion of your opinions, that does not make them facts.

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59 minutes ago, heybruce said:

But you did not explain yourself.  You stated your opinion as fact.  When challenged to provide a source for your "fact" you repeated that it was a fact without providing any evidence.


Even now you avoid the use of "opinion".  I hate to break this to you, but even though you have a very high opinion of your opinions, that does not make them facts.

Go back and read my post again.  Everything you need is there.

Sorry, I can’t help you with your condition 


Long term effects of JP-8 fumes has not been kind to you.

Best to seek professional help.

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47 minutes ago, G_Money said:

Go back and read my post again.  Everything you need is there.

Sorry, I can’t help you with your condition 


Long term effects of JP-8 fumes has not been kind to you.

Best to seek professional help.

I've read them. You state your opinions as facts and, when challenged, insist they are facts.


I assume you can get away with stating opinions as facts in your echo chamber.  This isn't your echo chamber.

Edited by heybruce
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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

I've read them. You state your opinions as facts and, when challenged, insist they are facts.


I assume you can get away with stating opinions as facts in your echo chamber.  This isn't your echo chamber.

Everything I stated was fact.  I can’t comprehend it for you.


Whether or not you believe me is your issue, not mine.


You claim retired Air Force.  I take your word for it.  I don’t ask you “facts” such as your DD-214 or service records.


I could ask retired from active duty, reservists or by the content of your posts, medically.  But I don’t.

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3 minutes ago, G_Money said:

Everything I stated was fact.  I can’t comprehend it for you.


Whether or not you believe me is your issue, not mine.


You claim retired Air Force.  I take your word for it.  I don’t ask you “facts” such as your DD-214 or service records.


I could ask retired from active duty, reservists or by the content of your posts, medically.  But I don’t.

The difference is that I an provide proof that I serve.


You can't provide proof that you know what all or most DEVGRU think.


Apparently the distinction is lost on you.  No problem, almost everyone else understands the difference.

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10 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The difference is that I an provide proof that I serve.


You can't provide proof that you know what all or most DEVGRU think.


Apparently the distinction is lost on you.  No problem, almost everyone else understands the difference.

Your proof of AF service?  Which post was that in?  All I saw was a claim.  I take your word for it but I saw no “proof”


Any BM on this thread see “proof “ of Bruce AF service ? 


As I stated before, I can’t comprehend for you.  

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15 minutes ago, G_Money said:

Your proof of AF service?  Which post was that in?  All I saw was a claim.  I take your word for it but I saw no “proof”


Any BM on this thread see “proof “ of Bruce AF service ? 


As I stated before, I can’t comprehend for you.  

I can prove I served.  I didn't say that I did.  I won't because the evidence would leave me vulnerable to identity theft.  Therefore others may believe me or not, I don't care.


I don't repeatedly claim that my service is a fact without providing proof, I leave it to others to decide for themselves if they believe me.  You expect others to believe your opinions are facts without providing proof.


I'm sure your opinions are facts in your own mind.  But only in your own mind.

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19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I can prove I served.  I didn't say that I did.  I won't because the evidence would leave me vulnerable to identity theft.  Therefore others may believe me or not, I don't care.


I don't repeatedly claim that my service is a fact without providing proof, I leave it to others to decide for themselves if they believe me.  You expect others to believe your opinions are facts without providing proof.


I'm sure your opinions are facts in your own mind.  But only in your own mind.

“The difference is that I a provide proof that I serve.”



But then you expect me to provide proof that would lead to my identity theft.


You hitting the bottle when you post?

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5 hours ago, G_Money said:


“The difference is that I a provide proof that I serve.”



But then you expect me to provide proof that would lead to my identity theft.


You hitting the bottle when you post?

Where did I post that?


How is your "reply" relevant to what I posted?


I you are going to make up quotes by me, try to do better than that.

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4 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You are correct.


And he *was * president when the documents were taken.

Trial date is now set for May 20, 2024. 


These are the charges:


32 counts of willfully retaining national defense information (18 U.S.C. § 793(e))
5 counts of obstruction of justice (18 U.S.C. § 1512)
1 count of interfering with a federal investigation (18 U.S.C § 1519)
4 counts of making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001(a))


Bad enough without your making up more.


Kinda like when you say Trump has  "violate(d) a  defamation verdict on national TV" when there wasn't any verdict other than damage payments.

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14 hours ago, heybruce said:

The difference is that I an provide proof that I serve.


You can't provide proof that you know what all or most DEVGRU think.


Apparently the distinction is lost on you.  No problem, almost everyone else understands the difference.


7 hours ago, heybruce said:

Where did I post that?


How is your "reply" relevant to what I posted?


I you are going to make up quotes by me, try to do better than that.

Read the first sentence of your first post!


 I have no need to make up anything about you.  You’re not worth the effort 

Appears Biden isn’t the only one with dementia.


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3 hours ago, G_Money said:


Read the first sentence of your first post!


 I have no need to make up anything about you.  You’re not worth the effort 

Appears Biden isn’t the only one with dementia.


My first post was in 2006.  You'll have to be more specific.


However since it is clear that you can't distinguish between opinion and fact it is pointless to continue.

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