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Resurgence of Conscription in Europe Amid Rising Threat of War with Russia

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Well Thailand is is already to go to war as soon as we get all the new fighter jets and the subs, we have enough generals with soooo much experience, they can defend Thailand from....hang on let me think a moment................nah forget it.

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On 7/24/2024 at 10:04 AM, Purdey said:

Funny that the UN was created to prevent wars but had such a poor record that it went into other social work (where its record remains poor).

If people are to volunteer, the military needs to increase wages and skills training to professional levels. Thinking that conscription is a cheap way of populating the military leads to social problems later (read about how former servicemen are sleeping on the streets these days - and those are the volunteers).


Firstly, the subject alliance is NATO, not the UN.


Secondly the founding purpose of the UN was to prevent world wars, of which there have none since its founding. 

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On 7/24/2024 at 12:26 PM, blazes said:

Shocking piece of propaganda this little story about conscription.


Here's the deal: Russia has to be established as the Evil One.  That has been the case since at least 1917.  Now Russia's "incursion" into Ukraine (which Biden, using the word "incursion", more or less okayed) allows us to make more realistic the "threat" to the whole of Europe.

Next, make the young people of Europe believe in this threat.   Then train them to kill. 

Finally, when Europe, close to financial collapse and faced with riots, sends in the newly-trained conscript troops to "deal with" the breakdown in law and order. 

"But I thought we were supposed to be fighting Russia."  "Sorry mate, we've got to deal with all these domestic terrorists first."



Her’s the deal Russia invaded Ukraine and it didn’t go to plan.

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As usual the numpties in charge are preparing to fight the last war. Drones and things like glide bombs and hypersonic missiles have changed everything.


Conscription sounds like a war is imminent, but IMO it's more along the lines of National Service, which is a short training period in the basics, and a camp every year. That's actually a good idea and should never have been abandoned. The only change I'd make is that it should be for everyone.

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On 7/26/2024 at 10:52 PM, ericbj said:

For those who wish to glimpse the view beyond that presented by mainstream media, one could start by studying what is said and written by Colonel Jacques Baud.  He worked for NATO to help rebuild the Ukrainian Army, post the Maidan Coup, so his views are based on first-hand experience.

The same Jacques Baud who engages in conspiracy mongering, defended by denial Syria’s use of chemical weapons and has earned through significant effort a reputation of shilling for Putin.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As usual the numpties in charge are preparing to fight the last war. Drones and things like glide bombs and hypersonic missiles have changed everything.


Conscription sounds like a war is imminent, but IMO it's more along the lines of National Service, which is a short training period in the basics, and a camp every year. That's actually a good idea and should never have been abandoned. The only change I'd make is that it should be for everyone.

You included?

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On 7/24/2024 at 3:33 AM, Social Media said:

“It is tragically true that here we are, in 2024, and we are grappling with the questions of how to mobilize millions of people to be thrown into a meatgrinder of a war potentially, but this is where Russia has put us.”

No you put yourselves there. Perhaps trying for a peace deal could help. War mongers!

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3 hours ago, 300sd said:

No you put yourselves there. Perhaps trying for a peace deal could help. War mongers!

Perhaps you should write a note to Putin pointing out he is an old school commie warmonger.................:coffee1:

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3 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Well Thailand is is already to go to war as soon as we get all the new fighter jets and the subs, we have enough generals with soooo much experience, they can defend Thailand from....hang on let me think a moment................nah forget it.

well I read today that the Thai military wants armed drones and attack helicopters too!  Need some more tax monies for that

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On 7/27/2024 at 2:44 AM, RayC said:


I gave reading the article after a couple of minutes and glanced through the rest of it. That was enough for me to conclude that it is an article heavy on words and light on evidence. Moreover, it is completely disjointed.


I googled Baud and the French Wikipedia site says that he doesn't believe that Bin Laden had any involvement in 9/11 or that Syria used chemical weapons. If only I had that knowledge prior to reading the article, I could saved myself the bother of opening the link.

But the poster is doing his "own research"! 😅

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5 hours ago, candide said:

I wonder how Baltic States deal with their Russian speaking minorities. Can they trust them to fight against Russia?


Not Baltic, but I have been working in Kazakhstan for some time and see a definite move away from Russian influence. 


Russian is still the dominant language there but Kazakh is gaining in its use and it's now the official language of the government. Similarly, the government has entered a process of transitioning from Cyrillic to Latin characters. For example, whereas previously the police would have Полиция on their uniforms, now they read Politzya. 


Of course the Russian minority is feeling unhappy but when I ask my ethnic Kazakh colleagues about it, they simply shrug. But Russian Kazakhs make up about 15% of the population so not insignificant, but I think even they struggle to muster support for the actions of Russia. Certainly I hear next to no support from any quarter for Russia's aggression. 

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On 7/27/2024 at 7:44 AM, RayC said:


I gave reading the article after a couple of minutes and glanced through the rest of it. That was enough for me to conclude that it is an article heavy on words and light on evidence. Moreover, it is completely disjointed.


I googled Baud and the French Wikipedia site says that he doesn't believe that Bin Laden had any involvement in 9/11 or that Syria used chemical weapons. If only I had that knowledge prior to reading the article, I could saved myself the bother of opening the link.

The Ukraine - Afghanistan - Syria.  Yes, all part of the matrix.

It is probable that Osama bin Laden was not directly involved in organising 9/11, but was likely familiar with those that were so involved.  In interviews and speeches he has seemingly taken contradictory positions, claiming in some to have been uninvolved while elsewhere claiming responsibility.




