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Trump says country faces ‘bloodbath’ if Biden wins in November

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1 hour ago, BigStar said:


Yup, Biden immediately seized on Trump's remarks and took them out of context (as did Politico, a propaganda mouthpiece) for all the stupid libtards believing in and voting for that senile old fool, no matter the obvious mess he's made domestically and internationally.


Usual scare mongering and hoaxing about Trump, duly parroted here with our usual womanly hysteria. How disappointing to have been fooled again by the fake news and Biden. 


Biden campaign, liberal media spread hoax that Trump threatened ‘bloodbath’ if not elected—he was talking about auto industry


His statement was about as extremist as describing a basketball game as a bloodbath. 

Both too bloody old if you ask me, but hey, ain't that America!

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8 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Aren't you and the rest of the Trump fans just exhausted having to try and defend your man day in, day out? 


Although your quote is absolutely correct and is in reference to the car industry, don't you think it's just stupidly clumsy to say 'Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it.",


Bloodbath : (NOUN) indiscriminate slaughter; a massacre

Words matter when it is coming from possibly the next POTUS and 'bloodbath' has some serious connotations especially after what happened on January 6th. It is this type of continuing incendiary language that has people so worried because we have seen how some of his supporters take his words in a VERY literal fashion and are prone to violence when given what they believe is justification. Trump knows this but still refuses to tone it down and in the run up to the election, I can only see this getting worse with even more incendiary language being used.


If he doesn't win, then January 6th will seem like a picnic compared to what could happen.

 'some of his supporters take his words in a VERY literal fashion' thats exactly what you and many posters here have done regarding this thread!

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Now there going after FDNY. So much for free speech.by the hypocrisy of the left.


Many New Yorkers do support Trump.  The real people that make America Great.  FDNY.




AOC own New York neighborhood represents her incompetence.



Edited by G_Money
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8 hours ago, Lacessit said:

There's a quote from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series which applies to Trump's rhetoric.


" Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent".


As a card-carrying coward ( bone spurs ) Trump would never use it himself, he'd be quite happy for ignorant people to carry his water for him.

IMO if Trump was elected, the promised pardons for the January 6 rioters would only be given to those who could pay.

bone spurs..yawn, so you'd put you life on the line for a politician because they lied about something? because thats how nam was and the wars that followed. i would not call it cowardly to not participate, i'd call it sensible!!

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7 hours ago, sirineou said:

Trump said what he said, He is the master of the dog whistle. 

Are you now telling me that he is too stupid to know how of the same people that stormed the capital would take it? Or are you tell me that he is not stupid but just irresponsible? 

I am afraid these are the only three options . Dog whistle. to stupid to know, and irresponsible.

Please make your choice I'll wait. 

none of the above, you are so deluded by trump that you make up things that havent happened, , i watched what was said and at no point did i think it was a call for violence. you have TDS big time, and i think it's brought on by watching and reading msm too much, you have been brainwashed into think trump is hitler. 

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7 hours ago, Walker88 said:

For once I actually agree with trump.


1) He will lose to Biden


2) Like in 2021, trump will call his goobers to DC for the certification, will try to get a permit to hold a rally (Likely Mayor Bowser will deny it), and will encourage his goobers to go attack police and the Capitol again.


The difference this time is the National Guard will be called in to deal with the terrorists, and it's possible some Liberal Kyle Rittenhouse types will show up with their AR-15s to "help the police".


Expect thousands of trumpian terrorists to be Babbittized.


trump will then face whatever court dates he delayed, likely be convicted and sentenced to jail, where he will spend the rest of his miserable life.

so dispite rittenhouse being cleared of wrong doing,do you think he was in the wrong? i have watched the video clips i full, so interested to hear your thoughts on the matter..

i just re-read you post and saw 'babbitised'.... humm, i think that pretty much shows you for what you are... why not join blm or antifa, they are your type of crew.

are you the one that claims to be some secret agent spook here ?


