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Digital Wallet Registration Results for Smartphone Users Indefinitely Delayed


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Everything that Thais do are not overthought... Just do something and than think and than it was a misunderstanding, or someone else made mistakes... A project as the Digital Wallet should be set up decently and that can take a year, surely as Thailand is not the hub in digital programs and it should be tested for months... Now they make people happy and than delay it time after time and change applications, payments etc etc.... It is still a stupid program  to give everybody 10k but that is not my concern but I am sure many people who really need it, will not get anything due to the low education of not being able to read and write or non understanding of the Thai news about as every day there are changes

Edited by ikke1959
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13 minutes ago, Tim K said:

Every Thai has ID which is unique.
Simple Mysql database with 1 simple table having a unique key based on that ID is enough to prevent any double registration. Checks are automatic and done by Mysql internal mechanisms when adding new row to the table.
No rocket science really.

No need for manual labor then.


Quick question.  Are they removed from the database when they die or move to the UK to be with their husband?


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2 minutes ago, impulse said:

Are they removed from the database when they die or move to the UK to be with their husband?

Registration for the 10,000-baht ..... ran from August 1 to September 15
In that period? 

In a well designed system the hospital/police would send the death certificate to the Amphoe DB which in turn would cancel ID and then send notification to Wallet's DB manager component which would mark the row as expired. Better keep the data and just mark it as expired.

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Like many programs here it will be delayed and postponed and over time some other scheme will be presented to replace it, while those funds slowly evaporate into someone's pocket. Thais won't like it but they won't say or do anything to stop it as its business as usual.

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

As usual, they have no idea what they are doing.

But I am sure they all know already how they will spend their "commissions". TiT

I do not see how the government would even get commissions. the money they will give is actually being borrowed . Putting the country further in debt. This is a vote-buying scam only. Next we will be hearing how only Thaksins daughter could make it happen. Giving 10k to poor. If it was legitimate, they would make a law to ensure there is money for those people who really need it. Tax breaks for low-income with kids or elderly. Higher minimum wage or better money for those who can file for unemployment. But just giving 10k one time. Does not help most Thais. They will use it on vanity items or booze and gambling. Most of the money will never be used in a way to help the economy. 

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Wife told me yesterday she isn't sure when she will get her payment.

But she told me her mother who is 73 and has no debt and doesn't owe money on land she has etc also doesn't know when it will get paid . But wife's ain't and uncle who are borrowed up to their eyeballs on land they owe will get it very soon due to the reason they are in so much debt 😳

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On 9/17/2024 at 3:55 AM, webfact said:

The Ministry of Finance has announced an indefinite delay in releasing the registration results for smartphone users under the “Digital Wallet” project…


I imagine that a lot of people will get id of their smartphones in order to avoid this delay.

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On 9/17/2024 at 3:01 AM, thesetat2013 said:

I do not see how the government would even get commissions. the money they will give is actually being borrowed . Putting the country further in debt. This is a vote-buying scam only. Next we will be hearing how only Thaksins daughter could make it happen. Giving 10k to poor. If it was legitimate, they would make a law to ensure there is money for those people who really need it. Tax breaks for low-income with kids or elderly. Higher minimum wage or better money for those who can file for unemployment. But just giving 10k one time. Does not help most Thais. They will use it on vanity items or booze and gambling. Most of the money will never be used in a way to help the economy. 


You don't see how the government would get commissions? The votes were already bought.  There's no need to make the payment now.  So a few thousand people don't get the full 10,000 or don't get it at all.  But that money still shows as distributed in the rolls.  Guess whose bank account it actually ended up in?

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