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It's 2024: How can people be so heartless?...(and cruel?)

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My Fellow Beings,


I ask you this!


HOW can people be so Heartless?

HOW can people be so Cruel?


Have you become completely inured to the heartlessness of our world?


Or, does unpleasantness still rankle, somewhere in your bones, anytime you think of these past sterling examples of man's inhumanity?




How can people have no feelings...




Especially people who care about strangers...




How can people be so cruel...






I need a friend....Don't need a friend....




Easy to be cold.....





(killings = 55 to 70 Million People)




So, who's YOUR favorite tyrant, these days, in 2024?


And, Not so easy...



Enjoy your favorite tyrant, if you will...


Every country has one.

They're like as-holes...


Best regards,





Such a nice note....



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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They certainly don't seem to make tyrants like they used to.


They're slick nowadays - media trained and with great PR teams.


Maybe Obama but this guy is hard to beat - absolute psychopath, absolutely full of it and seemingly impossible to flush




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For a long time I have thought about why humans are so destructive. My conclusion is that evolution has selected for these characteristics.

First, evolution has selected for humans are generally altruistic - to their family and / or clan. Because when humans help other humans having this altruistic characteristic, the other humans are likely to help them in return, creating a survival advantage and propagating that DNA.

Second, evolution has selected for humans to be hostile to those that are not their family / clan. Many of examples of this are obvious, e.g. malicious gossip at the office, street gang conflicts, racist / supremacist groups, Trump cult, rich people denigrating poor people, Hindu caste system, Muslim intolerance of all other religions, Nazi genocide of Jews, Jewish oppression of Palestinians, the list is endless. For an example of why evolution has selected for this, consider early humanity, two villages close to each other. One populated with Peaceful DNA people, peaceful and caring of others. The other village populated with Hostile DNA people. One day the Hostile village raids the Peaceful village, kill all the men, rape all the women. The hostile DNA propagates while the Peaceful DNA diminishes.

Third, evolution has selected for humans to have clans of arbitrarily large size. Humans can create intangible ideas, like religions, sports teams, corporations, governments, etc. Clans are created by sharing common beliefs in these intangible constructs. Even if you don't know someone, if you consider they believe the same things as you do, you automatically include them as part of your clan. Because arbitrarily large clans amplify the Hostile DNA effect, DNA that does not support this characteristic is minimized. Side note: This genetically selected for characteristic causes even some intelligent people to believe in tenants of religions, despite how little sense they make.

Fourth, evolution has selected for humans to follow leaders. These arbitrarily large clans need organization, and that is always implemented in a hierarchy structure, which is generally controlled by Hostile DNA. Because Hostile DNA will attempt to destroy competitors, and the most aggressive Hostile DNA generally wins. Humans that follow the most successful hierarchy structures have survival advantage, while humans that shun these social structures are either not supported or purposely oppressed / terminated. Evolution has selected for people to blindly follow even extremely Hostile leaders, even when they know it's wrong, which often they don't. Side note: This genetic characteristic also causes humans to worship arbitrary humans that can be intangibly agreed on as worship objects, such as sports figures, movie stars, politicians, etc. even if they are not specifically leaders.

The result of these evolutionary selected characteristics is humankind is extremely destructive. Humans care about themselves and their clans more than anything else, that's what made their DNA supreme. Everything and everyone else is generally treated with hostility and destruction.

Fortunately evolution also selects for diversity. So not all humans are as destructive as others. Also, shared intangible ideas can include caring for others, caring for the environment, etc. An arbitrarily large clan with shared concepts of social equality / social justice / care for our environment is possible. Though tendency is for Hostile DNA to corrupt from within, or conquer from without.

Still, the general tendency of humans is to not care about, or consciously suppress, anything or anyone that does not directly support them or their clan. Also the hostile DNA continues to have the same power to replicate as that originally created it.

Based on the hopelessness of Humanity to ever be very humane (ironic the word for humane, derived from "human", implies kindness, which overall humans are deficit in), my view of humankind is Nihilistic.

Humankind is at a change point, if we don't self-destruct first. The two main things that will change humankind future relatively soon are AI and genetic engineering. AI has the potential to drastically change humankind social structure, or replace humans altogether. The same for genetic engineering, countries could create clone armies, scientist could create super-humans that will displace or subjugate legacy humans, etc. Reference Brave New World by Aldous Huxley for one random example. Various other currently unimagined scenarios are probable.

Knowing that evolution has selected for humans to be destructive makes it easier for me to not care about things that should be cared about. All of us are on a caring scale, from not caring about anything but self (e.g. Trump) to dedicating our life to helping others (e.g. Mother Teresa). For me, caring is painful, especially considering most human, animal, and environmental suffering is caused by humans and there isn't much I can do about it. I don't want to dedicate my life to helping others especially considering they wouldn't need help if not for the actions of others, which I can't practically influence. To assuage my guilt I donate to organizations that do care, such as Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, Greenpeace, etc. Also I try to do as little evil as possible. While it isn't hard to not kick people when they are down, etc. it is difficult to impossible to avoid being evil, simply shopping at Walmart or owning stock in most corporations is contributing to evil oppression of workers.

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12 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I will celebrate big time, when all 3 crap out, and pray there is a HELL :coffee1:

And yet when creeps like Cheney suffer a sixth heart attack, it boggles the mind to think that this man just keeps going. Not to sound too cosmic, but it's almost as if the universe mysteriously supports these evil players. As if they're needed to carry on the drama and darkness. 

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12 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I will celebrate big time, when all 3 crap out, and pray there is a HELL :coffee1:

Still better option than what we got today, never ever thought I was going to say this, but now I do

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That's how your god makes them from it's own examples numerously and graphically depicted in that dusty old book called the bible. 

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10 hours ago, Felton Jarvis said:

It will end when it becomes illegal. When the punishment is heavy enough to guarantee mercy, that is when you will get it.

Most of the (<deleted>) stuff tyrants do is illegal, until they come in a position to make it legal.

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Society gets angry when harassed on a daily basis. Just see how they harass for visa extensions or to get a long stay visa with all the red tape. People come to Thailand to retire and be left in peace. But it's anything but that. Thailand is great to play around as a 3 week or 1 month tourist. But for longer stay on retirement, definately the wrong choice considering all the trouble one goes through on extending visas on plainly on getting a long stay visa like the LTR Pensionner visa. I definately do not want to pend my life in handling all the rubbish the system asks on each and every visa issue or extension. Not to mention all the worries with the new tax rules that may or may not apply to all or not ???


Better to sell now because once tax things clear out, everybody will want to sell and the prices will crash in the leasehold market for houses and other real estate areas.

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The thing is with any replacement of a "leader" , there will be another pos (piece of s***)

Once you had lots of kings and emperors, bad to the bone. They were replaced and guess what, even by worse ones.

And it never changes. Those people are or growing again bad to the bone. They dont have second hand emotions, just plain own gain.

And to protect that, they have armies, police and other people with no brain.

Why not any North Korean ever blast away that whole Yung Un family over there? Why is Assad still alive? 

Cant mention any country with good leader(s) with a proper heart. Not in the past, present and very probably future.

When people are ranking up , then all is over. Any time, every time, all the time. They are not "human" anymore. 


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