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What Would You Do?

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A person I know told me he came across this scenario. If you get to your seat on a plane, the first thing you do is open the locker above your seat and put your case in, but suppose there is no room for your case because of people putting "other things" in, what do you do?

If I come across that situation, I will take the "other things" out and leave them in my seat then put my case in.

I will then wait until I see a member of the cabin crew and tell them about the "other things". Well the cabin crew member is not going to tell me to take my case back out and let the owner of the "other things" put them back in again as that means they are going to have to find a place for me to put my case. What would you do?

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I pay it forward and put my stuff above someone else’s seat. I actually like to use the storage across the isle because I can see it better. 

my biggest qualm with overhead bins is people put there luggage up there almost as if they assume everyone else has hard skeleton suitcases. Idiots. People bring stuff on planes that is fragile. And they pound their luggage into the bins like mindless meatheads. It’s truly moronic 

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It's very frustrating if the space above your own seat is full, and your luggage gets put above seats behind you. Can you imagine having to walk through everyone the wrong way to get it.

But as others say, it's a free for all.

I actually put my bags in the first available space near the front, so I get get off the plane sooner.

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Live and let live and don't make such a big deal out of everything. It would make coexistence a lot more enjoyable. Too many people make problems out of small things too easily. Learn to accept a little as well.

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41 minutes ago, NoshowJones said:

A person I know told me he came across this scenario. If you get to your seat on a plane, the first thing you do is open the locker above your seat and put your case in, but suppose there is no room for your case because of people putting "other things" in, what do you do?

If I come across that situation, I will take the "other things" out and leave them in my seat then put my case in.

I will then wait until I see a member of the cabin crew and tell them about the "other things". Well the cabin crew member is not going to tell me to take my case back out and let the owner of the "other things" put them back in again as that means they are going to have to find a place for me to put my case. What would you do?

Only feeling a little entitled about this are you? You didnt pay for that particular space nor do you have the right to remove someone else's items. Call for an attendant if you need help putting away your carry on.

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6 minutes ago, peter zwart said:

Live and let live and don't make such a big deal out of everything. It would make coexistence a lot more enjoyable. Too many people make problems out of small things too easily. Learn to accept a little as well.

Live and let would be the greatest thing on earth. I would love it. But people or governments invariably end up interjecting themselves into our lives. There is no live let live

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@CharlieH gave the perfect answer, but what would you then do if you are then ordered off the aircraft, after making your little scene? In previous posts you have mentioned you sometimes shout at shop and bank staff.


Under ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and CAAT (Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand) regulations, the cabin have the legal authority to order you off the aircraft.


They have the authority to restrain you. Flight attendants under the permission from the Captain, have the authority to restrain you and arrange for your arrest if you fail to follow instructions.


Adhering to Cabin Crews instructions are a legal requirement, as instructions from flight crew are protected by law and no-one is above the law.


Trust me, you don’t want to be that person that makes that scene with the wrong people on the wrong aircraft.  Aviation law is a serious business and could cause you a world of pain.

Edited by Georgealbert
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1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

The over head lockers are there for all passengers; they are not assigned by seat. You or anyone can use whatever is available. If you want to be sure to get one near to where you are sat, ensure you board early, as there is more chance of using one further away if you are late.



I have no qualms about using any overhead lockers, it does not have to be above my seat as long as it is not away up at the other end of the plane but if there is no space and there are peoples clothes and bags of things they have maybe bought at the airport, then yes I will move them to make way for my case.

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3 minutes ago, NoshowJones said:

These overhead lockers are for peoples carry on cases, not selfish peoples extra luggage.

No they are not just for carry on cases, they are for people's stuff, selfish people's and generous people's and all other peoples too.

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50 minutes ago, connda said:

Ask the stewardess or steward for assistance.

Of course, yes if one is available, they would know what to do with peoples "other things". 

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8 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

why do you think your stuff has priority over other people's stuff?


Do you have some special privileges that others must respect? 

as the OP says, what would you do? Answer please.

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I also believe that there is no actual allocation of overhead bin space, however you would think it logical to store your kit above your seat. 


Safety or security blog say to store it above the opposite seat so you can keep an eye on it. 


