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Anutin urges Phuket officials to get tough with foreign offenders


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3 minutes ago, Accidental Tourist said:

A typical "I hate farangs" message from Mr. Anutin...why not ban foreigners in all from the country? Law should be equal to all regardless of nationality or status...a mission still not accomplished by Thailand 


Umm....I think he would if he could, be careful what you ask for.

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Does he know the fact, that there are a lot of russian, Thailand invited.

The most European expats are peaceful.

Parallel he should talk on a crackdown of his own people, who dual pricing and the 100 millions of criminal reckless traffic violations.

Never see any law enforement.


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1 hour ago, AverageAussie said:


Let's put some perspective on this.


Despite a common perception in Australia, there are aprx 400 people deported from Australia every year on "character" grounds (eg criminal conviction). About ¾ of those are from NZ.


Is that also "not a good look"?  :unsure:

Here we go.... Yes I'm kiwi. 


These crims (referred to as 501s due to the immigration legislation number) are bad people.  I don't have a argument with that fact. 


However there is more to this story. 


A lot of these 501s moved to Oz from NZ with their parents as children.  They have grown up and been educated in Australia. 'Worked' and paid taxes in Australia. It is all they know. 


Just because they were born in NZ and have fakd up in Aussie it therefore becomes NZs problem?


Your guy Dutton that introduced this law change was/is an idiot. 


It could be argued that as they haven't become Australian citizens then yes it is NZs problem.  In the past it has been very difficult for Kiwis to become Aussies.  Recently that's changed and I believe for the good of both countries. 


I agree some of these 501s should be deported back to their birth country, but not all. 

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4 hours ago, 1sickpuppy said:

Does not apply in Australia, when i used to ride home from work on my old hog, i could see police on side of Hwy, im doing speed limit or under, cars flying by me but they pull me over, i ask them why and they call me smart arse, Victorias finest Dip<deleted>s, at least in Thailand the police are fair and treat you like a human being

"at least in Thailand the police are fair and treat you like a human being"


That is either very good sarcasm, or extreme naivety??

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8 minutes ago, SuwadeeS said:

Does he know the fact, that there are a lot of russian, Thailand invited.

The most European expats are peaceful.

Parallel he should talk on a crackdown of his own people, who dual pricing and the 100 millions of criminal reckless traffic violations.

Never see any law enforement.



Once again, i have to point out that not all Russians are the same and we get some of the worst kleptos escaping from Putin. Try this video to see how difficult it is to make a firm conclusion. 




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2 hours ago, Ironmike said:

I've lived in Phuket for 20 years, I do what I do legally as I'm a law abiding person and do not want to be thrown out of the country but since the Government has approved free 90 day visas for the Russians I see the crime rate has escalated even just reading this post just 2 days ago Russians lieing about paying for food and trying to do a runner,, these people have no shame they are not abiding by the laws and need to be removed permanently. 

I have to keep 800k in the bank to stay here if these people want to come here for 3 months then they should have to bring 200k with them so they don't need to work and cause trouble. 



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2 hours ago, BritScot said:

You got that right. Now in the UK arrested for "Non Crime". Yes its real. My sister disabled 60+ sister got a non crime for telling a crossing lady who was having a melt down in front of her car "Go back to your own country!" Police banging on her door at 11 o'clock at night.


The ""Go back to your own country!" stuff is a right of passage for anyone getting on the wrong side of a Thai person. Take it on the chin and get used to it!

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6 hours ago, webfact said:


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Anutin Charnvirakul urged officials in Phuket to get tougher with misbehaving foreigners on the island. He said it was time to stop being considerate. Mr Anutin called for revoking the visa of any foreigner who harasses locals to make a living. His comments came a day after an Austrian tourist, 58-year-old Gernot Kuhberger, attacked his limousine driver after being told he could not smoke. The tourist had just arrived at Phuket International Airport. At length, he was being taken to his accommodation on the island.

Minister of the Interior Anutin expresses fury at foreign misconduct in Phuket. Calls for firmness and less leniency. The senior government minister calls for a decisive crackdown on lawbreaking expats and tourists. Time for strict enforcement including visa revocation against anyone who harasses local people.

On Thursday, Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul expressed anger at the misbehaviour of foreigners in Phuket. Deputy Prime Minister Anutin described the current outbreak of lawbreaking by foreigners on the island including tourists and expats, as insulting to the Thai people. At length, he urged local police officials to get tough. He said it was time to stop being so considerate of law-breaking foreigners.


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Anutin Charnvirakul, on Thursday, saw red about legal transgressions by foreigners in Phuket.  


In short, he expressed his annoyance at what he termed the insulting behaviour of foreigners on the holiday island.


