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It appears that an attempt at a world wide panic is being created.

I am not worried, but curious. Like most of my age group I was vaccinated against Smallpox as a baby and given a booster (which failed to "take", indicating I still had immunity) in my late teens. I also had Chickenpox at age 6.

Given that these are related diseases, what immunity am I likely to have against Monkey Pox?

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I’m in the lest bit concerned about it just as the crazed episode, except that I was stranded in the US due to the tyrannical shutdowns but it was a good thing for me because I went back to work and made a ton of money during that period while most everyone else was setting home and vegging out in front of their idiot box.

1 hour ago, Maybole said:

It appears that an attempt at a world wide panic is being created.

If this is the case then no doubt it will be another opportunity to impose tyrannical restrictions, labeling questions as misinformation, using ambiguous science as unquestionable evidence and proper information. 

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5 hours ago, Patong2021 said:


There is no evidence to support your claim. What we do see is that some people with a political agenda are attempting to use the crisis to promote their own political views and to spread false information. The measures taken to date are  to contain and to control spread within high risk groups by offering free vaccination to high risk individuals. There has been no suggestion of a mass vaccination campaign, nor will there be a need if the containment efforts work,



There is no evidence to support your claim. The "formula" and technology to  manufacture the vaccine already exists. As such, much of the cost to make the vaccine available has already been paid for. At risk groups have been offered the vaccine in an effort to contain the spread. No one else is being offered the vaccine, even if they request it.


Although MPox is currently most associated with certain risk groups, we are all at risk if it spreads. Its characteristics can facilitate its spread. The argument can be made that  authorities are downplaying the risk to minimize  panic and to prevent a mass run on vaccines.  As per the US CDC information.


Close or Intimate Contact:   Regardless of type, mpox virus can spread to anyone through close, personal contact, including:

-Direct skin-to-skin contact with mpox rash or scabs from a person with mpox

-Contact with saliva, upper respiratory secretions (snot, mucus), and bodily fluids or lesions around the anus, rectum, or vagina from a person with mpox

-Pregnant people with mpox can pass the virus to the fetus during pregnancy or to the newborn during and after birth.


Direct contact can happen during intimate contact, including:

-Oral, anal, or vaginal sex, or touching the genitals (penis, testicles, labia, and vagina) or anus

-Hugging, massage, and kissing

-Prolonged face-to-face interactions (such as talking or breathing)

-Touching Objects

-Mpox virus can spread to anyone through contact with objects, fabrics, and surfaces that have not been disinfected after use by someone with mpox. This includes items like clothing, bedding, towels, fetish gear, or sex toys.


Infected Animals

Mpox can spread from animals to people in a few ways:

-Through small wild animals in West and Central Africa, where mpox is endemic (found naturally).

-Direct close contact with an infected animal, fluids or waste, or getting bitten or scratched.

-During activities like hunting, trapping, or processing infected wild animals in areas where mpox is endemic.


The  common western take away is that only  gays in the "western world" are at risk. This is a simplification. Close contact with the infected and a lack of hygiene are the factor. The vaccination guidelines are to offer the vaccine to  contacts of the infected, travelers to  risk zones and to the active MSM segment.


The disease is spread in Africa because the locals insist on using  "bush meat" even when told not to do so. The importation of the products by travelers occurs regularly and almost every time the screeners at arrival intercept. there are cries of  racial profiling. Western travelers to Thailand shouldn't be smug either. Every year, Thai authorities intercept fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses from westerners that are infested with invasive  species or contaminated with infectious agents like Listeria.


Excellent comment. Here's the link to the article on WHO's website:


https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/monkeypox#:~:text=The monkeypox virus was discovered,occasionally from animals to people.


As you can see, it's been around for a while. The date on the linked article is already over a year old. There was an outbreak in the US in 2022. 14,000 infections recorded in DRC with 60% amongst children. There's history and valuable information available everywhere. No need for conspiracy theories, gay bashing, Western hegemony, globalist blah blah. It's a highly transmissible disease. Inform yourselves and draw your own conclusions.

