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Trump says abortion law should be determined by states

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28 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

If the HILL weren't so biased they would not be confused where trump stands... he stands for abortion being a state issue without federal interference either way.

If he were elected, he would support a national abortion ban.


His approval of exceptions is worthless, because a President cannot impact state restrictions.

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The extremists in what used to be his base aren’t happy.


And nobody in the pro-choice camp believe a word he says.


But he has at least talked about abortion.


Now what we need is some good old fashioned investigative journalism.

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2 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

If the HILL weren't so biased they would not be confused where trump stands... he stands for abortion being a state issue without federal interference either way.

So from a pro-life perspective, Trump is really pro-choice.  If California wanted to legalize all manner of abortions, Trump would be ok with that.  Up to the states, correct?

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24 minutes ago, Emdog said:

He's lying. Has a long, deep track record of lying. He bragged about being the one who got Roe reversed thru his packing SCOTUS.

Like any used car salesman grifter, he will say whatever it takes to close the deal.

Of course, you're right.  Trump doesn't have any core values/beliefs, only what's good for Trump.  If he thought being a hardcore pro-lifer (like Pence) would win him the election, that's what he would be.  Rather amazing so many continue to believe his non-stop lies.  I hope his most rabid supporters invest heavily in Truth Social, aka DJT stock.  Maybe after they're bankrupt, they may realize they've been conned all along.  Or maybe not....5555.

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Trump keep giving. That speech is god sent to Joe that will help tilt the election oucome to his favor. He also anger lots of conservatives. He just can stop flapping his gums and we can expect more missteps going into Nov that will be detrimental to his campaign. 

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1 hour ago, JCauto said:


So you think that state-level, county-level and city-level decisions about abortion are not political? How did they end up getting elected and making profoundly important decisions about other people's bodily autonomy?

I take it you're male, since it clearly annoys you so much that you must consider it to be something that's got nothing to do with you so why do you keep hearing about it all the time? And you know what? You're right! It is something that absolutely should NOT be anything to do with politics, just like nobody should be telling me I can't take viagra or have a vasectomy. Leave individual people alone to make their own decisions with their own bodies. Pretty simple. Yet the party that supposedly advocates for "freedom" continuously tries to subjugate women to their own personal beliefs and whims. The cognitive dissonance is mind-boggling.

If you really think this issue is about 'subjugating women' then you haven't been listening. It is about a very basic thing- when does life begin and when does life deserve protection? And what steps should be taken to deliver that protection.  


On a purely constitutional level it seems obvious that this is a power that should belong to the separate states.  What is so bad about letting them decide for themselves? 

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14 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

If the HILL weren't so biased they would not be confused where trump stands... he stands for abortion being a state issue without federal interference either way.

Yes, Now ... previously? "

"Trump’s video is a departure from comments he’s made on the campaign trail that he would support a 16-week nationwide ban.

The shift in his policy platform less than seven months before Election Day could be viewed as an effort by Trump to appeal to centrist Republicans and swing voters, especially women, as Democrats have sought to rally supporters behind reproductive rights." - the Nevada Current

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11 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

A 16 week ban is reasonable though, is it not? It brings the US in line with most other first world countries AFAIK.  

Ah, no ... it is not. Readily available documents demonstrate the varied and many needed medically determined visions to be made. By the medical circumstances and the woman involved not by any mandatory, artificial calendar limit. More important is the question of "American citizen Rights" not subject to individual states. Sorry, I am a student of history ... soon states allowing slavery? Jim Crow /laws" segregation by race or sex? Let us regress to literacy tests for voting ... hmm, wait ... I might support this if applied equally to all ...

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8 minutes ago, Wrwest said:

What is so bad about letting the woman and her medical advisers make a decision that is hers? The power over personal medical decisions, belongs to the individual not me ... nor you.

