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At your age: Do you still take life seriously?

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Dear Folks,


 a.  At your age, do you still take life seriously?  


Give me a break!


Or…Do you really?


b.  In this day and age, do we really still take the Nobel seriously?


Give me a break!



c.  Maybe Dylan actually did deserve the Nobel, as watered down as it seems to have become, in these modern times.


He wrote this, for example:


d.  So, do you still take life seriously, now that most of your life is already behind you, and now that all that you see ahead is what it is?


If you were to try to tell someone, less than half your age, why they should take life seriously, then could you?


e.  AND, are you a phony like Zimmerman? Or, are you now able to see through him, as no Nobel Committee ever did?


Strange, is it not, how time passes….?


So the question is, in this twilight of your years, is there really anything that you take seriously, besides Catch-22?





Catch-22 always catches up with one, around this time in life…don’t you think?



We don’t take life seriously,

And why should we now?


At least, most of us do not, but do you?


Best regards,

And wishing you great “Remains of the Day”….




Note:  Some day, I will find my perfect washing machine, just as Hemingway never found his perfect paragraph, before it’s too late.  And, then…who knows….


Note2:  And…What about you?


And, just by the way:


Note 66:  Do you intend to continue flying missions?





Final Note:  Obviously, when we die, the question always begs and niggles us.... Will We go FURTHUR?







Or, will our bus, inevitably reach.... The End Of The Road....












Edited by GammaGlobulin
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Well, I am not yet your age, but close behind... but yes and no I guess... from Oblomov to Bartleby and maybe Lev Nickolayevich and Murray Burns I am a composite of my individuality and characters I loved. 


But mostly, I am a product of the country I live in where there is no positive connotation for the word 'serious' and yet life has thrown some fastballs at my head which I cannot duck away from... even though I can see them coming. and in fact they are here and present. 

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7 minutes ago, still kicking said:

Another serious topic by GG


Only serious if it is serious in the eye of the beholder, naturally.


Personally, I think it's fairly serious, but, still, not TOO serious for TV.


What is YOUR opinion?



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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, StandardIssue said:

BTW, you forgot to mention


Correct, but I did not forget to mention it; I just ran out of space in the OP...before I could add this important link:


"The Remains of the Day", which is really the theme of this Topic....


Here is the link, since you asked....:



And, does the conclusion of this important film resonate with you, at your age?


Also, one should pay more attention to Barth, the author, when he writes about COSMOPSIS:







And, I too....

The images of End of the Road have stuck with me, as well, since my college days.

So hard to shed, in fact....


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10 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Correct, but I did not forget to mention it; I just ran out of space in the OP...before I could add this important link:


"The Remains of the Day", which is really the theme of this Topic....


Here is the link, since you asked....:



And, does the conclusion of this important film resonate with you, at your age?



I really like the part where he carefully removes the upper scalp of Ray Liotta cuts out, frys and makes him eat his own brains. That part of the film was pretty damn crazy. I really related to that because at times in my old age it feels like someone took part of my brain out, fryed it with some onions and wine and fed to to me. The brains that are left are the remains of the day.

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On a serious note ....


Stop taking life seriously especially if your in your 70's 

You won't be here in 15 years !!!!!


I don't know how many guys especially in my workplace who are over 70yo that I must tell that to who take life too seriously 



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8 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Maybe Dylan actually did deserve the Nobel, as watered down as it seems to have become, in these modern times.


don't forget the hurricane. 




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Do you still take life seriously?


Life is a bad joke played on humanity by the gods, IMO. Chris de Burgh had it right with Spanish Train.


The longer I live the more I realise that human society is based on BS.


Unfortunately, the only way to turn the tables on the gods is to off ourselves, and that is a hard step to take, sans a painless and guaranteed method of exit.

If such existed, I'd long ago have taken all the money I could lay my hands on and gone off to Thailand to end my life in a blaze of bebauchery. Sure would beat waiting for the end to come while my biological chariot slowly disintegrates.

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Your post serves no purpose. It isn't necessary to broadcast the private ruminations of your mind unless you are seeking validation but why should you need that? you aren't the master of your thoughts anyway.

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Of course I take life seriously, knowing I'm in my latter years and haven't done or seen near what I want to, aka a bucket list. You can't say most of us don't because you only know what those who reply say, and maybe a few people who you've asked this question.

