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The Waning Patriotism of Modern Liberals: A Call to Rediscover National Pride

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In the 1980s and 1990s, I came of age within a Democratic Party and social environment that was unabashedly patriotic. Political liberals of that era often critiqued America's past and present, yet most saw the nation as an imperfect entity striving to meet its high ideals, despite often falling short. The political right, in contrast, seemed dangerously nativist and insufficiently self-reflective.


President Bill Clinton, on whose 1992 campaign I worked, famously declared in his first inaugural speech, "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." This sentiment encapsulated the spirit of young liberals at the time, who embraced a form of American exceptionalism that celebrated pluralism. In my twenties, I proudly wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the American motto e pluribus unum—"out of many, one." This epitomized liberal patriotism.


However, this center-left, optimistic narrative of the American experiment has increasingly given way to a harsh critique of American life, a perspective that is rapidly becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Today's liberals rarely express patriotic sentiment in public, effectively ceding their civic voice to a far left that holds America in contempt. This shift has led to a politics that is both defeatist in tone and alienating to ordinary Americans. A nation that thinks less of itself will inevitably become less. Mainstream liberals urgently need to rediscover their patriotic spirit.


When beloved actress Betty White passed away at 99, my wife began rewatching episodes of The Golden Girls, a mid-1980s sitcom about four aging women navigating their golden years. In one episode, the strong-willed Dorothy lectures her Italian-born mother, Sophia, on the meaning of America. Dorothy reminisces, "When I was a little girl, you told me how much it meant to you when you came here to America for the first time. Do you remember what you thought of when you first saw the Statue of Liberty holding up her torch of freedom? ... Ma, you taught me to love this country. ... You were the first one who put an American flag in my hand."


I was struck by how quaint this monologue seemed in today’s cultural context, especially from a show that was at the forefront of social issues like gay rights and sexual harassment. Unfortunately, such overt patriotic sentiment would be considered cringe-worthy in today’s liberal circles. A 2023 Gallup poll found that national pride among Democrats has plummeted over the past two decades. In 2003, 65 percent of Democrats felt "extreme pride" in their country; by 2023, this figure had dropped to 29 percent. Among those aged 18 to 34, only 18 percent expressed extreme patriotism, a steep decline from 85 percent in 2013. Gallup noted, "Party identification remains the greatest demographic differentiator in expressions of national pride, and Republicans have been consistently more likely than Democrats and independents to express pride in being American."


On a recent drive through West Virginia, I noticed American flags displayed outside many homes, even in economically depressed coal-mining towns where people could justifiably feel abandoned by their country. Conversely, in my politically blue, economically thriving neighborhood in North Potomac, Maryland, I counted just one American flag in four blocks, unsurprisingly mounted on the doorway of an Eastern European refugee who had fled a repressive Soviet republic. So accustomed had I become to the absence of patriotic sentiment in my area that I found it inspiring when fraternity brothers at UNC Chapel Hill rehoisted the American flag on the campus quad after radical activists had replaced it with a Palestinian flag. The young men locked arms and refused to budge as protestors reportedly hurled bottles, rocks, and insults.


Why have liberals become less patriotic? Some blame the election of Donald Trump and persistent economic inequality. Others point to social media echo chambers that, for example, extol a letter from Osama Bin Laden justifying terrorism against the U.S. Additionally, the rise of an oppressed-oppressor ideology portrays America as inherently racist. Indeed, when universities classify statements like "America is the land of opportunity" and "Everyone can succeed in this society" as microaggressions, it is unsurprising that many students develop negative attitudes toward their country.


A few Democrats understand that a politics of self-loathing is unsustainable. Maryland Governor Wes Moore and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, both elected in 2022, successfully campaigned on liberal policies that emphasized freedom and American exceptionalism. While President Biden may still embody the old flag-waving sensibility, the larger progressive political class that rose to power with him exudes little passion for the country, and Biden's recent demoralizing speech at Morehouse College suggests he has been influenced by this sentiment.


In the upcoming elections, it wouldn't be surprising if many ordinary citizens choose churlish nativism over a politics devoid of national pride. Liberals desperately need to reclaim their patriotic spirit. Without it, they risk alienating themselves from the very people they aim to serve and represent. Reaffirming a love for America, despite its flaws, is crucial for fostering a political environment where constructive criticism and national pride coexist. Only then can the Democratic Party hope to inspire and unite the diverse populace it seeks to champion.


Hill Opinion Piece


Inspired By: The Hill 2024-06-11




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4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Hanging 3 St. George flags outside a house with a white van outside is a real problem? I guess it is if you're a Labour MP like Thornberry. 



"Your" truth.



Unless it's a Palestinian flag or an LGBT flag I assume?

Any flag!

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I'd be curious how many people who consider themselves to be patriots have passports and have ever been outside of the United States?


I would also be curious how many of them would put their lives at risk in a war, if the situation called for it. Or send their sons or daughters overseas, to sacrifice their lives or limbs?


It's very easy to say you're a patriot, when there's nothing at stake. For instance, standing for the pledge is an artifice created by the war department in 1942, to drum up patriotism for enlistments. It was perhaps required at that time. It has since been highly politicized and is not necessarily a symbol of patriotism.


