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British woman allegedly assaulted by Bangkok condo guard


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1 hour ago, AdrianUk said:

She deserved that 100% and anyone that doesn't agree is a beta male. Beta males hate violence,

King hitting a deranged woman makes you an Alpha male?

Only Beta males hate violence?

Stupididity gone bonkers - nothing further

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7 minutes ago, traveller101 said:
2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

When somebody hits me, I hit back.

You have an unhealthy hate for Muslims in general.

Does it matter at all who hits you?

Child, girl, woman .....


Apparently not - but I very much doubt he'd hit a child or a girl back... 


In this case, he'd have fair argument to justify slapping the woman back...     she crossed a line...




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2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

When somebody hits me, I hit back.


Very understandable.


2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

You have an unhealthy hate for Muslims in general.


A LOT of these types about - it's amazing how the (4x2) media can control people's minds into hating an entire group of religious people despite having zero real life interaction with them.  Same allegedly happened in 1940s Germany. 

Most people are easily led mongs.

Oh well.

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6 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

I have never hit a child but anyone else who hits me get one back. 


Just curious... How old are you ?...


Because at some point... escalation is far more harmful than the insult to your pride for getting a slap across the face... 


Additionally, if you are young and 'hard as nails' then there is the issue of 'one punch deaths'....  (i.e. where you punch someone back and they die or suffer serious brain damage)...


I know its a lot of whatiffery... and some issues are avoidable.... 


In this case the guard could have avoided further conflict by not following the lady back outside....  although, if she was behaving strangely, he was doing his job.... 


Could the guard have de-escalated ?...  I'm not saying the woman is not at fault for slapping him... but could the situation have been handled differently by the guard to the degree that she didn't get angry in the first place ?....


... Was the guard rude to the woman which triggered her to slap him in the first place ? (again, not suggesting she had any right to behave the way she did - just curious about the trigger points).



100% the woman had it coming - but could the whole situation have been avoided if the security guard dealt with her politely ? of course, we don't know he was impolite, but something triggered that response... or is she just a complete fruitcake ?

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13 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

100% the woman had it coming




13 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

is she just a complete fruitcake ?


Looks that way in the video.

Thai guy acring like a regular Somchai pushed way past the limit.


The western indoctrination that 'All women are saints' is way past it's sell by and a BIG reason why our home nations are so <deleted>.

Ask any of the divorcees on here.



Edited by BigBruv
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32 minutes ago, Polaky said:

With a name like Mohammed he is certainly not thai, does he have a work permit?, throw him in the slammer, no man should ever hit a woman ever!!!



18,156 Most Common Thai Names & Meanings (forebears.io)





18156 Mohammed's in Thailand (lot of Muslims in the south). 

Never hit a woman ever? You have no life experience then, there a some nutters around who will have no problem to slap or stab you.


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British slut marries thai guy to help  stay in Thailand , trying to claim money 55555, refused hospital treatment because she probably not insured,  and can't afford the treatment,  probably p@ssed up,  security guard should press charges.  

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:


She slapped him twice. Once at the desk, once in the car park.


The second time he retaliated and smacked her in the chops, which is exactly what Karen deserved. Hopefully she learns a valuable from this. 



Who goes around slapping people, especially in a foreign country? Is this lady a complete moron? Who raised her, who is her mother, and why did her mother fail so miserably? 


Now I'm traumatized because I slapped a guy and he retaliated and I don't know what it's going to take for me to get over that retaliation. I am a victim! 

Edited by spidermike007
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2 hours ago, Celsius said:


Well, it got you all triggered, didn't it?


You and the other "Darrens"



No I don't often get triggered, I'm just having some fun. This is all just light-hearted banter to me. 

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To me, sounds like she was drunk. Went downstairs ask / check the husband’s whereabouts/ car. Maybe the security man doesn’t understand.She gets annoyed and there it all goes downhill. .Looks like a very high standing building. Seems to me that the CCTV tells all . I hope the guy doesn’t get into trouble. 

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She seemed to swing at him once and hit him once, then he hit her in retaliation.  legally, he shouldn't have done so, as it is no longer self defence after the hits have stopped and she begins to move away.  But she did worse than him.


The sad thing is, even though this is on the crazy lady, the fact that he might not have had the right paperwork means he's in trouble either way.


Some Western women just seem to have this weird idea that they can hit men and get away with it.  I wonder why...  🤔

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

Some Western women just seem to have this weird idea that they can hit men and get away with it.  I wonder why...  🤔


Yep. They can and often do in the west.  They also can and do also self harm and call the police to get the abusee arrested - what a hoot.  And what you gonna do? Divorce and give up the house and over half of your income to maintain their living standard?


This year in the UK a female prison reform officer was jailed after a friend the battered husband confided in insisted that had hidden cameras installed.

The story was given a 2 part TV feature, was trending on twitter and everyone said how 'shocked' they were.

Yeah right.


Full bore feminism/female supremacism is a growing cancer on our societies.

It was pushed to 'empower' women so they could also pay taxes and work 40 hours at a job they'd grow to hate (turns out that Jewish american feminist icon Gloria Steinem was actually a CIA Operative all along).

Genius - esp. at a time when home labour saving devices like washer/dryers  & dishwashers were  coming onto the market.


Anyway, maybe men have had enough and the pendulum is beginning to swing back.




Edited by BigBruv
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8 hours ago, JimTripper said:

It looks like she tried to leave the building and area and the guard followed her outside and accosted her. No wonder she smacked him. He deserved it. If there is a problem all the guard should do is call police.


You mean when he accosted her by hitting her in the hand with his face?

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7 hours ago, Celsius said:


Considering he was working illegally he should have just swallowed his pride. But how could the Muzzie possibly do that? To bad he didn't have AK47 near by.


Do you also hit women when they get a tad upset?

She hit him twice first, being assaulted is not "Being a tad upset". I as most detest men hitting woman but if a woman is going to throw down and attack someone then expect equal in return. 

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