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Single Farang has sex in sea: Onlookers see, resulting in death of Farang.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

sidenote here is the site of said vdo and all the wonderful vids our AS poster likes to watch and create fear and panic to our members here...smh....do better....please




Thank you for your input, however, I respectfully disagree, and I maintain that the arrest and needless shaming of this poor woman was directly responsible for her subsequent downward spiral and ultimate self-offing.


In addition, I actually made no deep dive to find the video, as you suggested.


In fact, here on the forum, a different contributor has recently uploaded several Farang-Sex-in-the-Sea news stories. 


AND, after reading those news stories, and searching for more information about the news stories posted by the Asean Now contributor, I found the YT video concerning the sad case I posted here in the OP.


Also, I found further facts and details offered by this reliable, mainstream media outlet:



Again, it is my opinion that the shaming of this woman that happened on a beach in Georgia was the cause of her death spiral leading to a horrific death, one which was not an instant death, but in fact a death of prolonged suffering as she probably staggered from room to room during her final throes.




I believe this is an example of cause and effect.

And the cause is the very prudish society which we all know exists in Georgia.


The Eastern Seaboard of America has always been prudish, and it has been prudish since the days Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about in his great exposé, The Scarlet Letter.


I am just glad I live in Asia, and not in the New America of this present century.


The woman in question was a college grad, and seemed like a nice person who had been gainfully employed with a nice house and a BMW.


What happened?

As I said, it's a Cruel World, and NOT a Cool World, out there....Folks.


I say, RIP.







Edited by GammaGlobulin
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12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

While watching this video, I hope we will all be reminded of the fact that we should practice tolerance for minor foibles and errors of judgment, especially when others' behavior causes no harm to us.

but harm to those that called the cops..people with kids at the beach who clearly saw her ON the beach NOT in the SEA...


12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

This poor female Farang decided to have sex in the sea, by herself, resulting in arrest, and probably leading to her untimely death.

not a farang as she is in USA-georgia where this misdemeanor is not looked at kindly at a family resort aka kids..NO proof this led to her death-8 months later!!! not an impulse motive and hearsay


12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

How terrible it seems that our society can find nothing better to do than to point fingers at others when we have wooden beams protruding from our own eyes.

so youre at the beach and your young son tells you there is a lady outside your house within view doing this?...youre ok with that?..with your kids?


12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I feel sorry for this young Farang female.

how so..again not a farang as she is not in LOS.... she was referred to as wild--stole a car--used drugs--had sev kids with many men...worked at a strip club.....poor girl


12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

ALSO, I am happy to be living in Thailand, once more, for this reason:

hear that ladies..grab your vibrator and whip it out in LOS as thais love this as per many articles we have all read about this week....but OP is ok with it in LOS..as hes a "local"


12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

If this woman had moved to Thailand before she was arrested, then she would have been most welcome on the beaches of Pattaya, free to have sex with herself in the sea, for all to see, and she might have even been able to support herself, financially, by doing so.

probably on probation from car theft aka felony and not allowed to leave country....is girls doing this in patts in public a thing..for all to see???..as she could sell sex? illegally? and a work permit???


12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

So then, were the cops in Georgia wrong to treat this woman in such an unkind way?

the video says it all..the cops seem polite and use body cams....the one cops even says he doesnt care she did it..just dont get caught he says......unkind how????? people called them and its against the LAW


12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Don't you wish that you could go back in a time machine to speak to that woman and to invite her to come to Pattaya, a place that might truly welcome and accept her, with open arms?

when would or did thais EVER accept this behavior in PUBLIC on a beach..please enlighten me......


each and every one of your sentences is bewildering and untrue to me...but i guess im the crazy one..esp on this site....smh

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7 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

A female Using a vibrator (masturbating) in a public place is not normal behaviour. 


Poor girl had mental health issues. 


i would agree.....the OP seems to be defending her behavior and normalizing it as it being acceptable behavior in LOS....in a highly conservative culture---outside of the backdoor "illegal " sex trade

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2 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

i would agree.....the OP seems to be defending her behavior and normalizing it as it being acceptable behavior in LOS....in a highly conservative culture---outside of the backdoor "illegal " sex trade

Agree, the OP has tried his to defend this girl, he has even posted with false title 'sex in the sea resulting in death'. 


