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Which "conspiracy theories" do you believe are true (or have some basis in truth)?

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Posted (edited)
On 5/25/2024 at 11:45 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

America starting wars to bring freedom and democracy to those countries which they invade. 555

Practice your Russian and Chinese then  , I believe you speak fluently lol

Edited by Irish star
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26 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

This thread could have been interesting except some knuckleheads decided to get political.


Be that as it may, I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories.  But one that has been gnawing at me for awhile is the one about electric vehicles (EVs).  It goes that EVs could have been rolled out in the early 1970's (in the US), but it was killed by the oil companies and auto manufacturers.  This is all behind-the-scene stuff, but it certainly makes sense. 

And the one about the guy who enabled ICU cars to run on water.

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9 minutes ago, Irish star said:

Practice your Russian and Chinese then  , I believe you speak fluently lol


So, do you think it is acceptable when the USA invades other countries and overthrows their governments?

Or do you believe they only do it to bring freedom and democracy? 

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3 hours ago, Davedub said:

Big pharma puts way more research dollars towards alleviating symptoms instead of finding cures because it's more profitable to sell someone drugs that treat symptoms for a lifetime than to give them a one off-cure.

google "how many billionaires were created because of the covid pandemic"  AMAZING and many in the pharma industry too plus associates of the same while JOE CITIZEN and  families all went broke.

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On 5/26/2024 at 8:15 AM, Gsxrnz said:

Here's an easy two step guide to spot a genuine conspiracy.


If the government and MSM said it didn't happen, it happened. If the government and MSM said it happened, it didn't. :coffee1:

Well, that should be a safe way of being victim of conspiracy: Stop reading MSM and start reading some questionable you tube channels. MSM are made of group of people with fact check, those you tube channels are 1 person and no fact check.

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15 hours ago, BigBruv said:


Evidence of what?

In reality, the people making the extraordinary claims (space travel, moon landings, Muzzies did 9-11, Oswalk shot JFK etc.) should bear the burden of proof


Now easy in a world of AI Deep Fakes.


Question is: How long has that technology existed?

how much energy do you use on conspirecy theories ? 

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7 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

I believe that aliens have the advanced technology to travel billions of miles through space but when they get to the Nevada desert they crash.

Maybe the backdoor to the application is in Nevada? 


After all we are just an simulation

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3 hours ago, Hummin said:

how much energy do you use on conspirecy theories ? 


I rely on my sense and intuition - probably much less energy than you spent on

queuing up for jabs, wearing pointless virtue signalling masks and so on.

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6 hours ago, Irish star said:

The Morons who say USA never landed on Moon , like China and Russia would not expose this supposedly Hoax 


They're balls deep in perpetrating the same money laundering hoax on their own people.

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2 minutes ago, BigBruv said:


I rely on my sense and intuition - probably much less energy than you spent on

queuing up for jabs, wearing pointless virtue signalling masks and so on.

Im priveliged, no quing at all 😉


Intution is great tool, for sure gives you the right path in life to survive. 

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7 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

YThe Theory of Evolution has some facts to back it up but it's still a theory. The Theory of a creator God has no facts to back it up hence the need for faith.


What are these 'facts' confirming the 'big bang' or 'evolution' that you refer to?


Do you really have faith in the idea that there was nothing, then a 'big bang' and that humans magically evolved from the 'big bang' space dust?

Try and explain in your own words if possible

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Geir Rasch said:

MSM are made of group of people with fact check, those you tube channels are 1 person and no fact check.


OK boomer.  The media never lies and your politicians are all honest.  Cool story bro.



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No one (?) knows why Putin attacked Ukraine.

In the beginning, "man" said it was because of nazi's in that country.

So I developed a conspiracy by that.

USA showed by "leaking" info, it was like that, they know Putin hates nazi's. (if it is like that)

Result: war. Destabilizing economics, big part in EU. Weapon industries getting a real boost.

Frightening lots of people and creating anti Russia thoughts, due to Russia has nucleair weapons.

Trump did say, He would encourage Russia to attack EU ! So there you go.

Well at least he did say it wide open to the world and wouldnt be a conspiracy.


 I believe that there are groups working on such scenario's. Call them "Spectre" or "Hydra", whatever.

They did invented covid and see in no time we had lots of dead and vaccines, somehow.

Now it is the question, what will those vaccines do in the long run, as they broke rules to bring it to market.

Prior to C we already had SARS, MERS, which failed in effective working.

Who were the companies getting filthy rich?

Well you know. Which company could play, with others , such games? The one with 10 trillion $.

Those companies are really dangerous to all of us, well is my opinion.

Greece has gone broke on a deal with an USA bank.

"my country" was almost in a war with Venezuela, thanks to USA.


It is said, once red, Bill Gates, owns 80% of USA agriculture land ! Why? Yes, he can.