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Do you still take life seriously?


Life is a bad joke played on humanity by the gods, IMO. Chris de Burgh had it right with Spanish Train.


The longer I live the more I realise that human society is based on BS.


Unfortunately, the only way to turn the tables on the gods is to off ourselves, and that is a hard step to take, sans a painless and guaranteed method of exit.

If such existed, I'd long ago have taken all the money I could lay my hands on and gone off to Thailand to end my life in a blaze of bebauchery. Sure would beat waiting for the end to come while my biological chariot slowly disintegrates.

Your past loss with the women shouldn't keep you in this frame of thought. Let it, and them go. There are many women who, especially the ones close to our age, would like to have a decent man to grow old with. Besides human company, which is a major reason we are here, there are hobbies you can take up at most any age, along with again, finding someone to share them with. I have so many places I'd like to visit, yet won't because most of my time has been raising kids. I still have a young one, but I'm still going to go to some of those places.


Life is all about living. We were put here for a reason. Something some don't believe because they either hate God or think he doesn't exist because we have no proof besides looking at the wonders he's made and knowing it could only happen from design, from a creator. God doesn't like people to off themselves because life is precious, no matter how short or long. This is temporary, after is forever, and what we do here decides what happens next. If you off yourself, you'll still be meeting God, and then you'd have to explain why. Then he will tell you what you could have done to be happier. Of course there are those who never experience happiness and only pain, but again, this is temporary and nothing compared to forever. If you can walk,talk,see ,eat and feel, there are many things you can still do.

Edited by fredwiggy
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why do you attack Dylan? He gave millions pleasure with his music, including myself. You are in the wrong here.

Dylan was "cool". I'll give him that much. 


I don't think anyone understands what Dylan was singing about, though.


Like in The Times They Are a Changin', what is he asking the senators to do exactly? 

I thought it was cool way back when. I can't listen to this garbage anymore. 


Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Your past loss with the women shouldn't keep you in this frame of thought. Let it, and them go.

I never mentioned women, past or present. Women do not figure in my life at all now, thankfully.

My post was nothing to do with women per se. Life in general sucks except for the fortunate. I was one such, till I wasn't.

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9 hours ago, StandardIssue said:

LOL, this has got to be one of the weirdest posts I've ever seen.

You can see some of his weird ramblings most days, he even admits that he's weird!

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

 there are hobbies you can take up at most any age,

Hobbies are not a problem. This forum is a hobby. I have more to do than I have time to do, and I should stop being on here and do them, but as close to death as I am it's all rather pointless. Everything I do now will just end up in landfill.

I used to be an outdoors person, so being inside is quite boring and I need to fill my life with activity- this forum is excellent as a time filler. I can't do much outside anymore, as the body isn't able to do it any more. Eg, I tripped the other day and destroyed my shoulder, which means I can never do heavy lifting ever again. Apparently quite common in people my age.

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19 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

Dylan was "cool". I'll give him that much. 


I don't think anyone understands what Dylan was singing about, though.


Like in The Times They Are a Changin', what is he asking the senators to do exactly? 

I thought it was cool way back when. I can't listen to this garbage anymore. 


Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'

Dylan is popular not because he's a good singer, which he isn't. His lyrics are what makes him good. Some of the songs aren't easy to decipher, as they are personal issues in his own wording. This is from Wikipedia.................... Dylan wrote the song as a deliberate attempt to create an anthem of change for the time, influenced by Irish and Scottish ballads.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Life is all about living. We were put here for a reason.

That could very well be true, but my reason for living could be as simple as learning that life is a bad joke.

If so, I succeeded in my purpose and sooner I depart the better. Unfortunately the government won't allow me to do so in a painless and effective way.


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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Dylan is popular not because he's a good singer, which he isn't. His lyrics are what makes him good. Some of the songs aren't easy to decipher, as they are personal issues in his own wording. This is from Wikipedia.................... Dylan wrote the song as a deliberate attempt to create an anthem of change for the time, influenced by Irish and Scottish ballads.

IMO he's a perfectly respectable singer. Check out Lay Lady Lay, or Fire on the Mountain.


Can't say I ever had a problem with understanding what he sang about, but that could be because of my opinion on life. He does come from the darker side, as do I.

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