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10 hours ago, Maybole said:

It appears that an attempt at a world wide panic is being created.

I am not worried, but curious. Like most of my age group I was vaccinated against Smallpox as a baby and given a booster (which failed to "take", indicating I still had immunity) in my late teens. I also had Chickenpox at age 6.

Given that these are related diseases, what immunity am I likely to have against Monkey Pox?

1. it is called M-pox.

2. it is a virus of concern which is spreading.

3. your immunity from Smallpox was probably good for 30 years, and

4. not knowing your age; you may possibly get Shingles after having had Chickenpox.

(you can get vaccinated against M-pox and Shingles).

11 hours ago, Maybole said:

It appears that an attempt at a world wide panic is being created.

I am not worried, but curious. Like most of my age group I was vaccinated against Smallpox as a baby and given a booster (which failed to "take", indicating I still had immunity) in my late teens. I also had Chickenpox at age 6.

Given that these are related diseases, what immunity am I likely to have against Monkey Pox?

Immunity to smallpox is believed to rest on the development of neutralizing antibodies, levels of which decline five to 10 years after vaccination.

So, you're apparently not protected against mpox.

  • Haha 1
58 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Actually he cannot get vaccinated against M-pox -- not easily, anyhow.


Vaccine availability is limited and it is only being provided to high risk groups.


But Shingles, should indeed get vaccinated for if not already.


It is not known how long and how much a prior smallpox vaccination will help but even after longer time some cellular immunity may remain.


In any event risk of getting this in Thailand at present is extremely small.


Infection requires close contact with an infected person - e.g. sexual contact ofrliving together in a household etc.

Agreed...He was not specific, so i replied broadly, urging him to not take any of it lightly.

1 hour ago, newbee2022 said:

Immunity to smallpox is believed to rest on the development of neutralizing antibodies

When Covid hit, one of the discussions within scientific communities which essentially were dismissed if not actively censored was the role of immunological memory and memory B cells in repeat infections. 
The gist of the discussion were that, according to the "experts," everyone needed high levels of neutralizing antibodies in the form of Covid shots in order to be protected against Sars-Cov-2 infection.  The role of immunological memory to past exposure of Sars viruses and natural immunity after a Sars-Cov-2 infection were dismissed out of hand, and in many cases still is.  Why?  You can't sell shots to people who understand the mechanics of immunology.  Anyone with university degrees in life sciences should understand the basics of immunology, well, at least when I attended university.  Nowadays god only knows what is being taught in Western universities.  Probably "how not to think and analyze, but how to accept everything you are told with blind faith."  Sorry - that's religion, not scientific inquiry.


  • Thumbs Up 2
9 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

The "formula" and technology to  manufacture the vaccine already exists. As such, much of the cost to make the vaccine available has already been paid for.

Which will create smaller cost and more pay. Therefore Big Payday!


if ur gay and have multiple unprotected partners.   aids... remember... everybody would have a family member affected in that time, but it was rather a gay or bi thing...


thank you bi's for spreading it to your unsuspected wife, gf, mia noi...

2 hours ago, connda said:

When Covid hit, one of the discussions within scientific communities which essentially were dismissed if not actively censored was the role of immunological memory and memory B cells in repeat infections. 
The gist of the discussion were that, according to the "experts," everyone needed high levels of neutralizing antibodies in the form of Covid shots in order to be protected against Sars-Cov-2 infection.  The role of immunological memory to past exposure of Sars viruses and natural immunity after a Sars-Cov-2 infection were dismissed out of hand, and in many cases still is.  Why?  You can't sell shots to people who understand the mechanics of immunology.  Anyone with university degrees in life sciences should understand the basics of immunology, well, at least when I attended university.  Nowadays god only knows what is being taught in Western universities.  Probably "how not to think and analyze, but how to accept everything you are told with blind faith."  Sorry - that's religion, not scientific inquiry.


And your point is...?😳

14 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Every article I have read on Mpox stressed that it is not spread by casual contact.


