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Proposal Needed for Legal Revisions to Foreign Land Leases


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Under normal circumstances the owner of the land decides to whom they lease their land, to what purposes it is put too and for how long. What the hell has it got to do with the government!!?? One thing and one thing only.... GREED!!

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6 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:


Because it stops progress.

The dinosaurs are terrified of change.

Progress and change might mean their extinction. :thumbsup:

actually it might be because they are not as stupid as western countries who allow foreigners to buy land pricing the locals out of the market... They should never allow leases more than 30 years... and they should also start enforcing the existing prescribed jail sentences for foreigners using nominee companies to buy Thai land.

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26 minutes ago, Surasak said:

Under normal circumstances the owner of the land decides to whom they lease their land, to what purposes it is put too and for how long. What the hell has it got to do with the government!!?? One thing and one thing only.... GREED!!

Actually no... the landowner can only lease the land for use as designated by local zoning laws. Putting 99% leased land in govt control effectively retains the land in Thai ownership. It is a good idea. I cannot see who is being greedy here.

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6 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:


Because it stops progress.

The dinosaurs are terrified of change.

Progress and change might mean their extinction. :thumbsup:

What progress has it stopped? The land still gets leased to foreigners for 99 years to be used as per the zoning laws.... 

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5 hours ago, Russell17au said:

This shows how desperate this government that is lead by Thaksin's daughter is to rip the Thai people off. As I explained to my Thai wife that if she signs a 99 year lease with me on her farmland then she must sign the deed for that farmland over to the Thai Treasury Dept (Thai Government) which means the she no longer owns that farmland, it is now owned by the Thai Government who did not pay 1 Baht for the farmland. They stole it

Actually most Thai farmland was "GIVEN" to them by the government and handed down by generations where the rights of use titles are gradually upgraded to chanods. Ask your wife if her family actually bought the farmland.

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15 minutes ago, asean said:

Actually no... the landowner can only lease the land for use as designated by local zoning laws. Putting 99% leased land in govt control effectively retains the land in Thai ownership. It is a good idea. I cannot see who is being greedy here.

I did state 'Under normal circumstances. This is Thailand after all.

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Finance Permanent Secretary Lavaron Sangsnit might be interested to know, what happens in other places.

In Thailand they chicken around with leases, no property to non-Thais and all the rannygazoo, being afraid that those alien might roll up property, pack it into a suitcase and disappear into the dark of the night.

All the while, Tos Chirathivat, CEO of the mighty Central Group, bought yet another supermarket chain in Switzerland, Globus, with a huge plot of land on Switzerland's most expensive road, the Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich. The deal benefits of the very strong Thai Baht and the transaction is valued at something between 37 and 40 billion (not million) Thai Baht; Central became the sole owner of this prime property, no strings attached. 

Maybe Thailand's economy in the real estate sector might inch out of its medieval mindset and modernise its property laws and ownership concepts to the 21st century of a globalized world 😉 

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6 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Thais should be banned from owning properties overseas, along with any other country that won't let 'falang own property' it pushes the price of property up for those countries citizens.

I agree. Foreigners are free to buy land or real estate in France, including thai people. This should only be possible if there is reciprocity. Same for businesses.

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Absolutely no justification for the state to insert itself into the transactions or for the Finance Ministry to get involved. Just amend the Land Code to allow the maximum lease to be 99 years.  Then the land reverts to the original owner or heirs However, without more detailed leasing law, this will still not work very well. Lessees need the right to transfer the lease to buyers or leave it heirs which is not automatically possible without the freeholder's consent. Since a Thai lease is just a legal agreement between two parties, it is not binding on anyone else, including new owners of the freehold.  That should be tidied up.


99 year leases are also of interest to Thais for land that the owners want to keep permanently in the estate but this obviously will not help them,

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3 hours ago, asean said:

companies dont die


Companies die all the time. 


Wouldn't it be a kick in the nuts for a family to sign their land over to the gub'ment as proposed, then the lease holder quits paying after 6 months?  Not only does the family not get the rent payments.  They also don't own the land any more.


The only way I can see that work is to require a lease payment up front, at least equal to the value of the land.  Or a clause that the land reverts to the family, if the lease payments stop before the value of the land is recovered.  Or possibly buying insurance, against lease payments ending.  That would be yet another can of gub'ment worms.


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