He also had something to do with that virus company in China, I red.

You just cant say out loud and act to reduce, we have too many people.

No, you create virus and even make money on the side, thats very convenient.

The vaccines were even developed with public money!


You still think they didnt clone a human? It worked with sheep, dogs, so why not try with human?

They say it is not ethical. Ha, they dont give s**t about that. They just do so.

It was publicly said, they wanted to create the dodo and whoolly mammoth. So, I red in between the lines, why not try tyrannosaurs rex? Or eh velociraptors, working in a group, give leader an electro implant to control. 


Brave men, bring info out as whistle blowers, they didnt like that and try to nail down those "bastards" 

It makes it clear, things are going on, which cant stand the bright light.

Conspiracy or just true?

Fact is, people in higher ranks do weird things for their own gain. You cant even call them human anymore.

Boeing airplanes, lots of problems. CEO now fired and gets bonus of 33 million $, because he did so well !!

Or was it, because a witness was dead all at a sudden?   

Why would an employer, challenging his company then kill himself? 



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Posted (edited)

Pfizer (BNT162b2) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine caused pulmonary arterial hypertension in previously healthy adult males occurred within three weeks of receiving the second dose of the Pfizer (BNT162b2) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine


Pfizer buys Arena Pharmaceuticals ... and .. the company's most advanced investigational clinical programs are ralinepag (formerly APD811) in testing for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)


Oh wait, is that a conspiracy ... strange that they started the process of buying Arena Pharm. in 2021, before it was public knowledge the vaccine caused pulmonary arterial hypertension.


Conspiracy or just a coincidence ???

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OK, put this one separate.

It is a doctor giving advice on coughing of a person.

Never the less, he expands with effects of vaccines on C, technical.

But if I red right, then we are in trouble with health coming years and even sons and daughters after vaccines.

After reading several times, I regretted ever having those C vaccines.

You remember softenon and Dess? Also "medicines" with complete wrong working afterwards.


This could be a complication of Covid vaccines. We see that every day

Azithromycin 500 mg once a day for three days often helps. Repeat after a week if necessary.
Furthermore, Vit D3 5000 UI, five days a week and possibly additional Vit C 1000mg and Nattokinase 200mcg per day. The last to clear the spike protein.
Ivermectin 12 mg once a week for three months can also help. However, if you are taking blood thinners, you should not take Nattokinase.

We are currently working hard to find something that neutralizes the effects of the vaccines. Unfortunately, this will sometimes be impossible, because the mRNA from the vaccines can become part of our genome as DNA via retro-transcription. Then we have a continuous poison factory in our body, which can be passed on to offspring. This process was demonstrated during an autopsy.

That should not be the intention of a vaccine that ultimately turns out to be 0% effective. The “improved” vaccines will not be better either.
Too bad, because in principle the mRNA technology for vaccines and medicines is a fantastic technique, as long as you adhere to the law of nature, that mRNA disintegrates after 20 minutes to an hour, which is not the case with vaccines, because a stop codon has been removed. a criminal act.

Apologies for using your question to explain all this. It's a warning to all those who think an extra shot is a good idea. They are also planning to introduce this technique for flu vaccines. So don't take anymore. Moreover, we have known for 50 years that these vaccines do not help. Then it is the turn of the well-functioning vaccines.
A disaster.
Fortunately, something will be found soon. My advice is a first step. This is based on research by several absolutely independent top immunologists.


How rare it is when you find something like this.


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Covid-19 billions euros in subsides only brothels received States money in Austria €17 million euros for a Nation of nine (9) Federals of 10 millions Austrians........

Those who did not do injectable gene therapy are not against the Jews nor against elderly Mr.Schwab accusing them of being ... Semitic with all the prepositions for/against/under/over .........MERCY.



A laboratory study showed that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is present in all vaccines, inactivates p53, promotes the development and spread of cancers, and makes them resistant to chemotherapy.






A laboratory study showed that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is present in all vaccines, promotes the development and spread of cancers.

Source: (in France language)


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On 5/26/2024 at 2:29 AM, TroubleandGrumpy said:

That Joe Biden has dementia and his Son should be in jail.

And of course Trump is innocent? Just dirtpacks sent from the Democrats? 

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Seems the news is finally being allowed on YT again.  Not censoring people questioning things again.  Hopefully all platforms will allow free speech once again.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Seems the news is finally being allowed on YT again.  Not censoring people questioning things again.  Hopefully all platforms will allow free speech once again.




Years AFTER all the money has been made and who knows what has been injected into billions of people's arms 👍


Policy was the same on this site and EVERYWHERE in 2020 & 2021:

Covid 'deniers' & (rushed) Vaccine Sceptics got an immediate BAN.


Wonder how that policy was disseminated?