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7 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Agree, the OP has tried his to defend this girl, he has even posted with false title 'sex in the sea resulting in death'. 


correct..as i broke down every single sentence in his post...if you watch the video and the article link it even states the police offered to help her and her pets and her family even rules out suicide.....

the fat that he posts articles and videos from Dailymail uk and NYP  both trash tabloid says all i need to know....and seems to think her behavior would be acceptable in thai culture--


he links a article that even shows the police report--video and death certificate with no regard for her family and respect to the dead, something NYP and Dailymail loves to use as clickbait....

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41 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Agree, the OP has tried his to defend this girl, he has even posted with false title 'sex in the sea resulting in death'. 



If he was trying to draw a line between her suicide and mental health and the abysmal state of the US healthcare system's availability/affordability of mental health care, I'd agree with him.


If he's trying to draw a connecting line between her arrest and her suicide, not so much.


Edit:  I also question the reference to her as "farang", since she's not in Thailand.



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, impulse said:


Edit:  I also question the reference to her as "farang", since she's not in Thailand.


I would like to take a moment to address this issue concerning what is necessary to qualify as being a Farang:


a. First, there is no space-time continuum requirement necessary to remain a Farang.

b. This means that once a Farang, always a Farang.

c. We know that a Farang is a Caucasian, "a person of white race", according to the Royal Institute Dictionary.

d. Also, some Caucasians are not Farang.  Take the example of someone from India, who is not considerred to be a Farang, but rather to be a Kaek.

e. Then we have black Farang, but that is a whole different can of worms.

f.  But, here is a case study which helps to clarify:


1. When I am in Thailand, people call me Farang.

2. When I travel to Japan, my Thai friends email me, and they address me as Farang.

3. When Farang tourists are boarding a plane bound for Thailand, they are Farang passengers.

4. When they return to their home country, they never cease being Farang travelers who have visited Thailand.

5. I will ALWAYS be a Farang.  Also, no sort of surgery, such as a sex change operation, can alter the fact that I was born a Farang.

6. I do not mind being called a Farang. And, my Thai friends say I am a "Good Farang".


g. In conclusion, there is definitely ZERO space-time continuum requirements on being a Farang.  One could be a Farang both in Thailand and also standing on the South Pole.


The reason I am willing to devote extra time to this definition/clarification of the term Farang is that I believe that all anthropological terminology should be clear and concise and UNAMBIGUOUS, too.


Please refer to this Wikipedia article for further information on the derivation, etymology, and usage of the term Farang:






Please note that, according to the above information, Farang can be subdivided into the Black Farang and White Farang.


There are further subdivisions which can be considered slang and insulting, but I have never heard these in real life in Thailand, or elsewhere.




Furthermore, it is often the case that Thai people will read news stories about white people in foreign lands, on the internet for example, and it is also true that Thai people refer to the foreign white people in the news as Farang.


Therefore, I believe that my use of Farang in the Headline is ENTIRELY correct and appropriate.  I know, after more careful consideration, that you will agree with my position.   Farang is an important word.  We need to get it right in our minds!



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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15 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

b. This means that once a Farang, always a Farang.

to whom? besides thais


15 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

. When I travel to Japan, my Thai friends email me, and they address me as Farang.

yes cos they are THAI


15 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

When Farang tourists are boarding a plane bound for Thailand, they are Farang passengers.

what if im boarding china air? or korean? or EVA air?..incorrect again..im whatever my PASSPORT says im from...asian--european--american-swiss.....


15 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

4. When they return to their home country, they never cease being Farang travelers who have visited Thailand.

the cops arresting here didnt call her that ,as SHE has NEVER been to LOS and nor have the police who are NOT THAI


15 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

6. I do not mind being called a Farang. And, my Thai friends say I am a "Good Farang".

as thais will do...in thailand and from thai mouths


15 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

b. This means that once a Farang, always a Farang.

c. We know that a Farang is a Caucasian, "a person of white race", according to the Royal Institute Dictionary.

d. Also, some Caucasians are not Farang. 

oh the irony.....SMH   good grief......read b..then read the exact opposite d.....you just contradicted yourself.....if a tourist is in thailand..thais may call them farang as is THAI culture...end of story

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On 4/19/2024 at 5:28 AM, Nick Carter icp said:


   I can see how that thought got to the written word .