The deputy PM, in turn, urged a firmer stance on maintaining law and order in Phuket. At length, he insisted all people in Thailand, including foreigners, must respect the law.


The Bhumjaithai Party leader’s outrage stems from a multitude of recent incidents in Phuket since February. 


by James Morris and Son Nguyen


Full story: Thai Examiner.com 2024-04-05


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That's the dilemma: you opened the borders just to stipulate economy. But on the other hand you can't stop criminals to enter the country.

A stricter control would be desirable. 

It's a matter of law enforcement.🙏

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2 hours ago, kentrot said:

I have to laugh as I read about a foreigner beating up a cabbie over smoking 

and as I scroll down a GIANT Ad on crushing out a cigarette and the advice to Quit Smoking


There is ample evidence of Russians having a short fuse. This is only one of many incidents.

About a month ago , while playing our guitars at the beach, a 35'ish year old rather large and fit Russian man approached us in anger.


My friend had a Blue & Yellow strip of tape on his guitar , like the Ukrainian flag colours  The Russian jabbed my 75 year old friend  in the face with his finger and told him to remove the strips. I yelled at him to get back to his family on the beach, and he left in anger.


I have many similar stories of unsociable behavior by the denizen of that country.

If it is fighting you want ... go home and put on an army uniform !


.... end of rant 


Rants to continue and punchups to follow. Then 'the conversation' will get really interesting.

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He's still bent out of shape that the "Ai farang" wouldn't take his masks from him three plus years ago.  Anutin is a quintessential Thai elite:  Hates foreigners; loves foreigner's money. 

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‘Outbreak of law breaking by foreigners’, is surely an exaggeration if it involves less than 0.1% of the many thousands of foreign visitors in Thailand. Let’s see the offenders dealt with and deported, the vast majority of law abiding, respectful foreigners can support that.

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4 hours ago, geisha said:

We wouldn’t put up with foreigners/ tourists or locals behaving like animals in our own country would we?

You haven't been back to El Paso or any of the Blue State cities in the US lately. 

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3 hours ago, Excogitator said:

With near daily occurrences of misbehaving tourists/foreigners in Phuket, there's no doubt they have to take action. But again I wonder, how are they gonna do this without hampering the lives of the many good and decent foreigners coming here and those of us calling los our home? Increased screening will most certainly make obtaining and extending visas both more cumbersome and, probably, more expensive as well. Revoking the visas of perpetrators is all good and well, but it doesn't really prevent any incidents from happening..

Easy!You break the law , you get fined and or deported,depending on the crime.

You don't break the law?Carry on.


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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Foreigners standing by foreigners only helps us. If a foreigner does wrong, no normal foreigner wants to see this because it makes us all look bad, to some narrow minded prejudiced types that only see us as a whole. The more we feed them, the more they think about it. I hate to see foreigners do anything wrong just for this reason.



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3 hours ago, steevjee said:

Easy, corrupt cops rule in Thailand and they're the crims best friend, as long as the RTP palms are getting greased.

that's exactly how things work here and how the RTP make any money. They wouldn't be able to survive on the salary the government pays. 

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20 minutes ago, Ajarnbrian said:

‘Outbreak of law breaking by foreigners’, is surely an exaggeration if it involves less than 0.1% of the many thousands of foreign visitors in Thailand. Let’s see the offenders dealt with and deported, the vast majority of law abiding, respectful foreigners can support that.

with percentages like that I'm surprised this "crime wave" hasn't been re-labelled a Pandemic. 

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4 hours ago, 1sickpuppy said:

Does not apply in Australia, when i used to ride home from work on my old hog, i could see police on side of Hwy, im doing speed limit or under, cars flying by me but they pull me over, i ask them why and they call me smart arse, Victorias finest Dip<deleted>s, at least in Thailand the police are fair and treat you like a human being

At least here they have the two-tier policing the right way around. In the UK, the cops tend to favour the incomers. I say that even though I have a daughter and son-in-law-to-be in the Met.

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3 hours ago, steevjee said:

What about the Brits, Swiss, Germans, Poles and Americans?

Back in the 80's the biggest numbers of tourists came from Australia and got along well with the Thais and it was a good vibe.

It was beautiful.


As POTY i have been asking the Brits and Russians to start showing a bit more respect to their hosts. But it has fallen on deaf ears and and endless excuses for their what is almost daily negative news reports. If it isnt one, it is the other or both.

Looking in the right hand column i see a drunken Brit has smashed into two young Thai women on the way to prayers at the temple. How ugly.


I will probably be labelled a "racist" for saying it, but it is what it is.


Unfortunately they have ruined it for us now.

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