Google, Facebook were both CIA seed funded / creations & 

we now know Twitter was under direct orders from the White House


what about minnows like thai visa?



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On 5/26/2024 at 6:43 AM, save the frogs said:


This guy is a lawyer and demonstrates the flat earth with the trajectory of a plane !!

The plane needs to keep dipping its nose DOWN in order to maintain the same altitude.

But what happens when it goes from the North Pole to the South Pole?



What a rediculous video. And repetive of dozens of others. No, he is a fool.  Or a liar.

  • "Dipping the nose down" , or more accurtely pitch attitude relation to altimetry  is complete nonsense. More of a strawman as altimetry in aviation has nothing to do except in limited circumstances, with geometry/ maintining an absolute height above a surface, it is about maintaining a reference pressure altitude. This would be true even if the world is flat. Even flat earthers dont deny that an atmosphere exists do they? 
  • There is nothing such as "upside down" on a planetary scale.




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On 5/26/2024 at 8:15 AM, Gsxrnz said:

Here's an easy two step guide to spot a genuine conspiracy.


If the government and MSM said it didn't happen, it happened. If the government and MSM said it happened, it didn't. :coffee1:

So we really never did go to the moon

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Clearly a conspiracy theory...


I can't believe this is news to anyone. We were taught this at school 50 years ago , people breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2, plants turn CO2 into oxygen…



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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Hummin said:

And of course Trump is innocent? Just dirtpacks sent from the Democrats? 

LOL - TDS again.  But one huuuuge difference between Trump and the corrupt Dems - is that he has been charged and put on trial - for very very weak reasons (othjer than political malice). I cannot say the same about Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, etc. But what goes around comes around and I expect they will be charged and prosecuted starting in Trump's first year as POTUS.  Quid Pro Quo.  I also expect a lot of impeachments of Dems in DOJ and many Dem DAs.  And remember - the Dems started it all - and as usual, the GOP will finish it (like they do with all the wars the Dems start).  

Edited by TroubleandGrumpy
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On 5/25/2024 at 10:49 PM, ChaiyaTH said:

Too be honest, except for the cliche ones, most ''conspiracy theories'' have turned into actual facts later on, while it was the mass media initially screaming the conspiracy word. This actually has been a active and 9/10 case trend in the past decade or so. With other words most conspiracies are (indirect) truths.


Just to give an example of something that is still ongoing, not even hot yet, Astra Zeneca vaccins and covid shots in general, or the fact they said initially 1 shot is all needed and fixes all. Oh that was all conspiracy theories, wait a minute, not it's true, and even soft, reality is way worse and we yet wait to hear more.


Or that they said that people who deny climate change, as the term is abused by global governments in recent modern history, is a conspiracy theory as well right. This while all these people in reality never denied that climate always changes, hence the abuse of that term. The majority is simply screaming out loud, which still is ignored until today, that even we did all we could now, it realistically effects a insignificant change, to affect the potential outcome.


When knowing that, and then looking at mid-term alternatives, it would be actually a waste for the planet, to take the short-term ineffective solution, which is what we are doing now by mining tons of lithium and getting stuck with waste solar panels, batteries and more. To then now still know nuclear is better.


Yeah i'm not a fool, it's obviously always about the money. That is how I got the answers too. It's all by design. To then speak of conspiracy nonsense....


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Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

Clearly a conspiracy theory...


I can't believe this is news to anyone. We were taught this at school 50 years ago , people breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2, plants turn CO2 into oxygen…




We were brought up to be critical, rational and logical (male traits). Since the 80s kids have been brought up to be accepting, irrational and illogical (female traits).  What did they think was going to happen when they decided to allow the  Mums/Karens to take over??


Probable effects of increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentration on crop yield, crop water use, and world climate are discussed. About 430 observations of the yields of 37 plant species grown with CO2 enrichment were extracted from the literature and analyzed. CO2 enrichment increased agricultural weight yields by an 36%. Additional analysis of 81 experiments which had controlled CO2 concentrations showed that yields will probably increase by 33% with a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration. Another 46 observations of the effects of CO2 enrichment on transpiration were extracted and averaged. These data showed that a doubling of CO2 concentration could reduce transpiration by 34%, which combined with the yield increase, indicates that water use efficiency may double.

Increasing atmospheric CO2: effects on crop yield, water use and climate - ScienceDirect


Sure it will be a few degrees warmer, but humans and animals and insects will adapt. It was much hotter in the 'medieval warm period' - but without the CO2 crop yields back then the crop outputs were lowered and water evaporation increased and it meant it was all bad news back then.  This current Karen/Mum driven irrational rubbish is not logical and ignores reality - it aint going to 'destroy the planet'. It will change it, and we do need to slow it down, but it aint going to destroy the world - despite what all the Chicken Littles claim. 

Edited by TroubleandGrumpy
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