You were thinking that you would have liked to watch her playing with herself and you would have even have paid to watch her .

   You aren't thinking about her, you are just thinking about your own gratification .

You would have liked to play with yourself whilst watching her  , lets not pretend that you have any concern for her well bring .

   BTW, its illegal to masturbate in public in Thailand and she would have been arrested in Thailand as well 

Well said, I thought the article very strange, sick. 

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3 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

to whom? besides thais


yes cos they are THAI


what if im boarding china air? or korean? or EVA air?..incorrect again..im whatever my PASSPORT says im from...asian--european--american-swiss.....


the cops arresting here didnt call her that ,as SHE has NEVER been to LOS and nor have the police who are NOT THAI


as thais will do...in thailand and from thai mouths


oh the irony.....SMH   good grief......read b..then read the exact opposite d.....you just contradicted yourself.....if a tourist is in thailand..thais may call them farang as is THAI culture...end of story



I would suggest that you, Sir, spend more time reading BOOKS, especially books which discuss  Set Theory, Venn Diagrams, and Formal Logic.


Let me make this the least painful for you to understand the simple logic of my statement which you mistakenly believe is not logically correct:


I said that Farang are Caucasians.  I said that Indians are Caucasians. And, I stated that Indians are not considered to be Farang. Instead, they are considered to be classified as Kaeks by Thai people.  You seem to think that this obvious logic is somehow impossible.


So, to bring the logic down to the level of a Two-Year-Old, please consider this example:



a.  Humans are primates.

b. Baboons are primates.

c.  Humans are not baboons.   (With a few exceptions, it seems, here on TV)



Do you finally....

GET it?????


Here is a VENN diagram for you.

Knock yourself out, trying to figure it out.

Then, call me in the morning....











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13 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I would suggest that you, Sir, spend more time reading BOOKS, especially books which discuss  Set Theory, Venn Diagrams, and Formal Logic.


20 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

b. This means that once a Farang, always a Farang.

YOUR words..not mine...


maybe YOU should get some books instead of posting tabloid trash and sex obsession posts about condoms-butt plugs--dick pics-girls getting off..



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1 minute ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

books which discuss  Set Theory, Venn Diagrams, and Formal Logic.

 New York post vids and Daily mail Uk trash.....the duality of man!


Formal logic..perhaps YOU should do a brush up on that and your "farang theory"

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19 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


a.  Humans are primates.

b. Baboons are primates.

c.  Humans are not baboons.   (With a few exceptions, it seems, here on TV)

and this has WHAT to do with being called a "farang"   hence your "topic"


20 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Do you finally....

GET it?????


Here is a VENN diagram for you.

Knock yourself out, trying to figure it out.

Then, call me in the morning....

no...and No.....i dont need to figure out the ramblings of a sex perv

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22 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

correct..as i broke down every single sentence in his post...if you watch the video and the article link it even states the police offered to help her and her pets and her family even rules out suicide.....


a. No matter what her family might say, the Medical Examiner, Joni Skipper, rules the manner of death: Suicide


b. In addition, as many have commented elsewhere, her family members were not supportive of this poor woman.  With a family like hers, in fact, then who needs enemies?




I think it is time for us to have more sympathy, and feel more empathy, for women like this who are so very obviously VICTIMS of their environments, beginning at such an early age.


We just gotta keep in mind that:


Human behavior is shaped by and is a result of ....

a. Environment

b. Genes  (both the genetic inheritance, as well as the expression of these genes due to environmental factors)

c. The very concept of some sort of "Free Will" is entirely bogus.


In fact, our bodies are just tubes within tubes.

And, our tubes are guided by an electro-chemical machine which is not affected by any nonexistent "soul" or "spirit".


Whatever we might think we "know", our own consciousness is a result of electro-chemical processes which are not controlled by "Us" or "God".


Perhaps if we all could better understand behavioral causes, ie that we do not have "free will" to decide our action, EVER, then we might be able to feel less critical of the behavior of others.