Like so many other abortion supporters, you lose yourself in euphemisms. Which is a sign of attempting to skirt the issue. A 'personal medical decision' that happens to impact another persons' life is hardly something that could be left up to an individual. Particularly as the pregnancy goes on, the abortion procedure gets more gruesome and hard to justify.

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3 minutes ago, Wrwest said:

Ah, no ... it is not. Readily available documents demonstrate the varied and many needed medically determined visions to be made. By the medical circumstances and the woman involved not by any mandatory, artificial calendar limit. More important is the question of "American citizen Rights" not subject to individual states. Sorry, I am a student of history ... soon states allowing slavery? Jim Crow /laws" segregation by race or sex? Let us regress to literacy tests for voting ... hmm, wait ... I might support this if applied equally to all ...

If not an artificial calendar limit, then what (if any ) restrictions would you impose on abortions? Across western Europe, 12-14 week limits are common- Germany, Belgium, France, Norway, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy...


What do you mean by "medical circumstances"? Those are generally covered as exceptions in most jurisdictions- risk of death to the mother, incurable or fatal disease of the baby, etc. 

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20 hours ago, Berkshire said:

So from a pro-life perspective, Trump is really pro-choice.  If California wanted to legalize all manner of abortions, Trump would be ok with that.  Up to the states, correct?

Trump would accept that california residents want to continue to murder the unborn... doesn't mean that he would be ok with murdering... there's a difference between being ok with something and accepting that others are not... the liberal left cannot wrap their linear minds around this... to them everything is their way or else.

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23 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

First off... when has he ever said that he would support a national abortion ban... he specifically just stated that it is a state issue to be dealt with at the state level... quit making things up and stating them as fact... it's called lying.

First off??dude trump says whatever benefits him at the moment all stop what he says is not rooted in principle or personal beliefs it’s all about what’s to gain,he is what he is.take a look at what Arizona did to women today on this issue there Supreme Court ruled they must follow the law from the 1860s……..me thinks Arizona is going to be as blue as the Pacific Ocean come November……wow!!

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2 minutes ago, Tug said:

First off??dude trump says whatever benefits him at the moment all stop what he says is not rooted in principle or personal beliefs it’s all about what’s to gain,he is what he is.take a look at what Arizona did to women today on this issue there Supreme Court ruled they must follow the law from the 1860s……..me thinks Arizona is going to be as blue as the Pacific Ocean come November……wow!!

First off... you haven't earned the right to refer to me as "dude"... secondly... though I doubt that you will read the NPR report in the source provided below because of the blinders that you choose to wear... but... eventually you and the other haters on here will learn the real fact about your hero joe and his family and the manipulation of you all for the sake of the party... NPR editor rebukes own outlet's coverage of Hunter Biden laptop, COVID lab leak and Russiagate | Fox News

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1 minute ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

First off... you haven't earned the right to refer to me as "dude"... secondly... though I doubt that you will read the NPR report in the source provided below because of the blinders that you choose to wear... but... eventually you and the other haters on here will learn the real fact about your hero joe and his family and the manipulation of you all for the sake of the party... NPR editor rebukes own outlet's coverage of Hunter Biden laptop, COVID lab leak and Russiagate | Fox News

Come swim a few klicks in my flippers bucko trump is what he is every thing is transactional with him he’s not guided by principles or morals he’s defective and should never ever be allowed near power again.the one and only reason he is were he is is because he was born into money that’s it…….

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23 hours ago, retarius said:

What a great idea......make abortion decisions based state level or even county/city level decisions. Just GITF out of politics. I am sick to death of hearing about it.  

It's your party that keeps bringing it up... perhaps send them a memo

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1 minute ago, Tug said:

Come swim a few klicks in my flippers bucko trump is what he is every thing is transactional with him he’s not guided by principles or morals he’s defective and should never ever be allowed near power again.the one and only reason he is were he is is because he was born into money that’s it…….

Ah... so you hate that he has money... so sad... did you read the article or are you happy being ignorant?

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