Edited by frank83628
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7 hours ago, sirineou said:


The thread is about what trump  said .  It is not about both of them. It could had said "there would be a bloodbath if trump loses in the general election"  and it would had made no difference to this thread.


I grow tired of this dance . you can solo. The floor is all yours.

actually it's not, because if you bother to watch a clip of what was said this thread you will see this thread is misleading. he might have said the word, but it was not in the context implied here.

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6 hours ago, transam said:

So what, The Queen of England was much older and still competent with her duties.


There is 4 years difference in age between McTrump and Biden, yet you focus on Biden's age, because you got nothing else..................:cowboy:

you muct be similar age to Biden, you certainly seem to have the same decline going on by your posts!

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6 hours ago, Hummin said:

Social media on speed, my feed is full of Trump propaganda, and no matter preferences and restrictions, there is no way to escape it! 


So not so surprised many easy manipulated get affected. 


If you vote Trump, it is either you are ignorant enough to believe his propaganda,  or ,,,,,, well nuff said

ok, but can you not agree that many here are commenting on this thread, despite it not being factually accurate, they are still maintaining the same stance even when shown its been taken out of context?

 you say things like... 'If you vote Trump, it is either you are ignorant enough to believe his propaganda,  or ,,,,,, well nuff said' hypocrisy . com no? you are literally believing 'propaganda' ,because what was implied in the title of this thread is not what was said

do you actually believe trump was calling for violence?

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2 minutes ago, frank83628 said:


ok, but can you not agree that many here are commenting on this thread, despite it not being factually accurate, they are still maintaining the same stance even when shown its been taken out of context?

 you say things like... 'If you vote Trump, it is either you are ignorant enough to believe his propaganda,  or ,,,,,, well nuff said' hypocrisy . com no? you are literally believing 'propaganda' ,because what was implied in the title of this thread is not what was said

do you actually believe trump was calling for violence?

I have seen the whole video of most of his famous speaches, and what he stands for. I avoid  cut and paste reportage and biased reporting from opposing channels. 


What he says realtime is enough to despise him

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5 hours ago, LosLobo said:

Trump's statement that if he loses the election there will be a 'bloodbath' in the country, was quite literal and clear in its meaning.


Although for Maga World ambiguity was the playbook to invoke 'plausible deniability' as done for 'Proud Boys, stand back and stand by', 'very fine people on both sides, and 'to only be a dictator on day one' etc.


For the literacy challenged this is understandable but for the others...'there are none so blind as those who will not see', or the most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. 

are you serious? so even cnn have quoted him as saying 'a bloodbath for the auto industry' yet you are still maintaining he meant violence in the country? and you have the audacity to berate trumpers and say they are stupid and brainless..... pot, kettle, black is the cap you should wear. you really have way more issues that any trump supporter

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8 minutes ago, frank83628 said:


ok, but can you not agree that many here are commenting on this thread, despite it not being factually accurate, 

Is Trump a good example to follow for kids, young and people in general. Is this what you really want to be the picture of us identify? 

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2 hours ago, Tug said:

If we are honest…….hummm……..sure let’s just take a look see we have trump insuniating there will be a blood bath if he’s not elected then we have the Biden administration.under this administration we have the strongest economy on the planet,have passed meaningful legislation that moves America forward to the future revitalized nato (obviously nessary)taking steps to protect the environment……I could easily go on and on but I have things to do…….yes Biden is an elderly man,perhaps his age and wisdom are just what’s needed he’s certainly making positive progress your comparison as to rather having 2 blood thirsty killers is straight up childish in my opinion.( polite language alert!)

you guy are alway posting link to prove you case, but i dont see many being posted now.

