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3 year old Thai girl sexually assaulted by foreign man in Phuket


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1 hour ago, Patong2021 said:

Had you taken the time to read the original  article before your rush to judgement, you would have seen the following;

The medical team have not yet confirmed the sexual assault or provided an update on her condition.





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42 minutes ago, Babasino said:

As it said the man is 45, enter the country 8.December, and his visa expire March 2025?

What kind of visa has he? Can somebody  explain?  Can't be retirement visa.


Anyway he propably will stay for ever in Thailand....in Thai jail there the rip off his a.........

It clearly states in the OP what visa he has,,   What's it to you anyway

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32 minutes ago, bananafish said:

Could have entered on a tourist visa, and then got an education visa. 

or you could just read the OP where it clearly states his visa status , although considering what has happened I fail to understand the interest in his visa

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I fear Thailand doesn't have the support agencies to take care of the girl, back in the UK my daughter heads a specialist team for these kind situations she has the power to go in day or night to rescue kids who are being abused, 

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2 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

I fear Thailand doesn't have the support agencies to take care of the girl, back in the UK my daughter heads a specialist team for these kind situations she has the power to go in day or night to rescue kids who are being abused, 

Can she use that "power"  whenever she feels  it is appropriate regardless of who the perpetrator is.  Or , would she have to seek permission from a higher authority  if there was the slightest chance "racial sensitivities" might be upset. Like in Rotherham for example.   The UK is hardly a shining example in these matters 

   There may well be dedicated officers like your daughter , but often the directors or other senior managers  of social services are dancing to a completely different tune

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15 hours ago, ross163103 said:

If found guilty, into a wood chipper while still alive. Some crimes are unforgivable.

But only up to the ankles.... let him heal up, then to the knees.... let him heal up, then draw and quarter him.

Some on here might not be aware of the excellent punishment of drawing and quartering. Back in the 1300's, in the UK (and other places), they seemed to have a better grasp of heinous crimes being deserving of severe punishments. Here's a bit from Wikipedia to explain: "The convicted traitor was fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn behind a horse to the place of execution, where he was then hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered. His remains would then often be displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge, to serve as a warning of the fate of traitors."

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All I will say on this. Matter if the guy involved is found guilty of this disgusting act on a 3 year old girl 

He should suffer the consequences and get a long jail term here in Thailand 

Send out a message to others perverts ect 

Who come to Thailand thinking of doing the same to children 

Let the police do their job and catch this offender according to the reports They are well on their way having CCTV footage ect   

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2 hours ago, Patong2021 said:


Yes. A medical exam by people trained in treating sexual assault.

You readily accepted one Thai man's statement as a reliable statement.  Had you taken the time to read the original  article before your rush to judgement, you would have seen the following;

The medical team have not yet confirmed the sexual assault or provided an update on her condition.


It is only in the second article that there is a confirmation of injury. For all you actually know,  someone else could have been the rapist. Children can be threatened and intimidated into changing their version of events, especially if the perpetrator is family member or a neighbour.

Before condemning people, reliable evidence should be gathered, including semen and pubic hair collection. Rapists  often leave this behind. Have you not learnt anything from the too frequent blaming of Burmese people for local murders that a case should always be investigated and facts established?





On page 1 of the OP there where already 2 links in Thai which mentioned the injury and the American.

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2 hours ago, Patong2021 said:


Yes. A medical exam by people trained in treating sexual assault.

You readily accepted one Thai man's statement as a reliable statement.  Had you taken the time to read the original  article before your rush to judgement, you would have seen the following;

The medical team have not yet confirmed the sexual assault or provided an update on her condition.


It is only in the second article that there is a confirmation of injury. For all you actually know,  someone else could have been the rapist. Children can be threatened and intimidated into changing their version of events, especially if the perpetrator is family member or a neighbour.

Before condemning people, reliable evidence should be gathered, including semen and pubic hair collection. Rapists  often leave this behind. Have you not learnt anything from the too frequent blaming of Burmese people for local murders that a case should always be investigated and facts established?





Perhaps DNA samples from the victim and the accused might clarify the guilt, if any. but this is Thailand. 

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There is no excuse. The writing astounds me. Did he do it, or did he not? 


Is there any proof beyond circumstantial? Did the hospital use a rape kit on the child? 


If a 3-year-old were sexually violated, I would think the baby would scream.  No one heard the child cry? No one changed diapers to find it earlier.  There is so much wrong with this story. Maybe he did it. If so, put him under the jail. 


But, what if an uncle or some other family member did it and the blamed the foreigner? 


This family from the description, doesn't sound very responsible.  They appear drunk all the time, or always drinking. Who takes care of the child? 


Something to think about before you nudniks blame the foreigner.

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5 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

Perhaps DNA samples from the victim and the accused might clarify the guilt, if any. but this is Thailand. 


I wouldn't talk to the police. He's American. He's an expat.  He should know better than to talk to the police here or sign any document.

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26 minutes ago, phetphet said:

If it was him, hopefully modern DNA techniques will shut down his denial and any doubt of guilt, and then they can nail him to the wall.




and if it wasn't him, he should be released without charge,

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10 minutes ago, Gobbler said:

There is no excuse. The writing astounds me. Did he do it, or did he not? 


Is there any proof beyond circumstantial? Did the hospital use a rape kit on the child? 


If a 3-year-old were sexually violated, I would think the baby would scream.  No one heard the child cry? No one changed diapers to find it earlier.  There is so much wrong with this story. Maybe he did it. If so, put him under the jail. 


But, what if an uncle or some other family member did it and the blamed the foreigner? 


This family from the description, doesn't sound very responsible.  They appear drunk all the time, or always drinking. Who takes care of the child? 


Something to think about before you nudniks blame the foreigner.

Statistically it is far more likely to be a family member

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32 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

To be accurate: a Thai man saying the girl said the foreign man assaulted her is the only evidence that we know of. It could very well be that the Thai man himself did it and trying to pin it on the foreigner. Also it could very well be that the police have DNA or other evidence that they haven't announced to the public. The word of a third party who didn't witness the event himself should definitely not be enough to convict - hopefully they conduct a proper investigation for DNA etc.

The words of the Thai guy should not have been published in the news until his  allegations have been investigated and confirmed to be true.  It is nothing more than dubious speculation at present possibly with malicious intent ,and in my opinion more than a little suspicious

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3 minutes ago, Gobbler said:

Maybe the American did it. I want to see hard proof it was him. 



They may well be busy fabricating the proof as we speak,  on the other hand it could well be the American, time will tell   one way or the other

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40 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

On page 1 of the OP there where already 2 links in Thai which mentioned the injury and the American.

   2 links !!    oh well that's it then , guilty as charged  

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