Of course, even this understanding is a product of electro-chemical processes beyond our control.  Therefore, asking anyone to understand these simple truths is a fool's errand.  Either we understand or we do not.  And this understanding is beyond our control, obviously.




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2 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

  And this understanding is beyond our control, obviously.

and here you are..posting strangers death all over the web....such empathy you show to her and her family......such respect!....both sources as well from trash tabloid sources that EVEN claimed it was sketchy and possible murder(hearsay)...did you even WATCH or READ the trash you post????


6 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

n fact, our bodies are just tubes within tubes.

And, our tubes are guided by an electro-chemical machine which is not affected by any nonexistent "soul" or "spirit".


Whatever we might think we "know", our own consciousness is a result of electro-chemical processes which are not controlled by "Us" or "God".

??????????????????????????????????????    what are you smoking..you preach all this "knowledge and theory" and THEN post videos and links to TRASH tabloid....


8 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

And this understanding is beyond our control, obviously.


and yet here you are preaching it upon the internet....obviously

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12 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


b. In addition, as many have commented elsewhere, her family members were not supportive of this poor woman

your comment reminds me of tik toks who wanna get likes as they go online and make up fake theories to true crime and how they know it all and police are inept, the ones that do it for a living


commenters elsewhere???? you mean commenters who are foolish enough to read trash clickbait on site that you post here aka daily mail uk...post your source of these "internet detectives"...

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45 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


So, to bring the logic down to the level of a Two-Year-Old, please consider this example:

says the guy who posts videos from new york post and daily mail Uk......shows us all your level of "logic" and what you claim to be a reputable news source......which I have linked you to as tabloid trash

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22 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


a. No matter what her family might say, the Medical Examiner, Joni Skipper, rules the manner of death: Suicide


b. In addition, as many have commented elsewhere, her family members were not supportive of this poor woman.  With a family like hers, in fact, then who needs enemies?




I think it is time for us to have more sympathy, and feel more empathy, for women like this who are so very obviously VICTIMS of their environments, beginning at such an early age.


We just gotta keep in mind that:


Human behavior is shaped by and is a result of ....

a. Environment

b. Genes  (both the genetic inheritance, as well as the expression of these genes due to environmental factors)

c. The very concept of some sort of "Free Will" is entirely bogus.


In fact, our bodies are just tubes within tubes.

And, our tubes are guided by an electro-chemical machine which is not affected by any nonexistent "soul" or "spirit".


Whatever we might think we "know", our own consciousness is a result of electro-chemical processes which are not controlled by "Us" or "God".


Perhaps if we all could better understand behavioral causes, ie that we do not have "free will" to decide our action, EVER, then we might be able to feel less critical of the behavior of others.


Of course, even this understanding is a product of electro-chemical processes beyond our control.  Therefore, asking anyone to understand these simple truths is a fool's errand.  Either we understand or we do not.  And this understanding is beyond our control, obviously.




Regarding the summary of findings of the postmortem. 
one of those kids years ago who attempted suicide because of Heavy Metal did the chin shot. Blew his whole jaw off and grievous injury but he survived 


Would it not be better to suck the barrel?





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56 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I said that Farang are Caucasians.  I said that Indians are Caucasians. And, I stated that Indians are not considered to be Farang. Instead, they are considered to be classified as Kaeks by Thai people.  You seem to think that this obvious logic is somehow impossible.


Please let me clarify, once again:


The term "Caucasian" is already obsolete, even though sometimes still used in places like the USA, etc.


The only reason I used it here in this Topic is that it is part of the Thai idea of Farang being white, which I think might not be entirely correct.

But this does not mean that I do not enjoy being called a Farang, because I do; I DO!


Also, is the population of India Caucasian?

No, in the sense that 




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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Regarding the summary of findings of the postmortem. 
one of those kids years ago who attempted suicide because of Heavy Metal did the chin shot. Blew his whole jaw off and grievous injury but he survived 


Would it not be better to suck the barrel?







Do the Hemingway if you want to play it safe.


(Still, poor girl!  She met a very tragic and tortuous end, at her own hand.  Such irony!)




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