I Completely fail to see how/where there is any attempt to "create a panic".

You have to let the conspiracy theory lovers have their rants, and as we know there’s no shortage of them on this forum!

  • Sad 1
6 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

Immunity to smallpox is believed to rest on the development of neutralizing antibodies, levels of which decline five to 10 years after vaccination.

So, you're apparently not protected against mpox.

It's not that clearly established. Previous studies have indicated that a childhood vaccination against smallpox probably does provide a good level of protection. 



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that, based on past data collected in Africa, the smallpox vaccine is at least 85% effective in preventing monkeypox. However, since this situation is so new, the precise degree of protection is not known.


Adults with smallpox vaccine may have immunity from monkeypox


Now, some of the people infected with mpox in the more recent outbreaks had been vaccinated against smallpox in childhood which seems to indicate any immunity they had, had waned over time.  However many of them were also HIV positive, which means their immunity would have waned more quickly than would otherwise be the case.



Research from scientists in the US, published in 2020, found immune responses to childhood smallpox vaccination declined faster among people who subsequently became infected with HIV.


Smallpox vaccines may not protect against monkeypox for life

56 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

It's not that clearly established. Previous studies have indicated that a childhood vaccination against smallpox probably does provide a good level of protection. 



Adults with smallpox vaccine may have immunity from monkeypox


Now, some of the people infected with mpox in the more recent outbreaks had been vaccinated against smallpox in childhood which seems to indicate any immunity they had, had waned over time.  However many of them were also HIV positive, which means their immunity would have waned more quickly than would otherwise be the case.



Smallpox vaccines may not protect against monkeypox for life

"It's not that clearly established. Previous studies have indicated that a childhood vaccination against smallpox probably does provide a good level of protection. "


That is not right. It's outdated already. 

Read my post. And do proper research. I'm sure you'll agree with me....after research 

1 hour ago, newbee2022 said:

"It's not that clearly established. Previous studies have indicated that a childhood vaccination against smallpox probably does provide a good level of protection. "


That is not right. It's outdated already. 

Read my post. And do proper research. I'm sure you'll agree with me....after research 

I did plenty of research. As I said, the 85% figure was the finding of "previous studies."


I also provided a link to a second article that clearly states a smallpox vaccination may not provide lifelong protection against mpox.


However, what I could not find, was any article or study that says a childhood smallpox vaccination does not provide any protection, as you were implying. 


What is accurate, and what I stated, is that the level of protection against mpox from a childhood smallpox vaccination is not fully established.

11 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Which will create smaller cost and more pay. Therefore Big Payday!


Ok. Please elaborate. 

Your explanation should not ignore the fact Western governments have  learnt some lessons from Covid, and one of them is to have supply contracts for emergency need vaccines that fix the purchase price on  cost +  basis. 


11 hours ago, connda said:

Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  Isolate. Get your shots.  Conform.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.


Ok. Why will you be afraid? The public health recommendation is to use the vaccine only for high risk groups and to discourage general use.  Are you in a high risk group?

-  Are you traveling to the region of the epidemic?

- Have you had contact with an infected person?

- Will you be attending any high density events (e.g. raves)  where you will come in contact with the bodily secretions and/or excretions and/or ejaculates of other people?


If not any of the above, then your likelihood of being exposed at this time is remote and you do not need the vaccine. 

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1 hour ago, Patong2021 said:

k. Please elaborate. 

Your explanation should not ignore the fact Western governments have  learnt some lessons from Covid, and one of them is to have supply contracts for emergency need vaccines that fix the purchase price on  cost +  basis. 

What stipulation of not ignore do you think you can put on my reply? Don´t ever tell me what I should or not should do!

Covid, has nothing to do with M-Pox, so just get that out of your head, and you might feel a little bit better.

What I replied, was that if it´s already developed and ready, there will be much smaller cost for making a working vaccine. Therefore better profit at sale. What can it possibly be there, that you just not get? Go back to Patong, you will fit right in.

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