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Just think....a new cabinet....anchored by decent people Rayner, Reeves and Starmer. I feel the honeymoon will be short lived though....and in any change there are winners and losers. To date in history the poor have always lost except for a spell after the war and during Harold Wilson's tenure....what I am sad about is 'growth' and pursuing growth as an objective. Governments used to have as their objective 'full employment' but Thatcher changed the objective to the never ending obsession of GDP growth....why? Well here's the secret....all of the profits from GDP growth go into the few obscenely wealthy member of the elite. They pay no taxes and threaten to leave any time reasonable changes are made to the tax code. The change that is needed is to get back good and decent lives of ordinary humans as the objective of government. The feral wealthy can fend for themselves. What Britain needs to do is to say no to child hunger; say no to homelessness; say no to public service cuts for disabled people and the elderly; and say yes for tax increases for businesses and the wealthy. 

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Please ! Please !

Can I ask respectfully on here that in the future years none of you "British " people ( and usually I use the word "Poms" but apparently thats now offensive and you don't want to be known as that)

Please...don't whinge & complaint about immigration to your Country!!!


You voted them in ...and then act like you didn't know ....."oh I didn't know that Guvnor " you say with a confused look on your face 😮 


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On 7/5/2024 at 1:43 PM, retarius said:

their objective 'full employment' but Thatcher changed the objective to the never ending obsession of GDP growth....why? Well here's the secret....all of the profits from GDP growth go into the few obscenely wealthy member of the xxx

That's not quite right: Every govt wherever in the world needs a growth to pay back loans and interest rates.

As long economy is blooming nobody is complaining. However, with a downturn of economy and no growth but recession every govt will have to cut expenses or rise taxes. It's easy to understand I hope?😳

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44 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

However, with a downturn of economy and no growth but recession every govt will have to cut expenses or rise taxes.

And what government anywhere in the world actually ever 'cut expenses' (ie reduced the budget for the next year to less than available revenue and stuck to it)?


Hasn't happened in living memory. Too hard. The squeals - ignorant & hypocritical - from the great unwashed (previously complaining about their taxes) would be more than any politician could bear.

Edited by mfd101
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1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

And what government anywhere in the world actually ever 'cut expenses' (ie reduced the budget for the next year to less than available revenue and stuck to it)?


Hasn't happened in living memory. Too hard. The squeals - ignorant & hypocritical - from the great unwashed (previously complaining about their taxes) would be more than any politician could bear.

UK many EU countries

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