' Tayseer Allouni of Al Jazeera conducted an interview with bin Laden on October 21, 2001. ... During the interview, Allouni had asked bin Laden for his response to the claim that he was behind the attacks on September 11. bin Laden described the hijackers as " brave guys who took the battle to the heart of America" and said that "They did this, as we understand it, and this is something we have agitated for before, as a matter of self-defense...If inciting people to do that is terrorism, and if killing those who kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness that we are terrorists." ' [Wikipedia]

I remember viewing, years ago, a video of a speech where "Osama bin Laden" plausibly claims responsibility.  The only hiccup: the speaker, made to look like bin Laden, was no true look-a-like.  One supposes it to have been a piece of "intox" by some western propaganda source.  Currently unable to locate the video online. Perhaps, having served its purpose, it has been removed.

Syrian poison gas attacks:  another propaganda coup in support of NATO bombing?


The true state of things is difficult to determine, but to have some chance of approaching it one must look beyond mainstream media and client organisations of the financial establishment.


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On 7/29/2024 at 9:03 AM, RuamRudy said:


Not Baltic, but I have been working in Kazakhstan for some time and see a definite move away from Russian influence. 


Russian is still the dominant language there but Kazakh is gaining in its use and it's now the official language of the government. Similarly, the government has entered a process of transitioning from Cyrillic to Latin characters. For example, whereas previously the police would have Полиция on their uniforms, now they read Politzya. 


Of course the Russian minority is feeling unhappy but when I ask my ethnic Kazakh colleagues about it, they simply shrug. But Russian Kazakhs make up about 15% of the population so not insignificant, but I think even they struggle to muster support for the actions of Russia. Certainly I hear next to no support from any quarter for Russia's aggression. 

And there's this:

China warns against meddling in Kazakhstan ahead of Putin meeting

Chinese President Xi Jinping has kicked off a visit to Central Asia with a no-nonsense statement of support for the territorial integrity of his first host country, Kazakhstan.

It sounded like an assertive statement of intent from Beijing, coming just before Xi meets Russian President Vladimir Putin this week in a face to face that the world is watching closely.

Russian-ally Kazakhstan has been shaken by the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine, while facing down saber-rattling from Russian nationalists angry at what they deem Kazakh disloyalty over the war.



Probably because of considerations like this:

Kazakhstan’s Border With Russia Is Suddenly an Open Question Again
Moscow has long claimed parts of northern Kazakhstan. The country’s current turmoil makes those claims a lot more relevant—and troubling.

Amid nationwide protests rocking Kazakhstan this week—which have already resulted in bloodshed, political turmoil, and the end of former dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev’s cult of personality—the country is going through an unprecedented shift.
But as Kazakhstan continues to roil and as troops from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a Russian-led military alliance, flood the country to “stabilize” the situation, one potential outcome is suddenly very relevant yet still overlooked: state fracture. Specifically, the potential for a revanchist Russia to use Kazakhstan’s domestic turmoil as a pretext to seize a swath of northern Kazakhstan, which Russian nationalists have long coveted and ethnic Russian populations in the region have long toyed breaking off from.


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20 minutes ago, ericbj said:

The Ukraine - Afghanistan - Syria.  Yes, all part of the matrix.

It is probable that Osama bin Laden was not directly involved in organising 9/11, but was likely familiar with those that were so involved.  In interviews and speeches he has seemingly taken contradictory positions, claiming in some to have been uninvolved while elsewhere claiming responsibility.




' Tayseer Allouni of Al Jazeera conducted an interview with bin Laden on October 21, 2001. ... During the interview, Allouni had asked bin Laden for his response to the claim that he was behind the attacks on September 11. bin Laden described the hijackers as " brave guys who took the battle to the heart of America" and said that "They did this, as we understand it, and this is something we have agitated for before, as a matter of self-defense...If inciting people to do that is terrorism, and if killing those who kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness that we are terrorists." ' [Wikipedia]

I remember viewing, years ago, a video of a speech where "Osama bin Laden" plausibly claims responsibility.  The only hiccup: the speaker, made to look like bin Laden, was no true look-a-like.  One supposes it to have been a piece of "intox" by some western propaganda source.  Currently unable to locate the video online. Perhaps, having served its purpose, it has been removed.

Syrian poison gas attacks:  another propaganda coup in support of NATO bombing?


The true state of things is difficult to determine, but to have some chance of approaching it one must look beyond mainstream media and client organisations of the financial establishment.



Bin Laden and Syria are way off topic. However, as I introduced them to the conversation - albeit in the context of undermining Baud as a credible witness - I must take responsibility.


Whether Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11 or not is besides the point. The atrocity was committed by Al-Qaeda. Bin Laden was the founder and a leading member of the organisation, and was thus a legitimate target for the US. QED.


Wrt to use of chemical weapons in Syria, I apologise but I do not have the time or enthusiasm to research Mate's claims. However, even if we accept that he has a valid point, it is tangential to the war in Ukraine and the subject of this thread in particular.

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On 7/29/2024 at 9:46 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

You included?

i am all for you going, you and a few others here seem to love the war and don't want peace..go n put your money where you mouth is, i'll even start a whip round for plane tickets for you all

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9 hours ago, frank83628 said:

i am all for you going, you and a few others here seem to love the war and don't want peace..go n put your money where you mouth is, i'll even start a whip round for plane tickets for you all

I’m sure you are.


Now all you have to do is put up some evidence of me supporting Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

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