Trump was offended by the military. Unlike the coward who got 5 deferrments when his nation asked him to serve, the military men and women consistently put their own lives on the line. Don Don cannot relate to self sacrifice. So, he belittles them, betraying his own lack of dignity. That is just who he is. The ultimate lowlife. McCain was a hero. Don has always been a coward. 


Real Americans? Is that some sort of secret language for white men? Color hating folks, who think the past was unbelievably great? When American prospects were HUUUGGGE? Explain your version of real American to me. I am an American, but I guess I am not patriotic, since I am critical of US policy and don't wave around a flag. 

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12 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

Yeah these are liberals    you are consistently clueless  See their love of the flag 



Looks like a bunch of hooligans at a baseball game.


Care to clarify your point?

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7 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

I will help clarify.


The folks in that image are naive gullible idiots who believe the lies spewing from the rabid mouth of the most infamous recently convicted felon. They hate democracy, law enforcement, and they are prone to violence. They confuse being members of a Cult with patriotism. They are absolute scum. They are not 'hostages' nor 'political prisoners', just low life losers.


The FBI director appointed by the felon himself called them "terrorists". They all should have been shot.


Ah, I think we have another #bekind "liberal" on the forum :coffee1:.


Great to see your tolerance of those with different opinions 😃

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9 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

The cult on the right takes a fringe issue and projects it or extrapolates it across the entire liberal spectrum, when many of the fringe beliefs are held by a tiny minority.


Contrast that with the nearly ubiquitous beliefs of the right, which are the antithesis of patriotism:


---The theft of highly classified documents by the felon has not been condemned by any Republican


---Around 140 House Republicans voted to NOT certify the 2020 election, though each was perfectly happy to accept the results of his or her own re-election on the same ballot. That is evidence of a hatred of democracy as well as abject hypocrisy.


---While a few Republicans initially condemned the 6 January 2021 terrorist attack against the US Capitol, none now criticize it and many---especially those vying for the VP on the (R) ticket---refer to the convicted and jailed terrorists as 'hostages' and 'political prisoners'.


---No Republicans have come out and criticized the fake elector scheme, which means they hate democracy and US ideals, and approve of cheating.


---A sizeable majority of Republicans now believe a their President should have total immunity and be above the law. That is against the specific wishes and intent of the Founders, which means it is the polar opposite of patriotic. It is absolutely un-American.


---Far too many Republicans now want some fictitious deity and books claimed to be written or dictated by some deity, to be the guiding principles of the USA. That, too, is in stark contrast to what the Founders intended, which is that no religion should have any say in how the nation is run and governed.


The number of actual patriots on the right can be counted on one hand...Larry Hogan, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and a few others. The rest are either full fledged Cultists or else cowards afraid of a mean Tweet.



You are conflating politics and patriotism. A common error.  


Patriotism is acknowledging your country's problems but at the same time maintaining pride in its accomplishments. It should be a subject where partisan politics falls away. Flying your national flag with pride should never be decried.

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20 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

Have no tolerance for enemies of Democracy


I wasn't talking to you, but since you mentioned it, nothing screams Democracy like locking up your main political rival 😃.

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7 hours ago, Tug said:

I dono I think you are calling out the wrong party.a person can fly every flag bumper sticker whatever but to vote for any republican now is to support Donald trump the New York City trust fund baby draft dodging vet disrespecting POW insulting felon  sorry but it’s more about deeds not words that being said if heaven forbid it does hit the fan America will pull as one!

I agree wholeheartedly - Biden too a dodger.  I am a VN vet and have noticed a change in the US society even from maybe half my generation.  Those replacements in VN were many from my generation but they differet totally in political persuasion.  I could never be a Democrat, and as I aged slowly at first, I lost interest in many of the Republicans running for office too.  I worked overseas for he government and we used to laugh about local politicians and corruption, thinking that the US was better than that.  Were we ever wrong!  Then if one still is not convinced about politicians look at recently, the US Congress had a bill outlawing insider trading by congress folks and they couldn't even get enough votes to floor the bill for consideration.  They have all learned how easy it is to get rich as a politician.  Originally their jobs were only part time but once they learned that they could all become rich it became a career.  Now once elected, their only concern is to fill the campaign coffers for the next election, hell, shut down the government so we can show folks who is in charge here!  Look at every bill passed and check out the pork barrel additions whether or not it really has anything to do with that particular bill.  This has been going on forever I guess and I along with my fellow citizens continued to consider candidates offered by the big pharmas and international businesses because they learned that by putting their people into the seats of government, their wallets were protected and fattened regularly.  Oh well  I learned many years ago that I had no power to change any of this.  I could financially live in the US but couldn't put up with most of the neighbors.  But, it definitely is not even close to being the best but is far from being the worst country for people.  Right now, just as the EU countries are being swamped by illegal immigrants that not only want freebies they want to change the western countries to better fit their old countries - not sure I understand this but the US is being invaded from the southern border and too many of those do not like the US as a nation, but they do like the freedom and freebies being provided by the Democrats.  A very scary situation for sure. I feel sorry for my kids and relatives as most of them feel exactly what I have expressed here.  

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