I've seen people but their kit in the first available bin, which I think only exacerbates the problem further along. 


On the odd occasion that a bin directly above my seat is full then I look to put my kit 'forward' of that position, so I don't have to 'fight' to get to it when deplaning. 


Not 'really' a problem. 

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1 hour ago, Bill97 said:

I see you or anybody else handling my “other things” then you/they would be quickly stopped.



Yeah. Don't touch my stuff

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30 minutes ago, NoshowJones said:

Yes I agree if there is one available, but I know personally of someone whose case was taken away much farther up the plane. These overhead lockers are for peoples carry on cases, not selfish peoples extra luggage. Are people not encouraged to put things under their seats?

who decides what's carryon luggage, you or the airline? Again entitlement doesnt work so you can leave that at home. if the airline lets you on board with it, its a carry on, whether you agree or not. Ive also seen some pretty odd stuff stowed away but its not up to me to be the baggage police. Someone may think what you brought onboard isnt appropriate. Again the correct thing to do is call for an attendant and have them sort it out. if it should be removed and put under the owners seat they will do that, Ive seen it happen. But its not up to you or any other passenger to move someone else's property to suit you desired location. you can always check your carry on and then its not an issue for you, if the bin is full above your seat.

Edited by Dan O
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2 hours ago, NoshowJones said:

A person I know told me he came across this scenario. If you get to your seat on a plane, the first thing you do is open the locker above your seat and put your case in, but suppose there is no room for your case because of people putting "other things" in, what do you do?

If I come across that situation, I will take the "other things" out and leave them in my seat then put my case in.

I will then wait until I see a member of the cabin crew and tell them about the "other things". Well the cabin crew member is not going to tell me to take my case back out and let the owner of the "other things" put them back in again as that means they are going to have to find a place for me to put my case. What would you do?


Do that with the wrong person and face consequences.


What I usually do is the societal accepted procedure:


a) Ask a waitress to help with my luggage

b) look for another locker

c) Rearrange stuff that everything fits


Edited by AreYouGerman
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1 hour ago, Georgealbert said:

@CharlieH gave the perfect answer, but what would you then do if you are then ordered off the aircraft, after making your little scene? In previous posts you have mentioned you sometimes shout at shop and bank staff.


Under ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and CAAT (Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand) regulations, the cabin have the legal authority to order you off the aircraft.


They have the authority to restrain you. Flight attendants under the permission from the Captain, have the authority to restrain you and arrange for your arrest if you fail to follow instructions.


Adhering to Cabin Crews instructions are a legal requirement, as instructions from flight crew are protected by law and no-one is above the law.


Trust me, you don’t want to be that person that makes that scene with the wrong people on the wrong aircraft.  Aviation law is a serious business and could cause you a world of pain.

"in previous posts you have mentioned you sometimes shout at shop and bank staff." Would you care to elaborate on this? I do not shout at anyone unless i am retaliating for someone shouting at me, and no bank staff have ever shouted at me. I have no intention of making any scene, these overhead lockers are for carry on cases and if I have to move anything to get mine in I will do so within reason.

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1 hour ago, KannikaP said:

You mean you push past passengers in seats in front of you? You wouldn't get past me. for sure.

I don't push past anyone. I stand up, and walk as far forward as is polite... which is easier without having to get and drag a carry-on bag.

What makes you think I push past people?

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When waiting at the gate I watch for the fatties in wheelchairs to be lined up, then get ready to board.  If you board as soon as possible, you'll find space near enough to your seat.


If the bin directly over your seat is taken, then aim for the bin opposite or go one or two up the aisle towards the front exit.  It's much easier to grab your bag going with the exit flow than trying to swim against the current.


Would never touch other people's luggage.  It's up to the airline to limit excess hand luggage, and if a passenger gets away with an extra bag .... good luck to the them.

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1 hour ago, NoshowJones said:

if there is no space and there are peoples clothes and bags of things they have maybe bought at the airport, then yes I will move them to make way for my case.

Why?  What justification do you have for assuming priority over other passengers?  You know that if you did that, the other passengers would just as entitled to remove your case, yes, and you would have no rational reason to stop them?

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