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Why are so many foreigners residing in Thailand problematic types?

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2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Didn't read as TLTR but a criminal record check for long term stayers would help a lot, then maybe consider banning tattoo people

I really don’t give a hoot what others look like or what lifestyle they choose. But damn sure care about what others do, criminal background check for all staying over x amount of time (30 days, before they get too comfortable?) would be a good thing. 

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Just now, connda said:


Here's my ChatGPT created AI retort to the OP  :wink:

"As a long-term foreign resident in Thailand, I empathize with your observations. While it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges posed by some expats, I’d like to offer a more nuanced perspective.


1. Cultural Sensitivity: - I agree that cultural awareness is crucial. Learning basic phrases in Thai and respecting local customs can significantly enhance our experience here. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all expats fall into the same category. Many of us genuinely appreciate Thai culture and strive to integrate respectfully.

2. Criminal Behavior: - It’s disheartening when fellow expats engage in illegal activities. However, let’s remember that these actions represent a minority. Most of us prioritize safety and adhere to the law. Unfortunately, sensational news tends to overshadow positive contributions from expats.

3. Respect for Laws: - Overstaying visas and illegal work are indeed problematic. Responsible expats comply with regulations, but a few outliers can create a negative perception. Stricter enforcement and better education could address this issue.

4. Arrogance and Adaptation: - Arrogance harms community relations. Yet, many expats genuinely appreciate Thailand’s beauty and adapt to local life. Let’s celebrate those who bridge cultural gaps and contribute positively.

5. Attitudes and Gratitude: - Some expats perpetuate negativity, but others cherish Thailand’s uniqueness. It’s essential to focus on gratitude and share positive experiences. A shift in mindset benefits everyone.

6. Health and Stereotypes: - Health matters, and stereotypes shouldn’t define us. Many expats prioritize well-being, and we should encourage healthier lifestyles collectively.

In summary, while there are valid concerns, let’s also celebrate the expats who embrace Thailand wholeheartedly. We can all contribute to a more harmonious and respectful community. 🌴🙏🏼"

That's pretty good.  :thumbsup: Thumbs up ChatGPT 4.0! 

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1 hour ago, 123Stodg said:

Instead of appreciating the unique experiences and opportunities Thailand offers,

Could you be more specific? Or is it prostitution you refer to?

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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

Didn't read as TLTR but a criminal record check for long term stayers would help a lot, then maybe consider banning tattoo people

I got one tatto on my upper arm long time before it became mainstream, can hide it with a t-shirt, is it okay

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2 hours ago, 123Stodg said:

I can't help but notice all the negative aspects about many of the expats I've come across in Thailand. It's disheartening to see that so many foreigners seem to fall into one of several categories: unpleasant, criminal, or otherwise problematic.


Firstly, the number of rude and disrespectful expats is staggering. It's as if some people left their manners at the airport. From obnoxious behavior in public to a complete lack of respect for Thai culture and people, these individuals don't add anything positive to the backdrop. It's also embarrassing and frustrating to witness. How hard is it to learn a few basic phrases in Thai, be a bit more polite, or follow simple cultural norms? Instead, we see loud, self-entitled behavior that screams, "I don't care about your country or your customs."


Secondly, the criminal element among some expats is alarming. Every other day, it seems like there's news of another foreigner involved in drugs, fraud, violence, some form of exploitation, or other illegal activities. It's as if Thailand has become a base for these unsavory characters. This not only tarnishes the reputation of the expat community but also undermines the safety and tranquility that many other expats came here seeking. Why should locals trust us foreigners when they see so many of our compatriots behaving so disgracefully?


Another troubling aspect is the noticeable lack of respect for local laws among some expats. Whether it's overstaying visas, working illegally, or engaging in shady business practices, these actions show a blatant disregard for the rules and regulations of the country that's hosting them. This kind of behavior only serves to alienate foreigners further from the local community.


The arrogance and superiority displayed by some expats is also deeply troubling. Many act as if they are better than the locals, displaying condescending attitudes and constantly complaining about Thailand and its people while refusing to adapt. This creates a toxic environment and further damages the relationship between expats and locals.


To add to the negativity, many expats seem perpetually angry, unfriendly, and dissatisfied with their lives in Thailand. It's baffling to see such resentment and unappreciative attitudes in people who have chosen to live in a foreign country. They complain endlessly about everything from the lack of safety to the frustrations with local customs, creating a cloud of negativity that affects everyone around them. Instead of appreciating the unique experiences and opportunities Thailand offers, these individuals seem to be stuck in a loop of dissatisfaction and bitterness, making it harder for other foreigners, who genuinely respect the country, to maintain good relations with locals.


Finally, there's the issue of health and hygiene. Some long-term expats neglect their health, often seen as very overweight, poorly groomed, and suffering from lifestyle-related illnesses due to poor diet, lack of physical activity and excessive alcohol consumption. This not only affects their quality of life but also perpetuates negative stereotypes about expats being unhealthy and unkempt.


Why is all this happening? Is it the lax visa regulations or the perception that Thailand is an easy place to hide that draws these types in? Whatever the reason, it's just sad and very disheartening.


What you talk about is not completely isolated to Thailand. But I have lived here on and off for over 12 years.. I know what you are talking about. But something to consider is quite a few elders men tend to be disgruntled and complain a lot anyway from what I know..


For whatever the reason Thailand and what it offers seems to attract a few narrow "demographics". People who engage in vices to be one. A friend of mine and I (when I used to live in Pattaya) used to call some of the odd ball types the "Pattaya Strange".  Another of those demographics is the "Pay to Play" crowd of men who lust after women and have no problems paying for sex. These kinds of men have their own set of identifiable characteristics and it seems, through scientific social studies that narcissism tends to be one of them. You are not wrong. This is definitely true.



The very fact that there is so much graft going on here also makes it easy for unscrupulous types to get on with their criminal activities. One example. There have been many Indian scam call centers set up and taken down based in Pattaya. Entire teams of Indians calling USA, UK and perpetrating romance, refund and other types of scams on the unsuspecting victims abroad. Saw a news item on this and one of the scam centers was having their victims make wire transfers to a famous Thai bank.


So yea, if one has a desire to live here then plan on meeting a few individuals with personalities a bit of left of center to be polite. I've personally run into quite a few odd ones that are totally preoccupied with conspiracy theories. US government faked the moon landings, US elections are rigged blah blah  etc etc.


Edited by StandardIssue
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