If we are honest…….hummm……..sure let’s just take a look see we have trump insuniating there will be a blood bath if he’s not elected


do you know this was not said in the context you have just quoted it or are you suffering from a total TDS breakdown....? practically every MSM outlet has quoted it properly, yet you are still, 8 pages and numerous links later, misquoting it.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

I'd like to understand what you are saying. I cannot. What has putting my life on the line got to do with anything on this thread?

Is it sensible to disrespect the military who have protected you? Or your security detail?

I'll wager some of the people sworn to  protect Trump would cheerfully shoot him, given any excuse to do so.

I suppose you think Trump stiffing contractors for cents on the dollar is sensible too.

IMO if Trump loses, there will be a bloodbath when the National Guard puts down any attempted sedition by Trump's more deranged supporters. They got off lightly last time.

just listen to yourself...you live in fantasy land. Tumps security really want to kill him, NG will kill trump supporters.....i really think you need to see a Dr. 
you said bone spurs, referring to Trump dodging nam..... so the rest is on point, good on him for not putting his life on the line for some politicians lies or ego!! F**K US and their warmongering, biggest cancer on the planet!!

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22 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Is Trump a good example to follow for kids, young and people in general. Is this what you really want to be the picture of us identify? 

isn't that what you guys are so quick to call 'whataboutism' ??

so, not answering the question.... was the OP factually accurate... yes or no.... its quite simple

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1 hour ago, G_Money said:

Now there going after FDNY. So much for free speech.by the hypocrisy of the left.


Many New Yorkers do support Trump.  The real people that make America Great.  FDNY.




AOC own New York neighborhood represents her incompetence.



Still relying on fake news I see............what don't you understand when the company's own lawyers said that people should not believe what they hear/see on Fox News because it is not real news. Go and look it up then come back on here and say that you understand what the lawyers had said..........but you won't because you don't like what they said as it undermines your confirmation bias, or perhaps there is another reason and trump likes those folks!!

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17 minutes ago, riclag said:

Expect more of the same Frank!

The dems propaganda Msm has 8 more months of  Trump threats being taking out of context, coming.


Trumps opponent is getting a political 

thrashing, he’s loosing the Office big time. Its a Presidency in peril .And the dems media machine is trying to spin public opinion by harping on every word Trump says. A familiar pattern we’ve seen before throughout the years.


Biden trails GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on major policy and personal comparisons, including by more than 20 points on which candidate would better handle the economy. And Biden’s deficit versus Trump on handling immigration and the border is greater than 30 points.


And Biden’s approval rating has declined to the lowest level of his presidency in NBC News polling — to 37% —.

Even the Ohio Senator says the propaganda machine is working desperately!


J.D. Vance


Donald Trump said that a bloodbath would happen to the American auto industry if Biden kept on promoting Chinese made EVs. He of course is 100 percent correct. All other reporting about his "bloodbath" comment is complete propaganda. The media should be ashamed.


Edited by riclag
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25 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Still relying on fake news I see............what don't you understand when the company's own lawyers said that people should not believe what they hear/see on Fox News because it is not real news. Go and look it up then come back on here and say that you understand what the lawyers had said..........but you won't because you don't like what they said as it undermines your confirmation bias, or perhaps there is another reason and trump likes those folks!!

What about my post wasn’t true?  The booing of the commissioner or FDNY yelling Trump, Trump, Trump?


Please post from your liberal media what actually happened.

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1 hour ago, frank83628 said:

so dispite rittenhouse being cleared of wrong doing,do you think he was in the wrong? i have watched the video clips i full, so interested to hear your thoughts on the matter..

i just re-read you post and saw 'babbitised'.... humm, i think that pretty much shows you for what you are... why not join blm or antifa, they are your type of crew.

are you the one that claims to be some secret agent spook here ?


That’s him.  There’s only one.


CIA Secret Agent Man.  Non- Military.  Not sure if he’s licensed to kill as he hasn’t mentioned it….yet!

What puzzles me is why he is no longer working for his beloved CIA he talks so highly of.  Mmmmm

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